< Hohea 11 >

1 I a Iharaira e tamariki ana i aroha ahau ki a ia i reira, a karangatia ana e ahau taku tama i Ihipa.
When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called My son.
2 E karanga ana ratou i a ratou, e haere ke atu ana i a ratou: i patu whakahere ratou ki nga Paarimi, i tahu whakakakara ano ki nga whakapakoko.
But the more I called Israel, the farther they departed from Me. They sacrificed to the Baals and burned incense to carved images.
3 Otiia naku a Eparaima i ako ki te haere; i hikitia ratou e ahau ki runga ki oku ringa; heoi kihai ratou i mohio e rongoa ana ahau i a ratou.
It was I who taught Ephraim to walk, taking them in My arms, but they never realized that it was I who healed them.
4 He taura tangata aku ki te kukume i a ratou, he here aroha: ko taku hoki ki a ratou ko ta te hunga e tango ana i te ioka i o ratou kauae; i hoatu ano e ahau he kai ki mua i a ratou.
I led them with cords of kindness, with ropes of love; I lifted the yoke from their necks and bent down to feed them.
5 E kore ia e hoki atu ki te whenua o Ihipa; engari ko te Ahiriana hei kingi mona, mo ratou kihai i pai ki te hoki.
Will they not return to the land of Egypt and be ruled by Assyria because they refused to repent?
6 Ka haua iho te hoari ki runga ki ona pa, whakamoti ai i ona tutaki a pau ake; na o ratou whakaaro hoki.
A sword will flash through their cities; it will destroy the bars of their gates and consume them in their own plans.
7 A kei te tohe taku iwi ki te tahuri ke i ahau: ahakoa karangatia ratou ki te mea i runga rawa, kahore tetahi o ratou e whakanui i a ia.
My people are bent on turning from Me. Though they call to the Most High, He will by no means exalt them.
8 Me pehea koe ka hoatu whakarere ai e ahau, e Eparaima, me pehea ka tukua ai koe e ahau, e Iharaira? Me pehea ka meinga ai koe e ahau kia rite ki Arema? me pehea ka waiho ai koe kia rite ki Tepoimi? kua puta ke toku ngakau i roto i ahau, ngiha tah i ano oku konohinohitanga.
How could I give you up, O Ephraim? How could I surrender you, O Israel? How could I make you like Admah? How could I treat you like Zeboiim? My heart is turned within Me; My compassion is stirred!
9 E kore toku riri e mura nei e puta, e kore ahau e hoki ki te whakangaro i a Eparaima: ko te Atua hoki ahau, ehara i te tangata, ko te Mea Tapu i waenganui i a koe: e kore ano ahau e tomo ki te pa.
I will not execute the full fury of My anger; I will not turn back to destroy Ephraim. For I am God and not man— the Holy One among you— and I will not come in wrath.
10 Ka whaia e ratou a Ihowa, a ka hamama ia ano he raiona: ka hamama hoki ia, a ka haere wiri mai nga tamariki i te hauauru.
They will walk after the LORD; He will roar like a lion. When He roars, His children will come trembling from the west.
11 Ka rere wiri mai ratou i Ihipa ano he manu, i te whenua o Ahiria ano he kukupa: ka whakanohoia ano hoki ratou e ahau ki o ratou whare, e ai ta Ihowa.
They will come trembling like birds from Egypt and like doves from the land of Assyria. Then I will settle them in their homes, declares the LORD.
12 Kua oti ahau te karapoti e Eparaima ki te teka, e te whare o Iharaira ki te tinihanga: engari a Hura kei runga i ta te Atua tana tikanga: kei te Mea Tapu ia, pono tonu.
Ephraim surrounds Me with lies, the house of Israel with deceit; but Judah still walks with God and is faithful to the Holy One.

< Hohea 11 >