< Ihaia 61 >

1 Kei runga i ahau te wairua o te Ariki, o Ihowa; na Ihowa nei hoki ahau i whakawahi hei kauwhau i te rongo pai ki te hunga mahaki; kua unga mai ahau e ia ki te takai i te hunga ngakau maru, ki te kauwhau ki nga whakarau kia haere noa, ki nga hereh ere, kua tuwhera te whareherehere;
The Spirit of the Lord God is vpon mee, therefore hath the Lord anoynted mee: hee hath sent mee to preache good tidings vnto the poore, to binde vp the broken hearted, to preach libertie to the captiues, and to them that are bound, the opening of the prison,
2 Kia karangatia te tau manako mai o Ihowa, te ra rapu utu o to tatou Atua; kia whakamarietia te hunga katoa e tangi ana:
To preache the acceptable yeere of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all that mourne,
3 Kia whakatakotoria he tikanga mo te hunga katoa o Hiona e tangi ana, kia whakaputaia ketia o ratou pungarehu hei ataahua, te tangihanga hei hinu koa, te wairua pouri hei kakahu whakamoemiti; a ka kiia ratou he rakau na te tika, he mea whakato na Ihowa, kia whai kororia ai ia.
To appoint vnto them that mourne in Zion, and to giue vnto them beautie for ashes, the oyle of ioye for mourning, the garment of gladnesse for the spirit of heauinesse, that they might be called trees of righteousnesse, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.
4 Ka hanga ano e ratou nga wahi kua ururuatia noatia ake, ka ara i a ratou nga wahi kua kore rawa i mua, ka whakahoutia e ratou nga pa kua ururuatia, nga mea kua kore i era whakatupuranga noa atu.
And they shall builde the olde waste places, and raise vp the former desolations, and they shall repaire the cities that were desolate and waste through many generations.
5 A ka tu te tangata ke, ka whangai i a koutou hipi, ko nga tama ano a te tangata ke hei kaiparau ma koutou, hei kaitiaki waina ma koutou.
And the strangers shall stande and feede your sheepe, and the sonnes of the strangers shall be your plowmen and dressers of your vines.
6 Ko koutou ia ka kiia ko nga tohunga a Ihowa, ka kiia koutou ko nga minita a to tatou Atua: ko nga taonga o nga tauiwi hei kai ma koutou, ko to ratou kororia hei whakamanamana ma koutou.
But ye shall be named the Priestes of the Lord, and men shall say vnto you, The ministers of our God, Ye shall eate the riches of the Gentiles, and shalbe exalted with their glorie.
7 Mo to koutou whakama e rua nga whakautu; mo te numinumi kau ka koa ratou ki ta ratou wahi: ae ra, i to ratou whenua ka haere rua mai nga mea ma ratou, ka mau tonu hoki to ratou koa.
For your shame you shall receiue double, and for confusion they shall reioyce in their portion: for in their lande they shall possesse the double: euerlasting ioy shall be vnto them.
8 E aroha ana hoki ahau, a Ihowa, ki te whakawa, e kino ana ki te pahua, ki te whakahaere he; ka hoatu ano e ahau i runga i te pono ta ratou i mahi ai, ka whakaritea he kawenata mau tonu ki a ratou.
For I the Lord loue iudgement and hate robberie for burnt offering, and I wil direct their worke in trueth, and will make an euerlasting couenant with them.
9 Ka matauria ano to ratou uri i roto i nga tauiwi, o ratou whanau i roto i nga iwi: ko te hunga katoa e kite ana i a ratou ka mohio ki a ratou he uri no ta Ihowa i manaaki ai.
And their seede shall be knowen among the Gentiles, and their buddes among the people. All that see them, shall know them, that they are the seede which the Lord hath blessed.
10 Ka nui toku koa ki a Ihowa, ka whakamanamana toku wairua ki toku Atua; kua whakakakahuria hoki ahau e ia ki nga kakahu o te whakaoranga, ropia mai ana e ia te tika ki ahau hei koroka; ka rite ki ta te tane marena hou e kopare nei i te whakapaipa i ki a ia, ki ta te wahine marena hou whakapaipai i a ia ki ana mea whakapaipai.
I will greatly reioyce in the Lord, and my soule shall be ioyfull in my God: for he hath clothed mee with the garments of saluation, and couered me with the robe of righteousnes: hee hath decked me like a bridegrome, and as a bride tireth herselfe with her iewels.
11 Ka rite hoki ki ta te whenua e mea nei i tona tupu kia kokiri ake, ki ta te kari e mea nei i nga mea kua whakatokia ki reira kia tupu, ka pena ano ta te Ariki, ta Ihowa, ka meinga e ia te tika me te whakamoemiti kia tupu ki te aroaro o nga iwi k atoa.
For as the earth bringeth foorth her bud, and as the garden causeth to growe that which is sowen in it: so the Lord God will cause righteousnesse to grow and praise before all the heathen.

< Ihaia 61 >