< Kenehi 35 >

1 Na ka mea te atua ki a Hakopa, Whakatika, haere ake ki Peteere, ki reira noho ai; ka hanga hoki ki reira i tetahi aata ma te Atua i puta mai nei ki a koe, i tou rerenga mai i te aroaro o Ehau, o tou tuakana.
And God said to Jacob, Arise, go up to the place, Baethel, and dwell there; and make there an altar to the God that appeared to you, when you fled from the face of Esau your brother.
2 Katahi ka mea a Hakopa ki tona whare, ki ona tangata katoa hoki, Whakarerea atu nga atua ke i roto i a koutou, e pure i a koutou, a kakahuria etahi kakahu ke mo koutou:
And Jacob said to his house, and to all that were with him, Remove the strange gods that are with you from the midst of you, and purify yourselves, and change your clothes.
3 A whakatika tatou, ka haere ake ki Peteere; a ka hanga e ahau ki reira tetahi aata ma te Atua i whakarongo mai nei ki ahau i te ra i pouri ai ahau, i tata ano hoki ki ahau i te huarahi i haere ai ahau.
And let us rise and go up to Baethel, and let us there make an altar to God who listened to me in the day of calamity, who was with me, and preserved me throughout in the journey, by which I went.
4 Na ka homai e ratou ki a Hakopa nga atua ke katoa i roto i to ratou ringa, me nga whakakai i o ratou taringa; a ka huna e Hakopa ki raro i te oki i Hekeme.
And they gave to Jacob the strange gods, which were in their hands, and the ear-rings which were in their ears, and Jacob hid them under the turpentine tree which is in Secima, and destroyed them to this day.
5 Na ka turia atu e ratou: i runga ano te wehi o te Atua i nga pa i tetahi taha i tetahi taha o ratou, a kihai ratou i whai i nga tama a Hakopa.
So Israel departed from Secima, and the fear of God was upon the cities round about them, and they did not pursue after the children of Israel.
6 Heoi ka tae a Hakopa ki Rutu, ki tera hoki i te whenua o Kanaana, ara ki Peteere, a ia me tona nuinga katoa.
And Jacob came to Luza, which is in the land of Chanaan, which is Baethel, he and all the people that were with him.
7 A ka hanga e ia he aata ki reira, a huaina iho e ia taua wahi ko Erepeteere: no te mea hoki i puta mai te Atua ki a ia i reira, i tona rerenga i te aroaro o tona tuakana.
And he built there an altar, and called the name of the place Baethel; for there God appeared to him, when he fled from the face of his brother Esau.
8 Na ka mate a Tepora kaiwhakangote o Ripeka, a ka tanumia ki raro i Peteere, ki raro i te oki; a ka huaina to reira ingoa ko Aronipakuta.
And Deborrha, Rebecca's nurse, died, and was buried below Baethel under the oak; and Jacob called its name, The Oak of Mourning.
9 I puta mai ano te Atua ki a Hakopa i tona haerenga mai i Paranaarama, i manaaki hoki a ia.
And God appeared to Jacob once more in Luza, when he came out of Mesopotamia of Syria, and God blessed him.
10 A ka mea te Atua ki a ia, Ko Hakopa tou ingoa: e kore tou ingoa e huaina ko Hakopa a muri ake nei, engari ko Iharaira hei ingoa mou. Na huaina ana e ia tona ingoa ko Iharaira.
And God said to him, Your name shall not be called Jacob, but Israel shall be your name; and he called his name Israel.
11 I mea ano te Atua ki a ia, Ko ahau te Atua Kaha Rawa: kia hua koe, kia tini; kia puta he iwi, he huinga iwi ano hoki i roto i a koe, kia puta ano hoki nga kingi i roto i tou hope;
And God said to him, I am your God; increase and multiply; for nations and gatherings of nations shall be of you, and kings shall come out of your loins.
12 Ko te whenua hoki i hoatu e ahau ki a Aperahama raua ko Ihaka, ka hoatu ano e ahau ki a koe, ka hoatu ano hoki e ahau tena whenua ki ou uri i muri i a koe.
And the land which I gave to Abraam and Isaac, I have given it to you; and it shall come to pass that I will give this land also to your seed after you.
13 Na ka mawehe atu te Atua i a ia ki runga, i te wahi i korero ai ia ki a ia.
And God went up from him from the place where he spoke with him.
14 Na ka whakaturia e Hakopa he pou ki te wahi i korero ai ia ki a ia, he pou kohatu: a ka ringihia e ia he ringihanga ki runga, a i ringihia hoki e ia he hinu ki runga.
And Jacob set up a pillar in the place where God spoke with him, [even] a pillar of stone; and offered a libation upon it, and poured oil upon it.
15 A huaina iho e Hakopa te ingoa o te wahi i korero ai te Atua ki a ia, ko Peteere.
And Jacob called the name of the place in which God spoke with him, Baethel.
16 Na ka hapainga atu e ratou i Peteere; a ka whano ka tae ratou ki Eparata: na ka whakawhanau a Rahera, ka whakauaua hoki tona whanautanga.
[[And Jacob removed from Baethel, and pitched his tent beyond the tower of Gader, ]] and it came to pass when he drew near to Chabratha, to enter into Ephratha, Rachel travailed; and in her travail she was in hard labor.
17 A, i te mea ka whakauaua tona whanautanga, ka mea te kaiwhakawhanau ki a ia, Kaua e wehi; ta te mea he tama ano tenei au.
And it came to pass in her hard labor, that the midwife said to her, Be of good courage, for you shall also have this son.
18 Na, i te mea ka haere tona wairua, i mate hoki ia, ka huaina e ia tona ingoa ko Penoni: na tona papa ia i hua ko Pineamine.
And it came to pass in her giving up the ghost (for she was dying), that she called his name, The son of my pain; but his father called his name Benjamin.
19 Na ka mate a Rahera, ka tanumia ki te ara ki Eparata, koia nei a Peterehema.
So Rachel died, and was buried in the way of the course of Ephratha, this is Bethleem.
20 A ka whakaturia e Hakopa he pou ki runga ki tona rua: ko te pou ia o te rua o Rahera a tae noa ki tenei ra.
And Jacob set up a pillar on her tomb; this is the pillar on the tomb of Rachel, until this day.
21 Na ka turia atu e Iharaira, a ka whakaarahia e ia tona teneti ki tua atu i te pourewa i Erara.
And it came to pass when Israel lived in that land, that Ruben went and lay with Balla, the concubine of his father Jacob; and Israel heard, and the thing appeared grievous before him.
22 A, i a Iharaira e noho ana i taua whenua, na ka haere a Reupena ka takoto ki a Piriha wahine iti a tona papa: a ka rongo a Iharaira. Na kotahi tekau ma rua nga tama a Hakopa:
And the sons of Jacob were twelve.
23 Ko nga tama a Rea; ko Reupena, ko te matamua a Hakopa, ko Himiona, ko Riwai, ko Hura, ko Ihakara, ko Hepurona:
The sons of Lea, the firstborn of Jacob; Ruben, Symeon, Levi, Judas, Issachar, Zabulon.
24 Ko nga tama a Rahera; ko Hohepa raua ko Pineamine:
And the sons of Rachel; Joseph and Benjamin.
25 Ko nga tama a Piriha, pononga wahine a Rahera; ko Rana raua ko Napatari:
And the sons of Balla, the handmaid of Rachel; Dan and Nephthalim.
26 Ko nga tama a Tiripa, pononga wahine a Rea; ko Kara raua ko Ahera: ko nga tama enei a Hakopa i whanau nei mana ki Paranaarama.
And the sons of Zelpha, the handmaid of Lea; Gad and Aser. These [are] the sons of Jacob, which were born to him in Mesopotamia of Syria.
27 Na kua tae a Hakopa ki a Ihaka, ki tona papa, ki Mamere, ki te pa o Arapa, ara ki Heperona, ki te wahi hoki i noho ai a Aperahama raua ko Ihaka.
And Jacob came to Isaac his father to Mambre, to a city of the plain; this is Chebron in the land of Chanaan, where Abraam and Isaac sojourned.
28 A kotahi rau e waru tekau tau nga ra o Ihaka.
And the days of Isaac which he lived were an hundred and eighty years.
29 Na ka hemo a Ihaka, ka mate, ka kohia atu ki tona iwi, he koroheke, kua maha hoki ona ra: a na ana tama, na Ehau raua ko Hakopa ia i tanu.
And Isaac gave up the ghost and died, and was laid to his family, old and full of days; and Esau and Jacob his sons buried him.

< Kenehi 35 >