< Heremaia 8 >

1 I taua wa, e ai ta Ihowa, ka whakaputaina mai ki waho nga wheua o nga kingi o Hura, me nga whenua o ona rangatira, me nga whenua o nga tohunga, ma nga wheua o nga poropiti, me nga wheua o nga tangata o Hiruharama i roto i o ratou tanumanga:
At that time, saith Jehovah, Shall the bones of the kings of Judah, and the bones of the princes, The bones of the priests, and the bones of the prophets, And the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, Be cast forth from their graves;
2 A ka tohatohaina e ratou ki mua i te ra, i te marama, i te mano katoa o te rangi, i a ratou i aroha ai, i mahi ai, i whai ai, i rapu ai, i koropiko ai: e kore e kohikohia, e kore e tanumia; ka waiho hei whakawairakau ki te mata o te oneone.
And they shall be spread before the sun, and the moon, and all the host of heaven, Which they have loved, and which they have served, and after which they have walked; Which they have consulted and have worshipped; They shall not be gathered, nor be buried; They shall be as dung upon the face of the ground.
3 A pai ake te mate i te ora ki ta nga morehu katoa, ki ta nga toenga o tenei hapu kino e toe ki nga wahi katoa e peia atu ai ratou e ahau, e ai ta Ihowa o nga mano.
And death shall be chosen rather than life By all the residue of them that remain of this evil race, Which remain in all the places whither I have driver them, Saith Jehovah of hosts.
4 Mea atu ano ki a ratou, Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, Ka hinga ranei, a kore ake e ara? ka tahuri atu ranei ia, a kore ake e tahuri mai?
Thou shalt also say to them, Thus saith Jehovah, Doth a man fall, and not rise again? Doth one turn aside from the way, and not return,
5 He aha tenei iwi o Hiruharama i tahuri ke ai, a mau tonu iho te tahuri ke? e hopukia atu ana e ratou te tinihanga, kahore e pai ki te hoki mai.
Why then hath this people, Why hath Jerusalem, completely revolted? They hold fast deceit; They refuse to return.
6 I whakarongo ahau, i rongo ano, kihai i tika a ratou korero; kihai tetahi i ripeneta ki tona kino, kihai i mea, He aha taku i mea ai? anga ana te katoa ki tana oma, ki tana oma, pera ana me te hoiho e kokiri atu ana ki te tatauranga.
I have listened and heard, But they speak not aright; No one repenteth of his wickedness, Saying, “What have I done?” Every one runneth at full speed in his rebellion, As a horse rusheth to the battle.
7 Ae ra, ko te taka i te rangi, e mohio ana ki nga wa i whakaritea mona, ko te kukupa ano, ko te kareni, me te warou, mahara tonu ratou ki te wa e haere mai ai ratou; ko taku iwi ia, kahore e mohio ki ta Ihowa i whakarite ai.
Even the stork in the heavens knoweth her times, And the turtle-dove and the swallow and the crane observe the season of their coming, But my people regard not the laws of Jehovah.
8 He pehea ta koutou e ki, He hunga whakaaro nui tatou, kei a tatou te ture a Ihowa? Nana, he horihori te mahi a te pene horihori a nga kaituhituhi.
How is it that ye say, “We are wise, We possess the law of Jehovah”? Behold, the false pen of the scribes Hath turned it into falsehood.
9 Ko te hunga whakaaro nui, whakama ana ratou, wehi noa iho ratou, hopukia iho; nana, kua paopao nei ratou ki te kupu a Ihowa, a he pehea te whakaaro nui i roto i a ratou?
The wise men shall be confounded; They shall be dismayed and ensnared; Behold, they have rejected the word of Jehovah, And what wisdom is there in them?
10 Mo reira ka hoatu e ahau a ratou wahine ma te tangata ke, a ratou mara ki nga tangata mona te wahi; ko ratou katoa, i te iti ki te rahi, kei te apo mea ma ratou; ko te poropiti, ko te tohunga, ko ratou katoa, kei te mahi teka.
Therefore will I give their wives to others, And their fields to plunderers. For from the least of them even to the greatest, Every one is greedy of gain, Prophet and priest alike, Every one of them practiseth deceit.
11 Kua rongoatia e ratou te pakaru o te tamahine a taku iwi, he mea panga noa iho, e mea ana, Ka mau te rongo, ka mau te rongo; i te mea kahore he maunga rongo.
They heal the wound of my people slightly, Saying, Peace! peace! when there is no peace.
12 I whakama ranei ratou i ta ratou mahinga i te mea whakarihariha? Hore rawa o ratou whakama; kahore hoki ratou i mohio ki te numinumi: mo reira ka hinga ratou i roto i te hunga e hinga ana; i te wa e whiua ai ratou, ka tutuki o ratou waewae, e ai ta Ihowa.
Are they ashamed, that they have done abominable things? Nay, they are not at all ashamed; They know not how to blush. Therefore shall they fall with them that fall; At the time when I punish them, They shall be cast down, saith Jehovah.
13 Ka moti rawa ratou i ahau, e ai ta Ihowa: kahore he karepe mo te waina, kahore he piki mo te piki; ka memenge ano te rau; a ko nga mea i hoatu e ahau ki a ratou, ka pahemo atu.
I will utterly consume them, saith Jehovah; There shall be no grapes on the vine, Nor shall there be from the fig-tree; Even the leaf shall be withered; For I will send those that shall overrun them.
14 He aha tatou i noho tonu ai? huihui, kia haere tatou ki nga pa kaha, ki reira whakamoroki kau ai: kua kore hoki i a Ihowa, i to tatou Atua he kupu ma tatou, whakainumia ana tatou e ia ki te wai kawa; no te mea kua hara tatou ki a Ihowa.
“Why do we remain here?” [[shall they say.]] “Assemble yourselves and let us go into the fortified cities. And let us there wait in silence! For Jehovah our God hath put us to silence, And given us the water of hemlock to drink, Because we have sinned against Jehovah.
15 Tatari noa ki te rongo mau; heoi kahore he pai; ki te wa e ora ai nga mate, na ko te raruraru.
We look for peace, but no good cometh; For a time of deliverance, and behold, terror!”
16 I rangona ki Rana te whengu o ona hoiho; ngateri ana te whenua katoa i te reo o ana mea kaha e hamama ana; kua haere mai hoki ratou, pau ake i a ratou te whenua me ona mea maha, te pa me nga tangata o roto.
From Dan is heard the snorting of their horses, At the sound of the neighing of their steeds the whole land trembleth; They come and devour the land, and all that is in it; The city, and them that dwell therein.
17 Nana, ka ngarea atu e ahau he nakahi, he neke, e kore nei e whakawaia, ki a koutou; a ka ngau ratou i a koutou, e ai ta Ihowa.
Behold I send against you serpents, Basilisks, which cannot be charmed, And they shall bite you, saith Jehovah.
18 Aue, te taea te whakamarie te pouri i ahau! e ngohe nei te ngakau i roto i ahau.
O where is consolation for my sorrow! My heart is faint within me.
19 Nana, he reo tangi no te tamahine a taku iwi, i ahu mai i te whenua tawhiti! He teka ianei kei roto a Ihowa i Hiona? he teka ianei kei roto tona kingi i a ia? He aha ratou i whakapataritari ai i ahau ki a ratou whakapakoko, ki nga horihori rere ke?
Behold, the cry of the daughter of my people from a far country! “Is not Jehovah in Zion? Is her King there no more?” Why then have they provoked me by their graven images, And their foreign vanities?
20 Kua pahemo te kotinga, kua taka te raumati; ko tatou, kahore he whakaoranga mo tatou.
The harvest is passed, the summer is ended, And we are not delivered.
21 He mamae ki te tamahine a taku iwi i mamae ai ahau, mangu iho ahau, mau pu ahau i te miharo.
For the wound of the daughter of my people am I wounded; I mourn; amazement hath taken hold of me.
22 Kahore ianei he hinu whakaora i Kireara? Kahore ianei o reira rata? he aha ra te hoki mai ai te ora ki te tamahine a taku iwi?
Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then are not the wounds of my people healed?

< Heremaia 8 >