< Hopa 19 >

1 Na ka whakautua e Hopa, ka mea,
But Job answered and said:
2 Kia peha ake te roa o ta koutou whakaporearea i toku wairua, o ta koutou wawahi i ahau ki te kupu?
How long will ye vex my soul, And break me in pieces with words?
3 Ka tekau enei tawainga a koutou ki ahau, kahore o koutou whakama i a koutou ka aki tonu nei i ahau.
These ten times have ye reviled me; Without shame do ye stun me!
4 Ki te mea ano hoki kua he ahau, kei ahau ano toku he e noho ana.
And be it, indeed, that I have erred, My error abideth with myself.
5 Ki te mea ka whakanui mai koutou i a koutou ki ahau, a ka kauwhau mai ki ahau i toku tawainga;
Since, indeed, ye magnify yourselves against me, And plead against me my reproach,
6 Kia mohio koutou na te Atua ahau i whakaparori i taku take, he mea hao mai ahau nana ki tana kupenga.
Know then that it is God who hath brought me low; He hath encompassed me with his net.
7 Nana, e tangi ana ahau i te mahi nanakia, heoi kahore ahau e whakarangona; e karanga awhina ana ahau, otiia kahore he whakawa.
Behold, I complain of wrong, but receive no answer; I cry aloud, but obtain no justice.
8 Kua tutakina e ia toku ara, te puta ahau; tukua iho ana e ia te pouri ki oku ara.
He hath fenced up my way, so that I cannot pass, And hath set darkness in my paths.
9 Ko toku kororia huia atu ana e ia; tangohia ana e ia te karauna i toku mahunga.
He hath stripped me of my glory, And taken the crown from my head.
10 Wawahia ana ahau e ia i nga taha katoa, a riro ana ahau; ko taku i tumanako atu ai huaranga atu ana e ia ano he rakau.
He hath destroyed me on every side, and I am gone! He hath torn up my hope like a tree.
11 Kua mura mai hoki tona riri ki ahau; e kiia ana ahau e ia ko tetahi o ona hoariri.
He kindleth his anger against me, And counteth me as his enemy.
12 E haere huihui mai ana ana taua, e whakaneke ake ana i to ratou ara ki ahau, kei te whakapae i toku teneti i tetahi taha, i tetahi taha.
His troops advance together against me; They throw up for themselves a way to me, And encamp around my dwelling.
13 Kua meinga e ia oku teina kia matara atu i ahau; ko aku i mohio ai kua tangata ke ki ahau.
My brethren he hath put far from me, And my acquaintance are wholly estranged from me.
14 Ko oku whanaunga, mutu pu ta ratou; ko oku hoa ake, kua wareware ratou ki ahau.
My kinsfolk have forsaken me, And my bosom friends have forgotten me.
15 Ko te hunga e noho ana i toku whare, me aku pononga wahine, kiia iho ahau e ratou he tangata ke; he tangata no nga whenua ahau ki ta ratou titiro mai.
The foreigners of my house, yea, my own maid-servants, regard me as a stranger; I am an alien in their eyes.
16 I karanga atu ahau ki taku pononga, heoi kihai ia i whakao mai; ahakoa e inoi ana toku mangai ki a ia.
I call my servant, and he maketh no answer; With my own mouth do I entreat him.
17 Ko toku ha tauhou ana ki taku wahine, me taku inoi hoki ki nga tamariki o te kopu o toku whaea.
My breath is become strange to my wife, And my prayers also to my own mother's sons.
18 Ko nga tamariki nonohi ano hoki, whakahawea mai ana ki ahau; ki te whakatika ahau, ka korero whakahe ratou moku.
Even young children despise me; When I rise up, they speak against me.
19 E whakarihariha mai ana ki ahau oku takahoa katoa, a ko aku i aroha ai kua tahuri mai ki ahau.
All my bosom friends abhor me, And they whom I loved are turned against me.
20 Piri tonu toku iwi ki toku kiri, ki oku kikokiko, a ora ake oku, ko te kiri kau o oku niho.
My bones cleave to my flesh and my skin, And I have scarcely escaped with the skin of my teeth.
21 Tohungia mai ahau, tohungia mai ahau e koutou, e oku hoa; kua pa mai hoki te ringa o te Atua ki ahau.
Have pity upon me, O ye my friends! have pity upon me; For the hand of God hath smitten me!
22 He aha koutou i tukino ai i ahau, i pera ai me te Atua, te makona koutou i oku kikokiko?
Why do ye persecute me like God, And are not satisfied with my flesh?
23 Aue, me i tuhituhia aku kupu! Aue, me i taia ki te pukapuka!
O that my words were now written! O that they were marked down in a scroll!
24 Me i whaoa ki te kamaka, ki te pene rino, ki te mata, hei mea mo a mua noa atu!
That with an iron pen, and with lead, They were engraven upon the rock for ever!
25 Otiia e mohio ana ahau kei te ora toku kaihoko, a i nga wa i muri nei ka tu ia ki runga ki te whenua;
Yet I know that my Vindicator liveth, And will hereafter stand up on the earth;
26 A ahakoa i muri i te paunga o toku kiri, ka titiro tonu ahau i roto i toku kikokiko ki te Atua:
And though with my skin this body be wasted away, Yet without my flesh shall I see God.
27 E titiro ano ahau ki a ia, ahau nei ano; a ma oku kanohi e matakitaki, kahore ma o tetahi atu. Pau rawa oku whatumanawa i roto i ahau.
Yea, I shall see him my friend; My eyes shall behold him, and not another: For this, my soul panteth within me.
28 Ki te ki koutou, Na, ta tatou hanga ki te tukino i a ia! kua kitea hoki te take o te mea i roto i ahau;
Since ye say, “How may we persecute him, And find grounds of accusation against him?”
29 Kia wehi koutou kei mate i te hoari; no te mea ko te whiunga ki te hoari kei roto i te riri, e mohio ai koutou he whakawa ano tenei.
Be ye afraid of the sword! For malice is a crime for the sword; That ye may know that judgment cometh.

< Hopa 19 >