< Hopa 21 >

1 Ano ra ko Hopa; i mea ia,
But Job answered and said,
2 Ata whakarongo mai ki taku kupu, a hei tenei he kupu whakamarie mai ma koutou.
Hear ye, hear ye my words, that I may not have this consolation from you.
3 Tukua ahau, a ka korero hoki ahau; a ka mutu aku korero, haere tonu ta koutou tawai.
Raise me, and I will speak; then ye shall not laugh me to scorn.
4 Ahau nei, ki te tangata koia taku amuamu? A he aha ahau te manawanui ai?
What! is my reproof of man? and why should I not be angry?
5 Titiro mai ki ahau, miharo ai; kopania atu te ringa ki te mangai.
Look upon me, and wonder, laying your hand upon your cheek.
6 Mahara kau ahau, ka wehi, mau pu te wehi o oku kikokiko.
For even when I remember, I am alarmed, and pains seize my flesh.
7 He aha te hunga kino i ora ai, i koroheke ai, ae, i marohirohi ai to ratou kaha?
Wherefore do the ungodly live, and grow old even in wealth?
8 Pumau tonu o ratou uri ki to ratou taha ki to ratou aroaro, a ko a ratou whanau kei ta ratou tirohanga atu.
Their seed is according to [their] desire, and their children are in [their] sight.
9 O ratou whare kei runga i te rangimarie, kahore he wehi, kahore hoki a te Atua patu ki a ratou.
Their houses are prosperous, neither [have they] any where [cause for] fear, neither is there a scourge from the Lord upon them.
10 E kaha ana tana puru ki te ekeeke, kahore hoki e he; ka whanau tana kau, kahore hoki he whakatahe.
Their cow does not cast her calf, and their [beast] with young is safe, and does not miscarry.
11 E tukua mai ana e ratou a ratou kohungahunga ano he kahui hipi, e pekepeke ana a ratou tamariki.
And they remain as an unfailing flock, and their children play before [them], taking up the psaltery and harp;
12 He hunga hapai ratou i te timipera, i te hapa, e koa ana ki te tangi o te okana.
and they rejoice at the voice of a song.
13 O ratou ra pau tonu i runga i te ahuareka, kitea rawatia ake kua heke ki te po. (Sheol h7585)
And they spend their days in wealth, and fall asleep in the rest of the grave. (Sheol h7585)
14 Koia ratou i mea ai ki te Atua, Mawehe atu i a matou; kahore hoki o matou hiahia kia matau ki ou ara.
Yet [such a man] says to the Lord, Depart from me; I desire not to know thy ways.
15 He aha ra te Runga Rawa e mahi ai matou ki a ia? He aha hoki te rawa ki a matou ki te inoi ki a ia?
What is the Mighty One, that we should serve him? and what profit is there that we should approach him?
16 Nana, kahore he pai mo ratou i o ratou ringa ake: matara atu i ahau te whakaaro o te hunga kino.
For their good things were in [their] hands, but he regards not the works of the ungodly.
17 Pehea te maha o nga matenga o te rama a te hunga kino? O nga panga mai ano hoki o to ratou aitua ki a ratou? O te tuwhanga mai a te Atua i nga mamae i a ia e riri ana?
Nevertheless, the lamp of the ungodly also shall be put out, and destruction shall come upon them, and pangs of vengeance shall seize them.
18 E rite ai ratou ki te kakau witi i mua i te hau, ki te papapa e kahakina atu ana e te paroro?
And they shall be as chaff before the wind, or as dust which the storm has taken up.
19 E mea ana koutou, E rongoatia ana e te Atua tona kino hei mea mo ana tamariki. Mana e utu tera ki a ia tonu, kia mohio ai ia.
Let his substance fail [to supply] his children: [God] shall recompense him, and he shall know it.
20 Tukua kia kite ona ake kanohi i tona hunanga, a tukua ia kia inu i te riri o te Kaha Rawa.
Let his eyes see his own destruction, and let him not be saved by the Lord.
21 He aha hoki tana manako ki tona whare i muri i a ia? ka poroa hoki ona marama i waenga?
For his desire is in his house with him, and the number of his months has been suddenly cut off.
22 E whakaako ianei tetahi i te Atua ki te matauranga? Ko te kaiwhakawa hoki ia mo te hunga whakakake.
Is it not the Lord who teaches understanding and knowledge? and does not he judge murders?
23 Tenei tangata, mate iho ia, pakari rawa ano hoki ona kaha, ata takoto ana ana mea katoa, kahore hoki he raruraru.
One shall die in his perfect strength, and wholly at ease and prosperous;
24 Ki tonu ona u i te waiu, a e makuku ana ona wheua i te hinu.
and his inwards are full of fat, and his marrow is diffused [throughout him].
25 Mate iho hoki tera tangata, kawa tonu tona wairua, kahore hoki he pai hei kai mana.
And another dies in bitterness of soul, not eating any good thing.
26 Ka takoto ngatahi raua ki te puehu, a ko te iro hei hipoki mo raua.
But they lie down in the earth together, and corruption covers them.
27 Nana, e mohio ana ahau ki o koutou whakaaro, ki ta koutou ngarahu nanakia ano hoki moku.
So I know you, that ye presumptuously attack me:
28 E ki ana hoki koutou, Kei hea te whare o te rangatira? Kei hea hoki te teneti i noho ai te hunga kino?
so that ye will say, Where is the house of the prince? and where is the covering of the tabernacles of the ungodly?
29 Kahore ianei koutou i ui ki te hunga e haere atu ana i te ara? Kahore ranei koutou i mohio ki a ratou tohu?
Ask those that go by the way, and do not disown their tokens.
30 Kei te rongoa nei hoki te tangata kono mo te ra o te whakangaro; ka whakaputaina ratou i te ra o te riri.
For the wicked hastens to the day of destruction: they shall be led away for the day of his vengeance.
31 Ko wai e whakaatu i tona ara ki tona aroaro? Ko wai hoki hei hoatu i te utu mo tana mahi ki a ia?
Who will tell him his way to his face, whereas he has done [it]? who shall recompense him?
32 Heoi ka kawea ia ki te urupa; kei te puranga he wahi mona.
And he has been led away to the tombs, and he has watched over the heaps.
33 Ka reka ki a ia nga pokuru o te awaawa, ka whai mai ano hoki nga tangata katoa i a ia; e kore nei hoki e taea te tatau te hunga i mua i a ia.
The stones of the valley have been sweet to him, and every man shall depart after him, and [there are] innumerable [ones] before him.
34 He pehea ra ta koutou whakamarie tinihanga i ahau, e toe na hoki te he i roto i a koutou kupu e whakahoki mai na?
How then do ye comfort me in vain? whereas I have no rest from your molestation.

< Hopa 21 >