< Ihaia 53 >

1 Ko wai i whakapono ki ta matou korero; i whakaaturia ranei ki a wai te ringaringa o Ihowa?
Has anyone believed our news? Who has the Lord shown his power to?
2 Ka tupu ake hoki ia ki tona aroaro, ano he rakau wana, me te pakiaka hoki i te oneone maroke, kahore ona ahuareka, kahore hoki he pai; a ka titiro tatou ki a ia, te ai he ataahua e minamina ai tatou ki a ia.
Like a young shoot he grew up before him, like a root growing up from dry ground. He had no beauty or glory to make us look at him; nothing about his appearance attracted us to him.
3 I whakahengia, i whakakahoretia ia e te tangata; he tangata pouri, kua mohio hoki ki te tangi: a, i ahua huna nga kanohi ki a ia; i whakakahoretia, kihai hoki tatou i whakaaro ki a ia.
People despised him and rejected him. He was a man who really suffered and who experienced the deepest pain. We treated him like someone you turn away from in disgust—we despised him and had no respect for him.
4 He pono, nana o tatou mate i pikau, nana hoki i waha o tatou pouri: ko tatou ia i mea, i tukitukia, i patua ia e te Atua, i whakawhiua.
However, he was the one who carried our weaknesses, he was loaded down with our pain—but we assumed he was being hit, beaten, and humiliated by God.
5 Kahore, i werohia ia mo o tatou he, i kurua mo o tatou kino: nona te whiunga i mau ai to tatou rongo, kei ona karawarawa hoki he rongoa mo tatou.
But he was wounded because of our rebellious acts, he was crushed because of our guilt. He experienced the discipline that brings us peace, and his wounds heal us.
6 Ko tatou katoa, ano he hipi, kua marara ke, kua anga atu tatou ki tona ara, ki tona ara; na Ihowa ia i mea kia tau iho ki a ia te kino o tatou katoa.
All of us have wandered off, just like sheep. Each of us has gone our own way, and the Lord allowed all our guilt to fall on him.
7 I tukinotia ia, i whakawhiua; heoi kihai i kuihi tona mangai: ano he reme i arahina ia kia patua, me te hipi hoki i te aroaro o ona kaikutikuti e wahangu ana, kihai i kuihi tona waha.
He was persecuted and mistreated, but he didn't say anything. He was led like a lamb to be killed, and in the same way that a sheep about to be sheared is silent, he didn't say a word.
8 Na te tukino, na te whakawa, tangohia atu ana ia; tena ko tona whakatupuranga, ko wai o ratou i whakaaro kua wehea atu ia i te ao ora? he mahi he hoki na taku iwi i patua ai ia.
Through force and a death sentence he was killed—who cared what happened to him? He was executed, removed from the land of the living; he was killed because of my people's wickedness.
9 A ka whakaritea hei te hunga kino he urupa mona; i te tangata taonga ia i tona matenga; ahakoa kahore ana mahi tutu, kahore ano he tinihanga i tona mangai.
They buried him as if he was someone evil, giving him a grave among the rich, even though he hadn't done anything wrong, and he hadn't told any lies.
10 Otiia i pai hoki a Ihowa kia kurua ia; nana ia i mea kia mamae. Ina meinga e koe tona wairua hei whakahere mo te he, ka kite ia i tona uri, ka whakaroa i ona ra, a ko ta Ihowa i pai ai ka ata oti i a ia.
However, it was the Lord's will for him to be crushed and to suffer, for when he gives his life as a guilt offering he will see his descendants, he will have a long life, and what the Lord wants will be achieved through him.
11 Ka kite ia i ta tona wairua i uaua ai, a tatu ana te ngakau: ma te mohio ki a ia ka whakatikaia ai te tini e taku pononga tika; mana hoki o ratou kino e waha.
After his suffering, he will see the results and be satisfied. Through his knowledge my servant who does what is right will set many right, and he will bear their sins.
12 Mo reira ka hoatu e ahau he wahi mona i roto i o te hunga nui, a ka tu ngatahi ia me te hunga kaha i te taonga: mo tona wairua i ringihia e ia ki te mate, a i taua ngatahitia me nga poka ke; nana hoki nga hara o te tini i waha, nana i wawao nga poka ke.
That's why I'm going to grant him a place among the great, and give him the prize of the victorious, because he poured out his life in death and was counted as one of the rebels. He took on himself the sins of many and asked forgiveness for the rebels.

< Ihaia 53 >