< Hopa 30 >

1 Inaianei ia e kataina mai ana ahau e te hunga tamariki rawa i ahau, e te hunga kihai nei ahau i whakaae kia uru o ratou matua ki roto ki nga kuri o taku kahui.
But now they that are younger than I have me in derision, whose fathers I would have disdained to set with the dogs of my flock.
2 Ae ra, hei aha maku te kaha o o ratou ringa? He hanga pirau nei hoki to ratou koroheketanga.
Yea, whereto [should] the strength of their hands [profit] me, [men] in whom vigour hath perished?
3 Tupuhi ana ratou i te rawakore, i te hemokai; e ngau ana ratou i te oneone pakapaka, i roto i te pouritanga o te tuhea, o te ururua.
Withered up through want and hunger, they flee into waste places long since desolate and desert:
4 E whawhaki ana ratou i nga marou i roto o nga rakau ririki; a ko nga pakiaka hunipa hei kai ma ratou.
They gather the salt-wort among the bushes, and the roots of the broom for their food.
5 He mea pei atu ratou i roto i nga tangata; e karangarangatia ana ratou ano he tahae.
They are driven forth from among [men] — they cry after them as after a thief —
6 Me noho rawa atu ratou i nga kapiti o nga awaawa, i nga waro o te whenua, i nga kamaka.
To dwell in gloomy gorges, in caves of the earth and the rocks:
7 Tangi a kaihe ana ratou i roto i nga rakau ririki; huihuia ana ratou ki raro i nga ongaonga.
They bray among the bushes; under the brambles they are gathered together:
8 He tamariki ratou na nga kuware, ae ra, he tamariki na te hunga ingoakore; he hunga i patua atu i runga i te whenua.
Sons of fools, and sons of nameless sires, they are driven out of the land.
9 Inaianei ia kua waiho ahau hei waiata ma ratou, ae, hei whakatauki ma ratou.
And now I am their song, yea, I am their byword.
10 E whakarihariha mai ana ratou ki ahau, e neke rawa atu ana i ahau, a kahore e kaiponuhia e ratou te huware ki toku mata.
They abhor me, they stand aloof from me, yea, they spare not to spit in my face.
11 Kua oti hoki tana aho te wewete e ia, a e whakatupuria kinotia ana ahau e ia, a kua tukua e ratou te paraire i toku aroaro.
For he hath loosed my cord and afflicted me; so they cast off the bridle before me.
12 I te taha ki matau ka ara te marea; taia ana e ratou oku waewae, a akina ana nga ara o a ratou whakangaromanga ki ahau.
At [my] right hand rise the young brood; they push away my feet, and raise up against me their pernicious ways;
13 E taka kino ana ratou i toku ara, e whakatupu ana i te he moku, a kahore he hoa mahi mo ratou.
They mar my path, they set forward my calamity, without any to help them;
14 Rite tonu ki te wai nui e pakaru mai ana to ratou haerenga mai: i taua whakangaromanga nei, huri mai ana ratou ki runga ki ahau:
They come in as through a wide breach: amid the confusion they roll themselves onward.
15 Kua tahuri mai nga whakawehi ki ahau, e aru ana ratou i toku whakaaro rangatira ano he hau; ko te whakahauora moku, pahemo ke ana ano he kapua.
Terrors are turned against me; they pursue mine honour as the wind; and my welfare is passed away like a cloud.
16 Na inaianei kua maringi toku wairua i roto i ahau: mau pu ahau i nga ra o te tangi.
And now my soul is poured out in me; days of affliction have taken hold upon me.
17 I te po e werohia ana oku wheua i roto i ahau; kahore hoki he okiokinga o nga mamae e ngau nei i ahau.
The night pierceth through my bones [and detacheth them] from me, and my gnawing pains take no rest:
18 He kaha nui no toku mate i ahua ke ai toku kakahu; e awhi nei i ahau, e penei ana me te whiri o toku koti.
By their great force they have become my raiment; they bind me about as the collar of my coat.
19 Kua maka ahau e ia ki te paru, kua rite ahau ki te puehu, ki te pungarehu.
He hath cast me into the mire, and I have become like dust and ashes.
20 E tangi ana ahau ki a koe, heoi kahore koe e whakao mai ki ahau; e tu ana, heoi ka titiro kau mai koe ki ahau.
I cry unto thee, and thou answerest me not; I stand up, and thou lookest at me.
21 Kua huri ke, kua kino tau mahi ki ahau: ko te kaha o tou ringa kei te tukino i ahau.
Thou art changed to a cruel one to me; with the strength of thy hand thou pursuest me.
22 Kua hapainga ake ahau e koe ki te hau, a meinga ana tera e koe hei hoiho moku; a whakamotitia iho ahau e koe i roto i te tupuhi.
Thou liftest me up to the wind; thou causest me to be borne away, and dissolvest my substance.
23 E mohio ana hoki ahau tera ahau e kawea e koe ki te mate, ki te whare hoki i whakaritea mo te hunga ora katoa.
For I know that thou wilt bring me to death, and into the house of assemblage for all living.
24 E kore ano ia tona ringa e totoro iho ki te urupa; ahakoa hei mate mona ka mea ia ki te karanga, he whakaaro ki enei mea.
Indeed, no prayer [availeth] when he stretcheth out [his] hand: though they cry when he destroyeth.
25 Kihai ianei ahau i tangi ki te tangata he mate nei tona? kihai ranei toku wairua i pouri ki te rawakore?
Did not I weep for him whose days were hard? was not my soul grieved for the needy?
26 I ahau i tatari ai ki te pai, heoi kua tae mai te kino; tumanako atu ana ahau ki te marama, heoi kua tae mai te pouri.
For I expected good, and there came evil; and I waited for light, but there came darkness.
27 Ko oku whekau, me te mea e koropupu ana, te ata takoto; haukotia mai ana ahau e nga ra o te tangi.
My bowels well up, and rest not; days of affliction have confronted me.
28 E haereere pouri ana ahau, kahore he ra; ko taku whakatikanga ake i roto i te whakaminenga, ka karanga awhina.
I go about blackened, but not by the sun; I stand up, I cry in the congregation.
29 Hei teina ahau ki nga tarakona, hei hoa mo nga ruru.
I am become a brother to jackals, and a companion of ostriches.
30 Ko toku kiri mangu tonu, e ngahoro ana i ahau, kaia ana oku wheua i te wera.
My skin is become black [and falleth] off me, and my bones are parched with heat.
31 No reira i tahuri ke ai taku hapa ki te tangi, me taku okana ki te reo o te hunga e uhunga ana.
My harp also is [turned] to mourning, and my pipe into the voice of weepers.

< Hopa 30 >