< Hemi 4 >
1 No hea nga pakanga me nga ngangaretanga i roto i a koutou? he teka ianei no tenei, no o koutou hiahia e whawhai ana i roto i o koutou wahi?
Where do conflicts and quarrels among you come from? Do they not come from your passions that war in your members?
2 E hiahia ana koutou, heoi kahore e whai rawa; e patu ana koutou, e minamina ana, a kahore e whiwhi: e ngangare ana, e whawhai ana, heoi kahore e whai rawa, no te mea kahore koutou e inoi.
You lust, and do not have. You kill, covet, and cannot obtain. You fight and make war. You do not have, because you do not ask.
3 E inoi ana koutou, a kahore e riro i a koutou, no te mea e inoi he ana koutou, kia whakapaua ai ki o koutou hiahia.
You ask, and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it for your pleasures.
4 E nga tangata puremu, e nga wahine puremu, kahore ianei koutou e matau ko te aroha o te ao he hoariritanga ki te Atua? Na, ko te tangata e hiahia ana kia meinga hei hoa aroha mo te ao, e mea ana i a ia hei hoariri ki te Atua.
You adulterers and adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
5 Ki to koutou whakaaro he korero noa ranei ta te karaipiture, E hiahia ana ranei te wairua, i meinga nei e ia kia noho i roto i a tatou, kia tae rawa ki te hae?
Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, "The Ruach which he made to dwell in us yearns jealously"?
6 Nui atu ia tana homai i te aroha noa: koia tana e mea nei, Ka pakeke te Atua ki ta te hunga whakapehapeha, ka homai ia i te aroha noa ki te hunga ngakau papaku.
But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
7 Na, kia ngohengohe koutou ki ta te Atua. Turia atu te rewera, a ka oma atu ia i a koutou.
Be subject therefore to God. But resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
8 Whakatata atu ki te Atua, a ka whakatata mai ia ki a koutou. Horoia o koutou ringaringa, e te hunga hara: meinga o koutou ngakau kia hekore, e te hunga ngakau rua.
Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
9 Kia pouri koutou, kia puta te aue, te tangi: kia puta ke to koutou kata hei aue, to koutou hari hei ahua whakapoururu.
Lament, mourn, and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to gloom.
10 Whakapapaku koutou ki te aroaro o te Ariki, a mana koutou e whakateitei ake.
Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he will exalt you.
11 Kati te ngautuara tetahi ki tetahi, e oku teina, Ko te tangata e ngautuara ana ki tona teina, e whakahe ana hoki i tona teina, e ngautuara ana ia ki te ture, e whakahe ana i te ture: ki te whakahe ia koe i te ture, ehara koe i te kaimahi i te tu re, engari he kaiwhakawa.
Do not speak against one another, brothers. He who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law, but a judge.
12 Kotahi tonu te kaiwhakatakoto ture, kei a ia te kaha hei whakaora, hei whakangaro: ko wai ra koe e whakahe na i tera atu?
Only one is the lawgiver and judge, who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?
13 Tena, e te hunga e mea nei, hei aianei, hei apopo, ka haere matou ki te pa ra, a ka noho ki reira, kia kotahi tau, ka hokohoko, ka whiwhi ki te taonga:
Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow let us go into this city, and spend a year there, trade, and make a profit."
14 Kahore na hoki koutou e matau ki nga mea o apopo. He aha oti to koutou ora? He kohu ra, he iti nei te wa e puta mai ai, a kua memeha atu.
Whereas you do not know what tomorrow will be like. What is your life? For you are a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.
15 Te mea ra koutou, Ki te pai te Ariki, a ka ora matou, ka mea i tenei mea, i tera mea ranei.
For you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will both live, and do this or that."
16 Tenei ia koutou te whakamanamana nei ki a koutou kupu whakaputa: he kino taua tu whakamanamana katoa.
But now you glory in your boasting. All such boasting is evil.
17 Na, ko te tangata e matau ana ki te mea i te pai, a kahore e meatia e ia he hara tera nona.
To him therefore who knows to do good, and does not do it, to him it is sin.