< Kenehi 28 >

1 Na ka karanga a Ihaka i a Hakopa, ka manaaki i a ia, ka tohutohu ki a ia, a ka mea ki a ia, Kaua koe e tango wahine o nga tamahine o Kanaana.
Than Isaac called Iacob his sonne and blessed him ad charged him and sayde vnto him: se thou take not a wife of the doughters of Canaan
2 Whakatika, haere ki Paranaarama ki te whare o Petuere, papa o tou whaea; ka tango mai i reira i tetahi wahine mau o nga tamahine a Rapana, tungane o tou whaea.
but aryse ad gett the to Mesopotamia to the house of Bethuel thy mothers father: and there take the a wife of the doughters of Laban thi mothers brother.
3 A ma te Atua Kaha Rawa koe e manaaki, mana koe e mea kia hua, kia nui, kia meinga hoki hei huihuinga iwi;
And God allmightie blesse the increase the and multiplie the that thou mayst be a nombre of people
4 Mana e homai ki a koe te manaaki o Aperahama, ki a koutou tahi ko ou uri; kia riro ai i a koe te whenua e noho manene nei koe, i homai nei hoki e te Atua ki a Aperahama.
and geue the the blessynge of Abraham: both to the and to thy seed with the that thou mayst possesse the lade (wherein thou art a strangere) which God gaue vnto Abraham.
5 Na tonoa atu ana a Hakopa e Ihaka: a haere ana ia ki Paranaarama ki a Rapana, ki te tama a Petuere Hiriani, ki te tungane o Ripeka, whaea o Hakopa raua ko Ehau.
Thus Isaac sent forth Iacob to goo to Mesopotamia vnto Laban sonne of Bethuel the Sirien and brother to Rebecca Iacobs and Esaus mother.
6 A ka kite a Ehau kua manaaki a Ihaka i a Hakopa, kua tono hoki i a ia ki Paranaarama ki te tiki wahine mana i reira; kua tohutohu hoki ki a ia, i a ia e manaaki ana i a ia, kua mea, Kei tangohia e koe he wahine i nga tamahine o Kanaana;
When Esau sawe that Isaac had blessed Iacob and sent him to Mesopotamia to fett him a wife thence and that as he blessed him he gaue him a charge saynge: se thou take not a wife of the doughters of Canaan:
7 A kua rongo a Hakopa ki tona papa raua ko tona whaea, kua riro hoki ki Paranaarama;
and that Iacob had obeyed his father and mother and was gone vnto Mesopotamia:
8 A ka kite a Ehau e kino ana nga tamahine o Kanaana ki te titiro a Ihaka, a tona papa;
and seynge also that the doughters of Canaan pleased not Isaac his father:
9 Na haere ana a Ehau ki a Ihimaera, a tangohia ana mai e ia ki roto ki ana wahine a Maharata, te tamahine a Ihimaera, tama a Aperahama, te tuahine o Nepaioto, hei wahine mana.
Then went he vnto Ismael and toke vnto the wiues which he had Mahala the doughter of Ismael Abrahams sonne the sister of Nabaioth to be his wife.
10 Na ka turia atu e Hakopa i Peerehepa, a haere ana ki Harana.
Iacob departed from Berseba and went toward Haran
11 A ka pono atu ia ki tetahi wahi, ka moe i reira, kua to hoki te ra; na ka tikina atu e ia tetahi o nga kohatu o taua wahi, a meatia ana e ia hei urunga mona, ka takoto ia i taua wahi, ka moe.
and came vnto a place and taried there all nyghte because the sonne was downe. And toke a stone of the place and put it vnder his heade and layde him downe in the same place to slepe.
12 Na moe iho ia, ko tetahi arawhata e tu ana i runga i te whenua, ko tona pito i tutuki ki te rangi: na, ko nga anahera a te Atua e piki ana, e heke ana i runga i taua mea.
And he dreamed: and beholde there stode a ladder apon the erth and the topp of it reached vpp to heaue. And se the angells of God went vp and downe apon it
13 Na, ko Ihowa e tu ana i runga atu i taua mea, e mea ana, Ko Ihowa ahau, ko te Atua o Aperahama, o tou papa, ko te Atua hoki o Ihaka: ko te whenua e takoto na koe ka hoatu e ahau ki a koe, ki ou uri ano hoki;
yee ad the LORde stode apon it and sayde. I am the LORde God of Abraham thi father and the God of Isaac: The londe which thou slepest apon will I geue the and thy seed.
14 A ka rite ou uri ki te puehu o te oneone, ka tohatoha atu koe ki te hauauru, ki te rawhiti, ki te raki, ki te tonga: a mau, ma tou uri hoki e manaakitia ai nga hapu katoa o te whenua.
And thy seed shalbe as the dust of the erth: And thou shalt spreade abrode: west east north and south. And thorow the and thy seed shall all the kynreddes of the erth be blessed.
15 Na, kei a koe tenei ahau, ka tiaki ahau i a koe i nga wahi katoa e haere ai koe, ka whakahoki mai ano ahau i a koe ki tenei whenua; e kore hoki ahau e whakarere i a koe, kia oti ra ano taku i ki atu ai ki a koe.
And se I am with the and wylbe thy keper in all places whother thou goost and wyll brynge ye agayne in to this lande: Nether will I leaue the vntill I haue made good all that I haue promysed the.
16 Na ka oho ake a Hakopa i tana moe, ka mea, He pono kei tenei wahi a Ihowa; a kihai ahau i mohio.
When Iacob was awaked out of his slepe he sayde: surely the LORde is in this place ad I was not aware.
17 Na ka wehi ia, kamea, Ano te wehi o tenei wahi! ehara tenei i te mea ke atu i te whare o te Atua, a ko te kuwaha tenei ki te rangi.
And he was afrayde and sayde how fearfull is this place? it is none other but euen the house of God and the gate of heaue.
18 Na ka ara wawe a Hakopa i te ata, a ka mau ki te kohatu i waiho ra hei urunga mona, whakaturia ana e ia hei pou, ringihia iho e ia he hinu ki runga.
And Iacob stode vp early in the mornynge and toke the stone that he had layde vnder his heade and pitched it vp an ende and poured oyle on the topp of it.
19 A huaina iho e ia te ingoa o taua wahi ko Peteere: ko Rutu ia te ingoa o taua pa i mua.
And he called the name of the place Bethell for in dede the name of the citie was called Lus before tyme.
20 Na ka puaki ta Hakopa kupu taurangi, ka mea ia, Ki te mea ka tata mai ki ahau te Atua, a ka tiakina ahau e ia i tenei ara e haere nei ahau, a ka homai e ia ki ahau he taro hei kai, me tetahi kakahu hei kakahu,
And Iacob vowed a vowe saynge: Yf God will be with me and wyll kepe me in this iourney which I goo and will geue me bread to eate and cloothes to put on
21 A ka hoki mai ahau i runga i te rangimarie ki te whare o toku papa; na, ko Ihowa hei Atua ki ahau:
so that I come agayne vnto my fathers house in saftie: then shall the LORde be my God
22 A, ko tenei kohatu i whakaturia nei e ahau hei pou, ka waiho hei whare mo te Atua; a, o nga mea katoa e homai e koe ki ahau, ka hoatu e ahau ki a koe nga whakatekau.
and this stone which I haue sett vp an ende shalbe godes house And of all that thou shalt geue me will I geue the tenth vnto the.

< Kenehi 28 >