< Hopa 9 >
1 Na ka whakahoki a Hopa, ka mea,
And Job answereth and saith: —
2 E mohiotia ana ano tenei e ahau; engari ma te aha ka tika ai te tangata ki te Atua?
Truly I have known that [it is] so, And what — is man righteous with God?
3 Ki te pai ia ki te totohe ki a ia, kahore he kupu kotahi o roto i te mano e taea e ia te whakahoki ki a ia.
If he delight to strive with Him — He doth not answer him one of a thousand.
4 He ngakau mohio ia, he pakari tona kaha: ko wai e whakauaua ki a ia, a e whiwhi i te pai?
Wise in heart and strong in power — Who hath hardened toward Him and is at peace?
5 E nekehia ana e ia nga maunga, te mohio ratou; hurihia ake e ia i a ia e riri ana.
Who is removing mountains, And they have not known, Who hath overturned them in His anger.
6 E whakangaueuetia ana e ia te whenua, e nekehia atu ana i tona wahi, wiri ana ona pou.
Who is shaking earth from its place, And its pillars move themselves.
7 E korero nei ki te ra, a kore ake e whiti; hiritia putia iho e ia nga whetu.
Who is speaking to the sun, and it riseth not, And the stars He sealeth up.
8 Ko ia nei anake hei hora i nga rangi, hei takahi i runga i nga ngaru o te moana.
Stretching out the heavens by Himself, And treading on the heights of the sea,
9 Nana nei i hanga a Aketura, a Tautoru, a Matariki, me nga ruma i te tonga.
Making Osh, Kesil, and Kimah, And the inner chambers of the south.
10 Nana nei i mahi nga mea nunui, e kore nei e taea te rapu atu, ae ra nga mea whakamiharo, e kore nei e taea te tatau.
Doing great things till there is no searching, And wonderful, till there is no numbering.
11 Ina tonu ia e haere atu nei, a kahore ahau i kite; ka pahemo atu hoki ia, a kahore ahau e matau ki a ia.
Lo, He goeth over by me, and I see not, And He passeth on, and I attend not to it.
12 Nana, ka hopu ia i tana i aru ai, ma wai ia e arai? Ko wai hei ki atu ki a ia, E aha ana koe?
Lo, He snatches away, who bringeth it back? Who saith unto Him, 'What dost Thou?'
13 E kore te Atua e whakahoki iho i tona riri; e piko ana ki raro i a ia nga kaiawhina o Rahapa.
God doth not turn back His anger, Under Him bowed have proud helpers.
14 A kia whakahoki kupu ano ahau ki a ia, kia whiriwhiri kupu ano maku ki a ia?
How much less do I — I answer Him? Choose out my words with Him?
15 Ahakoa he tika ahau, e kore ahau e whakahoki kupu atu; engari ka inoi ahau ki toku kaiwhakawa.
Whom, though I were righteous, I answer not, For my judgment I make supplication.
16 Me i karanga atu ahau, a whakahokia mai ai e ia te kupu ki ahau, kihai ahau i whakaae tera kua whakarongo mai ia ki toku reo.
Though I had called and He answereth me, I do not believe that He giveth ear [to] my voice.
17 E aki ana hoki ia ia ahau ki te tupuhi, e whakanui takekore ana hoki i oku mate.
Because with a tempest He bruiseth me, And hath multiplied my wounds for nought.
18 Kahore ahau e tukua e ia kia ta toku manawa; otiia whakakiia ana e ia toku wairua ki te kawa.
He permitteth me not to refresh my spirit, But filleth me with bitter things.
19 Ki te korero tatou mo te kaha o te hunga pakari, nana, kei reira ia! A ki te mea he whakawa, ko wai ra hei whakatakoto i te taima moku?
If of power, lo, the Strong One; And if of judgment — who doth convene me?
20 Ahakoa he tika ahau, ma toku mangai ano ahau e whakahe; ahakoa he tikanga tapatahi taku, ma reira ano e whakaatu toku ngaunga ketanga.
If I be righteous, Mine mouth doth declare me wicked, Perfect I am! — it declareth me perverse.
21 He tapatahi ahau; kahore ahau e whakaaro ki ahau ano; e whakahawea ana ahau ki toku ora.
Perfect I am! — I know not my soul, I despise my life.
22 He kotahi tonu ena; koia ahau ka mea, e whakamotitia ana e ia te tapatahi raua ko te kino.
It is the same thing, therefore I said, 'The perfect and the wicked He is consuming.'
23 Na ka whakamate tata nei te whiu, he kata tana ki te whakamatautauranga o te hunga harakore.
If a scourge doth put to death suddenly, At the trial of the innocent He laugheth.
24 Kua hoatu te whenua ki te ringa o te tangata kino; e taupokina ana e ia nga mata o nga kaiwhakawa; ki te mea ehara i a ia, tena ko wai?
Earth hath been given Into the hand of the wicked one. The face of its judges he covereth, If not — where, who [is] he?
25 Na, ko te hohoro o oku ra, nui atu i to te kaikawe pukapuka; e rere ana, kahore hoki e kite i te pai.
My days have been swifter than a runner, They have fled, they have not seen good,
26 Kua pahemo, kua pera me nga kaipuke tere, me te ekara ano e topa iho ana ki tana kai.
They have passed on with ships of reed, As an eagle darteth on food.
27 Ki te mea ahau, ka wareware ahau ki taku tangi, ka unuhia atu e ahau te pouri o toku mata, a ka marama:
Though I say, 'I forget my talking, I forsake my corner, and I brighten up!'
28 E wehi ana ahau i oku mamae katoa, e mohio ana ahau e kore ahau e meinga e koe he harakore.
I have been afraid of all my griefs, I have known that Thou dost not acquit me.
29 Tera hoki ahau e whakahengia; he aha ahau i whakangenge kau ai i ahau?
I — I am become wicked; why [is] this? [In] vain I labour.
30 Ki te horoi ahau i ahau ki te hukarere, a ka meinga oku ringa kia ma rawa;
If I have washed myself with snow-water, And purified with soap my hands,
31 Katahi ahau ka rumakina e koe ki te poka, a whakarihariha mai ana oku kakahu ki ahau.
Then in corruption Thou dost dip me, And my garments have abominated me.
32 Ehara hoki ia i te tangata, i te penei me ahau nei, e whakahoki kupu ai ahau ki a ia, e haere tahi ai maua ki te whakawa.
But if a man like myself — I answer him, We come together into judgment.
33 Kahore he kaiwhakatikatika mo ta maua, kahore he tangata hei whakapa i tona ringa ki a maua tahi.
If there were between us an umpire, He doth place his hand on us both.
34 Me tango atu e ia tana patu i ahau, a kaua hoki tana whakamataku e whakawehi i ahau:
He doth turn aside from off me his rod, And His terror doth not make me afraid,
35 Hei reira ahau ka korero, a kahore e wehi i a ia; kahore hoki ahau e pera i roto i ahau.
I speak, and do not fear Him, But I am not right with myself.