< Ihaia 54 >

1 Waiata, e te pakoko, e koe kahore ano nei i whanau: kia pakaru mai te waiata, hamama, e koe kahore ano kia whakamamae: he tini hoki nga tamariki a te noho kau i nga tamariki a te mea whai hoa, e ai ta Ihowa.
Sing for joy, childless woman, you who have had a baby! Shout aloud, and sing happily, Jerusalem, you who have never given birth! For the abandoned woman now has more children than the married woman, says the Lord.
2 Kia rahi atu te turanga mo tou teneti; kia maro hoki nga uhi o ou nohoanga: aua e kaiponuhia; kia roa ou taura, kia u hoki ou poupou.
Make the tent where you live bigger; stretch the fabric to enlarge your home. Don't try and save space—extend your tent cords and make your tent pegs stronger.
3 Ka tohatoha noa atu hoki koe ki matau, ki maui; a ka riro nga tauiwi i ou uri; ma ratou ano ka nohoia ai nga pa kua ururuatia.
You're going to be spreading out right and left; your descendants will take over the land of other nations and live in towns that were once abandoned.
4 Kaua e wehi; ta te mea e kore koe e whakama; kaua ano e numinumi, ta te mea e kore koe e whakama; no te mea ka wareware i a koe te whakama o tou tamahinetanga; a heoi ano maharatanga ki te ingoa kino o tou pouarutanga.
Do not be afraid, for you won't be humiliated; don't be upset, for you won't be disgraced. You will forget about the shame of your youth, and you won't remember the embarrassment of your widowhood any longer.
5 Ko tou Kaihanga tau tahu; ko Ihowa o nga mano tona ingoa; ko te Mea Tapu hoki o Iharaira tou kaiwhakaora; ko te Atua o te whenua katoa ka huaina ki a ia.
For your Maker is your husband, the Lord Almighty is his name the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, he is called the God of the whole earth.
6 No te mea kua karanga a Ihowa ki a koe, ano he wahine kua whakarerea, kua pouri te ngakau, ano he hoa wahine o te taitamarikitanga, i te mea kua mahue, e ai ta tou Atua.
The Lord has called you to come back, like a wife who's been abandoned and deeply hurt, a wife who was married when she was young, only to be rejected, says your God.
7 He iti te wahi i mahue ai koe i ahau; he nui ia nga atawhainga e kohikohi ai ahau i a koe.
I deserted you for just a little while, but I will bring you back, showing you a great deal of kindness.
8 He riri puhake, i huna ahau i toku kanohi i a koe, he wahi iti; he aroha mau tonu ia toku e aroha ai ki a koe, e ai ta Ihowa, ta tou kaiwhakaora.
In a moment of anger I turned my face away from you, but now with trustworthy love I will always be kind to you, says the Lord, your Redeemer.
9 He penei hoki tenei ki ahau me nga wai i a Noa; i ahau i oati ra, e kore e hurihia ano te whenua e nga wai i a Noa: waihoki ka oati nei ahau, e kore ahau e riri ki a koe, e kore ano e whakatupehupehu ki a koe.
To me this is just like Noah's time, when I promised on oath that a flood would never cover the earth again. In the same way I promise on oath that I won't be angry with you or tell you off.
10 Ko nga maunga hoki ka riro ke, ko nga pukepuke ka nekehia atu; tena ko toku aroha e kore e rere ke i a koe, e kore ano e nekehia ketia te kawenata e mau ai taku rongo; e ai ta Ihowa e atawhai nei i a koe.
Though the mountains cease to exist and the hills disappear, yet my trustworthy love for you won't cease to exist and my agreement of peace won't disappear, says the Lord, who shows you kindness.
11 E koe, kua whakawhiua nei, kua puhia nei e te awha! kahore ano i whakamarietia, nana, maku ou kohatu e whakatakoto, he pai hoki te kakano; ka hanga ano e ahau ou turanga ki te hapira.
My poor storm-damaged city that can't be comforted! Look, I'm going to reset your stones in cement made of antimony, I will use sapphires to lay your foundations.
12 Ka hanga ano e ahau ou tihi ki te rupi, ou tatau ki te karapanaka, ou rohe katoa ano ki nga kohatu whakapaipai.
I will make your fortifications out of rubies; I will make your gates out of sparkling beryl. All your walls will be made of precious stones,
13 A ka whakaakona e Ihowa au tamariki katoa; ka nui hoki te rangimarie ki au tamariki.
and all your children will be students of the Lord, and they will live in complete peace.
14 Ka whakaturia koe ki runga ki te tika, ka whakamataratia atu i a koe te tukino; e kore hoki koe e wehi; e kore ano te pawera e tata ki a koe.
Your society will operate from principles of goodness and right; nobody will be there to oppress you. You won't be afraid; you won't have to face any kind of terror.
15 Nana, huihui noa ratou, ehara ia i te mea naku: ko te tangata e huihui ana ki te whawhai ki a koe ka papahoro, he mea mou.
If any invader comes to attack you, I didn't send them; you will defeat anyone who attacks you.
16 Nana, naku i hanga te parakimete e pupuhi nei i te ahi waro, e mau nei i te mea hei mahi mana; naku hoki te kaihuna i hanga hei whakamoti.
Look—I have created a blacksmith who blows the coals into a hot flame and forges a suitable weapon; and I have created the destroyer who brings destruction.
17 E kore tetahi patu e hanga ana mou e marohirohi: ko nga arero katoa e whakatika mai ana ki a koe ki te whakawa, mau ano e whakahe. Ko ta nga pononga a Ihowa tenei, tuku iho, tuku iho; naku hoki ratou i tika ai, e ai ta Ihowa.
None of the weapons forged against you will succeed, and you will condemn anyone who accuses you. This is how the servants of the Lord are blessed, and I am the one who vindicates them, declares the Lord.

< Ihaia 54 >

A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark
A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark