< Kenehi 17 >

1 A, i te mea ka iwa tekau ma iwa nga tau o Aperama, ka puta mai a Ihowa ki a Aperama, ka mea ki a ia, Ko ahau te Atua Kaha Rawa; haereere i mua i toku aroaro, kia tapatahi hoki te whakaaro.
Forsothe aftir that Abram bigan to be of nynti yeer and nyne, the Lord apperide to hym, and seide to him, Y am Almyyti God; go thou bifore me, and be thou perfit;
2 A ka waiho e ahau taku kawenata ki waenganui i a taua, ka tino whakanui rawa ano ahau i a koe.
and Y schal sette my couenaunt of pees bitwixe me and thee; and Y schal multiplie thee ful greetli.
3 Na ka kupapa te kanohi o Aperama: a ka korero te Atua ki a ia, ka mea,
And Abram felde doun lowe on his face.
4 Na ko ahau, kei a koe taku kawenata, a ka matua koe mo nga iwi maha.
And God seide to hym, Y am, and my couenaunt of pees is with thee, and thou schalt be the fadir of many folkis;
5 E kore hoki tou ingoa e huaina a muri ake nei ko Aperama, engari ko Aperahama te ingoa mou; ka meinga hoki koe e ahau hei matua mo nga iwi maha.
and thi name schal no more be clepid Abram, but thou schalt be clepid Abraham, for Y haue maad thee fadir of many folkis;
6 Ka meinga ano koe e ahau kia tino hua rawa, ka meinga koe e ahau hei take mo nga iwi, a ka puta mai nga kingi i roto i a koe.
and Y schal make thee to wexe ful greetli, and Y schal sette thee in folkis, and kyngis schulen go out of thee;
7 A ka whakapumautia e ahau taku kawenata ki waenganui oku, o koutou hoki ko ou uri i muri i a koe, o tera whakatupuranga, o tera whakatupuranga o ratou, hei kawenata mau tonu, a hei Atua ahau mou, mo ou uri hoki i muri i a koe.
and Y schal make my couenaunt bitwixe me and thee, and bitwixe thi seed after thee, in her generaciouns, bi euerlastynge bond of pees, that Y be thi God, and of thi seed after thee;
8 A ka hoatu e ahau ki a koe, ki ou uri hoki i muri i a koe, te whenua e noho manene na koe, te whenua katoa o Kanaana, hei kainga pumau; a hei Atua ahau mo ratou.
and Y schal yyue to thee and to thi seed after thee the lond of thi pilgrymage, al the lond of Chanaan, in to euerlastynge possessioun, and Y schal be the God of hem.
9 I mea ano te Atua ki a Aperahama, Ina, ko koe, me whakarite e koe taku kawenata, e koutou ko ou uri i muri i a koe, e tera whakatupuranga, e tera whakatupuranga o ratou.
God seide eft to Abraham, And therfor thou schalt kepe my couenaunt, and thi seed after thee, in her generaciouns.
10 Ko taku kawenata tenei hei whakaritenga ma koutou i waenganui oku, o koutou ko ou uri i muri i a koe; Me kokoti a koutou tane katoa.
This is my couenaunt, which ye schulen kepe bitwixe me and you, and thi seed after thee; ech male kynde of you schal be circumcidid,
11 Me kokoti e koutou to koutou kiri matamata: a ka waiho tena hei tohu mo te kawenata i waenganui oku, o koutou.
and ye schulen circumside the fleisch of youre mannes yeerd, that it be in to a signe of boond of pees bytwixe me and you.
12 Me kokoti e koutou nga tamariki ina waru nga ra, nga tane katoa o tena whakatupuranga, o tena whakatupuranga o koutou, nga mea i whanau i roto i te whare, i hokona ranei ki te moni i tetahi tangata ke, ehara nei i te uri nou.
A yong child of eiyte daies schal be circumsidid in you, al male kynde in youre generaciouns, as wel a borun seruaunt as a seruaunt bouyt schal be circumsidid, and who euere is of youre kynrede he schal be circumsidid;
13 Me kokoti tonu te tangata i whanau i roto i tou whare, i hokona ranei ki tau moni, a ka mau taku kawenata ki o koutou kikokiko, hei kawenata mau tonu.
and my couenaunt schal be in youre fleisch in to euerlastynge boond of pees.
14 A, ko te tane kihai i kotia, kihai nei i kotia tona kiri matamata, ka hatepea atu tena wairua i roto i tona iwi; kua whakataka e ia taku kawenata.
A man whos fleisch of his yerde schal not be circumsidid, thilke man schal be doon a wei fro his puple; for he made voide my couenaunt.
15 A ka mea te Atua ki a Aperahama, Ko Harai, ko tau wahine, kaua e huaina tona ingoa ko Harai, engari ko Hara he ingoa mona.
Also God seide to Abraham, Thou schalt not clepe Saray, thi wijf, Sarai, but Sara;
16 A ko manaaki ahau i a ia, ka hoatu ano hoki i tetahi tama ki a koe i roto i a ia: ina, ka manaaki ahau i a ia, a hei whaea ia mo nga iwi; ka puta mai nga kingi mo nga iwi i roto i a ia.
and Y schal blesse hir, and of hir I schal yyue to thee a sone, whom I schal blesse, and he schal be in to naciouns, and kyngis of puplis schulen be borun of hym.
17 Na ka kupapa te kanohi o Aperahama ki raro, a ka kata ia, ka mea hoki i roto i tona ngakau, Tera ranei e whanau he tama ma te tangata kua kotahi rau nei ona tau? e whanau tamariki ranei a Hara, te wahine kua iwa tekau nei ona tau?
Abraham felde doun on his face, and leiyede in his hert, and seide, Gessist thou, whethir a sone schal be borun to a man of an hundrid yeer, and Sara of nynti yeer schal bere child?
18 Na ka mea ake a Aperahama ki te Atua, Kia ora noa oti a Ihimaera ki tou aroaro!
And he seide to the Lord, Y wolde that Ismael lyue bifore thee.
19 Na ka mea te Atua, Ehara, ka whanau ta korua tama ko Hara; a me hua e koe tona ingoa ko Ihaka: ka whakapumau ano ahau i taku kawenata ki a ia, ki ona uri hoki i muri i a ia, hei kawenata mau tonu.
And the Lord seide to Abraham, Sara, thi wijf, schal bere a sone to thee, and thou schalt clepe his name Ysaac, and Y schal make my couenaunt to hym in to euerlastynge boond of pees, and to his seed aftir hym;
20 Ko Ihimaera ia, na, kua whakarongo ahau ki a koe; nana, kua oti ia te manaaki e ahau, a ka meinga ia e ahau kia hua, kia tino nui rawa hoki; ka whanau ana tamariki kotahi tekau ma rua he ariki, a ka meinga ia e ahau hei iwi nui.
also on Ysmael Y haue herd thee, lo! Y schal blesse him, and Y schal encreesse, and Y schal multiplie him greetli; he schal gendre twelue dukis, and Y schal make hym in to a greet folk.
21 Ka whakapumautia ia e ahau taku kawenata ki a Ihaka, ka whanau nei i a korua ko Hara a te taima e rite ana ki tenei o te tau e haere ake nei.
Forsothe Y schal make my couenaunt to Ysaac, whom Sare schal childe to thee in this tyme in the tother yeer.
22 A ka mutu tana korero ki a ia, a mawehe atu ana te Atua i a Aperahama ki runga.
And whanne the word of the spekere with hym was endid, God stiede fro Abraham.
23 Katahi ka tongo a Aperahama i a Ihimaera i tana tama, ratou ko nga mea katoa i whanau i roto i tona whare, me nga mea katoa i hokona ki tana moni, nga tane katoa i roto i nga tangata o te whare o Aperahama; a kotia ana e ia to ratou kiri matamat a i taua ra pu ano, i pera me ta te Atua i korero ai ki a ia.
Forsothe Abraham took Ismael, his sone, and alle the borun seruauntis of his hous, and alle which he hadde bouyte, alle the malis of alle men of his hous, and circumsidide the fleisch of her yerde, anoon in that dai, as the Lord comaundide him.
24 Na e iwa tekau ma iwa nga tau o Aperahama i te kotinga o tona kiri matamata.
Abraham was of nynti yeer and nyne whanne he circumsidide the fleisch of his yeerd,
25 Kotahi tekau ma toru hoki nga tau o tana tama o Ihimaera i te kotinga o tona kiri matamata.
and Ismael, his sone, hadde fillid threttene yeer in the tyme of his circumsicioun.
26 No taua rangi pu ano i kotia ai a Aperahama, raua ko tana tama, ko Ihimaera.
Abraham was circumsidid in the same day, and Ismael his sone,
27 A i kotia ngatahitia me ia nga tangata katoa o tona whare, nga mea i whanau i roto i te whare, me nga mea i hokona ki te moni i te tangata iwi ke.
and alle men of his hows, as wel borun seruauntis as bouyt and aliens, weren circumcidid togidre.

< Kenehi 17 >