< Ihaia 61 >
1 Kei runga i ahau te wairua o te Ariki, o Ihowa; na Ihowa nei hoki ahau i whakawahi hei kauwhau i te rongo pai ki te hunga mahaki; kua unga mai ahau e ia ki te takai i te hunga ngakau maru, ki te kauwhau ki nga whakarau kia haere noa, ki nga hereh ere, kua tuwhera te whareherehere;
The Spirit of Yahweh [our] Lord is on me; he has appointed [MTY] me to bring good news to those who are oppressed, to comfort those who are discouraged, to free [all] those who are [as though they are chained/tied] [DOU] [by the wrong things that they continually do].
2 Kia karangatia te tau manako mai o Ihowa, te ra rapu utu o to tatou Atua; kia whakamarietia te hunga katoa e tangi ana:
He has sent me to tell those who mourn [about the members of their families who died] (OR, [who are still in Babylonia)] that now is the time when Yahweh will act kindly [toward his people]; now is the time when our God will (get revenge on/punish) [their enemies].
3 Kia whakatakotoria he tikanga mo te hunga katoa o Hiona e tangi ana, kia whakaputaia ketia o ratou pungarehu hei ataahua, te tangihanga hei hinu koa, te wairua pouri hei kakahu whakamoemiti; a ka kiia ratou he rakau na te tika, he mea whakato na Ihowa, kia whai kororia ai ia.
To [all] those in Jerusalem who mourn, he will give flower necklaces [to wear]; instead of ashes [that they put on their heads to show that they are sad]; he will cause them to rejoice [MTY] instead of being sad; he will enable them to be [MET] happy instead of being discouraged. They will be called “people who continually do what is right, people who are [like tall/strong] oak [trees] that Yahweh has planted” to show others that he is very great.
4 Ka hanga ano e ratou nga wahi kua ururuatia noatia ake, ka ara i a ratou nga wahi kua kore rawa i mua, ka whakahoutia e ratou nga pa kua ururuatia, nga mea kua kore i era whakatupuranga noa atu.
[Those who return from Babylon] will rebuild the cities that [the soldiers from Babylon] tore down. [Even though] those cities have been destroyed and abandoned for many years, they will be restored/rebuilt.
5 A ka tu te tangata ke, ka whangai i a koutou hipi, ko nga tama ano a te tangata ke hei kaiparau ma koutou, hei kaitiaki waina ma koutou.
Foreigners will be the ones who will take care of your flocks [of sheep and goats], and plow your fields and take care of your grapevines.
6 Ko koutou ia ka kiia ko nga tohunga a Ihowa, ka kiia koutou ko nga minita a to tatou Atua: ko nga taonga o nga tauiwi hei kai ma koutou, ko to ratou kororia hei whakamanamana ma koutou.
But you [are the ones who] will be like the priests to serve Yahweh, to work for God. You will enjoy valuable goods [that are brought] from other nations, and you will be happy that those things have become yours.
7 Mo to koutou whakama e rua nga whakautu; mo te numinumi kau ka koa ratou ki ta ratou wahi: ae ra, i to ratou whenua ka haere rua mai nga mea ma ratou, ka mau tonu hoki to ratou koa.
Previously you were shamed and disgraced, but now you will have great blessings; previously [your enemies] humbled you, but now you will have many good things; you will be happy because of being in your land again, and you will rejoice forever.
8 E aroha ana hoki ahau, a Ihowa, ki te whakawa, e kino ana ki te pahua, ki te whakahaere he; ka hoatu ano e ahau i runga i te pono ta ratou i mahi ai, ka whakaritea he kawenata mau tonu ki a ratou.
“I, Yahweh, am very pleased with those/judges who decide matters fairly; I hate [those who illegally] take things from other people. I will surely repay my people (for/because of) all that they have suffered [in the past]. And I will make an everlasting agreement with them.
9 Ka matauria ano to ratou uri i roto i nga tauiwi, o ratou whanau i roto i nga iwi: ko te hunga katoa e kite ana i a ratou ka mohio ki a ratou he uri no ta Ihowa i manaaki ai.
Their descendants will be honored by people of other nations [DOU]. Everyone who sees them will know that they are a nation that [I], Yahweh, have blessed.”
10 Ka nui toku koa ki a Ihowa, ka whakamanamana toku wairua ki toku Atua; kua whakakakahuria hoki ahau e ia ki nga kakahu o te whakaoranga, ropia mai ana e ia te tika ki ahau hei koroka; ka rite ki ta te tane marena hou e kopare nei i te whakapaipa i ki a ia, ki ta te wahine marena hou whakapaipai i a ia ki ana mea whakapaipai.
I greatly rejoice because of what Yahweh [has done]! I am happy, because he has saved me and declared that I am righteous; [those blessings are like] [MET] a robe that he has put on me. I am [as happy as] [SIM] a bridegroom in his wedding suit, or a bride wearing jewels.
11 Ka rite hoki ki ta te whenua e mea nei i tona tupu kia kokiri ake, ki ta te kari e mea nei i nga mea kua whakatokia ki reira kia tupu, ka pena ano ta te Ariki, ta Ihowa, ka meinga e ia te tika me te whakamoemiti kia tupu ki te aroaro o nga iwi k atoa.
Just as [seeds sown in] a garden sprout from the soil and grow [DOU], Yahweh [our] God will cause [people of] all nations to act righteously, with the result that they will praise him for doing that.