< Heremaia 15 >

1 Na ka mea a Ihowa ki ahau, Ahakoa i tu a Mohi raua ko Hamuera ki toku aroaro, e kore ahau e whai ngakau ki tenei iwi: maka atu ratou i toku aroaro, kia haere atu ratou.
Then said Jehovah to me: Though Moses and Samuel should stand before me, Yet would I not be reconciled to this people. Send them out of my sight, and let them go forth!
2 Na ki te mea ratou ki a koe, Me haere matou ki hea? katahi koe ka mea ki a ratou, Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, Ko nga mea mo te mate, ki te mate; a ko nga mea ma te hoari, ki te hoari; ko nga mea hoki mo te hemokai, ki te hemokai; a ko nga mea mo te whakarau, ki te whakarau.
And if they say to thee, “Whither shall we go forth?” Then say thou to them, Thus saith Jehovah: They that are for the pestilence, to the pestilence, And they that are for the sword, to the sword. And they that are for famine, to famine, And they that are for captivity, to captivity.
3 E wha hoki nga tu mea e whakaritea e ahau mo ratou, e ai ta Ihowa: ko te hoari hei whakamate, ko nga kuri hei haehae, a ko nga manu o te rangi, ko nga kararehe hoki o te whenua hei kai, hei whakamoti.
I will commission against them four woes, saith Jehovah! The sword to slay, And the dogs to drag about, And the birds of heaven, and the beasts of the earth, To devour and destroy.
4 Ka tukua hoki ratou e ahau kia poipoia haeretia i waenga i nga kingitanga katoa o te whenua, mo ta Manahi tama a Hetekia kingi o Hura, mo tana i mea ai ki Hiruharama.
I will cause them to be harassed in all the kingdoms of the earth, On account of Manasseh, the son of Hezekiah, king of Judah, On account of all which he did in Jerusalem.
5 Ko wai oti e tohu i a koe, e Hiruharama? ko wai ranei e tangi ki a koe? ko wai e peka atu ki te ui, kei te ora ranei koe?
For who will have pity on thee, O Jerusalem? Or who condole with thee? Or who turn aside to ask thee of thy welfare?
6 Kua whakarerea ahau e koe, e ai ta Ihowa, kua hoki whakamuri koe: koia i totoro atu ai toku ringa ki a koe, i whakamotitia ai koe; kua hoha ahau ki te ripeneta.
Thou hast forsaken me, saith Jehovah; Thou hast gone backward; Therefore will I stretch out my hand against thee, and destroy thee; I am weary of relenting.
7 Kua powhiriwhiritia ratou e ahau ki te mea powhiriwhiri i nga kuwaha o te whenua; kua whakapania ratou e ahau i te tamariki, kua ngaro i ahau taku iwi; kahore ratou i tahuri mai i o ratou ara.
I will scatter them with a winnowing-fan through the gates of the land; I will bereave them of their sons; I will destroy my people, Since they return not from their ways.
8 Ko a ratou pouaru i toku aroaro kua tokomaha atu i te onepu o nga moana: kua kawea e ahau ki a ratou, hei hoariri mo te whaea o nga taitama, he kaipahua i te poutumarotanga: kua meinga e ahau kia pa whakarere ki a ia te pawera me te tumatatenga.
Their widows shall be more numerous than the sand of the sea; Against the mother of the young men do I bring a spoiler at noonday; Suddenly will I bring alarm and terrors upon them.
9 Ngohe kau te wahine ka tokowhitu nei ana tamariki; kua hemo tona wairua; kua rere tona ra i te mea ko te awatea nei ano; kua whakama hoki ia, kua numinumi kau: ka tukua atu hoki e ahau o ratou morehu ki te hoari i te aroaro o o ratou hoariri, e a i ta Ihowa.
She, that hath borne seven, languisheth; She is ready to expire; Her sun goeth down while it is yet day; She is ashamed and confounded. Their remnant will I also give to the sword Before their enemies, saith Jehovah.
10 Aue, toku mate, e toku whaea, i whanau mai ahau i roto i koe he tangata totohe, he tangata ngangare ki te whenua katoa! kihai ahau i whakatarewa atu i te moni whakatupu, kihai ano te moni whakatupu i whakatarewaina mai ki ahau; otiia kei te kang a ratou katoa ki ahau.
Alas for me, my mother, that thou hast borne me, To live in strife and contention with all the land! I have neither borrowed nor lent money, Yet doth every one curse me!
11 I mea a Ihowa, He pono ka whakakahangia koe e ahau mo te pai; he pono ka meinga e ahau te hoariri kia inoi ki a koe i te wa o te he, i te wa o te mamae.
Jehovah said: Surely I will deliver and prosper thee, Surely, in the time of trouble and in the time of distress, Will I cause the adversary to be a suppliant to thee.
12 E taea ranei e tetahi te wahi te rino, te rino o te raki, te parahi ranei?
Who is able to break iron, Iron from the North, and brass?
13 Ka hoatu e ahau ou rawa me ou taonga hei taonga parakete, kahore hoki he utu, a hei mea tera mo ou hara katoa, ara i ou rohe katoa.
Thy substance and thy treasures will I give for spoil, without price, On account of all thy sins in all thy borders.
14 A ka meinga ratou e ahau kia haere tahi me ou hoariri ki te whenua kihai i mohiotia e koe: no te mea kei te ngiha he ahi i ahau e riri nei, ka tonu atu ki a koutou.
I will cause them to pass with thy enemies into a land which thou knowest not; For a fire is kindled in my anger, which shall burn against you.
15 E Ihowa, e mohio ana koe; mahara ki ahau, tirohia ahau, rapua he utu mo toku matenga i oku kaitukino; kaua ahau e tangohia atu i a koe ka puhoi nei ki te riri: kia mohio koe, mou ahau i tawaia ai.
Thou, O Jehovah, knowest all my concerns! O remember me, and have regard to me, And revenge me of my persecutors! Do not, through thy long-suffering, take me away! Consider that for thy sake I have suffered rebuke!
16 I kitea au kupu, a kainga ake e ahau; a ki ahau hei whakakaoa, hei whakahari au kupu mo toku ngakau: kua huaina hoki tou ingoa moku, e Ihowa, e te Atua o nga mano.
As soon as I found thy words, I devoured them; For thy words were the joy and rejoicing of my heart; For I am called by thy name, O Jehovah, God of hosts!
17 Kihai ahau i noho i roto i te whakaminenga o te hunga whakahi, kihai i whakamanamana atu; i noho mokemoke ahau, he whakaaro ki tou ringa: kua whakakiia nei hoki ahau e koe ki te riri.
I have not sat in the assembly of them that made merry, nor rejoiced; On account of thy hand I have sat alone; For thou hast filled me with indignation.
18 He aha toku mamae i mau tonu ai, toku patunga te mahu ai, te pai ai ki te rongoa? ka rite rawa ranei koe ki ahau me te awa paremoremo, me nga wai e kore e mau?
Why is my pain perpetual, And my wound mortal, refusing to be healed? Thou hast been to me like a deceitful stream; Like waters that fail.
19 Mo reira ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, Ki te hoki koe na ka whakahokia koe e ahau, kia tu ai koe ki toku aroaro; a ki te tangohia atu e koe te mea utu nui i te mea kino, ka rite koe ki toku mangai: ko ratou e hoki ki a koe, kaua ia koe e hoki ki a r atou.
Then answered Jehovah thus: If thou wilt return, then will I restore thee, and thou shalt stand before me; And if thou wilt separate the precious from the vile, Thou shalt be as my mouth. They shall turn to thee, And thou shalt not turn to them.
20 Ka meinga hoki koe e ahau ki tenei iwi hei taiepa parahi; a ka whawhai ratou ki a koe, otiia e kore ratou e kaha ki a koe; no te mea kei a koe ahau hei whakaora i a koe, e mawhiti ai koe, e ai ta Ihowa.
I will make thee against this people a strong wall of brass; When they war against thee, they shall not prevail against thee, For I will be with thee to save thee, And to deliver thee, saith Jehovah.
21 Ka meinga ano koe e ahau kia mawhiti i roto i te ringa o te hunga kino, ka hokona ano koe e ahau i roto i te ringa o te hunga nanakia.
I will rescue thee from the hand of the wicked, And I will redeem thee from the grasp of the violent.

< Heremaia 15 >