< Hopa 16 >
1 Katahi a Hopa ka whakautu, ka mea,
Bvt Iob answered, and said,
2 Ka maha nga mea pena kua rangona nei e ahau: he kaiwhakamarie haumaruru rawa koutou katoa.
I haue oft times heard such things: miserable comforters are ye all.
3 E whai mutunga ranei nga kupu tikangakore? Na te aha ranei koe i whakaoho ki te whakahoki kupu mai?
Shall there be none ende of wordes of winde? or what maketh thee bold so to answere?
4 E taea ano e ahau te korero pena i a koutou; me i penei to koutou wairua me toku wairua, hono tonu aku kupu ki a koutou, ka ruru ano toku upoko ki a koutou.
I could also speake as yee doe: (but woulde God your soule were in my soules stead) I could keepe you company in speaking, and could shake mine head at you,
5 E whakakaha ano ia toku mangai i a koutou, ka ai ano hoki te whakamarie a oku ngutu hei pehi i to koutou mamae.
But I woulde strengthen you with my mouth, and the comfort of my lips should asswage your sorowe.
6 Ahakoa korero ahau, kahore toku pouri e iti iho; ki te mutu taku, ko tehea wahi o toku mamae ka taharahara iho.
Though I speake, my sorow can not be asswaged: though I cease, what release haue I?
7 Inaianei ano kua meinga ahau e ia kia ruha: moti iho i a koe toku whakaminenga katoa.
But now hee maketh mee wearie: O God, thou hast made all my congregation desolate,
8 Na kua mau kita koe ki ahau, hei kaiwhakaatu i toku he: e whakatika ana mai hoki toku hirokitanga ki ahau, hei whakapuaki i toku he: e whakatika ana mai hoki toku hirokitanga ki ahau hei whakapuaki i toku he.
And hast made me full of wrinkles which is a witnesse thereof, and my leannes ryseth vp in me, testifying the same in my face.
9 Haehaea ana ahau e ia i a ia e riri ana, e tukino ana ia i ahau; pakiri ana ona niho ki ahau; e whakakoi mai ana toku hoariri i ona kanohi ki ahau.
His wrath hath torne me, and hee hateth me, and gnasheth vpon mee with his teeth: mine enemie hath sharpened his eyes against me.
10 Hamama mai ana o ratou mangai ki ahau; whakahewea mai ana, kei te papaki ratou i toku paparinga; huihui ana ratou kia kotahi hei whawhai ki ahau.
They haue opened their mouthes vpon me, and smitten me on the cheeke in reproch; they gather themselues together against me.
11 Kua tukua ahau e te Atua ki te hunga he, whakarerea putia ana ahau ki nga ringa o te hunga kino.
God hath deliuered me to the vniust, and hath made mee to turne out of the way by the hands of the wicked.
12 Humarie ana taku noho, heoi kua wawahi ia i ahau; kua mau ia ki toku kaki, tatatia ake ahau kia pakaru rikiriki; whakaturia ana ahau e ia hei koperenga pere mana.
I was in welth, but he hath brought me to nought: he hath taken me by the necke, and beaten me, and set me as a marke for himselfe.
13 Karapotia ana ahau e ana kaikopere, motumotuhia ana e ia oku whatumanawa, kahore hoki e tohungia; ringihia ana e ia toku au ki te whenua.
His archers compasse mee rounde about: he cutteth my reines, and doth not spare, and powreth my gall vpon the ground.
14 He mea wawahi ahau nana, he wahanga, he wahanga; ano he tangata kaha ia e rere mai ana ki runga ki ahau.
He hath broken me with one breaking vpon another, and runneth vpon me like a gyant.
15 Tuituia ana e ahau he kakahu taratara mo toku kiri, whakaititia iho e ahau toku haona ki te puehu.
I haue sowed a sackcloth vpon my skinne, and haue abased mine horne vnto the dust.
16 Paruparu noa iho toku mata i te tangihanga, kei runga i oku kamo te atarangi o te mate;
My face is withered with weeping, and the shadow of death is vpon mine eyes,
17 Ahakoa kahore he tutu i oku ringa, a he ma taku inoi.
Though there be no wickednesse in mine hands, and my prayer be pure.
18 Kaua, e te whenua, e hipokina oku toto, kei whai wahi tanga ano hoki taku karanga.
O earth, couer not thou my blood, and let my crying finde no place.
19 Kei te rangi nei ano inaianei te kaiwhakaatu o taku, kei te wahi i runga toku kaititiro.
For lo, now my witnesse is in the heauen, and my record is on hie.
20 E tawai mai ana oku hoa ki ahau, maturuturu tonu ia nga roimata o toku kanohi ki te Atua.
My friends speake eloquently against me: but mine eye powreth out teares vnto God.
21 Kia tohe koa ia i to te tangata tika ki te Atua, i to te tama hoki a te tangata ki tona hoa!
Oh that a man might pleade with God, as man with his neighbour!
22 Kia taka mai hoki nga tau torutoru nei, ka haere ahau i te ara e kore ai ahau e hoki mai ano.
For the yeeres accounted come, and I shall go the way, whence I shall not returne.