< Kenehi 31 >

1 A i rongo ia i nga kupu a nga tama a Rapana, e ki ana, Kua riro i a Hakopa nga mea katoa a to tatou papa; na nga mea hoki a to tatou papa i whiwhi ai ia ki tenei kororia katoa.
And Iacob herde the wordes of Labas sonnes how they sayde: Iacob hath take awaye all that was oure fathers and of oure fathers goodes hath he gote all this honoure.
2 A ka titiro a Hakopa ki te mata o Rapanga, na, kihai i pera ki a ia me to era rangi ake.
And Iacob behelde the countenauce of Laban that it was not toward him as it was in tymes past.
3 A ka mea a Ihowa ki a Hakopa, E hoki ki te whenua o ou matua, ki ou whanaunga hoki; a ka tata ahau ki a koe.
And the LORde sayde vnto Iacob: turne agayne in to the lade of thy fathers and to thy kynred and I wilbe with ye.
4 Na ka tono tangata a Hakopa hei karanga i a Rahera raua ko Rea ki tana kahui, ki te parae,
Tha Iacob sent and called Rahel and Lea to the felde vnto his shepe
5 A ka mea ia ki a raua, E kite ana ahau i te mata o to korua papa, kahore e pera mai ki ahau me to era rangi ake; otiia i tata mai ki ahau te Atua o toku papa.
and sayde vnto the: I se youre fathers countenauce yt it is not toward me as in tymes past. Morouer ye God of my father hath bene with me.
6 E mohio ana ano korua, i poto katoa atu toku kaha ki taku mahi ki to korua papa.
And ye knowe how that I haue serued youre father with all my myghte.
7 Ko to korua papa ia i tinihanga ki ahau, ka tekau rawa ana whakaputanga ketanga i oku utu; otiia kihai ia i tukua e te Atua kia tukino i ahau.
And youre father hath disceaued me and chaunged my wages. x. tymes: But God suffred him not to hurte me.
8 Mehemea i korero penei ia, Hei nga mea whai tongitongi te utu mou; na, he mea tongitongi katoa nga whanau o nga kahui: a, mehemea ia i ki penei, Hei nga mea whakahekeheke he utu mou, na, he whakahekeheke katoa nga whanau o nga kahui.
When he sayde the spotted shalbe thy wages tha all the shepe barespotted. Yf he sayde the straked shalbe thi rewarde tha bare all the shepe straked:
9 Koia i tangohia ai e Ihowa nga hipi a to korua papa, a homai ana ki ahau.
thus hath God take awaye youre fathers catell and geue the me.
10 Na, i te wa i whakahaputia ai te kahui, ka maranga ake oku kanohi, a ka kite moemoea ahau, ko nga toa i ekengia ai nga kahui, he whakahekeheke, he mea whai tongitongi, he mea kotingotingo.
For in buckynge tyme I lifted vp myne eyes and sawe in a dreame: and beholde the rammes that bucked the shepe were straked spotted and partie.
11 I korero moemoea mai ano te anahera a te Atua ki ahau, E Hakopa: a ka mea atu ahau, Tenei ahau.
And the angell of God spake vnto me in a dreame saynge: Iacob. And I answered: here am I.
12 Na ka mea mai ia, Tena, whakaarahia ake ou kanohi, ka titiro ki nga toa katoa e ekeeke ana i nga kahui, he whakahekeheke, he whai tongitongi, he kotingotingo hoki: kua kite hoki ahau i nga mea katoa i mea nei a Rapana ki a koe.
And he sayde: lyfte vp thyne eyes ad see how all therames that leape vpon the shepe are straked spotted and partie: for I haue sene all that Laban doth vnto ye.
13 Ko ahau te Atua o Peteere, o te wahi i whakawahi na koe i te pou, i puaki ai hoki tau kupu taurangi ki ahau: kati, whakatika, haere atu i tenei whenua, hoki atu ki te whenua i whanau ai koe.
I am ye god of Bethell where thou anoynteddest the stone ad where thou vowdest a vowe vnto me. Now aryse and gett the out of this countre ad returne vnto the lade where thou wast borne.
14 Na ka whakahoki a Rahera raua ko Rea, ka mea ki a ia, Tera atu ano ianei tetahi wahi, tetahi taonga tupu ranei mo maua i roto i te whare o to maua papa?
Than answered Rahel and Lea and sayde vnto him: we haue no parte nor enheritaunce in oure fathers house
15 Kahore ianei maua i te kiia e ia he wahine ke noa atu? kua hokona nei hoki maua e ia, kua pau rawa ano i a ia a maua moni.
he cownteth us eue as straungers for he hath solde vs and hath euen eaten vp the price of vs.
16 Mo tatou nei hoki, mo a tatou tamariki nga taonga katoa i tangohia nei e te atua i to maua papa: na, tena, meatia nga mea katoa i kiia e te Atua ki a koe.
Moreouer all the riches which God hath take from oure father that is oures and oure childerns. Now therfore what soeuer God hath sayde vnto the that doo.
17 Na ka whakatika a Hakopa, a whakaekea ana e ia ana tamariki me ana wahine ki runga ki nga kamera;
Tha Iacob rose vp and sett his sones and wiues vp vpon camels
18 A kawhakina atu ana e ia ana kararehe katoa, me ona taonga katoa i whiwhi ai ia, nga kararehe i whiwhi ai ia, i riro hoki i a ia i Paranaarama, a haere ana ki a Ihaka, ki tona papa, ki te whenua o Kanaana.
and caried away all his catell and all his substace which he had gotte in Mesopotamia for to goo to Isaac his father vnto the lade of Canaan.
19 Na ko Rapana kua riro ki te kutikuti i ana hipi: katahi ka tahaetia e Rahera nga whakapakoko a tona papa.
Laba was gone to shere his shepe and Rahel had stolle hir fathers ymages.
20 Na tahuti ana a Hakopa i a Rapana Hiriani, kihai hoki i whakaaturia tona omanga ki a ia.
And Iacob went awaye vnknowynge to Laban the Sirie and tolde him not yt he fled.
21 Na ka oma ia, me ana mea katoa; i whakatika ia, ka whiti i te awa, i ahu hoki tona mata ki te maunga, ki Kireara.
So fled he and all yt he had and made him self redy and passed ouer the ryuers and sett his face streyght towarde the mounte Gilead.
22 A i te toru o nga ra ka korerotia ki a Rapana, kua oma a Hakopa.
Apo the thirde day after was it tolde Laba yt Iacob was fled.
23 Na ka tango ia i ona teina hei hoa mona, a ka wahi i a ia, e whitu nga ra ki te ara; a mau atu ia i a ia ki Maunga Kirera.
Tha he toke his brethre with him and folowed after him. vij. dayes iourney and ouer toke him at the mounte Gilead.
24 Na ka puta moemoea te Atua ki a Rapana Hiriani i te po, ka mea ki a ia, Kia tupato kei korero koe ki a Hakopa, ahakoa pai, ahakoa kino.
And God came to Laba the Siria in a dreame by nyghte and sayde vnto him: take hede to thi selfe that thou speake not to Iacob oughte save good.
25 Na ka mau a Hakopa i a Rapana, Na tera kua whakaturia e Hakopa tona teneti ki te maunga: heoi whakaturia ana hoki e Rapana ratou ko ona teina ki Maunga Kirera.
And Laba ouer toke Iacob: and Iacob had pitched his tete in yt mounte. And Laban with his brethern pitched their tete also apon the mounte Gilead.
26 Na ka mea a Rapana ki a Hakopa, He mahi aha tau, i tahuti mai nei koe i ahau, i kahaki mai nei hoki i aku tamahine, ano he parau na te hoari?
Than sayde Laba to Iacob: why hast thou this done vnknowynge to me and hast caried awaye my doughters as though they had bene take captyue with swerde?
27 He aha i huna ai e koe tou omanga, i tahuti mai ai i ahau; a kihai i korero mai ki ahau, kia tukua ai koe e ahau i runga i te hari, i nga waiata, i te timipera, i te hapa;
Wherfore wentest thou awaye secretly vnknowne to me and didest not tell me yt I myghte haue broughte yt on the waye with myrth syngynge tymrells and harppes
28 Kihai ano ahau i tukua e koe kia kihi i aku tama, i aku tamahine? he mahi poauau tenei mahi au.
and hast not suffred me to kysse my childern and my doughters. Thou wast a fole to do
29 He kaha kei toku ringa hei whakatupu kino i a koutou: otiia kua korero mai te Atua o to koutou papa ki ahau inapo, kua mea mai, Kia tupato kei korero atu koe, ahakoa pai, ahakoa kino, ki a Hakopa.
it for I am able to do you evell. But the God of youre father spake vnto me yesterdaye saynge take hede tha thou speake not to Iacob oughte saue goode.
30 Na, ahakoa i whakamatea e koe tou haere, no te mea i koroa e koe te whare o tou papa, he aha ra koe i tahae ai i oku atua?
And now though thou wetest thi waye because thou logest after thi fathers house yet wherfore hast thou stollen my goddes?
31 Na ka whakahoki a Hakopa, ka mea ki a Rapana, No te mea hoki i wehi ahau: i mea hoki ahau, Kei tangohia e koe au tamahine i ahau.
Iacob answered and sayde to Laba: because I was afrayed and thought that thou woldest haue take awaye thy doughters fro me.
32 Ko te tangata e kitea e koe ou atua i a ia, kaua ia e whakaorangia: tirohia iho e koe i te aroaro o o taua teina ko ehea mea au kei ahau, ka tango atu ai mau. Kihai hoki a Hakopa i mohio, kua tahaetia aua mea e Rahera.
But with whome soeuer thou fyndest thy goddes let him dye here before oure brethre. Seke that thine is by me and take it to the: for Iacob wist not that Rahel had stolle the.
33 Na ka haere a Rapana ki te teneti o Hakopa, ki te teneti hoki o Rea, ki te teneti ano hoki o nga pononga wahine tokorua; a kihai i kitea. A ka puta atu ia i te teneti o Rea, a ka tomo atu ki te teneti o Rahera.
Tha wet Laba in to Iacobs tete and in to Leas tete and in to. ij. maydens tentes: but fownde the not. Tha wet he out of Leas tete and entred in to Rahels tete.
34 Na tera kua tikina nga whakapakoko e Rahera, kua whaongia ki roto ki te nohoanga kamera, a nohoia iho e ia. Na poto katoa te teneti te whawha e Rapana, a kihai i kitea.
And Rahel toke the ymages and put them in the camels strawe and sate doune apo the. And Laba serched all the tete: but fownde the not.
35 Na ka mea ia ki tona papa, Kei riri mai toku ariki moku e kore e ahei te whakatika ake ki tou aroaro; no te mea ko to te wahine mate tenei kei ahau. Na rapu noa ia, kihai i kitea nga whakapakoko.
Tha sayde she to hir father: my lorde be not angrye yt I ca not ryse vp before the for the disease of weme is come apon me. So searched he but foude the not.
36 Na ka riri a Hakopa, ka ngangare ki a Rapana: a ka oho a Hakopa, ka mea ki a Rapana, He aha toku hara? he aha toku he, i takare ai koe ki te whai mai i ahau?
Iacob was wrooth and chode with Laba: Iacob also answered and sayde to him: what haue I trespaced or what haue I offended that thou foloweddest after me?
37 Kua whawhakia nei e koe aku mea katoa, he aha te mea i kitea e koe o nga mea katoa o tou whare? Homai ki konei ki te aroaro o oku teina, o ou teina, ma ratou e whakariterite ta taua whakawa.
Thou hast searched all my stuffe and what hast thou founde of all thy housholde stuffe? put it here before thi brethern and myne and let the iudge betwyxte vs both.
38 Ka rua tekau enei tau oku ki a koe; kihai i whanau whakatahe au hipi, au koati, kihai ano i kainga e ahau nga hipi toa o tau kahui.
This xx. yere yt I haue bene wyth the thy shepe and thy gootes haue not bene baren and the rammes of thi flocke haue I not eate.
39 Ko te mea i haea e nga kirehe mohoao kihai i kawea e ahau ki a koe; naku ano tena i whakautu; i rapu utu ano koe mo tena i toku ringa, ahakoa mo te mea i tahaetia i te awatea, mo te mea ranei i tahaetia i te po.
What soeuer was torne of beastes I broughte it not vnto ye but made it good mysilf: of my hade dydest thou requyre it whether it was stollen by daye or nyghte
40 Ko taku hanga tena; i te awatea i pau ahau i te matewai, i te po i te huka; a turere ana te moe i oku kanohi.
Moreouer by daye the hete consumed me and the colde by nyghte and my slepe departed fro myne eyes.
41 Ka rua tekau enei tau oku ki tou whare; kotahi tekau ma wha nga tau i mahi ai ahau ki a koe mo au tamahine tokorua, e ono tau hoki mo au hipi: a ka tekau au whakaputanga ketanga i nga utu moku.
Thus haue I bene. xx. yere in thi house and serued the. xiiij. yeres forthy. ij. doughters and vi. yere for thi shepe and thou hast changed my rewarde. x. tymes.
42 Me i kahore i tata mai ki ahau te Atua o toku papa, te Atua o Aperahama, te Wehi hoki o Ihaka, ina kua tonoa kautia mai ahau e koe. I kite mai te Atua i toku tukinotanga, i te mahi hoki a oku ringa, i riria ai koe e ia inapo.
And excepte the God of my father the God of Abraha and the God whome Isaac feareth had bene with me: surely thou haddest sent me awaye now all emptie. But God behelde my tribulation and the laboure of my handes: and rebuked the yester daye.
43 Na ko te whakahokinga a Rapana, ko te meatanga ki a Hakopa, He tamahine naku enei tamahine, he tamariki ano naku enei tamariki, he kahui ano hoki naku enei kahui, a ko nga mea katoa e kite nei koe, naku: a he aha taku e mea ai akuanei ki enei ta mahine aku, ki a raua tamariki ranei i whanau nei i a raua?
Laban answered ad sayde vnto Iacob: the doughters are my doughters and the childern ar my childern and the shepe are my shepe ad all that thou seist is myne. And what can I do this daye vnto these my doughters or vnto their childern which they haue borne?
44 Na, tena, haere mai, kia whakarite kawenata taua, a koe me ahau; a ka waiho hei kaiwhakaatu ki a taua.
Now therfore come on let us make a bonde I and thou together and let it be a wytnesse betwene the and me.
45 Na ka tikina tetahi kohatu e Hakopa, a whakaarahia ake e ia hei pou.
Than toke Iacob a stone and sett it vp an ende
46 A ka mea a Hakopa ki ona teina, Kohia mai he kohatu; na ka tikina atu e ratou etahi kohatu, ka hanga he puranga: a kai ana ratou ki reira ki runga ki te puranga.
ad sayde vnto his brethern gather stoones And they toke stoones ad made an heape and they ate there vpo the heape.
47 A huaina iho taua mea e Rapana ko Iekarahaharuta: na Hakopa ia i hua ko Kareere.
And Laba called it Iegar Sahadutha but Iacob called it Gylead.
48 Na ka mea a Rapana, Hei kaiwhakaatu tenei puranga i tenei ra ki a taua. Na reira i huaina ai tona ingoa ko Kareere;
Than sayde Laban: this heape be witnesse betwene the and me this daye (therfore is it called Gilead)
49 Ko Mihipa hoki; i mea hoki ia, Ma Ihowa e titiro mai ki a taua, ina matara atu taua i a taua.
and this totehill which the lorde seeth (sayde he) be wytnesse betwene me and the when we are departed one from a nother:
50 Ki te tukino koe i aku tamahine, ki te tango ranei i etahi wahine ke atu i aku tamahine, kahore he tangata i a taua; kia mahara, hei kaititiro te Atua ki ahau, ki a koe.
that thou shalt not vexe my doughters nether shalt take other wyves vnto them. Here is no man with vs: beholde God is wytnesse betwixte the and me.
51 I mea ano a Rapana ki a Hakopa, Titiro ki tenei puranga, a titiro hoki ki tenei pou i waiho iho nei e ahau i waenganui i a taua;
And Laban sayde moreouer to Iacob: beholde this heape and this marke which I haue sett here betwyxte me and the:
52 Hei kaiwhakaatu tenei puranga, hei kaiwhakaatu ano hoki tenei pou, moku kei haere ki tua atu o tenei puranga ki a koe, mou hoki kei haere ake ki ahau ki tua o tenei puranga, o tenei pou hoki, mo te kino.
this heape be wytnesse and also this marcke that I will not come ouer this heape to the ad thou shalt not come ouer this heape ad this marke to do any harme.
53 Ma te Atua o Aperahama, ma te Atua hoki o Nahora, ma te Atua o to raua papa, e whakarite ta taua whakawa. Na ka oatitia e Hakopa te Wehi o tona papa, o Ihaka.
The God of Abraham the God of Nahor and the God of theyr fathers be iudge betwixte vs. And Iacob sware by him that his father Isaac feared.
54 Na patua ana e Hakopa he patunga tapu ki runga ki te maunga, a karangatia ana e ia ona teina ki te kai taro: na ka kai taro ratou, a ka moe ki te maunga.
Then Iacob dyd sacrifyce vpon the mounte and called his brethern to eate breed. And they ate breed and taried all nyghte in the hyll.
55 A ka maranga wawe a Rapana i te ata, ka kihi i ana tama, i ana tamahine, ka manaaki hoki i a ratou: na haere ana a Rapana, hoki ana ki tona wahi.
And early in the mornynge Laban rose vp and kyssed his childern and his doughters and blessed the and departed and wet vnto his place agayne.

< Kenehi 31 >