< Hohua 22 >
1 Katahi ka karanga a Hohua ki nga Reupeni, ki nga Kari, a ki tetahi taanga o te iwi o Manahi,
At the same time Josue called the Rubenites, and the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasses,
2 A ka mea ki a ratou, Kua mau i a koutou nga mea katoa i whakahau ai a Mohi, te pononga a Ihowa ki a koutou, kua whakarongo mai hoki koutou ki toku reo i nga mea katoa i whakahau ai ahau ki a koutou:
And said to them: You have done all that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you: you have also obeyed me in all things,
3 Kihai koutou i whakarere i o koutou tuakana i enei rangi e maha a tae noa mai ki tenei ra, engari i ata pupuri marie koutou i te whakahau a Ihowa, a to koutou Atua.
Neither have you left your brethren this long time, until this present day, keeping the commandment of the Lord your God.
4 Na kua mea nei a Ihowa, to koutou Atua i o koutou teina kia okioki, ka rite ki tana i korero ai ki a ratou: na reira, hoki atu, haere ki o koutou teneti, ki te whenua hoki i whiwhi na koutou, i hoatu na e Mohi, e te pononga a Ihowa ki a koutou i tawahi o Horano.
Therefore as the Lord your God hath given your brethren rest and peace, as he promised: return, and go to your dwellings, and to the land of your possession, which Moses the servant of the Lord gave you beyond the Jordan:
5 Otira kia mahara marie kia mahi te whakahau me te ture, i whakahau ai a Mohi, te pononga a Ihowa ki a koutou, kia aroha ki a Ihowa, ki to koutou Atua, kia haere i ana huarahi katoa, kia pupuri i ana whakahau, kia wahi hoki ki a ia, kia whakapotoa o koutou ngakau katoa, o koutou wairua katoa ki te mahi ki a ia.
Yet so that you observe attentively, and in work fulfill the commandment and the law which Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you: that you love the Lord your God, and walk in all his ways, and keep all his commandments, and cleave to him, and serve him with all your heart, and with all your soul.
6 Na ka manaaki a Hohua i a ratou, a tukua ana ratou kia haere: a haere ana ratou ki o ratou teneti.
And Josue blessed them, and sent them away, and they returned to their dwellings.
7 Na i hoatu e Mohi he kainga i Pahana ki tetahi taanga o te iwi o Manahi: engari ki tetahi taanga i hoatu e Hohua he kainga i roto i o ratou tuakana i tenei taha o Horano, whaka te hauauru. A, i ta Hohua tukunga atu i a ratou ki o ratou teneti, i manaaki ano ia i a ratou,
Now to half the tribe of Manasses, Moses had given a possession in Basan: and therefore to the half that remained, Josue gave a lot among the rest of their brethren beyond the Jordan to the west. And when he sent them away to their dwellings and had blessed them,
8 I korero ki a ratou, i mea, Hoki atu ki o koutou teneti me nga taonga maha, me te tini noa iho o te kararehe, me te hiriwa, me te koura, me te parahi, me te rino, me te nui noa atu o te kakahu: tuwhaina atu nga taonga o o koutou hoariri ki o kout ou tuakana.
He said to them: With much substance and riches, you return to your settlements, with silver and gold, brass and iron, and variety of raiment: divide the prey of your enemies with your brethren.
9 Na hoki ana nga tama a Reupena, me nga tama a Kara, me tetahi taanga o te iwi o Manahi, mawehe atu ana i roto i nga tama a Iharaira i Hiro, i te whenua o Kanaana, a haere ana ki te whenua o Kireara, ki te whenua i whiwhi ai ratou, i whakawhiwhia ki a ratou e te kupu a Ihowa i whakapuakina e Mohi.
So the children of Ruben, and the children of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasses returned, and parted from the children of Israel in Silo, which is in Chanaan, to go into Galaad the land of their possession, which they had obtained according to the commandment of the Lord by the hand of Moses.
10 Na, i to ratou taenga ki te takiwa i nga taha o Horano, ki tera i te whenua o Kanaana, ka hanga e nga tama a Reupena, e nga tama a Kara, e tetahi taanga o te iwi o Manahi, tetahi aata ki reira, ki te taha o Horano, he aata nui hei tiro hanga atu.
And when they were come to the banks of the Jordan, in the land of Chanaan, they built an altar immensely great near the Jordan.
11 Na ka rongo nga tama a Iharaira e korerotia ana, Nana, kua hanga nga tama a Reupena, me nga tama a Kara, me tetahi taanga o te iwi o Manahi, i tetahi aata ki te ritenga mai o te whenua o Kanaana ki nga taha o Horano, ki te wahi i nga tama a Ihar aira.
And when the children of Israel had heard of it, and certain messengers had brought them an account that the children of Ruben, and of Cad, and the half tribe of Manasses had built an altar in the land of Chanaan, upon the banks of the Jordan, over against the children of Israel:
12 A, no te rongonga o nga tama a Iharaira, huihui ana te whakaminenga katoa o nga tama a Iharaira ki Hiro, i mea kia haere ki te whawhai ki a ratou.
They all assembled in Silo, to go up and fight against them.
13 Na ka tonoa atu e nga tama a Iharaira a Pinehaha tama a Ereatara tohunga ki nga tama a Reupena, ki nga tama hoki a Kara, a ki tetahi taanga o te iwi o Manahi, ki te whenua o Kireara;
And in the mean time they sent to them into the land of Galaad, Phinees the son of Eleazar the priest,
14 Me etahi rangatira kotahi tekau hoki hei hoa mona, tatakikotahi te rangatira o ia koromatua, o ia koromatua o nga iwi katoa o Iharaira; he ariki hoki ratou, ia tangata, ia tangata, no nga whare o o ratou matua i roto i nga mano o Iharaira.
And ten princes with him, one of every tribe.
15 Na haere ana ratou ki nga tama a Reupena, ki nga tama a Kara, ki tetahi taanga hoki o te iwi o Manahi, ki te whenua o Kireara, a ka korero ki a ratou, ka mea,
Who came to the children of Ruben, and of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasses, into the land of Galaad, and said to them:
16 Ko te korero tenei a te whakaminenga katoa a Ihowa, He aha tenei hara i mea nei koutou ki te Atua o Iharaira, i a koutou ka tahuri atu nei i tenei ra i te whai i a Ihowa, ka hanga nei i tetahi aata ma koutou, hei mahi tutu ma koutou ki a Ihowa?
Thus saith all the people of the Lord: What meaneth this transgression? Why have you forsaken the Lord the God of Israel, building a sacrilegious altar, and revolting from the worship of him?
17 He nohinohi rawa ianei ki a tatou te haranga ki a Peoro, kahore ano nei i horoia atu i a tatou a tae noa mai ki tenei ra, ahakoa ra i pa he mate uruta ki te whakaminenga a Ihowa,
Is it a small thing to you that you sinned with Beelphegor, and the stain of that crime remaineth in us to this day? and many of the people perished.
18 E tahuri ke nei koutou i tenei ra i te whai i a Ihowa? Na ki te mea ka tutu koutou i tenei ra ki a Ihowa, tera ia e riri apopo ki te whakaminenga katoa o Iharaira.
And you have forsaken the Lord today, and tomorrow his wrath will rage against all Israel.
19 Otiia mehemea he poke te whenua e noho nei koutou, haere ake ki te whenua e nohoia ana e Ihowa, kei reira nei e tu ana te tapenakara o Ihowa, a ka noho i waenganui i a matou: engari kaua e tutu ki a Ihowa, kaua ano hoki e tutu ki a matou, i a ko utou ka hanga nei i tetahi aata ke atu ma koutou i te aata a Ihowa, a to tatou Atua.
But if you think the land of your possession to be unclean, pass over to the land wherein is the tabernacle of the Lord, and dwell among us: only depart not from the Lord, and from our society, by building an altar beside the altar of the Lord our God.
20 Kahore ianei a Akana, te tama a Tera i taka ki te hara i te mea kanga, a tau ana te riri ki runga ki te whakaminenga katoa o Iharaira? a kihai i mate ko taua tangata anake mo tona hara.
Did not Achan the son of Zare transgress the commandment of the Lord, and his wrath lay upon all the people of Israel? And he was but one man, and would to God he alone had perished in his wickedness.
21 Katahi ka whakahoki nga tama a Reupena, nga tama a Kara, me tetahi taanga o te iwi o Manahi, ka mea ki nga ariki o nga mano o Iharaira,
And the children of Ruben, and of Gad, and of the half tribe of Manasses answered the princes of the embassage of Israel:
22 Ko Ihowa, ko te Atua o nga atua, ko Ihowa, ko te Atua o nga atua, e mohio ana ia, ko Iharaira hoki ka mohio ano ia; mehemea na te tutu, mehemea ranei na te hara ki a Ihowa, penei kaua matou e whakaorangia e koe i tenei ra,
The Lord the most mighty God, the Lord the most mighty God, he knoweth, and Israel also shall understand: If with the design of transgression we have set up this altar, let him not save us, but punish us immediately:
23 I hanga ai e matou tetahi aata hei tahuritanga ketanga i muri i a Ihowa; mehemea ranei hei whakaekenga mo te tahunga tinana mo te whakahere ranei, hei meatanga ranei mo etahi patunga mo te pai, ma Ihowa ake ano e rapu utu;
And if we did it with that mind, that we might lay upon it holocausts, and sacrifice, and victims of peace offerings, let him require and judge:
24 Mehemea ranei kahore i meatia e matou tenei mea i runga i te tupato, me te ata whakaaro, ka ki, Apopo ake nei ka korero mai a koutou tama ki a matou tama, ka mea, He aha ta koutou kei a Ihowa, kei te Atua o Iharaira?
And not rather with this thought and design, that we should say: Tomorrow your children will say to our children: What have you to do with the Lord the God of Israel?
25 Kua whakatakotoria nei hoki e Ihowa a Horano hei rohe ki waenganui o matou, o koutou, e nga tama a Reupena, e nga tama a Kara; kahore o koutou wahi i roto i a Ihowa: pena ka meinga e a koutou tama a matou tama kia mutu te wehi i a Ihowa.
The Lord hath put the river Jordan for a border between us and you, O ye children of Ruben, and ye children of Gad: and therefore you have no part in the Lord. And by this occasion you children shall turn away our children from the fear of the Lord. We therefore thought, it best,
26 Koia matou i mea ai, Tena, tatou ka haere, ka hanga i tetahi aata ma tatou, ehara i te mea mo nga tahunga tinana, mo nga patunga tapu ranei:
And said: Let us build us an altar, not for holocausts, nor to offer victims,
27 Engari kia ai tena mea hei kaiwhakaatu ki a matou, ki a koutou, ki o tatou uri hoki i muri i a tatou, kia mahi ai tatou i nga mahi a Ihowa ki tona aroaro, i a tatou tahunga tinana, i a tatou patunga tapu, i a tatou whakahere mo te pai; kei mea a koutou tama ki a matou tama a ko ake nei, Kahore o koutou wahi i roto i a Ihowa.
But for a testimony between us and you, and our posterity and yours, that we may serve the Lord, and that we may have a right to offer both holocausts, and victims and sacrifices of peace offerings: and that your children tomorrow may not say to our children: You have no part in the Lord.
28 Koia matou i mea ai, Na tenei ake, kei ta ratou meatanga pera ki a tatou, ki o tatou uri ranei, na ka mea tatou, Titiro ki te mea e rite ana ki te aata a Ihowa, i hanga e o matou matua, ehara i te mea mo nga tahunga tinana, mo nga patunga tapu r anei; engari hei kaiwhakaatu i waenganui i a matou, i a koutou.
And if they will say so, they shall answer them: Behold the altar of the Lord, which our fathers made, not for holocausts, nor for sacrifice, but for a testimony between us and you.
29 Aue, kia tutu matou ki a Ihowa! kia tahuri atu i tenei ra i muri i a Ihowa, ki te hanga i tetahi aata mo nga tahunga tinana, mo nga whakahere, mo nga patunga tapu ranei, hei mea ke atu i te aata a Ihowa, a to tatou Atua, i mua mai o tona tapenak ara!
God keep us from any such wickedness that we should revolt from the Lord, and leave off following his steps, by building an altar to offer holocausts, and sacrifices, and victims, beside the altar of the Lord our God, which is erected before his tabernacle.
30 Na, i te rongonga o Pinehaha tohunga, ratou ko nga rangatira o te whakaminenga, ara ko nga upoko o nga mano o Iharaira, ki nga kupu i korerotia e nga tama a Reupena, ratou ko nga tama a Kara, ko nga tama a Manahi, ka pai ki a ratou.
And when Phinees the priest, and the princes of the embassage, who were with him, had heard this, they were satisfied: and they admitted most willingly the words of the children of Ruben, and Gad, and of the half tribe of Manasses.
31 Katahi ka mea a Pinehaha tama a Ereatara tohunga ki nga tama a Reupena ratou ko nga tama a Kara, ko nga tama a Manahi, No tenei ra matou i mohio ai, kei waenganui i a tatou a Ihowa, ina hoki kihai koutou i taka ki tenei hara ki a Ihowa: na kua w hakaora nei koutou i nga tama a Iharaira i te ringa o Ihowa.
And Phinees the priest the son of Eleazar said to them: Now we know that the Lord is with us, because you are not guilty of this revolt, and you have delivered the children of Israel from the hand of the Lord.
32 Katahi ka hoki a Penehaha tama a Ereatara tohunga, me nga rangatira, i nga tama a Reupena ratou ko nga tama a Kara i te whenua o Kireara, ki te whenua o Kanaana, ki nga tama a Iharaira, ki te whakahoki i te korero ki a ratou.
And he returned with the princes from the children of Ruben and Gad, out of the land of Galaad, into the land of Chanaan, to the children of Israel, and brought them word again.
33 A pai tonu te korero ki nga tama a Iharaira: na whakapai atu ana nga tama a Iharaira ki te Atua, kihai hoki ratou i mea ano kia haere ki runga ki te whawhai ki a ratou, ki te huna i te whenua e nohoia ana e nga tama a Reupena, ratou ko nga tama a Kara.
And the saying pleased all that heard it. And the children of Israel praised God, and they no longer said that they would go up against them, and fight, and destroy the land of their possession.
34 Na huaina iho taua aata e nga tama a Reupena, ratou ko nga tama a Kara, ko Eri: i mea hoki ratou, Hei kaiwhakaatu tena mea ki waenganui i a tatou, ko Ihowa te Atua.
And the children of Ruben, and the children of Cad called the altar which they had built, Our testimony, that the Lord is God.