< Hapakuku 2 >

1 Ka tu ahau ki taku mahi tiaki, ka whakanoho i ahau ki te taumaihi, ka tutei atu, ka titiro atu, ko te aha e kiia mai e ia ki ahau, a ko te aha e whakahokia e ahau ina riria taku.
I will stand on my watch-tower, And set myself on the bulwark, And watch to see what he will say to me, And what I shall answer to my expostulation.
2 Na ka utua mai taku e Ihowa; i ki mai ia, Tuhituhia te kite, kia marama rawa ki nga papa, kia tere ai te kaikorero.
And Jehovah answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, That he may run that readeth it.
3 Mo tona wa ano hoki i whakaritea ai te kite, a e whawhai ana ia ki te mutunga, a e kore e teka; ahakoa roa ia, tatari atu ki a ia; no te mea he pono rawa ka puta mai; e kore e whakaroa.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time, But it hasteneth to the end; it shall not deceive; If it tarry, wait for it; For it shall surely come; it shall not long delay.
4 Nana, kei te whakakake tona ngakau, kahore e tika i roto i a ia: ma tona whakapono ia ki ora ai te tangata tika.
Behold, the soul of him that is puffed up shall not be at ease; But the just shall live by his faithfulness.
5 Ae ra hoki, he mea nanakia te waina, he tangata whakakake, kahore e ata noho i te kainga; ko tona hiahia whakanuia ake e ia ano ko te reinga; kei te mate tona rite, e kore ano e ngata, e tawhiua ana hoki e ia nga iwi katoa ki a ia, e tuapuatia an a nga tangata katoa ki a ia: (Sheol h7585)
Behold, the man of wine is outrageous; The proud man remaineth not at rest; He enlargeth his desire as the grave; He is as death, and cannot be satisfied; He gathereth to himself all the nations, And collecteth to himself all the kingdoms. (Sheol h7585)
6 E kore ianei e whakahuatia e enei katoa he kupu whakatauki mona, he whakapeka taunu ano mona, a ka mea, Aue, te mate mo te tangata e ami ana i te mea ehara nei i a ia! he pehea ra te roa? mo te tangata ano e haupu ake ana i te taunaha ki runga ki a ia!
Shall not all of them utter a song against him, Yea, songs of reproach and derision concerning him? And say, Woe to him that heapeth up that which belongeth not to him! For how long a time? That ladeth himself with goods taken in pledge!
7 E kore ianei e maranga ohorere ake nga kaingau mou? e kore ianei e ara nga kaiwhakatoi i a koe, a ka waiho koe hei taonga parau ma ratou?
Shall not they suddenly rise up that will oppress thee, And awake, that will harass thee? Yea, thou shalt be their booty.
8 No te mea he maha nga iwi i pahuatia e koe, na ka pahuatia koe e nga toenga katoa o nga iwi; he mea hoki mo te toto o nga tangata, mo te mahi nanakia ki te whenua, ki te pa, a ki nga tangata katoa ano i reira.
Because thou hast plundered many kingdoms, All the residue of the nations shall plunder thee: For the blood of men, and for violence against the land, Against the city and all its inhabitants.
9 Aue, te mate mo te tangata, he kino nei te apo i apo taonga ai ia mo tona whare, he mea kia tiketike ake ai tona kohanga, kia ora ai ia i te kaha o te kino!
Woe to him that procureth unjust gain for his house, That he may set his nest on high, That he may be delivered from the evil hand!
10 Kua takoto i a koe he whakama mo tou whare i tau hatepenga atu i nga iwi maha; kua hara ano ki tou wairua ake.
Thou hast devised shame for thine house; By destroying many nations, thou hast brought ruin upon thyself.
11 Ka karanga hoki te kohatu i roto i te pakitara, ka whakahoki kupu ano te kurupae i roto i nga rakau.
For the stone from the wall crieth out, And the beam from the timber answereth it.
12 Aue, te mate mo te tangata e hanga ana i te pa ki te toto, e whakau ana hoki i te pa ki te he!
Woe to him that buildeth a town by blood, And establisheth a city by iniquity!
13 He teka ianei na Ihowa o nga mano i mauiui ai nga tangata i roto i te ahi, i ruha ai nga iwi i te kahore noa iho?
Behold, it is determined by Jehovah of hosts, That nations shall labor for the fire, And kingdoms weary themselves for naught.
14 Ka kapi hoki te whenua i te matauranga ki te kororia o Ihowa, ano ko nga wai e taupoki ana i te moana.
For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of Jehovah, As the waters cover the sea.
15 Aue, te mate mo te tangata e mea ana i tona hoa kia inu, e apiti atu ana i te mea nanakia ki tera, e whakahaurangi ana hoki i a ia, kia titiro ai koe ki a ratou e takoto tahanga ana!
Woe to him who giveth his neighbor drink; Who poureth out the strong wine, and maketh him drunken, That he may look upon his nakedness!
16 E ki ana koe i te whakama, kahore i te kororia: e inu hoki koe, kia waiho ai koe, ano he mea kokotikore: ka anga mai ki a koe te kapu a to Ihowa ringa matau, a he whakama whakarihariha ka tau ki runga ki tou kororia.
Thou shalt be filled with shame instead of glory; Drink thou also, and show thy foreskin! To thee shall come the cup in the right hand of Jehovah, And foul shame shall be upon thy glory.
17 Ko te mahi nanakia hoki ki Repanona hei taupoki mou, me te whakangaromanga o nga kararehe i wehingia ra e ratou; mo te toto hoki o nga tangata, mo te mahi nanakia ki te whenua, ki te pa, ki nga tangata ano o reira.
For the violence done to Lebanon shall cover thee, And the destruction of the beasts which made them afraid, On account of the blood of men, and violence against the land, Against the city and all its inhabitants.
18 He aha te pai o te whakapakoko i whaoa ai e tona kaihanga; o te whakapakoko whakarewa ano, o te kaiwhakaako ki te teka, i whakawhirinaki ai tona kaihanga ki tana mahi, ka mahi i nga whakapakoko wahangu?
What profiteth the graven image, When the maker hath graven it? Or the molten image, and the teacher of lies, That the artificer trusteth in his work, When he maketh dumb idols?
19 Aue, te mate mo te tangata e mea ana ki te rakau, Maranga; ki te kohatu reokore, E ara! ma tenei koia e whakaako? Nana, kua oti te koura, te hiriwa, te whakapiri ki a ia, a kahore rawa he wairua i roto.
Woe to him who saith to the wood, Awake! To the dumb stone, Arise! Will it teach? Behold, it is overlaid with gold and silver, And there is no breath within it.
20 Kei tona temepara tapu ia a Ihowa. Whakarongoa, e te whenua katoa, i tona aroaro.
But Jehovah is in his Holy temple; Be silent before him, all the earth!

< Hapakuku 2 >