< Kaiwhakariterite 16 >

1 I haere ano a Hamahona ki Kaha, a ka kitea e ia tetahi wahine kairau i reira, a haere atu ana ki a ia.
Then went Samson to Azzah, and sawe there an harlot, and went in vnto her.
2 A ka korerotia ki nga Kahi, ka meatia, Kua tae mai a Hamahona ki konei. Na ka karapotia ia e ratou, ka whanga hoki ratou ki a ia a pau noa te po i te kuwaha o te pa. Na takoto puku ana ratou a pau noa, taua po; i mea hoki, Waiho kia awatea, ka pa tu ai tatou i a ia.
And it was tolde to the Azzahites, Samson is come hither. And they went about, and laied wayte for him all night in the gate of the citie, and were quiet all the nyght, saying, Abide till the morning earely, and we shall kill him.
3 Heoi takoto ana a Hamahona a turuawaenga po; katahi ia ka whakatika i waenganui po, a ka mau i te tatau o te kuwaha o te pa, ki nga pou hoki e rua: na unuhia ake ana, ana tutaki, ana aha; a hikitia ana ki runga ki ona pokohiwi, amohia ana ki te t ihi o te maunga i te ritenga atu o Heperona.
And Samson slept till midnight, and arose at midnight, and tooke the doores of the gates of the citie, and the two postes and lift them away with the barres, and put them vpon his shoulders, and caried them vp to the top of the mountaine that is before Hebron.
4 A, muri iho ka aroha ia ki tetahi wahine i te awaawa o Horeke, ko Terira tona ingoa.
And after this hee loued a woman by the riuer of Sorek, whose name was Delilah:
5 Na ka haere nga rangatira o nga Pirihitini ki taua wahine, ka mea ki a ia, Whakawaia ia kia kitea ai no hea tona kaha nui, a ma te aha ia e taea ai e matou, kia herea ai ia e matou, kia whakaitia: a kotahi mano kotahi rau nga hiriwa e hoatu e ten ei, e tenei o matou ki a koe.
Vnto whome came the princes of the Philistims, and said vnto her, Entise him, and see wherein his great strength lieth, and by what meane we may ouercome him, that we may binde him, and punish him, and euery one of vs shall giue thee eleuen hundreth shekels of siluer.
6 Na ka mea a Terira ki a Hamahona, Tena, whakaaturia mai ki ahau no hea tou kaha nui, ma te aha hoki e taea ai koe te here, kia whakaitia ai koe?
And Delilah saide to Samson, Tell mee, I pray thee, wherein thy great strength lieth, and wherewith thou mightest bee bound, to doe thee hurt.
7 Na ka mea a Hamahona ki a ia, Ki te herea ahau e ratou ki nga aka hou e whitu, kahore nei i whakamaroketia, katahi ahau ka kahakore, ka rite ki tetahi atu tangata.
Samson then answered vnto her, If they binde mee with seuen greene cordes, that were neuer dryed, then shall I bee weake, and be as an other man.
8 Na ka maua e nga rangatira o nga Pirihitini etahi aka hou e whitu ki a ia, he mea kahore ano i whakamaroketia; a herea ana ia e ia ki aua mea.
And the princes of the Philistims brought her seuen greene cordes that were not dry, and she bound him therewith.
9 Na tera i taua wahine, i te ruma i roto, etahi tangata e tauwhanga ana. Na ka mea ia ki a ia, E Hamahona, ko nga Pirihitini, ka eke ki a koe! Na motumotuhia ana e ia nga aka: koia ano kei te miro muka e motu ana ina pa ki te ahi. Heoi kihai i moh iotia tona kaha.
(And she had men lying in wayte with her in the chamber) Then she said vnto him, The Philistims be vpon thee, Samson. And hee brake the cordes, as a threede of towe is broken, when it feeleth fire: so his strength was not knowen.
10 Na ka mea a Terira ki a Hamahona, Nana, kua tinihangatia ahau e koe, kua teka koe ki ahau; tena ra, whakaaturia mai ki ahau ma te aha koe e mau ai te here?
After Delilah saide vnto Samson, See, thou hast mocked mee and tolde mee lies. I pray thee nowe, tell me wherewith thou mightest be bound.
11 A ka mea ia ki a ia, Ki te herea iana ahau ki etahi taura hou kahore ano i meatia ki te mahi, katahi ahau ka kahakore, ka rite ki tetahi atu tangata.
Then he answered her, If they binde mee with newe ropes that neuer were occupied, then shall I be weake, and be as an other man.
12 Na ka mau a Terira ki etahi taura hou, ka here i a ia; a ka mea ki a ia, E Hamahona, ko nga Pirihitini, ka eke ki a koe! Na i te ruma i roto nga kaiwhanga e noho ana. Na motuhia ana e ia i ona ringa, ano he miro.
Delilah therefore tooke newe ropes, and bounde him therewith, and saide vnto him, The Philistims be vpon thee, Samson: (and men lay in wayte in the chamber) and hee brake them from his armes, as a threede.
13 Na ka mea a Terira ki a Hamahona, He tinihanga tau ki ahau, he korero teka a tae mai nei: whakaaturia ki ahau ma te aha koe e mau ai te here? Ka mea ia ki a ia, Ki te whatua e koe nga makawe e whitu o toku matenga ki roto ki te whenu.
Afterward Delilah said to Samson, Hitherto thou hast beguiled mee, and tolde me lies: tell me how thou mightest be bounde. And he sayde vnto her, If thou plattedst seuen lockes of mine head with the threedes of the woufe.
14 Na titia iho ana e ia ki te titi, a ka mea ki a ia, E Hamahona, ko nga Pirihitini ka eke ki a koe! Na ko tona ohonga ake i tana moe, ka unuhia te titi o te mea whatu me te whenu ano.
And she fastened it with a pinne, and saide vnto him, The Philistims be vpon thee, Samson. And he awoke out of his sleepe, and went away with the pinne of the webbe and the woufe.
15 Na ka mea te wahine ki a ia, He aha koe i mea ai, E aroha ana ahau ki a koe, kahore nei hoki tou ngakau i riro mai i ahau? Ka toru enei mamingatanga au i ahau, kihai ano hoki i whakaaturia e koe ki ahau no hea tou kaha nui.
Againe shee sayde vnto him, Howe canst thou say, I loue thee, when thine heart is not with me? thou hast mocked mee these three times, and hast not tolde me wherein thy great strength lieth.
16 Nawai a kahore he ra i kapea tana aki i a ia ki ana kupu, me te tohe ki a ia, a mate noa iho tona wairua i te hoha;
And because shee was importunate vpon him with her wordes continually, and vexed him, his soule was pained vnto the death.
17 Katahi ka whakaaturia e ia ki a ia tona ngakau katoa, ka mea ki a ia, Kahore ano i pa noa he heu ki toku mahunga; he Natari hoki ahau ki a Ihowa no te kopu mai ano o toku whaea: ki te heua ahau, katahi ka riro atu toku kaha i ahau, a ka kahakore ahau, ka rite ki te mano o te tangata.
Therefore he tolde her all his heart, and said vnto her, There neuer came rasor vpon mine head: for I am a Nazarite vnto God from my mothers wombe: therefore if I bee shauen, my strength will goe from me, and I shalbe weake, and be like all other men.
18 A, no te kitenga o Terira kua whakaaturia tona ngakau katoa ki a ia, ka tono tangata ia ki te karanga i nga rangatira o nga Pirihitini, hei mea, Haere mai ano koa aianei, kua whakaaturia hoki e ia tona ngakau katoa ki ahau. Na ka haere mai nga r angatira o nga Pirihitini ki a ia, me te mau mai i te moni i o ratou ringa.
And when Delilah sawe that he had tolde her all his heart, she sent, and called for the Princes of ye Philistims, saying, Come vp once againe: for he hath shewed mee all his heart. Then the Princes of the Philistims came vp vnto her, and brought the money in their handes.
19 Na ka whakamoea ia e ia ki runga i ona turi, a ka karanga ki tetahi tangata, a heua ana nga makawe e whitu o tona mahunga; na ka timata tana whakaiti i a ia, a mahue ake ia i tona kaha.
And she made him sleepe vpon her knees, and she called a man, and made him to shaue off the seuen lockes of his head, and shee began to vexe him, and his strength was gone from him.
20 Na ka mea tera, E Hamahona ko nga Pirihitini ka eke ki a koe! Na maranga ana ia i tana moe, ka mea, Ka haere ahau ki waho, ka pera me mua ra, ruru ai i ahau. Heoi kihai ia i matau kua mawehe atu a Ihowa i a ia.
Then she said, The Philistims be vpon thee, Samson. And hee awoke out of his sleepe, and thought, I will go out now as at other times, and shake my selfe, but he knewe not that the Lord was departed from him.
21 Na ka hopukia ia e nga Pirihitini, a tikarohia ana ona kanohi; a kawea ana ia e ratou ki raro, ki Kaha; na herea ana ia ki nga mekameka parahi; a he huri mira tana mahi i roto i te whare herehere.
Therefore the Philistims tooke him, and put out his eyes, and brought him downe to Azzah, and bounde him with fetters: and hee did grinde in the prison house.
22 Heoi kua timata ano nga makawe o tona mahunga te tupu i muri i tona heunga.
And the heare of his head began to growe againe after that it was shauen.
23 Na ka huihui nga rangatira o nga Pirihitini ki te patu i tetahi whakahere nui ki a Rakona, ki to ratou atua, ki te whakamanamana ano hoki: i mea hoki, Kua homai to tatou hoariri a Hamahona e to tatou atua ki to tatou ringa.
Then the Princes of the Philistims gathered them together for to offer a great sacrifice vnto Dagon their god, and to reioyce: for they said, Our god hath deliuered Samson our enemie into our handes.
24 A, no te kitenga o te iwi i a ia, ka whakamoemiti ki to ratou atua: i mea hoki, Kua homai to tatou hoariri e to tatou atua ki to tatou ringa, te tangata nana to tatou whenua i huna, he tokomaha hoki o tatou i patua e ia.
Also when the people saw him, they praysed their god: for they sayde, Our god hath deliuered into our hands our enemie and destroyer of our countrey, which hath slayne many of vs.
25 A i o ratou ngakau e koa ana, ka mea ratou, Karangatia a Hamahona, hei mea takaro ma tatou. Katahi ka karangatia a Hamahona i roto i te whare herehere, a takaro ana ia i to ratou aroaro: na ka whakaturia ia e ratou ki waenganui o nga pou.
And when their heartes were merie, they said, Call Samson, that he may make vs pastime. So they called Samson out of the prison house, and he was a laughing stocke vnto them, and they set him betweene the pillars.
26 Na ka mea a Hamahona ki te tamaiti i pupuri nei i a ia ki tona ringa, Tukua ahau kia whawha ki nga pou tokomanawa o te whare hei okiokinga atu moku.
Then Samson saide vnto the seruant that led him by the hande, Lead me, that I may touch the pillars that the house standeth vpon, and that I may leane to them.
27 Na, ki tonu te whare i te tane, i te wahine; i reira ano hoki nga rangatira katoa o nga Pirihitini: i runga ano i te tuanui me te mea e toru mano nga tane, nga wahine, e matakitaki ana ki nga mahi takaro a Hamahona.
(Nowe the house was full of men and women, and there were all the princes of the Philistims: also vpon the roofe were about three thousande men and women that behelde while Samson played)
28 Katahi ka karanga a Hamahona ki a Ihowa, ka mea, E te Ariki, e Ihowa, kia mahara ki ahau, whakakahangia hoki ahau, e te Atua, i tenei wa kotahi nei, kia ea tonu aianei ki runga i nga Pirihitini toku mate i oku kanohi e rua.
Then Samson called vnto the Lord, and sayde, O Lord God, I pray thee, thinke vpon me: O God, I beseech thee, strengthen me at this time onely, that I may be at once auenged of the Philistims for my two eyes.
29 Na hopukia atu ana e Hamahona nga pou tokomanawa e rua o waenga, i tu ai, i mau ai te whare, ko tetahi ki tona ringa matau, ko tetahi ki tona maui.
And Samson layd hold on the two middle pillars whereupon the house stood, and on which it was borne vp: on the one with his right hand, and on the other with his left.
30 Na ka mea a Hamahona, Kia mate tahi ahau me nga Pirihitini. Ko tona tino pikonga iho, me te whakapau ano i tona kaha; heoi hinga ana te whare ki runga ki nga rangatira, ki runga ano hoki ki te iwi katoa i roto. Heoi tini atu i ana i patu ai i to na oranga te hunga i mate i whakamatea nei e ia, i tona matenga.
Then Samson saide, Let me lose my life with the Philistims: and he bowed him with all his might, and the house fell vpon the princes, and vpon all the people that were therein. so the dead which he slewe at his death were more then they which he had slaine in his life.
31 Katahi ka haere iho ona teina ki raro, ratou ko te whare katoa o tona papa, a tangohia ana ia e ratou, kawea atu ana, tanumia ana ki waenganui o Toraha o Ehetaoro, ki te rua o Manoa, o tona papa. A e rua tekau nga tau i whakarite ai ia mo Iharai ra.
Then his brethren, and all the house of his father came downe and tooke him, and brought him vp and buryed him betweene Zorah and Eshtaol, in the sepulchre of Manoah his father: nowe he had iudged Israel twenty yeeres.

< Kaiwhakariterite 16 >