< Ihaia 1 >

1 Ko te kite a Ihaia, a te tama a Amoho, i kite ai ia mo Hura, mo Hiruharama, i nga ra o nga kingi o Hura, o Utia, o Iotama, o Ahata, o Hetekia.
The vision of Isaias the son of Amos I which he saw concerning Juda and Jerusalem in the days of Ozias, Joathan, Achaz, and Ezechias, kings of Juda.
2 Whakarongo, e nga rangi, kia whai taringa ano, e te whenua, kua korero hoki a Ihowa: Kua atawhai tamariki ahau, kua whakatupu hoki, na kua tahuri mai ratou ki ahau.
Hear, O ye heavens, and give ear, O earth, for the Lord hath spoken. I have brought up children, and exalted them: but they have despised me.
3 E mohio ana te kau ki tona ariki, te kaihe ki te takotoranga kai a tona rangatira: ko Iharaira ia kahore e mohio, kahore taku iwi e whakaaro.
The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib: but Israel hath not known me, and my people hath not understood.
4 Aue, e te iwi hara, he hunga taimaha i te kino, he uri no nga kaimahi i te he, he tamariki whakangau ke: kua whakarerea e ratou a Ihowa, kua whakahawea ki te Mea Tapu o Iharaira, kua tangata ke ratou a kua hoki whakamuri.
Woe to the sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a wicked seed, ungracious children: they have forsaken the Lord, they have blasphemed the Holy One of Israel, they are gone away backwards.
5 Kia patua tonutia hoki koutou hei aha, i tutu tonu ai koutou? kei te mate katoa te mahunga, kei te ruhi katoa hoki te ngakau.
For what shall I strike you any more, you that increase transgression? the whole head is sick, and the whole heart is sad.
6 Kahore ona wahi ora, ake i te kapu o tona waewae a tae noa ki te mahunga; he kaiakiko kau, he karawarawa, he whiunga kua pirau: kihai ena i romia, kihai i takaia, kihai ano hoki i whakangawaritia ki te hinu.
From the sole of the foot unto the top of the head, there is no soundness therein: wounds and bruises and swelling sores: they are not bound up, nor dressed, nor fomented with oil.
7 Ko to koutou whenua kua ururuatia; ko o koutou pa kua wera i te ahi; he tangata ke kei te kai i to koutou oneone i to koutou aroaro, ururua ana, koia ano kei ta te tangata ke raupatutanga.
Your land is desolate, your cities are burnt with fire: your country strangers devour before your face, and it shall be desolate as when wasted by enemies.
8 A ka mahue iho te tamahine a Hiona, ano he tihokahoka i te mara waina, ano he wharau i te mara kukamo, he pa e whakapaea ana.
And the daughter of Sion shall be left as a covert in a vineyard, and as a lodge in a garden of cucumbers, and as a city that is laid waste.
9 Me i kahore a Ihowa o nga mano te waiho i tetahi toenga nohinohi rawa nei ki a tatou, kua pera tatou me Horoma, kua rite tatou ki Komora.
Except the Lord of hosts had left us seed, we had been as Sodom, and we should have been like to Gomorrha.
10 Whakarongo ki te kupu a Ihowa, e nga rangatira o Horoma; kia whai taringa mai, e te iwi o Komora, ki te ture a to tatou Atua.
Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom, give ear to the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrha.
11 Hei aha maku a koutou patunga maha? e ai ta Ihowa: kua makona ahau i nga tahunga o nga tinana o nga hipi toa, i te ngako o nga kararehe whangai; kahore hoki aku manakohanga atu ki te toto o nga puru, o nga reme, o nga koati toa ranei.
To what purpose do you offer me the multitude of your victims, saith the Lord? I am full, I desire not holocausts of rams, and fat of fatlings, and blood of calves, and lambs, and buck goats.
12 Ka haere mai koutou, ka whakakite mai ki toku aroaro, ko wai i ki atu ki tenei mea a o koutou ringa, kia takahia oku marae?
When you came to appear before me, who required these things at your hands, that you should walk in my courts?
13 Kati te mau mai i nga whakahere horihori: he mea whakarihariha ki ahau te whakakakara; te kowhititanga marama, te hapati, te karangatanga o nga whakaminenga, e kore ahau e manawanui ki te kino, ki te huihui nui.
Offer sacrifice no more in vain: incense is an abomination to me. The new moons, and the sabbaths, and other festivals I will not abide, your assemblies are wicked.
14 Ko a koutou kowhititanga marama, ko a koutou hakari whakarite, e kino ana toku ngakau: he mea porearea ki ahau; he hanga whakahoha.
My soul hateth your new moons, and your solemnities: they are become troublesome to me, I am weary of bearing them.
15 Na ka wherahia mai o koutou ringa, ka huna e ahau oku kanohi ki a koutou; ae ra, ka whakanuia e koutou te inoi e kore ahau e rongo, kapi tonu o koutou ringa i te toto.
And when you stretch forth your hands, I will turn away my eyes from you: and when you multiply prayer, I will not hear: for your hands are full of blood.
16 Horoi i a koutou, kia ma; whakarerea atu te kino o a koutou hanga i mua i oku kanohi; kati te mahi i te kino;
Wash yourselves, be clean, take away the evil of your devices from my eyes: cease to do perversely,
17 Akona te mahi pai; rapua te whakawa; whakatikaia ta te tangata e tukinotia ana; whakawakia ta te pani; tohea ta te pouaru.
Learn to do well: seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge for the fatherless, defend the widow.
18 Tena ra, tatou ka korerorero, e ai ta Ihowa; ahakoa i rite o koutou hara ki te mea ngangana, ka pera me te hukarere te ma; ahakoa i whero me te mea whakawhero, ka rite ki te huruhuru hipi.
And then come, and accuse me, saith the Lord: if your sins be as scarlet, they shall be made as white as snow: and if they be red as crimson, they shall be white as wool.
19 Ki te mea ka pai koutou, a ka rongo, ka kai koutou i nga mea pai o te whenua;
If you be willing, and will hearken to me, you shall eat the good things of the land.
20 Ki te whakakahore koutou, a ka tutu, ka pau koutou i te hoari; kua korero hoki te mangai o Ihowa.
But if you will not, and will provoke me to wrath: the sword shall devour you because the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
21 Aue! tona kairautanga o te pa pono! i ki nei ia i te whakawa! he nohoanga no te tika, inaianei ia no nga kaikohuru.
How is the faithful city, that was full of judgment, become a harlot? justice dwelt in it, but now murderers.
22 Ko tau hiriwa kua meinga hei para, ko tau waina, kua whakaranua ki te wai.
Thy silver is turned into dress: thy wine is mingled with water.
23 Ko ou rangatira kei te whakakeke, a he hoa ratou no te hunga tahae; e whakapai ana ratou ki te moni whakapati, e whai ana i te utu; kahore ratou e whakawa ana mo te pani, a kahore te tohe a te pouaru e tae ana ki a ratou.
Thy princes are faithless, companions of thieves: they all love bribes, the run after rewards. They judge not for the fatherless: and the widow’s cometh not in to them.
24 No reira ka mea te Ariki, a Ihowa o nga mano, te Mea Nui o Iharaira, Na! ka whai mamatanga ahau i oku hoariri, ka whai utu ahau i oku hoariri:
Therefore saith the Lord the God of hosts, the mighty one of Israel: Ah! I will comfort myself over my adversaries: and I will be revenged of my enemies.
25 Ka tahuri atu hoki toku ringa ki a koe, a ka tahia rawatia tou para, ka wehea katoatia atu ano tou tine:
And I will turn my hand to thee, and I will clean purge away thy dress, and I will take away all thy tin.
26 A ka whakahokia mai e ahau ou kaiwhakawa kia rite ki o mua, me ou kaiwhakatakoto whakaaro, kia rite ki o te timatanga; muri iho ka kiia koe, Ko te pa o te tika, ko te pa piripono.
And I will restore thy judges as they were before, and thy counsellors as of old. After this thou shalt be called the city of the just, a faithful city.
27 Ka hokona a Hiona i runga i te whakawa, ana tangata hoki, e tahuri mai ana, i runga i te tika.
Sion shall be redeemed in judgment, and they shall bring her back in justice.
28 Ka huihuia ia kia kotahi tonu te whakangaromanga o te hunga poka ke, o te hunga hara, a ka whakamotitia te hunga e whakarere ana i a Ihowa.
And he shall destroy the wicked, and the sinners together: and they that have forsaken the Lord, shall be consumed.
29 Ka whakama hoki ratou i nga oki i matenuitia e koutou, numinumi kau koutou i nga kari i whiriwhiria e koutou.
For they shall be confounded for the idols, to which they have sacrificed: and you shall be ashamed of the gardens which you have chosen.
30 Ka rite hoki koutou ki te oki kua memenge ona rau, ki te kari ano hoki kahore nei ona wai.
When you shall be as an oak with the leaves falling off, and as a garden without water.
31 A hei muka te mea kaha, hei korakora ano tana mahi; na ka ngiha ngatahi raua, kahore hoki he tangata hei tinei.
And your strength shall be as the ashes of tow, and your work as a spark: and both shall burn together, and there shall be none to quench it.

< Ihaia 1 >