< Heremaia 22 >

1 Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa; Haere ki raro, ki te whare o te kingi o Hura, ka korero i tenei kupu ki reira,
Thus said the Lord, Goe downe to the house of the King of Iudah, and speake there this thing,
2 Mea atu Whakarongo ki te kupu a Ihowa, e te kingi o Hura, e noho na i runga i te torona o Rawiri, a koe, koutou ko ou tangata, ko tou iwi e tomo ana ki enei kuwaha;
And say, Heare the worde of the Lord, O King of Iudah, that sittest vpon the throne of Dauid, thou and thy seruants, and thy people that enter in by these gates.
3 Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, Whakaritea te whakawa me te tika, whakaorangia te tangata e pahuatia ana i te ringa o te kaitukino: kaua e mauria kinotia, kaua e whakatupuria kinotia te manene, te pani, te pouaru, kaua hoki e whakahekea te toto harakor e ki tenei wahi.
Thus saith the Lord, Execute ye iudgement and righteousnes, and deliuer the oppressed from the hande of the oppressor, and vexe not the stranger, the fatherlesse, nor the widowe: doe no violence, nor sheade innocent blood in this place.
4 No te mea ki te mahia marietia tenei e koutou, katahi ka tomo mai ki nga kuwaha o tenei whare he kingi e noho ana i runga i te torona o Rawiri, e eke ana ki te hariata, ki te hoiho, a ia, me ana tangata, me tona iwi.
For if ye do this thing, then shall the kings sitting vpon the throne of Dauid enter in by the gates of this House, and ride vpon charets, and vpon horses, both he and his seruants and his people.
5 Engari ki te kore koutou e whakarongo ki enei kupu, hei oati tenei maku ki ahau ano, e ai ta Ihowa, tera tenei whare e takoto kau.
But if ye will not heare these wordes, I sweare by my selfe, saith the Lord, that this House shalbe waste.
6 Ko te kupu hoki tenei a Ihowa mo te whare o te kingi o Hura, Ko Kireara koe ki ahau, a ko te tihi o Repanona; otiia he pono ka meinga koe e ahau hei koraha, hei pa hoki e kore e nohoia.
For thus hath the Lord spoken vpon the Kings house of Iudah, Thou art Gilead vnto me, and the head of Lebanon, yet surely I wil make thee a wildernes and as cities not inhabited,
7 A ka whakaritea e ahau he kaiwhakangaro mou, rite rawa i tana patu, i tana patu: a ka tuaina e ratou ou hita papai, ka maka hoki ki te ahi.
And I will prepare destroyers against thee, euery one with his weapons, and they shall cut downe thy chiefe cedar trees, and cast them in the fire.
8 A he maha nga iwi e haere ma te taha o tenei pa, a ka mea tena ki tona hoa, ki tona hoa, He aha tenei i meatia e Ihowa ki tenei pa nui?
And many nations shall passe by this citie, and they shall say euery man to his neighbour, Wherefore hath the Lord done thus vnto this great citie?
9 Katahi ratou ka ki ake, Mo ratou i whakarere i te kawenata a Ihowa, a to ratou Atua, a koropiko ana ki nga atua ke, mahi atu ana ki a ratou.
Then shall they answere, Because they haue forsaken the couenant of the Lord their God, and worshipped other gods, and serued them.
10 Kaua koutou e tangi ki te tupapaku, e uhunga ranei ki a ia: engari kia nui te tangi mo te tangata e haere atu ana; no te mea e kore ia e hoki mai a muri, e kore ano e kite i te whenua i whanau ai ia.
Weepe not for the dead, and be not moued for them, but weepe for him that goeth out: for he shall returne no more, nor see his natiue countrey.
11 Ko te kupu hoki tenei a Ihowa mo Harumu tama a Hohia, kingi o Hura, i kingi nei i muri i tona papa, i a Hohia, i haere atu nei hoki i tenei wahi; E kore ia e hoki mai ki konei a ake ake:
For thus saith ye Lord, As touching Shallum the sonne of Iosiah King of Iudah, which reigned for Iosiah his father, which went out of this place, he shall not returne thither,
12 Engari hei te wahi i whakaraua atu ai ia, ka mate ia ki reira, a e kore ia e kite i tenei whenua a ake ake.
But he shall die in the place, whither they haue ledde him captiue, and shall see this lande no more.
13 Aue, te mate mo te tangata e hanga nei i tona whare ki te he, i nga ruma hoki o reira ki te whakawa he; e whakamahi nei i tona hoa, kahore e utua, kahore hoki e hoatu to tana mahi ki a ia;
Wo vnto him that buildeth his house by vnrighteousnesse, and his chambers without equitie: he vseth his neighbour without wages, and giueth him not for his worke.
14 E mea ana, Ka hanga e ahau he whare mahorahora moku, he rarahi nga ruma, pokaia ana he matapihi mona i roto; a ko te hipoki he hita, pania ake ki te whero ngangana.
He saith, I will build me a wide house and large chambers: so he will make him selfe large windowes, and feeling with cedar, and paint them with vermilion.
15 E kingi ranei koe, no te mea e whai ana koe kia pera rawa atu te hita? kihai ianei tou papa i kai, i inu, i whakarite i te whakawa, i te tika? a he pai i reira ki a ia.
Shalt thou reigne, because thou closest thy selfe in cedar? did not thy father eate and drinke and prosper, when he executed iudgement and iustice?
16 I whakaritea e ia te whakawa a te ware, a te rawakore; a he pai i reira. He teka ianei ko te mohio tenei ki ahau? e ai ta Ihowa.
When he iudged the cause of the afflicted and the poore, he prospered: was not this because he knewe me, saith the Lord?
17 Kahore hoki ou kanohi, ou ngakau mo tetahi mea ke atu, heoi mo tou apo anake, mo te whakaheke i te toto harakore, mo te tukino, mo te tutu, hei mahi, mau.
But thine eyes and thine heart are but only for thy couetousnesse, and for to sheade innocent blood, and for oppression, and for destruction, euen to doe this.
18 Mo reira ko ta Ihowa kupu tenei mo Iehoiakimi tama a Hohia kingi o Hura; Kahore he tangi mona, he mea, Aue, e toku tuakana! ko tenei ranei, Aue, e te tuahine! kahore ratou e tangi mona, e mea, Aue, te ariki! Aue, tona kororia!
Therefore thus saith the Lord against Iehoiakim, the sonne of Iosiah king of Iudah, They shall not lament him, saying, Ah, my brother, or ah, sister: neither shall they mourne for him, saying, Ah, lord, or ah, his glorie.
19 Ka tanumia ia ki te tanu o te kaihe, ka toia, ka maka ki waho i nga kuwaha o Hiruharama.
He shalbe buryed, as an asse is buryed, euen drawen and cast foorth without the gates of Ierusalem.
20 E piki ki Repanona tangi ai; kia puaki hoki tou reo i Pahana: tangi mai hoki i Aparimi; kua mongamonga katoa hoki te hunga i aroha ki a koe.
Goe vp to Lebanon, and cry: showte in Bashan and crye by the passages: for all thy louers are destroyed.
21 I korero ahau ki a koe i te wa o tou rangatiratanga; engari i mea koe, E kore ahau e rongo. Ko tau tikanga tenei no tou tamarikitanga ake, kihai koe i rongo ki toku reo.
I spake vnto thee when thou wast in prosperitie: but thou saidest, I will not heare: this hath bene thy maner from thy youth, that thou wouldest not obey my voyce.
22 Ma te hau e whangai au hepara katoa, ka riro hoki te hunga i aroha ki a koe ki te whakarau: katahi rawa koe ka whakama, ka numinumi kau ki tou kino katoa.
The wind shall feede all thy pastors, and thy louers shall goe into captiuitie: and then shalt thou be ashamed and confounded of al thy wickednesse.
23 E te wahine e noho na i Repanona, e hanga na i tou kohanga ki nga hita, ano te nui o te manawapa mou ina tae nga mamae ki a koe, te mamae e rite ana ki to te wahine e whanau ana!
Thou that dwellest in Lebanon, and makest thy nest in the cedars, howe beautiful shalt thou be when sorowes come vpon thee, as the sorowe of a woman in trauaile?
24 E ora ana ahau, e ai ta Ihowa, ahakoa a Konia tama a Iehoiakimi kingi o Hura, ko te mowhiti i runga i toku ringa matau, ka unuhia tonutia atu koe e ahau i reira;
As I liue, saith the Lord, though Coniah the sonne of Iehoiakim King of Iudah, were the signet of my right hand, yet would I plucke thee thence.
25 A ka hoatu koe e ahau ki te ringa o te hunga e whai ana kia whakamatea koe, ki te ringa ano o te hunga e wehi na koe, ara ki te ringa o Nepukareha kingi o Papurona, ki te ringa hoki o nga Karari.
And I will giue thee into the hande of them that seeke thy life, and into the hande of them, whose face thou fearest, euen into the hand of Nebuchad-nezzar king of Babel, and into the hande of the Caldeans.
26 Ka akiritia atu ano koe e ahau me tou whaea i whanau ai koe ki tetahi atu whenua ehara nai i te wahi i whanau ai korua; a mate atu korua ki reira.
And I will cause them to cary thee away, and thy mother that bare thee, into another countrey, where ye were not borne, and there shall ye die.
27 Engari ko te whenua i okaka tonu ai o raua ngakau kia hoki ki reira, e kore raua e hoki ki reira,
But to the lande, whereunto they desire to returne, they shall not returne thither.
28 Ko tenei tangata, ko Konia, he oko pakaru ranei ai e whakahaweatia ana? he oko kahore e matenuitia ana? he aha i akiritia atu ai, ratou ko ona uri, i maka atu ai ki te whenua kihai i mohiotia e ratou?
Is not this man Coniah as a despised and broken idole? or as a vessell, wherein is no pleasure? wherefore are they caryed away, hee and his seede, and cast out into a lande that they knowe not?
29 E te whenua, te whenua, te whenua, whakarongo ki te kupu a Ihowa.
O earth, earth, earth, heare the worde of the Lord.
30 Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, Tuhituhia e koutou tenei tangata, he urikore, he tangata e kore e oti pai tana i ona ra e ora ai: e kore hoki e totika ta tetahi o ona uri e noho ana i runga i te torona o Rawiri, e kingi ana a muri ake nei i roto i a H ura.
Thus saith the Lord, Write this man destitute of children, a man that shall not prosper in his dayes: for there shall be no man of his seede that shall prosper and sit vpon the throne of Dauid, or beare rule any more in Iudah.

< Heremaia 22 >