< Kaiwhakariterite 11 >

1 Na he tangata marohirohi a Iepeta Kireari, he tama na tetahi wahine kairau: a na Kireara hoki a Iepeta.
Then Gilead begate Iphtah, and Iphtah the Gileadite was a valiant man, but the sonne of an harlot.
2 A i whanau etahi tama ma Kireara raua ko tana wahine; a, no te kaumatuatanga ake o nga tama a tana wahine, ka peia e ratou a Iepeta: i mea ki a ia, Kahore he tukunga iho mou i te whare o to tatou papa; he tama hoki koe na te wahine ke.
And Gileads wife bare him sonnes, and when the womans children were come to age, they thrust out Iphtah, and sayd vnto him, Thou shalt not inherite in our fathers house: for thou art the sonne of a strange woman.
3 Na ka rere a Iepeta i ona teina, a noho ana i te whenua o Topo: na ka huihui etahi tangata wairangi ki a Iepeta, a haere tahi ana ratou.
Then Iphtah fledde from his brethren, and dwelt in the land of Tob: and there gathered idle fellowes to Iphtah, and went out with him.
4 A roa iho, na ka whawhai nga tamariki a Amona ki a Iharaira.
And in processe of time the children of Ammon made warre with Israel.
5 A, i te whawhaitanga a nga tamariki a Amona ki a Iharaira, na ka haere nga kaumatua o Kireara ki te tiki i a Iepeta i te whenua o Topo.
And when the children of Ammon fought with Israel, the Elders of Gilead went to fet Iphtah out of the land of Tob.
6 A ka mea ki a Iepeta, Haere mai, a ko koe hei rangatira hoia mo matou, kia whawhai ai tatou ki nga tamariki a Amona.
And they saide vnto Iphtah, Come and be our captaine, that we may fight with the children of Ammon.
7 Na ka mea a Iepeta ki nga kaumatua o Kireara, kahore ianei koutou i kino ki ahau, i pei i ahau i roto i te whare o toku papa? a he aha koutou i haere mai ai ki ahau i a koutou ka hemanawa nei?
Iphtah then answered the Elders of Gilead, Did not ye hate me, and expell me out of my fathers house? how then come you vnto me now in time of your tribulation?
8 Na ka mea nga kaumatua o Kireara ki a Iepeta, Koia matou ka tahuri atu nei ki a koe inaianei, kia haere ai koe i a matou ki te whawhai ki nga tamariki a Amona, a ko koe hei upoko mo matou, mo nga tangata katoa hoki o Kireara.
Then the Elders of Gilead saide vnto Iphtah, Therefore we turne againe to thee now, that thou mayest goe with vs, and fight against the children of Ammon, and bee our head ouer all the inhabitants of Gilead.
9 Na ka mea a Iepeta ki nga kaumatua o Kireara, Ki te whakahokia atu ahau e koutou ki te whawhai ki nga tamariki a Amona, a ka homai ratou e Ihowa ki ahau, tera ranei ahau e waiho hei upoko mo koutou?
And Iphtah said vnto the Elders of Gilead, If ye bring me home againe to fight against the children of Ammon, if the Lord giue them before me, shall I be your head?
10 Na ka mea nga kaumatua o Kireara ki a Iepeta, Ko Ihowa hei kaititiro i waenganui i a tatou; he pono e rite ki tau kupu ta matou e mea ai.
And the Elders of Gilead saide to Iphtah, The Lord be witnesse betweene vs, if we doe not according to thy wordes.
11 Na ka haere tahi a Iepeta ratou ko nga kaumatua o Kireara, a ka meinga ia e te iwi hei upoko, hei rangatira mo ratou: a ka korerotia e Iepeta ana kupu katoa ki te aroaro o Ihowa ki Mihipa.
Then Iphtah went with the Elders of Gilead, and the people made him head and captaine ouer them: and Iphtah rehearsed all his wordes before the Lord in Mizpeh.
12 Katahi ka tono tangata atu a Iepeta ki te kingi o nga tamariki a Amona, hei mea, He aha tau i haere mai ai koe ki ahau, ki toku whenua whawhai ai?
Then Iphtah sent messengers vnto the king of the children of Ammon, saying, What hast thou to doe with me, that thou art come against me, to fight in my lande?
13 Na ka mea te kingi o nga tamariki a Amona ki nga tangata a Iepeta, Na Iharaira hoki i tango toku whenua i tona haerenga ake i Ihipa, i Aronona atu a tae noa ki Iapoko, ki Horano: na ata whakahokia mai aua wahi.
And the King of the children of Ammon answered vnto the messengers of Iphtah, Because Israel tooke my lande, when they came vp from Egypt, from Arnon vnto Iabbok, and vnto Iorden: now therefore restore those lands quietly.
14 Na ka tono tangata ano a Iepeta ki te kingi o nga tamariki a Amona:
Yet Iphtah sent messengers againe vnto the King of the children of Ammon,
15 Hei mea ki a ia, Ko te kupu tenei a Iepeta, Kihai i tangohia e Iharaira te whenua o Moapa, te whenua ranei o nga tamariki a Amona:
And said vnto him, Thus saith Iphtah, Israel tooke not the lande of Moab, nor the lande of the children of Ammon.
16 Engari i to Iharaira haerenga ake i Ihipa, a ka haereerea te koraha a tae noa ki te Moana Whero, a ka tae ki Karehe;
But when Israel came vp from Egypt, and walked through the wildernesse vnto the redde Sea, then they came to Kadesh.
17 Na ka tono tangata a Iharaira ki te kingi o Eroma, hei mea, Tukua ahau kia tika atu ma tou whenua; na kihai te kingi o Eroma i rongo. I tono ano ia ki te kingi o Moapa: a kihai tera i pai. Na ka noho a Iharaira ki Karehe.
And Israel sent messengers vnto the king of Edom, saying, Let me, I pray thee, goe thorowe thy lande: but the King of Edom woulde not consent: and also they sent vnto the King of Moab, but he would not: therefore Israel abode in Kadesh.
18 Katahi ratou ka haere puta noa i te koraha; taiawhiotia ana e ratou te whenua o Eroma, me te whenua o Moapa, a ka tae mai ki te taha ki te rawhiti o te whenua o Moapa, ka noho ki tera taha o Aranona, kihai hoki i haere ki roto ki te rohe o Moapa: ko Aranona hoki te rohe o Moapa.
Then they went through the wildernesse, and compassed the lande of Edom, and the lande of Moab, and came by the Eastside of the lande of Moab, and pitched on the other side of Arnon, and came not within the coast of Moab: for Arnon was the border of Moab.
19 Na ka tono tangata a Iharaira ki a Hihona kingi o nga Amori, kingi o Hehepona; a ka mea a Iharaira ki a ia, Tukua matou kia tika atu ma tou whenua ki toku wahi.
Also Israel sent messengers vnto Sihon, King of the Amorites, the King of Heshbon, and Israel said vnto him, Let vs passe, we pray thee, by thy lande vnto our place.
20 Heoi kihai a Hihona i tuku i a Iharaira kia tika ma tona rohe: na huihuia ana e Hihona tona iwi katoa, a noho ana ki Iahata; na, ko tana whawhaitanga kia Iharaira.
But Sihon consented not to Israel, that he shoulde goe through his coast: but Sihon gathered all his people together, and pitched in Iahaz, and fought with Israel.
21 Na ka homai e Ihowa, e te Atua o Iharaira a Hihona me tona iwi katoa ki te ringa o Iharaira: na patua iho ratou, a tangohia ana e Iharaira te whenua katoa o nga Amori i noho ki taua whenua.
And the Lord God of Israel gaue Sihon and all his folke into the handes of Israel, and they smote them: so Israel possessed all the lande of the Amorites, the inhabitants of that countrey:
22 I tangohia hoki e ratou nga rohe katoa o nga Amori; i Aranona ki Iapoko, i te koraha ki Horano.
And they possessed all the coast of the Amorites, from Arnon vnto Iabbok, and from the wildernesse euen vnto Iorden.
23 Na kua peia nei e Ihowa, e te Atua o Iharaira nga Amori i te aroaro o tana iwi, o Iharaira, a me riro ranei i a koe?
Nowe therefore the Lord God of Israel hath cast out the Amorites before his people Israel, and shouldest thou possesse it?
24 E kore ianei koe e mau ki nga wahi i whakawhiwhia ki a koe e tou atua, e Kemoho? a ka riro mai hoki i a matou to te hunga e peia ana e Ihowa, e to matou Atua, i to matou aroaro.
Wouldest not thou possesse that which Chemosh thy god giueth thee to possesse? So whomesoeuer the Lord our God driueth out before vs, them will we possesse.
25 He nui ake ranei tou pai i to Paraka tama a Tiporo kingi o Moapa? i mea ranei ia ki te tohe ki a Iharaira, ki te whawhai ranei ki a ratou?
And art thou nowe farre better then Balak the sonne of Zippor King of Moab? did he not striue with Israel and fight against them,
26 I a Iharaira e noho ana i Hehepona, i ona pa ririki, i Aroere hoki, i ona pa ririki, i nga pa katoa ano i nga taha o Aranona, e toru rau nga tau; he aha hoki te tangohia ai e koutou i taua wa?
When Israel dwelt in Heshbon and in her townes, and in Aroer and in her townes, and in all the cities that are by the coastes of Arnon, three hundreth yeeres? why did ye not then recouer them in that space?
27 Na kahore oku hara ki a koe; engari e he ana tau mahi ki ahau, tau whawhai ki ahau: ma Ihowa, ma te kaiwhakawa e whakawa aianei nga tamariki a Iharaira me nga tamariki a Amona.
Wherefore, I haue not offended thee: but thou doest me wrong to warre against me. The Lord the Iudge be iudge this day betweene the children of Israel, and the children of Ammon.
28 Heoi kihai i rongo te kingi o nga tamariki a Amona ki nga kupu a Iepeta i tukua atu ai ki a ia.
Howbeit the King of the children of Ammon hearkened not vnto the wordes of Iphtah, which he had sent him.
29 Na ka tau te wairua o Ihowa ki runga ki a Iepeta, a ka haere ia puta noa i Kireara, i Manahi, i haere hoki puta noa i Mihipe o Kireara, a haere ana i Mihipe o Kireara ki nga tamariki a Amona.
Then the Spirite of the Lord came vpon Iphtah, and he passed ouer to Gilead and to Manasseh, and came to Mizpeh in Gilead, and from Mizpeh in Gilead he went vnto the children of Ammon.
30 Na ka oatitia he oati e Iepeta ki a Ihowa: i mea ia, Ki te tino homai e koe nga tama a Amona ki toku ringa,
And Iphtah vowed a vowe vnto the Lord, and said, If thou shalt deliuer the children of Ammon into mine handes,
31 Na, ko te mea e puta mai ana i nga tatau o toku whare ki te whakatau i ahau, ina hoki ora mai ahau i nga tama a Amona, ma Ihowa tena, ka whakaekea ano e ahau hei tahunga tinana.
Then that thing that commeth out of the doores of mine house to meete me, when I come home in peace from the children of Ammon, shall be the Lordes, and I will offer it for a burnt offering.
32 Na ka haere a Iepeta ki nga tamariki a Amona ki te whawhai ki a ratou; a ka homai ratou e Ihowa ki tona ringa.
And so Iphtah went vnto the children of Ammon to fight against them, and the Lord deliuered them into his handes.
33 Na tukitukia ana ratou e ia, i Aroere atu a tae noa koe ki Miniti, e rua tekau nga pa, ki te mania ano i nga mara waina; he nui rawa te patunga. Na kua hinga nga tamariki a Amona i nga tamariki a Iharaira.
And he smote them from Aroer euen till thou come to Minnith, twentie cities, and so foorth to Abel of the vineyardes, with an exceeding great slaughter. Thus the children of Ammon were humbled before the children of Israel.
34 Na ka haere a Iepeta ki tona whare ki Mihipa, na, ko te putanga mai o tana tamahine ki te whakatau i a ia, me te timipera, me te kanikani. Ko tana huatahi ia; kahore atu hoki ana tama, tamahine ranei, ko ia anake.
Nowe when Iphtah came to Mizpeh vnto his house, beholde, his daughter came out to meete him with timbrels and daunces, which was his onely childe: he had none other sonne, nor daughter.
35 A, no tona kitenga i a ia, na ka haea ona kakahu, ka mea, Aue, e taku tamahine, kua pehia rawatia ahau e koe ki raro, kei roto hoki koe i te hunga e raru ai ahau: kua puaki hoki toku mangai ki a Ihowa, e kore ano e taea te hoki.
And when hee sawe her, hee rent his clothes, and saide, Alas my daughter, thou hast brought me lowe, and art of them that trouble me: for I haue opened my mouth vnto the Lord, and can not goe backe.
36 Na ka mea tera ki a ia, E toku papa, kua puaki nei tou mangai ki a Ihowa, meatia ki ahau nga mea i puta mai i tou mangai, mo ta Ihowa tohenga i te utu mou i ou hoariri, i nga tamariki a Amona.
And she said vnto him, My father, if thou hast opened thy mouth vnto the Lord, doe with me as thou hast promised, seeing that the Lord hath auenged thee of thine enemies the children of Ammon.
37 I mea ano ia ki tona papa, Kia meatia tenei mea ki ahau, waiho noa iho ahau, kia rua nga marama, a ka piki ahau, ka heke i nga maunga tangi ai ki toku wahinetanga, matou ko oku hoa.
Also she saide vnto her father, Doe thus much for me: suffer me two moneths, that I may goe to the mountaines, and bewaile my virginitie, I and my fellowes.
38 Ano ra ko ia, Haere. Na ka unga atu ia e ia, kia rua nga marama: heoi haere ana ia, ratou ko ona hoa, a tangihia ana e ia tona wahinetanga i runga i nga maunga.
And he sayde, Goe: and he sent her away two moneths: so she went with her companions, and lamented her virginitie vpon the moutaines.
39 A, no te takanga o nga marama e rua, na, ka hoki ia ki tona papa, a meatia ana e ia ki a ia tana i oati ai: kihai hoki taua kotiro i mohio ki te tane. Na ka waiho hei tikanga i roto i a Iharaira,
And after the ende of two moneths, she turned againe vnto her father, who did with her according to his vowe which he had vowed, and she had knowen no man. and it was a custome in Israel:
40 Kia haere nga tamahine a Iharaira i ia tau, i ia tau, ki te tangi i te kotiro a Iepeta Kireari: e wha nga ra i roto i te tau.
The daughters of Israel went yere by yere to lament the daughter of Iphtah the Gileadite, foure dayes in a yeere.

< Kaiwhakariterite 11 >