< Kenehi 6 >
1 Na ka timata te tangata te tini haere ki runga ki te mata o te whenua, a ka whanau a ratou tamahine,
And it comes to pass that mankind has begun to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters have been born to them,
2 Ka kite nga tama a te Atua i nga tamahine a te tangata, he ataahua; na ka tango ratou i a ratou i pai ai o ratou katoa, hei wahine ma ratou.
and the sons of God see that they, the daughters of men, [are] beautiful, and they take women for themselves of all whom they have chosen.
3 Na ka mea a Ihowa, E kore toku wairua e whakawa tonu i te tangata, he kikokiko nei ano hoki ia: na kia kotahi rau kia rua tekau tau ona ra.
And YHWH says, “My Spirit does not strive in man for all time, for indeed, he [is] flesh, but his days have been one hundred and twenty years.”
4 He roroa nga tangata o te whenua i aua ra, a i muri iho, i te haerenga o nga tama a te Atua ki nga tamahine a te tangata, a ka whanau a ratou tamariki, ko ratou nga marohirohi o mua, he tangata whai ingoa.
The giants were in the earth in those days, and even afterward, when sons of God come in to the daughters of men, and they have borne to them those who [were] the mighty from of old, the men of renown.
5 A ka kite te Atua he nui te kino o te tangata i runga i te whenua, he kino hoki nga tokonga ake o nga whakaaro katoa o tona ngakau i nga wa katoa.
And YHWH sees that the wickedness of man [is] abundant in the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart [is] only evil every day;
6 Na ka puta ke te whakaaro o Ihowa i hanga ai e ia te tangata ki runga ki te whenua, a ka pouri tona ngakau.
and YHWH regrets that He has made man in the earth, and He grieves Himself—to His heart.
7 Na ka mea a Ihowa, Ka whakangaromia atu e ahau i te mata o te whenua te tangata i hanga nei e ahau; te tangata, te kirehe, te mea ngokingoki, me nga manu o te rangi; kua puta ke hoki toku whakaaro i hanga ai ratou e ahau.
And YHWH says, “I wipe away man whom I have created from off the face of the ground, from man to beast, to creeping thing, and to bird of the heavens, for I have regretted that I have made them.”
8 Ko Noa ia i manakohia e Ihowa.
And Noah found grace in the eyes of YHWH.
9 Ko nga whakatupuranga enei o Noa: ko Noa he tangata tika, he ngakau tapatahi i ona whakatupuranga: i haereere tahi a Noa i te Atua.
These [are] the generations of Noah: Noah [is] a righteous man; he has been perfect among his generations; Noah has habitually walked with God.
10 A whanau ake nga tama a Noa tokotoru, ko Hema, ko Hama, ko Iapeta.
And Noah begets three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
11 Na kua kino te whenua i te aroaro o Ihowa, kua ki katoa hoki te whenua i te tutu.
And the earth is corrupt before God, and the earth is filled [with] violence.
12 Na ka titiro te Atua ki te whenua, kua kino; kua he hoki te ara o nga kikokiko katoa o runga o te whenua.
And God sees the earth, and behold, it has been corrupted, for all flesh has corrupted its way on the earth.
13 Na ka mea te Atua ki a Noa, Kua tae mai ki toku aroaro te mutunga o nga kikokiko katoa; no te mea kua ki i a ratou te whenua i te tutu; na, ka whakangaromia ratou tahi ko te whenua e ahau.
And God said to Noah, “An end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth has been full of violence from their presence; and behold, I am destroying them with the earth.
14 Hanga e koe tetahi aaka mou ki te rakau kopera; me hanga e koe etahi ruma ki roto i te aaka, ka pani ai i roto, i waho, ki te ware.
Make an ark of gopher-wood for yourself; you make rooms within the Ark, and you have covered it from inside and from outside with pitch;
15 Na kia penei tau hanga i taua mea: Kia toru rau whatianga te roa o te aaka, kia rima tekau whatianga te whanui, ko te teitei kia toru tekau whatianga.
and this [is] how you do it: three hundred cubits [is] the length of the Ark, fifty cubits its breadth, and thirty cubits its height;
16 Me hanga e koe he matapihi mo te aaka, kia kotahi te whatianga ki raro iho i te tuanui, e whakaotia ai e koe; a ko te tatau o te aaka me whakanoho e koe ki tona taha; ka mea ai koe he papanga ruma, to raro, te tuarua, me te tuatoru.
you make a window for the Ark, and you finish it to a cubit from above; and you put the opening of the Ark in its side; you make it [with] lower, second, and third [stories].
17 Na ko ahau, tenei ahau te tuku atu nei i te waipuke ki runga ki te whenua, hei whakangaro i nga kikokiko katoa e whai manawa ora ana i raro i te rangi; a ka mate nga mea katoa i runga i te whenua.
And I, behold, I am bringing in the flood of waters on the earth, to destroy from under the heavens all flesh in which [is] a living spirit; all that [is] in the earth expires.
18 Otiia ka whakamana e ahau taku kawenata ki a koe; me haere koe ki roto ki te aaka, koutou tahi ko au tama, ko tau wahine, ko nga wahine ano hoki a au tama.
And I have established My covenant with you, and you have come into the Ark—you, and your sons, and your wife, and your son’s wives with you;
19 Me mau e koe ki roto ki te aaka etahi o nga mea ora katoa o nga kikokiko katoa, kia rua o ia ahua, o ia ahua, kia ora tahi ai me koe; he te toa, hei te uha.
and of all that lives, of all flesh, you bring two from every [kind] into the Ark, to keep alive with you; they are male and female.
20 Ko etahi o nga manu o ia ahua, o ia ahua, o nga kararehe hoki o ia ahua, o ia ahua, o nga mea ngokingoki katoa o te whenua o ia ahua, o ia ahua kia tatakirua o te katoa e haere ki a koe, kia ora ai.
From the bird after its kind, and from the livestock after its kind, [and] from every creeping thing of the ground after its kind, two of every [kind] they come to you, to keep alive.
21 Tangohia mai hoki mau etahi o nga kai katoa e kainga ana, me amene mai ki a koe; a hei ka tena mau, ma ratou hoki.
And you, take for yourself from all food that is eaten; and you have gathered [it] to yourself, and it has been for you and for them for food.”
22 Na ka meatia e Noa; rite tonu ki nga mea katoa i whakahaua mai e te Atua ki a ia tana i mea ai.
And Noah does according to all that God has commanded him; so he has done.