< Hohea 4 >

1 Whakarongo ki te kupu a Ihowa, e nga tama a Iharaira; he tautohe hoki ta Ihowa ki nga tangata o te whenua, no te mea kahore he pono, kahore he tohu tangata, kahore he matauranga ki te Atua i te whenua.
Hear the word of Jehovah, ye sons of Israel! For Jehovah hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land; For there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.
2 Te oati! te korero teka! te kohuru! te tahae! te puremu! pakaru mai ana ratou; te toto, pa tonu ki te toto.
Perjury, and falsehood, and murder, And theft, and adultery have broken forth, And blood reacheth to blood.
3 Mo reira te whenua ka pouri, ko ona tangata katoa ka tangi, me nga kirehe o te parae, me nga manu o te rangi; ka whakakorea ano nga ika o te moana.
Therefore shall the land mourn, And every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, Together with the beasts of the forest, and the birds of heaven; Yea, even the fishes of the sea shall perish.
4 Kaua ia te tangata e whakawa, e whakahe i tetahi tangata: e rite ana hoki tou iwi ki te hunga e totohe ana ki te tohunga.
Yet let no man rebuke, and let no man reprove; For thy people are like those that contend with the priest,
5 Na ka hinga koe i te awatea, me te poropiti, ka hinga ngatahi korua i te po; ka whakangaromia ano hoki e ahau tou whaea.
Therefore shalt thou Fall by day, And the prophet shall fall with thee by night, And I will destroy thy mother.
6 Ka ngaro taku iwi i te kore matauranga: kua paopao na koe ki te matauranga, na ka paopao ano ahau ki a koe hei tohunga maku: kua wareware na koe ki te ture a tou Atua, ka wareware ano ahau ki au tamariki.
My people is destroyed for lack of knowledge; Since thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, so that thou shalt no more be my priest; Since thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I also will forget thy children.
7 I te mea ka nui ratou, katahi ratou ka hara ki ahau: whakaputaina ketia ana e ahau to ratou kororia hei whakama.
As they have become great, so have they sinned against me; I will change their glory into shame.
8 Ko te hara o taku iwi kainga ake e ratou, ko to ratou ngakau anga tonu ki to ratou he.
They feed upon the sins of my people, And incline their hearts to their iniquity.
9 Ko te tukunga iho, rite iwi, rite tohunga: a ka whiua ratou e ahau mo o ratou ara, ka utua a ratou mahi.
And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; I will punish them for their ways, And requite them for their doings.
10 Ka kai hoki ratou, a e kore e makona: ka moepuku a e kore e tokomaha; mo ta ratou whakarere i nga mahara ki a Ihowa.
They shall eat and shall not be satisfied; They shall commit fornication, and shall not increase, For they have left off giving heed to Jehovah.
11 Riro pu te hinengaro i te moepuku, i te waina, i te waina hou.
Fornication and wine and new wine take away the understanding;
12 E ui tikanga ana taku iwi ki a ratou rakau, ko to ratou tokotoko ano hoki hei whakaatu tikanga ki a ratou: kua pohehe hoki ratou i te wairua o te moepuku, kua maunu atu i raro i to ratou Atua ki te puremu.
My people ask counsel of their stocks, And their staff revealeth to them. For the spirit of fornication causeth them to err; Yea, they commit fornication, forsaking their God.
13 E patu ana ratou i nga patunga tapu i runga i nga tihi o nga maunga, e tahu whakakakara ana i runga i nga pukepuke, i raro i nga oki, i nga papara, i nga terepini, he pai hoki no te taumarumarunga iho: mo reira ka moepuku a koutou tamahine, ka p uremu a koutou wahine.
On the tops of the mountains they sacrifice, And on the hills they burn incense, Under the oak, and the poplar, and the terebinth, Because their shade is pleasant. Therefore your daughters commit fornication, And your daughters-in-law commit adultery;
14 E kore ahau e whiu i a koutou tamahine ina moepuku, i a koutou wahine ina puremu; ko nga tane nei hoki he mea wehe atu ki nga wahine moepuku, ko ratou tahi ko nga wahine kairau kei te mea patunga tapu: mo reira ka hinga te iwi kahore nei o ratou matauranga.
I will not punish your daughters, when they commit fornication, Nor your daughters-in-law, when they commit adultery; For ye yourselves go aside with harlots, And sacrifice with prostitutes; Therefore the people that hath not understanding shall fall.
15 Ahakoa koe, e Iharaira, kairau noa, kaua a Hura e he; a kaua hoki koutou e haere mai ki Kirikara, kaua hoki e haere ki runga ki Peteawene, a kaua e oati, Kei te ora a Ihowa.
Though thou play the harlot, O Israel, Yet let not Judah offend! Come ye not to Gilgal, Neither go ye up to Bethaven. And swear ye not, saying, As Jehovah liveth!
16 Kua whakangutungutu hoki a Iharaira, tona rite kei te kuao kau e whakatotoi ana: akuanei ratou whangaia ai e Ihowa, peratia ai me te reme i te wahi whanui.
For like a refractory heifer is Israel become refractory, Therefore will Jehovah feed them, like a lamb in a wide place.
17 Kua honoa a Eparaima ki nga whakapakoko: tukua atu ki tana.
Ephraim is joined to idols; Let him alone!
18 Ko te mea e inumia ana e ratou kua kawa; he moepuku tonu ta ratou; a he whakama ta o ratou rangatira e matenui ana.
When their carousal is over, They give themselves up to lasciviousness; Their rulers love shame.
19 Kua oti ia te kopaki e te hau ki roto ki ona parirau; ka whakama hoki ratou ki a ratou patunga tapu.
The wind hath bound them up with its wings, And they shall be brought to shame on account of their sacrifices.

< Hohea 4 >