< Hopa 41 >

1 E taea ranei a Rewiatana te kukume mai e koe ki te matau? te pehi ranei i tona arero ki te aho?
Canst thou draw out the Crocodile with a fish-hook? Or, with a cord, canst thou fasten down his tongue?
2 E whakanohoia ranei e koe he aho ki tona ihu? E pokaia ranei e koe tona kauae ki te matau?
Wilt thou put a rush-cord on his nose? or, with a thorn, wilt thou pierce his jaw?
3 E maha ranei ana inoi ki a koe? E korero ngawari ranei ia ki a koe?
Will he multiply unto thee supplications, or will he speak unto thee softly?
4 E whakarite kawenata ranei ia ki a koe? e riro ai ia i a koe hei pononga oti tonu mai?
Will he solemnise a covenant with thee? Wilt thou take him for a life-long servant?
5 Ka rite ranei ia ki te manu hei mea takaro mau? E herea ranei ia e koe hei mea ma au kotiro?
Wilt thou sport with him, as with a little bird? Or wilt thou bind him, for thy maidens?
6 E waiho ranei ia hei taonga hokohoko ma nga ropu tangata hi ika? E wehewehea atu ranei ma nga kaihokohoko?
Shall the companions bargain over him? or will they part him among the traders?
7 E kapi ranei tona kiri i o tao? tona pane i nga wero ika?
Wilt thou fill, with darts, his skin? or, with fish-spears, his head?
8 Kia pa tou ringa ki a ia; maharatia te whawhai, a kei pena a mua.
Lay thou upon him thy hand, remember the battle—no more!
9 Nana, he hori kau te manako ki a ia: e kore ranei tetahi e hinga noa ki te kite kau atu i a ia?
Lo! any hope of him, hath been found deceptive, Even at the sight of him, shall not one be overwhelmed?
10 Kahore he tangata e maia rawa hei whakaoho i a ia: na ko wai e tu ki toku aroaro?
None so bold, that he will rouse him! Who then is he that, before me, can stand?
11 Ko wai te tangata nana te mea kua takoto wawe ki ahau, e whakautu ai ahau ki a ia? Ahakoa he aha te mea i raro i nga rangi, puta noa, naku katoa.
Who hath forestalled me, that I may repay him? Under all the heavens, mine it is!
12 E kore e huna e ahau te korero mo ona wahi, mo tona kaha, mo te ataahua hoki o tona hanganga.
I will not pass by in silence his parts, or the matter of strength, or the grace of his armour.
13 Ma wai e tihore a waho o tona kakahu? Ko wai e tae ki tana paraire rererua?
Who hath removed his outer garment, through his double row of teeth, who would enter?
14 Ma wai e whakatuwhera nga tatau o tona mata? He wehi kei ona niho a taka noa.
The doors of his face, who hath opened? The circles of his teeth, are a terror!
15 Ko tana e whakamanamana ai ko ona unahi pakari; tutaki rawa pera i te hiri piri tonu.
A pride, are his arched sides, closed up, with a firm seal;
16 Na, i te tata tonu o tetahi ki tetahi, e kore te hau e puta i waenga.
One to another, they join, and, air, cannot enter between them;
17 Piri tonu ratou ki a ratou ano; mau tonu, e kore ano e taea te wehe.
Each to its fellow, they cleave, they grasp each other, and cannot be parted;
18 Ka tihe ia, ka kowha mai te marama; a ko te rite i ona kanohi kei nga kamo o te ata.
His sneezings, flash forth light, and, his eyes, are like the eyelashes of the dawn;
19 E puta ana mai i tona mangai he rama mura, mokowhiti ana nga koraahi.
Out of his mouth, torches dart forth, sparks of fire, escape;
20 Puta ana te paowa i ona pongaponga, me te mea no te kohua e koropupu ana, no te otaota e kaia ana.
Out of his nostrils, proceedeth smoke, like a blown pot and rushes;
21 Ngiha ana nga waro i tona ha, rere atu ana te mura i tona mangai.
His breath, setteth coals ablaze, and, a flame, out of his mouth, proceedeth;
22 Kei tona kaki te kaha e noho ana, e tuapa ana te pawera i tona aroaro.
In his neck, lodgeth strength, and, before him, danceth dismay;
23 Ko ona kikokiko tawerewere piri tonu: maro tonu ki runga ki a ia; e kore e taea te whakakorikori.
The dewlaps of his flesh, cleave together, hardened upon him, they cannot be moved;
24 Pakari tonu tona ngakau ano he kamaka; ae ra, maro tonu ano ko to raro kohatu huri.
His heart, is hardened like a stone, yea hardened, like the nether millstone;
25 Ka whakarewa ia i a ia ki runga, ka wehi nga tangata nunui: na te pororaru ka porangi noa iho ratou.
At his rising up, mighty men are afraid, by reason of terror, they are beside themselves:
26 Ki te whai tetahi i a ia ki te hoari, e kore e taea; ahakoa e te tao, e te pere, e te koikoi ranei.
As for him that assaileth him, the sword availeth not, spear, dart, or coat of mail:
27 Ki tona whakaaro he kakau witi te rino, he rakau popopopo te parahi.
He counteth iron as broken straw, and bronze as rotten wood:
28 E kore ia e tahuti i te pere: ki a ia ka meinga noatia nga kohatu o te kotaha hei papapa.
The arrow, will not make him flee, Into chaff, are sling-stones changed by him:
29 Kiia ake e ia nga patu hei papapa: e kataina ana e ia te huhu o te tao.
As a straw, is a club accounted, and he laugheth at the whir of the javelin;
30 Ko raro ona e rite ana ki te kohatu koikoi: e wharikitia ana e ia a runga o te paru ano he patunga witi.
His underparts, are points of potsherd, a pointed threshing roller spreadeth out upon the slime:
31 E meinga ana e ia te rire kia koropupu ano he kohua, me te moana kia rite ki te hinu.
He causeth to boil, as a cauldron, the raging deep, the sea, he maketh like a brewing vessel:
32 E hangaia ana e ia he huarahi kia marama i muri i a ia; tera e maharatia he hina te moana.
After him, he lighteth up a path, one might think the resounding deep to be hoary!
33 I te whenua nei kahore he mea hei rite mona, he mea i hanga nei kahore ona wehi.
There is not—upon the dust—his like, that hath been made to be without fear;
34 E titiro ana ia ki nga mea tiketike katoa: he kingi ia mo nga tama katoa a te whakapehapeha.
Every thing lofty, he beholdeth, he, is king over all ravenous beasts.

< Hopa 41 >