< Kaiwhakariterite 19 >

1 A i aua ra, i te mea kahore he kingi o Iharaira, na ko tetahi tangata, he Riwaiti, e noho noa iho ana i te taha ki tua o te whenua pukepuke o Eparaima; na ka tango ia i tetahi wahine iti mana i roto i Peterehema Hura.
Also in those dayes, when there was no king in Israel, a certaine Leuite dwelt on the side of mount Ephraim, and tooke to wife a concubine out of Beth-lehem Iudah,
2 Na kua puremu tana wahine iti, a mawehe atu ana i a ia ki te whare o tona papa, ki Peterehema Hura, a e wha nga tino marama ona ki reira.
And his concubine played ye whore there, and went away from him vnto her fathers house to Beth-lehem Iudah, and there continued the space of foure moneths.
3 Na ka whakatika tana tahu, a haere ana ki te whai i a ia, ki te whakamarie i a ia, ki te whakahoki mai i a ia; ko tana tangata hoki tona hoa haere, me nga kaihe e rua: na ka kawea ia e te wahine ra ki te whare o tona papa, a, no te kitenga o te p apa o te kotiro i a ia, koa tonu, no te mea ka tutaki ki a ia.
And her husband arose and went after her, to speake friendly vnto her, and to bring her againe: he had also his seruant with him, and a couple of asses: and she brought him vnto her fathers house, and when the yong womans father sawe him, he reioyced of his comming.
4 Na ka pupuri tona hungawai, te papa o te kotiro, i a ia; a e toru nga ra i noho ai ia ki a ia; heoi kai ana, inu ana raua, a noho ana i reira.
And his father in lawe, the yong womans father reteined him: and he abode with him three dayes: so they did eate and drinke, and lodged there.
5 A i te wha o nga ra ka maranga wawe ratou i te ata, a whakatika ana ia ki te haere: na ka mea te papa o te kotiro ki tana hunaonga, Kia ora tou ngakau i tetahi wahi taro, a muri iho ka haere.
And when the fourth day came, they arose earely in the morning, and he prepared to depart: then the yong womans father said vnto his sonne in lawe, Comfort thine heart with a morsel of bread, and then go your way.
6 Na ka noho raua, ka kai, ka inu tahi to raua tokorua, na ka mea te papa o te kotiro ki taua tangata, Tena koa, noho iho i te po nei, kia koa hoki tou ngakau.
So they sate downe, and did eate and drinke both of them together. And the yong womans father said vnto the man, Be content, I pray thee, and tary all night, and let thine heart be merie.
7 A, i te whakatikanga o taua tangata ki te haere, ka tohea ia e tona hungawai, na ka moe ano ia ki reira.
And when the man rose vp to depart, his father in lawe was earnest: therefore he returned, and lodged there.
8 A i te rima o nga ra ka maranga wawe ia ki te haere, a ka mea te papa o te kotiro, Kia ora tou ngakau: e noho korua kia titaha ra te ra; a kai ana raua tokorua.
And he arose vp earely the fifth day to depart, and the yong womans father saide, Comfort thine heart, I pray thee: and they taryed vntill after midday, and they both did eate.
9 Na ka whakatika taua tangata ki te haere, a ia, tana wahine iti me tana tangata, a ka mea tona hungawai, te papa o te kotiro ki a ia, Nana, kua heke te ra, kua ahiahi, e noho ra, nana kua tawharara te ra, hei konei moe ai, kia koa ai tou ngakau; a hei te ata apopo ka maranga wawe ai koutou ki te ara, ka haere ki tou kainga.
Afterwarde when the man arose to depart with his concubine and his seruant, his father in lawe, the yong womans father said vnto him, Beholde nowe, the day draweth towarde euen: I pray you, tary all night: beholde, the sunne goeth to rest: lodge here, that thine heart may be merie, and to morowe get you earely vpon your way, and goe to thy tent.
10 Otiia kihai taua tangata i pai kia noho i taua po, engari whakatika ana ia, haere ana, a ka tae ki te ritenga atu o Iepuhu, ara o Hiruharama: i a ia ano hoki nga kaihe e rua, whakanoho rawa, i a ia ano hoki tana wahine iti.
But the man would not tarry, but arose and departed, and came ouer against Iebus, (which is Ierusalem) and his two asses laden, and his concubine were with him.
11 Ka tata ratou ki Iepuhu, na kua aua noa atu te ra; a ka mea te tangata ki tona rangatira, Tena, kia peka tatou ki tenei pa o nga Iepuhi, ki reira moe ai.
When they were neere to Iebus, the day was sore spent, and the seruant said vnto his master, Come, I pray thee, and let vs turne into this citie of the Iebusites, and lodge all night there.
12 Na ka mea tona rangatria ki a ia, E kore tatou e peka ki te pa o te iwi ke, ehara nei i nga tamariki a Iharaira; engari me haere atu tatou ki Kipea.
And his master answered him, We will not turne into the citie of strangers that are not of the children of Israel, but we will goe forth to Gibeah.
13 Na ka mea ia ki tana tangata, Haere mai, tatou ka whakatata ki tetahi o enei wahi; ka moe ai tatou ki Kipea, ki Rama ranei.
And he said vnto his seruant, Come, and let vs drawe neere to one of these places, that wee may lodge in Gibeah or in Ramah.
14 Na ka whiti atu ratou, ka haere; a kua tonene te ra i a ratou ka tata ki Kipea, ki tetahi pa o Pineamine.
So they went forward vpon their way, and the sunne went downe vpon them neere to Gibeah, which is in Beniamin.
15 Na ka peka ratou ki reira, ka haere ki Kipea moe ai: a, i tona taenga atu, ka noho ki te waharoa o te pa; kahore hoki he tangata hei mau i a ratou ki tona whare moe ai
Then they turned thither to goe in and lodge in Gibeah: and when he came, he sate him downe in a streete of the citie: for there was no man that tooke them into his house to lodging.
16 Na ko tetahi tangata, he koroheke, e haere mai ana i tana mahi i te mara i te ahiahi; a ko taua tangata no te whenua pukepuke o Eparaima, i Kipea hoki e noho ana; ko nga tangata ia o te pa, he Pineamini.
And beholde, there came an old man from his work out of the field at euen, and the man was of mount Ephraim, but dwelt in Gibeah: and the men of the place were the children of Iemini.
17 A ka maranga ake ona kanohi, ka kite i te tangata konene i te waharoa o te pa, na ka mea taua koroheke, Ko hea koe? i haere mai ano hoki koe i hea?
And when he had lift vp his eyes, he sawe a wayfairing man in the streetes of the citie: then this olde man sayde, Whither goest thou, and whence camest thou?
18 Na ka mea ia ki a ia, I haere mai matou i Peterehema Hura, a e haere ana matou ki tera taha o te whenua pukepuke o Eparaima; no reira ahau; ai haere ahau ki Peterehema Hura; otiia e haere ana tenei ahau ki te whare o Ihowa; heoi kahore he tangat a hei mau i ahau ki roto ki tona whare.
And hee answered him, Wee came from Beth-lehem Iudah, vnto the side of Mout Ephraim: from thence am I: and I went to Beth-lehem Iudah, and go now to the house of the Lord: and no man receiueth mee to house,
19 He kakau witi ano ia tenei, he kai ma a matou kaihe; he taro ano tenei, he waina hoki maku, a ma tau pononga wahine, ma te tahake hoki a au pononga: kahore he mate ki te aha, ki te aha.
Although we haue straw and prouader for our asses, and also bread and wine for me and thine handmayde, and for the boy that is with thy seruant: we lacke nothing.
20 Na ka mea taua koroheke, Kia tau te rangimarie ki a koe, He ahakoa ra, waiho mai i ahau nga mea katoa e matea e koe; otiia kaua e moe ki te waharoa.
And the olde man sayde, Peace bee with thee: as for all that thou lackest, shalt thou finde with me: onely abide not in the streete al night.
21 Na mauria ana e ia ki tona whare, a hoatu ana he kai ma nga kaihe: a horoia ana e ratou o ratou waewae, kai ana, inu ana.
So he brought him into his house, and gaue fodder vnto the asses: and they washed their feete, and did eate and drinke.
22 E mea ake ana o ratou ngakau ki to koa, na, ko te karapotinga o te whare e nga tangata o te pa, he tama na Periara; kei te patuki ki te tatau, ka korero ki te tangata nona te whare, ki taua koroheke ra, ka mea, Whakaputaina mai ki waho tena tang ata i haere na ki tou whare, kia mohio ai matou ki a ia.
And as they were making their hearts merie, beholde, the men of the citie, wicked men beset the house round about, and smote at the doore, and spake to this olde man the master of the house saying, Bring forth the man that came into thine house that we may knowe him.
23 Na ka haere atu ki a ratou te tangata nona te whare, ka mea ki a ratou, Kaua ra, e oku tuakana, kaua e mahia te mea kino; kua tae mai nei hoki tenei tangata ki toku whare, kaua tenei mea poauau e meatia.
And this man the master of ye house went out vnto the, and said vnto them, Nay my brethre, do not so wickedly, I pray you: seeing that this man is come into mine house, do not this villenie.
24 Na ko taku tamahine tenei, he wahine, me tana wahine iti hoki; maku raua e kawe atu inaianei, whakaititia raua e koutou, meatia hoki ki a raua te mea e pai ana ki ta koutou titiro: ko tenei tangata ia, kaua tenei mea poauau e meatia ki a ia.
Behold, here is my daughter, a virgine, and his concubine: them wil I bring out nowe, and humble them, and doe with them what seemeth you good: but to this man doe not this villenie.
25 A te pai nga tangata ki te whakarongo ki a ia, na ka mau taua tangata ki tana wahine iti, a kawea atu ana ki waho ki a ratou, a ka mohio ratou ki a ia, ka tukino hoki i a ia i taua po katoa a tae noa ki te ata: a ka hi te ata, ka tukua ia e rato u.
But the men woulde not hearken to him: therefore ye man tooke his concubine, and brought her out vnto them: and they knewe her and abused her all the night vnto the morning: and when the day began to spring, they let her goe.
26 Na ka haere mai te wahine ra i te puaotanga o te ata, takoto ana ki te kuwaha o te whare o te tangata kei reira nei tona ariki, a marama noa.
So the woman came in the dawning of the day, and fell downe at the doore of the mans house where her Lord was, till the light day.
27 A ka whakatika ake tona ariki i te ata, na ka huakina e ia nga tatau o te whare, ka puta atu, he mea kia haere i tona ara: na ko te wahine ra, ko tana wahine iti, kua hinga ki te kuwaha o te whare, ko ona ringa i runga i te paepae o te tatau.
And her lorde arose in the morning, and opened the doores of the house, and went out to goe his way, and beholde, the woman his concubine was dead at the doore of the house and her handes lay vpon the thresholde.
28 Na ka mea ia ki a ia, Whakatika kia haere tatou. Kahore ia tetahi i whakao mai. Na ka hapainga ia e ia ki runga ki te kaihe. A ka maranga taua tangata, haere ana ki tona wahi.
And hee said vnto her, Vp and let vs goe: but shee answered not. Then he tooke her vp vpon the asse, and the man rose vp, and went vnto his place.
29 A, no tona taenga ki tona whare, ka tikina e ia tetahi maripi, a ka mau ki tana wahine iti, tapatapahia ana e ia ona wahi, kia tekau ma rua nga wahanga, a tukua ana ki nga rohe katoa o Iharaira, puta noa.
And whe he was come to his house, he took a knife, and laid hand on his concubine, and deuided her in pieces with her bones into twelue parts, and sent her through all quarters of Israel.
30 A i mea te hunga katoa i kitea ai, Kahore tenei i mua, kahore ano hoki i kitea he rite mo tenei o te ra i haere mai ai nga tamariki a Iharaira i te whenua o Ihipa a mohoa noa nei: maharatia iho, whakaaroa, korerotia.
And all that saw it, said, There was no such thing done or seene since the time that the children of Israel came vp from the lande of Egypt vnto this day: consider the matter, consult and giue sentence.

< Kaiwhakariterite 19 >