< Ihaia 59 >

1 Nana, kihai i mutua te ringa o Ihowa, te tau ai te whakaora; kihai ano i taimaha tona taringa, te rongo ai ia.
Behold, Jehovah's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, Nor is his ear heavy, that it cannot hear;
2 Engari na o koutou he i wehe koutou ko to koutou Atua, na o koutou hara ano i huna ai tona mata ki a koutou, te whakarongo ai ia.
But your iniquities have separated you from your God, And your sins have hidden his face from you, that he doth not hear.
3 Kua poke hoki o koutou ringa i te toto, o koutou maihao i te he; ko o koutou ngutu kua korero teka, ko o koutou arero kei te whakapuaki i te whanoke.
For your hands are polluted with blood, And your fingers with iniquity; Your lips speak falsehood, And your tongue muttereth wickedness.
4 Kahore he karanga ki te tika, kahore he tohe ki te pono; ko te horihori to ratou okiokinga, e korero teka ana ratou; ko to ratou hapu he nanakia, whanau ake te kino.
No one bringeth his suit with justice, And no one pleadeth with truth; They trust in vain words, and speak lies; They conceive mischief, and bring forth destruction.
5 E paoa ana e ratou nga hua o te neke, e hanga ana e ratou te whare pungawerewere: ko te tangata e kai ana i a ratou hua ka mate, a ki te kopengia tetahi, ka puta he waipera.
They hatch the eggs of the basilisk, And weave the web of the spider; He that eateth of their eggs dieth, And when one of them is crushed, a viper breaketh forth.
6 E kore o ratou whare pungawerewere e tau hei kakahu, e kore ano ratou e whai hipoki i a ratou mahi: ko a ratou mahi he mahi na te kino, he mahi nanakia kei o ratou ringa.
Of their webs no garment is made, Nor can one cover himself with their work; Their works are works of iniquity, And the deed of violence is in their hands.
7 E rere ana o ratou waewae i te kino, hohoro tonu hoki ratou ki te whakaheke i te toto harakore: ko o ratou whakaaro he whakaaro ki te kino, he whakamoti, he wawahi kei o ratou ara.
Their feet run to evil; They make haste to shed innocent blood. Their thoughts are evil thoughts; Oppression and destruction are in their paths.
8 Kahore o ratou matauranga ki te ara o te rangimarie, kahore hoki he whakawa i o ratou ara; ko o ratou huarahi, whakakopikopikoa ake e ratou: ko te hunga katoa e haere ana na reira, e kore e mohio ki te rangimarie.
The way of peace they know not, Nor is there any justice in their steps; They have made for themselves crooked paths; Whoso goeth in them knoweth not peace.
9 Na reira matara noa atu te whakawa i a tatou, te mau tatou i te tika: e taria atu ana e tatou te marama, na ko te pouri; te tiaho, na kei te haere nei tatou i te pouri.
Therefore is judgment far from us, And deliverance doth not overtake us. We look for light, and behold obscurity; For brightness, and we walk in darkness.
10 E whawha ana tatou ki te taiepa ano he matapo, ae ra, me te mea ko te hunga kahore he kanohi: e tutuki ana o tatou waewae i te poutumarotanga me te mea i te ahiahi; he rite tatou ki te tupapaku i roto i nga tangata pakari.
We grope for the wall, like the blind; We feel our way, like those that are deprived of sight; We stumble at noonday as in the night; In the midst of fertile fields we are like the dead.
11 Kei te ngengere tatou katoa ano he pea; ko to tatou rite kei te kukupa e tumutumu tonu ana. E tatari ana tatou ki te whakawa, heoi kua kahore; ki te whakaora, otiia kei tawhiti atu i a tatou.
We groan, all of us, like bears, And like doves we make a continued moan; We look for judgment, and it cometh not; For salvation, and it is far from us.
12 Kua nui hoki o matou poka ke i tou aroaro, e whakaatu ana hoki o matou hara i to matou he; kei a matou nei hoki o matou poka ke, a ko o matou kino, e mohiotia ana era e matou;
For our transgressions are multiplied before thee, And our sins testify against us! For our transgressions are not hidden from us, And our iniquities we know.
13 He poka ke, he whakakahore ki a Ihowa, he peka atu i te whai i to matou Atua, he whanoke nga korero, he whakakeke; kua hapu, kua puaki i te ngakau he kupu teka.
We have rebelled, and proved false to Jehovah; We have departed from our God; We have spoken violence and rebellion; Our hearts have conceived and brought forth words of falsehood.
14 Kua tahuri atu nei ki muri te whakawa, ko te tika tu mai ana i tawhiti; kua hinga hoki te pono i te waharoa, a kahore he tomokanga mo te tika.
And justice is turned back, And equity standeth afar off, For truth falleth in the gate, And rectitude cannot enter.
15 Ae ra, kua kore te pono; a ko te tangata e whakarere ana i te kino ka waiho hei taonga parau. Na ka kite a Ihowa, ka kino ki tana titiro, no te mea kahore he whakawa.
Truth is not to be found, And he that departeth from evil is plundered; And Jehovah saw it, And it displeased him that there was no justice.
16 Na titiro rawa mai ia, kahore he tangata, miharo ana ia no te mea kahore he kaiwawao; na, kei tona ringa he whakaora mona; ko tona tika, na tera ia i tautoko ake.
He saw that there was none to help, And wondered that there was none to interpose; Then his own arm wrought salvation for him, And his righteousness it supported him.
17 I kakahuria hoki e ia te tika hei pukupuku, ko te whakaora hei potae ki tona mahunga; kakahuria ana e ia nga kakahu o te rapu utu hei kakahu, ropia mai ana te hae hei koroka.
He put on righteousness as a breastplate, And the helmet of salvation upon his head; He put on garments of vengeance for his clothing, And clad himself with zeal, as with a mantle.
18 Ko tana utu ka rite ki a ratou mahi, he riri ki ona hoa whawhai, he utu ki ona hoariri; ki nga motu hoki ka homai e ia he utu.
According to their deeds will he repay them, —Wrath to his adversaries, recompense to his enemies; To the distant coasts will he repay a recompense.
19 Na ka wehingia te ingoa o Ihowa i te uru, tona kororia i te rawhiti. Ka haere mai hoki ia ano he awa e taheke ana, e aia ana e te manawa o Ihowa.
They in the west shall fear the name of Jehovah, And they in the rising of the sun his glory, When he cometh like a river straitened in its course, Which a strong wind driveth along.
20 A ka haere mai te kaihoko ki Hiona, ki te hunga o Hakopa e tahuri atu ana i te poka ke, e ai ta Ihowa.
Yet shall a redeemer come to Zion, For them that turn from their transgressions in Jacob, saith Jehovah.
21 Ko ahau nei, ko taku kawenata tenei ki a ratou, e ai ta Ihowa: Ko toku wairua i a koe na, me aku kupu i hoatu e ahau ki tou mangai, e kore e neke atu i tou mangai, i te mangai o ou uri, i te mangai ano o nga uri o ou uri, e ai ta Ihowa, aianei a ake tonu atu.
And as for me, this is my covenant with them, saith Jehovah: My spirit, which is upon thee, And my words, which I have put in thy mouth, They shall not depart from thy mouth, Nor from the mouth of thy sons, Nor from the mouth of thy sons' sons, saith Jehovah, From this time forth forever.

< Ihaia 59 >