< Heremaia 31 >

1 I taua wa, e ai ta Ihowa, ka waiho ahau hei Atua mo nga hapu katoa o Iharaira, ko ratou hoki hei iwi maku.
At the same time, saith the Lord, will I be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be my people.
2 Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, Ko te iwi i toe i te hoari, i kite i te manako ki te koraha; ara a Iharaira, i ahau i haere atu ai ki te mea tanga manawa mona.
Thus saith the Lord, The people which escaped the sworde, founde grace in the wildernes: he walked before Israel to cause him to rest.
3 I puta mai a Ihowa ki ahau i mua noa atu, i mea mai, Ae ra, he aroha pumau toku i aroha ai ahau ki a koe: na reira te atawhai i kukume ai ahau i a koe.
The Lord hath appeared vnto me of old, say they: Yea, I haue loued thee with an euerlasting loue, therefore with mercie I haue drawen thee.
4 Ka hanga ano koe e ahau, a ka oti koe te hanga, e te wahine o Iharaira: tera ano koe ka whakapaipaia ki au timipera, a ka haere atu i roto i nga kanikani a te hunga harakoa.
Againe I will builde thee, and thou shalt be builded, O virgine Israel: thou shalt stil be adorned with thy timbrels, and shalt goe foorth in the dance of them that be ioyfull.
5 Tera koe e whakato ano he mara waina ki runga ki nga maunga o Hamaria: ka whakato nga kaiwhakato, a ka kai i ona hua.
Thou shalt yet plant vines vpon the mountaines of Samaria, and the planters that plant them, shall make them common.
6 No te mea tena ano te ra, e karanga ai nga kaitiaki i runga i nga pukepuke o Eparaima, Whakatika, tatou ka haere ki runga, ki Hiona, ki a Ihowa, ki to tatou Atua.
For the dayes shall come that the watchmen vpon the mount of Ephraim shall cry, Arise, and let vs go vp vnto Zion to the Lord our God.
7 Ko te kupu hoki tenei a Ihowa, Waiata i runga i te koa ki a Hakopa, hamama mo te metararahi o nga iwi: korerotia atu, whakamoemititia, mea atu, E Ihowa, whakaorangia tau iwi, te morehu o Iharaira.
For thus saith the Lord, Reioyce with gladnesse for Iaakob, and shoute for ioye among the chiefe of the Gentiles: publish praise, and say, O Lord, saue thy people, the remnant of Israel.
8 Nana, ka kawea mai ratou e ahau i te whenua ki te raki, ka kohikohia mai i nga topito o te whenua, me nga matapo, me nga kopa, me te wahine e hapu ana, me te wahine hoki e whakamamae ana, i o ratou taha; he hui nui tonu ratou e hoki mai ai ki kon ei.
Beholde, I will bring them from the North countrey, and gather them from the coastes of the world, with the blinde and the lame among them, with the woman with childe, and her that is deliuered also: a great companie shall returne hither.
9 Ka haere mai ratou me te tangi, a ka arahina ratou e ahau i runga i te inoi: ka meinga ratou e ahau kia haere i te taha o nga awa wai, ma te ara tika e kore ai o ratou waewae e tutuki i reira; no te mea he papa ahau ki a Iharaira, a ko Eparaima t aku matamua.
They shall come weeping, and with mercie will I bring them againe: I will lead them by the riuers of water in a straight way, wherein they shall not stumble: for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my first borne.
10 Whakarongo ki te kupu a Ihowa, e nga iwi, korerotia hoki ki nga motu o tawhiti, mea atu, Ko te kaititaritari o Iharaira, mana ratou e whakawhaiti, mana ratou e tiaki, ka rite ki ta te hepara i tana kahui.
Heare the worde of the Lord, O ye Gentiles, and declare in the yles afarre off, and say, Hee that scattered Israel, wil gather him and wil keepe him, as a shepheard doeth his flocke.
11 Kua hokona nei hoki a Hakopa e Ihowa, utua ana e ia, tangohia mai ana i roto i te ringa o te mea i kaha rawa i a ia.
For the Lord hath redeemed Iaakob, and ransomed him from the hande of him, that was stronger then he.
12 Na ka haere mai ratou ka waiata i te wahi tiketike o Hiona, ka rere huihui ki te pai o Ihowa, ki te witi, ki te waina, ki te hinu, a ki nga kuao hipi, kuao kau: a ka rite o ratou wairua ki te kari kua oti te whakamakuku; a ka tino mutu rawa ta r atou tangi.
Therefore they shall come, and reioyce in the height of Zion, and shall runne to the bountifulnes of the Lord, euen for the wheat and for the wine, and for the oyle, and for the increase of sheepe, and bullocks: and their soule shalbe as a watered garden, and they shall haue no more sorow.
13 Katahi te wahine ka koa ki te kanikani, me nga taitama ngatahi ko nga kaumatua: ka meinga hoki e ahau ta ratou tangi hei koa, ka whakamarietia ratou, a ka meinga ratou kia hari i o ratou mamae.
Then shall ye virgine reioyce in the dance, and the yong men and the old men together: for I wil turne their mourning into ioy, and wil comfort them, and giue them ioy for their sorowes.
14 Ka whakatinaia e ahau te wairua o nga tohunga ki te ngako, ka makona ano toku iwi i toku pai, e ai ta Ihowa.
And I wil replenish the soule of the Priests with fatnesse, and my people shalbe satisfied with my goodnesse, saith the Lord.
15 Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, I rangona he reo ki Rama, he uhunga, he tangi, tiwerawera ana, ko Rahera e tangi ana ki ana tamariki, a kihai i pai kia whakamarietia mo ana tamariki, kua kahore nei.
Thus saith the Lord, A voyce was heard on hie, a mourning and bitter weeping. Rahel weeping for her children, refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not.
16 Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, Whakamutua te tangi o tou reo, nga roimata hoki i ou kanohi; no te mea ka whai utu tau mahi, e ai ta Ihowa; a ka hoki mai ano ratou i te whenua o te hoariri.
Thus saith the Lord, Refraine thy voyce from weeping, and thine eyes from teares: for thy worke shalbe rewarded, saith the Lord, and they shall come againe from the land of the enemie:
17 Ka whai tumanakohanga hoki tou mutunga, e ai ta Ihowa, a ka hoki mai au tamariki ki to ratou ake rohe.
And there is hope in thine ende, saith the Lord, that thy children shall come againe to their owne borders.
18 He pono kua rongo ahau i a Eparaima e tangi ana ki a ia ano, penei, Kua pakia ahau e koe, a i pakia ahau, pera i te kuao kau kihai i whakaakona ki te ioka: whakatahuritia ahau, a ka tahuri ahau; ko koe nei hoki a Ihowa, toku Atua.
I haue heard Ephraim lamenting thus, Thou hast corrected me, and I was chastised as an vntamed calfe: conuert thou me, and I shalbe conuerted: for thou art the Lord my God.
19 He pono i muri i toku tahuritanga, i ripeneta ahau; a i muri i toku whakaakoranga i papaki ahau ki toku huha: i whakama ahau, ae ra, i numinumi kau, no te mea e waha ana e ahau te ingoa kino o toku taitamarikitanga.
Surely after that I conuerted, I repented: and after that I was instructed, I smote vpon my thigh: I was ashamed, yea, euen confounded, because I did beare the reproch of my youth.
20 He tamaiti matenui ianei a Eparaima naku? he tamaiti ahuareka ianei? no te mea ka korero ana ahau i te he mona, mau tonu toku maharahara ki a ia: no reira oku whekau i oho ai ki a ia; he pono ka tohungia ia e ahau, e ai ta Ihowa.
Is Ephraim my deare sonne or pleasant childe? yet since I spake vnto him, I still remembred him: therefore my bowels are troubled for him: I wil surely haue compassion vpon him, saith the Lord.
21 Whakaturia ake etahi tohu ara mau, hanga he pou waitohu: e anga tou ngakau ki te huanui, ki te ara i haere ai koe: hoki mai, e te wahine o Iharaira, hoki mai ano ki enei pa ou.
Set thee vp signes: make thee heapes: set thine heart towarde the path and way, that thou hast walked: turne againe, O virgine of Israel: turne againe to these thy cities.
22 Kia pehea te roa o tou kopikopiko, e te tamahine tahurihuri ke? kua hanga hoki e Ihowa he mea hou ki runga ki te whenua, Ka karapoti te wahine i te tane.
How long wilt thou goe astray, O thou rebellious daughter? for the Lord hath created a newe thing in the earth: A WOMAN shall compasse a man.
23 Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa o nga mano, a te Atua o Iharaira, Tenei ake ka korerotia ano tenei kupu ki te whenua o Hura, ki ona pa hoki, ina whakahokia mai ratou e ahau i te whakarau: Kia manaaki a Ihowa i a koe, e te nohoanga o te tika, e te maung a o te tapu.
Thus saith the Lord of hostes, the God of Israel, Yet shall they say this thing in the land of Iudah, and in the cities thereof, when I shall bring againe their captiuitie, The Lord blesse thee, O habitation of iustice and holy mountaine.
24 A ka noho tahi a Hura me ona pa katoa ki reira; te hunga ngaki i te whenua me te hunga ano e haere tahi ana me nga kahui.
And Iudah shall dwell in it, and all the cities thereof together, the husbandmen and they that goe foorth with the flocke.
25 Kua tino whakamakonatia hoki e ahau te wairua ruha, kua whakakiia ano nga wairua katoa e pouri ana.
For I haue saciate the wearie soule, and I haue replenished euery sorowfull soule.
26 I konei ka maranga ahau, a ka titiro; na he reka ki ahau taku moe.
Therefore I awaked and behelde, and my sleepe was sweete vnto me.
27 Nana, kei te haere mai nga ra, e ai ta Ihowa, e whakatokia ai e ahau te whare o Iharaira me te whare o Hura ki te purapura tangata, ki te purapura kararehe.
Beholde, the dayes come, saith the Lord, that I will sowe the house of Israel, and the house of Iudah with the seede of man and with the seede of beast.
28 Na ka pera i ahau i tiaki ai i a ratou i mua, he mea kia hutia ake, kia wahia iho, kia turakina ki raro, kia whakangaromia, kia tukinotia; ka pera ano taku tiaki i a ratou, he mea kia hanga, kia whakatokia, e ai ta Ihowa.
And like as I haue watched vpon them, to plucke vp and to roote out, and to throw downe, and to destroy, and to plague them, so wil I watch ouer them, to build and to plant them, saith ye Lord.
29 I aua ra ka mutu ta ratou ki, Kua kai nga matua i nga karepe kaiota, a moniania ana nga niho o nga tamariki.
In those dayes shall they say no more, The fathers haue eaten a sowre grape, and the childrens teeth are set on edge.
30 Engari ka mate tenei, tenei, i runga i tona kino, i tona kino: ko nga tangata katoa e kai ana i te karepe kaiota, ko ona niho ano e moniania.
But euery one shall die for his owne iniquitie: euery man that eateth the sowre grape, his teeth shalbe set on edge.
31 Nana, kei te haere mai nga ra, e ai ta Ihowa, e whakaritea ai e ahau he kawenata hou ki te whare o Iharaira, ki te whare hoki o Hura:
Beholde, the dayes come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new couenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Iudah,
32 E kore ano ia e rite ki te kawenata i whakaritea e ahau ki o ratou matua i te ra i pupuri ai ahau ki o ratou ringa, a kawea mai ana ratou i te whenua o Ihipa; whakataka ana e ratou taua kawenata aku, ahakoa i waiho ahau hei tahu marena ma ratou, e ai ta Ihowa.
Not according to ye couenant that I made with their fathers, when I tooke them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, the which my couenant they brake, although I was an husband vnto them, saith the Lord.
33 Engari ko te kawenata tenei e whakaritea e ahau ki te whare o Iharaira i muri i aua ra, e ai ta Ihowa; Ka hoatu e ahau taku ture ki o ratou wahi i roto, ka tuhituhia ano ki to ratou ngakau; a ko ahau hei Atua mo ratou, ko ratou hei iwi maku.
But this shall be the couenant that I will make with the house of Israel, After those dayes, saith the Lord, I will put my Lawe in their inward partes, and write it in their hearts, and wil be their God, and they shalbe my people.
34 I muri nei kahore he whakaako a tetahi i tona hoa tata, a tetahi i tona teina, kahore he ki atu, Kia mohio ki a Ihowa; ka mohio hoki ratou katoa ki ahau, i te iti o ratou tae noa ki te mea rahi rawa, e ai ta Ihowa: no te mea ka whakarerea noatia e ahau to ratou kino, a heoi ano oku mahara ki to ratou hara.
And they shall teach no more euery man his neighbour and euery man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know me from the least of them vnto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I wil forgiue their iniquitie, and will remember their sinnes no more.
35 Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, nana nei i homai te ra hei whakamarama i te awatea, me nga tikanga o te marama, o nga whetu, hei whakamarama i te po, nana hoki i whakatutehu te moana, i nganga ai ona ngaru; ko Ihowa o nga mano tona ingoa:
Thus saith the Lord, which giueth the sunne for a light to the day, and the courses of the moone and of the starres for a light to the night, which breaketh the sea, when the waues thereof roare: his Name is the Lord of hostes.
36 Ki te mawehe atu enei tikanga i toku aroaro, e ai ta Ihowa, ko reira ano ka kore te uri o Iharaira hei iwi i toku aroaro a ake ake.
If these ordinances depart out of my sight, saith the Lord, then shall the seede of Israel cease from being a nation before me, for euer.
37 Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa: Mehemea e taea ana te ruri te rangi i runga, te rapu hoki nga turanga o te whenua i raro, katahi hoki ahau ka paopao ki nga uri katoa o Iharaira mo nga mea katoa kua mahia e ratou, e ai ta Ihowa.
Thus saith the Lord, If the heauens can be measured, or the fundations of the earth be searched out beneath, then wil I cast off all the seed of Israel, for all that they haue done, saith the Lord.
38 Nana, kei te haere mai nga ra, e ai ta Ihowa, e hanga ai te pa hei mea ki a Ihowa, i te pourewa atu o Hananeere tae noa ki te kuwaha o te koki.
Behold, the dayes come, saith the Lord, that the citie shalbe built to the Lord from the tower of Hananeel, vnto the gate of the corner.
39 A ka tae tonu atu te aho ruri, tika tonu atu ki te pukepuke ki Karepe, taiawhio tonu atu ki Koata.
And the line of the measure shall go foorth in his presence vpon the hil Gareb, and shall compasse about to Goath.
40 Na, ko te raorao katoa i nga tupapaku, i nga pungarehu, a ko nga mara katoa hoki, a tae noa ki te awa, ki Kitirono, ki te koki i te kuwaha hoiho whaka te rawhiti, ka tapu katoa ki a Ihowa; e kore e hutia ake, e kore ano e wahia iho a ake ake.
And the whole valley of the dead bodies, and of the ashes, and all the fields vnto the brooke of Kidron, and vnto the corner of the horsegate toward the East, shalbe holy vnto the Lord, neither shall it be plucked vp nor destroyed any more for euer.

< Heremaia 31 >