< Ihaia 24 >

1 Nana, kua meinga e Ihowa te whenua kia noho tahanga, kia takoto kau, kua porohurihia ake e ia, a kua whakamararatia ona tangata.
Behold, Jehovah emptieth and draineth the land; Yea, he turneth it upside down, and scattereth its inhabitants.
2 A ka rite te iwi ki te tohunga, te pononga ki tona ariki, te pononga wahine ki tona rangatira wahine, te tangata i utua ai te taonga ki te tangata i a ia nei te utu, te kaiwhakatarewa mai ki te tangata i te nama, te tangata i te moni whakatupu ki te tangata nana nei i homai ki a ia.
As with the people, so is it with the priest; As with the servant, so with the master; As with the maid, so with the mistress; As with the buyer, so with the seller; As with the borrower, so with the lender; As with the usurer, so with the giver of usury.
3 Ka moti rawa ta te whenua, pahua rawa: kua korerotia hoki e Ihowa tenei kupu.
The land is utterly emptied and utterly plundered; For Jehovah hath spoken this word.
4 E tangi ana te whenua, ngohe noa iho; kahakore kau te ao, ngohe noa iho; harotu kau te hunga rarahi o te whenua.
The land mourneth, and withereth; The world languisheth, and withereth; The nobles of the people of the land do languish.
5 Kua poke ano te whenua i raro i ona tangata; kua takahia hoki nga ture, whakaputaia ketia ake e ratou te tikanga i whakatakotoria, whakataka ana e ratou te kawenata onamata.
The land was polluted under its inhabitants, Because they transgressed the law, they violated the statutes, They broke the everlasting covenant.
6 Na reira i kainga ai te whenua e te kanga, kitea iho te hara o ona tangata; na reira i wera ai nga tangata o te whenua, a he torutoru te hunga i toe.
Therefore a curse devoured the land; Its inhabitants suffered for their guilt; Therefore are the inhabitants of the land consumed with heat, And few of the men are left.
7 E tangi ana te waina hou; kua kahakore te waina; kei te mapu te hunga ngakau koa katoa.
The new wine mourneth; The vine languisheth; All that were of a joyful heart do sigh;
8 Ka mutu te koa o nga timipera, kua kore te nge o te hunga e hari ana; mutu ake te koa o te hapa.
The mirth of tabrets ceaseth; The noise of them that rejoice is at an end; The joy of the harp ceaseth.
9 Kore ake ta ratou waiata i te mea e inu waina ana; ka kawa te wai kaha ki te hunga e inu ana.
No more do they drink wine with the song; Strong drink is bitter to them that use it.
10 Kua pakaru te pa o te pororaru, tutaki rawa nga whare katoa, te ai he tomokanga atu.
The city of desolation is broken down; Every house is closed, so that none can enter.
11 He karanga kei nga ara, he mea mo te waina; kua pouri katoa te koa, kua riro te harakoa o te whenua.
There is a cry for wine in the streets; All gladness is departed; The mirth of the land is gone;
12 Mahue iho ki te pa ko te ururua; ko te kuwaha, he mea whiu ki te whakangaromanga.
Desolation is left in the city, And the gate is smitten into ruins.
13 Ka penei te hanga i waenganui i te whenua i roto i nga iwi; kei te ruiruinga o te oriwa te rite, kei te hamunga o nga karepe ina mutu te whawhaki.
Yea, thus shall it be in the land, in the midst of the people, As when the olive-tree has been shaken; As the gleaning, when the vintage is ended.
14 Ka ara to ratou reo, ka waiata ratou; mo te nui hoki o Ihowa, ka hamama mai ratou i te moana.
These shall lift up their voice, and sing; Yea, for the majesty of Jehovah they shall shout from the sea.
15 Na whakakororiatia a Ihowa i te rawhiti, te ingoa o Ihowa, o te Atua o Iharaira, i nga motu o te moana.
Wherefore praise ye Jehovah in the East, The name of Jehovah, the God of Israel, in the isles of the sea!
16 I te pito rawa o te whenua kua rangona nga waiata e tatou, he kororia ki te tangata tika. Otiia ka ki ake ahau, Kei te whakaheke ahau! kei te whakaheke! aue te mate i ahau! he mahi tinihanga ta te hunga tinihanga; nui atu te tinihanga o te hunga tinihanga.
From the end of the earth we hear songs: “Glory to the righteous!” But I cry, Alas, my wretchedness, my wretchedness! woe is me! The plunderers plunder; the plunderers seize the spoil.
17 Ko te wehi, ko te rua, ko te rore, kei a koe, e te tangata o te whenua.
The terror, the pit, and the snare Are upon thee, O inhabitant of the land!
18 Na, ko te tangata e rere mai i te ngangau o te wehi, ka taka ki te rua; a ko te tangata e puta ake ana i roto i te rua, ka mau i te rore; kua puare hoki nga matapihi o runga, a e ru ana nga turanga o te whenua.
Whoso fleeth from the terror shall fall into the pit, And whoso escapeth from the pit, He shall be taken in the snare; For the floodgates of heaven are opened, And the foundations of the earth tremble.
19 Ngakongako kau te whenua, memeha kau noa iho te whenua, ngaueue kau te whenua.
The earth is utterly broken down; The earth is shattered in pieces; The earth is violently moved from her place.
20 Hurorirori kau te whenua ano he haurangi, nekenekehia ana, me te mea he whare tira; ka taimaha iho hoki tona he ki runga ki a ia, ka hinga, heoi ano ona aranga ake.
The earth reeleth like a drunkard, It moveth to and fro like a hammock; For her iniquity lieth heavy upon her, And she shall fall and rise no more.
21 I taua ra ka whiua e Ihowa te ope o te hunga kua neke ake, me nga kingi o te whenua i runga i te whenua.
In that day will Jehovah punish the host of the high ones that are on high, And the kings of the earth upon the earth.
22 A ka huihuia ratou, ka peratia me nga herehere e huihuia ana ki te rua, ka tutakina hoki ki te whare herehere, a ka maha nga ra ka tirohia iho ratou.
They shall be thrown together bound into the pit, And shall be shut up in the prison, But after many days shall they be visited.
23 Ko reira te marama numinumi kau ai, ka whakama ano hoki te ra; ka kingi hoki a Ihowa o nga mano ki Maunga Hiona, ki Hiurharama, ki te aroaro ano o ana kaumatua i runga i te kororia.
The moon shall be confounded and the sun ashamed, When Jehovah of hosts shall reign in mount Zion and Jerusalem, And his glory shall be before his ancients.

< Ihaia 24 >