< Ihaia 19 >
1 Ko te poropititanga mo Ihipa. Tenei a Ihowa te rere mai nei i runga i te kapua tere, tae tonu ki Ihipa, a ka oho nga whakapakoko o Ihipa i tona aroaro, ngohe noa iho te ngakau o Ihipa i waenganui ona.
The burden of Egypt. Lo, Jehovah is riding on a swift thick cloud, And He hath entered Egypt, And moved have been the idols of Egypt at His presence, And the heart of Egypt melteth in its midst.
2 Ka whakaangahia ano e ahau nga Ihipiana ki nga Ihipiana, a ka whawhai ratou ki tona teina, ki tona tuakana, ki tona hoa, ki tona hoa, te pa ki te pa, te kingitanga ki te kingitanga.
And I armed Egyptians against Egyptians, And they fought, each against his brother, And each against his neighbour, City against city, kingdom against kingdom.
3 Na ka meinga te wairua o Ihipa kia kahore noa iho i waenganui i a ia; ka whakangaromia hoki e ahau ona whakaaro: a ka rapua e ratou he tikanga i nga whakapakoko, i nga tohunga whakawai, i te hunga he atua maori nei o ratou, i nga matakite.
And emptied out hath been in its midst the spirit of Egypt. And its counsel I swallow up, And they have sought unto the idols, And unto the charmers, And unto those having familiar spirits, And unto the wizards.
4 Ka tukua putia atu ano e ahau nga Ihipiana ki te ringa o te rangatira pakeke; he kingi taikaha ano te kingi mo ratou, e ai ta te Ariki, ta Ihowa o nga mano.
And I have delivered the Egyptians Into the hand of a hard lord, And a strong king doth rule over them, An affirmation of the Lord, Jehovah of Hosts.
5 Ka kore haere hoki nga wai o te moana, ka mimiti, ka maroke te awa.
And failed have waters from the sea, And a river is wasted and dried up.
6 A ka piro nga awa; ka mimiti, a ka maroke nga awa o Ihipa: ka mate nga kakaho me nga raupo.
And they have turned away the flowings, Weak and dried up have been brooks of the bulwark, Reed and flag have withered.
7 Ko nga otaota i te taha o te Naere, i te pareparenga o te Naera, me nga mea katoa i whakatokia ki te taha o te Naere, ka maroke, ka aia noatia atu, ka kore noa iho.
Exposed things by the brook, by the edge of the brook, And every sown thing of the brook, hath withered, It hath been driven away, and is not.
8 Ka tangi ano nga kaihi ika, ka aue te hunga katoa e maka ana i te matau ki roto ki te Naera, ka pouri ano nga kaihora o nga kupenga ki runga ki nga wai.
And lamented have the fishers, And mourned have all casting angle into a brook, And those spreading nets on the face of the waters have languished.
9 Ka whakama hoki nga kaimahi o te muka pai, ratou ko nga kaiwhatu o nga kakahu ma.
And ashamed have been makers of fine flax, And weavers of net-works.
10 Ko ona turanga, mongamonga noa, ka pouri hoki nga wairua o nga kaimahi katoa e utua ana.
And its foundations have been smitten, All making wages [are] afflicted in soul.
11 He tino wairangi nga rangatira o Toana; he tino poauau hoki nga whakaaro o nga kaiwhakatakoto whakaaro mohio a Parao. He pehea ra ta koutou ki atu ki a Parao, He tama ahau na te hunga whakaaro nui, he tama na nga kingi onamata?
Only, fools [are] the princes of Zoan, The counsel of the wise ones of the counsellors of Pharaoh hath become brutish. How say ye unto Pharaoh, 'A son of the wise am I, a son of kings of antiquity?'
12 Tena, kei hea ratou, au tangata whakaaro nui? ma ratou e whakaatu ki a koe inaianei; meinga kia mohio ratou ki ta Ihowa o nga mano i whakatakoto ai mo Ihipa.
Where [are] they now, thy wise ones? Yea, let them tell to thee, I pray thee, And they know what Jehovah of Hosts hath counselled against Egypt!
13 Kua whakakuaretia nga rangatira o Toana, kua tinihangatia nga rangatira o Nopa; pohehe iho a Ihipa i a ratou, ko ratou na ano te kohatu o te kokonga o nga iwi o reira.
Foolish have been princes of Zoan, Lifted up have been princes of Noph, And they have caused Egypt to err, The chief of her tribes.
14 Kua oti i a Ihowa te wairua whanoke te konatu ki waenganui ona; a kua whakapohehetia e ratou a Ihipa i ana mahi katoa, koia ano kei te tangata haurangi e kotiti ke ana, e hurori ana i roto i tona ruaki.
Jehovah hath mingled in her midst A spirit of perverseness, And they have caused Egypt to err in all its work, As a drunkard erreth in his vomit.
15 Ka kahore noa iho ano he mahi ma Ihipa, hei mahinga ma te upoko, ma te hiawero, ma te nikau, ma te wiwi.
And there is no work to Egypt, That head or tail, branch or reed, may do.
16 I taua ra ka rite a Ihipa ki te wahine: ka wehi ka pawera i te rurutanga o te ringa o Ihowa o nga mano, e ruru ai ia ki tera wahi.
In that day is Egypt like women, And it hath mourned, and been afraid, Because of the waving of the hand of Jehovah of Hosts, That He is waving over it.
17 A ka ai te whenua o Hura hei whakawehi mo Ihipa, a ko nga tangata katoa e whakahuatia atu ai ia, ka wehi, i te tikanga hoki kua takoto i a Ihowa o nga mano mo reira.
And the land of Judah hath been to Egypt for a cause of staggering, Every one who doth mention it, for himself feareth, Because of the counsel of Jehovah of Hosts, That He is counselling against it.
18 I taua ra e rima nga pa i te whenua o Ihipa, ko to raua reo ko te reo o Kanaana, a ko Ihowa o nga mano ta ratou e oati ai; ko tetahi e huaina, Ko te pa o te ngaromanga.
In that day there are five cities in the land of Egypt, Speaking the lip of Canaan, And swearing to Jehovah of Hosts, 'The city of destruction,' is said of one.
19 I taua ra ka tu he aata ma Ihowa i waenganui o te whenua o Ihipa, me te pou i te taha o to reira rohe, he mea ki a Ihowa.
In that day there is an altar to Jehovah In the midst of the land of Egypt, And a standing pillar near its border to Jehovah,
20 A hei tohu tera, hei kaiwhakaatu mo Ihowa o nga mano i te whenua o Ihipa; ka karanga hoki ratou ki a Ihowa, he mea mo nga kaitukino, a ka unga e ia he kaiwhakaora ki a ratou, he kaiwawao; a mana ratou e whakaora.
And it hath been for a sign and for a testimony, To Jehovah of Hosts in the land of Egypt, For they cry unto Jehovah from the face of oppressors, And He sendeth to them a saviour, Even a great one, and hath delivered them.
21 A ka mohiotia a Ihowa e Ihipa, ka mohiotia hoki a Ihowa e nga Ihipiana i taua ra; ae ra ka mahia e ratou te patunga tapu me te whakahere; ka puaki hoki ta ratou kupu taurangi ki a Ihowa, a ka mana ano i a ratou.
And known hath been Jehovah to Egypt, And the Egyptians have known Jehovah in that day, And done sacrifice and present, And vowed a vow to Jehovah, and completed [it].
22 Ka whiua ano a Ihipa e Ihowa, ka whiua, ka rongoatia ano e ia: a ka hoki mai ratou ki a Ihowa, ka tahuri ano ia ki ta ratou inoi, ka rongoa i a ratou.
And Jehovah hath smitten Egypt, smiting and healing, And they have turned back unto Jehovah, And He hath been entreated of them, And hath healed them.
23 I taua ra ka takoto he ara i Ihipa ki Ahiria, a ka tae te Ahiriana ki Ihipa, te Ihipiana ano ki Ahiria, a ka koropiko tahi te Ihipiana raua ko te Ahiriana.
In that day is a highway out of Egypt to Asshur, And come in have the Assyrians to Egypt, And the Egyptians into Asshur, And the Egyptians have served with the Assyrians.
24 I taua ra hei tuatoru a Iharaira mo Ihipa, mo Ahiria, hei manaaki i waenganui o te whenua.
In that day is Israel third, After Egypt, and after Asshur, A blessing in the heart of the earth.
25 E manaakitia ano ratou e Ihowa o nga mano, e ki ia, Kia manaakitia a Ihipa, taku iwi, a Ahiria, te mahi a oku ringa, a Iharaira hoki, toku kainga tupu.
In that Jehovah of Hosts did bless it, saying, 'Blessed [is] My people — Egypt, And the work of My hands — Asshur, And Mine inheritance — Israel!'