< Kenehi 11 >

1 Na kotahi tonu te reo o te whenua katoa, rite tonu ano nga korero.
And it was all the earth language one and words one.
2 A, i a ratou e haere ana whaka te rawhiti, na ka kite ratou i tetahi mania i te whenua o Hinara; a noho ana ratou i reira.
And it was when set out they from [the] east and they found a plain in [the] land of Shinar and they dwelt there.
3 Na ka mea ratou ki tona hoa, ki tona hoa, Tena, tatou ka hanga pereki, me ata tahu marire ano hoki. Na ka meinga e ratou he pereki hei kohatu, he uku hoki ta ratou moata.
And they said each to neighbor his give! let us make bricks bricks and let us burn [them] to burning and became for them brick to stone and bitumen became for them to mortar.
4 Na ka mea ratou, Tena, tatou ka hanga i tetahi pa me tetahi pourewa, a kia tutuki a runga ki te rangi, kia whai ingoa ai tatou; kei marara noa atu tatou ki te mata o te whenua katoa.
And they said give! - let us build for ourselves a city and a tower and top its [will be] in the heavens and we may make for ourselves a name lest we should be scattered over [the] surface of all the earth.
5 Na ka heke iho a Ihowa kia kite i te pa me te pourewa, i hanga nei e nga tama a te tangata.
And he came down Yahweh to see the city and the tower which they had built [the] children of humankind.
6 A ka mea a Ihowa, Nana, kotahi tonu te iwi nei, kotahi ano hoki to ratou reo; a ka timataia nei tenei mahi e ratou: e kore ano ratou e taea te pupuri mai i tetahi mea, e whakaaro ana ratou kia mahia.
And he said Yahweh here! a people one and a language one [belongs] to all of them and this [is] beginning they to do and now not it will be withheld from them all that they will plan to do.
7 Tena, tatou ka heke atu, ka whakapoauau i o ratou reo i reira, kia kore ai ratou e matau, ia tangata, ia tangata ki te reo o tona hoa.
Give! let us go down and let us confuse there language their that not they will hear each [the] language of neighbor his.
8 Na whakamararatia atu ana ratou i reira e Ihowa ki runga ki te mata o te whenua katoa: a mahue ake i a ratou te hanga i te pa.
And he scattered Yahweh them from there over [the] surface of all the earth and they ceased to build the city.
9 Na kona i huaina ai to reira ingoa ko Papera; no te mea i whakapoauautia e Ihowa i reira te reo o te whenua katoa: no reira ano hoki te whakamararatanga a Ihowa i a ratou ki te mata o te whenua katoa.
There-fore someone called name its Babel for there he confused Yahweh [the] language of all the earth and from there he scattered them Yahweh over [the] surface of all the earth.
10 Ko nga whakatupuranga enei o Hema: ka kotahi rau nga tau o Hema, na ka whanau a Arapahata i te rua o nga tau i muri i te waipuke:
These [are] [the] accounts of Shem Shem [was] a son of one hundred year[s] and he fathered Arphaxad two years after the flood.
11 A e rima rau nga tau i ora ai a Hema i muri i te whanautanga o Arapahata, a ka whanau ana tama me ana tamahine.
And he lived Shem after fathered he Arphaxad five hundred year[s] and he fathered sons and daughters.
12 A ka toru tekau ma rima nga tau i ora ai a Arapahata, na ka whanau a Haraha:
And Arphaxad he lived five and thirty year[s] and he fathered Shelah.
13 A e wha rau e toru nga tau i ora ai a Arapahata i muri i te whanautanga o Haraha, ka whanau ana tama me ana tamahine.
And he lived Arphaxad after fathered he Shelah three years and four hundred year[s] and he fathered sons and daughters.
14 A ka toru tekau nga tau i ora ai a Haraha, na ka whanau a Epere:
And Shelah he lived thirty year[s] and he fathered Eber.
15 A e wha rau e toru nga tau o Haraha i muri i te whanautanga o Epere, ka whanau ana tama me ana tamahine.
And he lived Shelah after fathered he Eber three years and four hundred year[s] and he fathered sons and daughters.
16 A e toru tekau ma wha nga tau i ora ai a Epere, ka whanau a Pereke:
And he lived Eber four and thirty year[s] and he fathered Peleg.
17 E wha rau e toru tekau nga tau i ora ai a Epere i muri i te whanautanga o Pereke, a ka whanau ana tama me ana tamahine.
And he lived Eber after fathered he Peleg thirty year[s] and four hundred year[s] and he fathered sons and daughters.
18 A ka toru tekau nga tau o Pereke, ka whanau a Reu:
And he lived Peleg thirty year[s] and he fathered Reu.
19 A e rua rau e iwa nga tau i ora ai a Pereke i muri i te whanautanga o Reu, ka whanau ana tama me ana tamahine.
And he lived Peleg after fathered he Reu nine years and two hundred year[s] and he fathered sons and daughters.
20 A ka toru tekau ma rua nga tau o Reu, na ka whanau a Heruka:
And he lived Reu two and thirty year[s] and he fathered Serug.
21 A e rua rau ma whitu nga tau i ora ai a Reu i muri i te whanautanga o Heruka, ka whanau ana tama me ana tamahine.
And he lived Reu after fathered he Serug seven years and two hundred year[s] and he fathered sons and daughters.
22 A ka toru tekau nga tau o Heruka, na ka whanau a Nahora:
And he lived Serug thirty year[s] and he fathered Nahor.
23 A e rua rau nga tau i ora ai a Heruka i muri i te whanautanga o Nahora, ka whanau ana tama me ana tamahine.
And he lived Serug after fathered he Nahor two hundred year[s] and he fathered sons and daughters.
24 A e rua tekau ma iwa nga tau i ora ai a Nahora, na ka whanau a Teraha:
And he lived Nahor nine and twenty year[s] and he fathered Terah.
25 A kotahi rau kotahi tekau ma iwa nga tau i ora ai a Nahora i muri i te whanautanga o Teraha, a ka whanau ana tama me ana tamahine.
And he lived Nahor after fathered he Terah nine-teen year[s] and one hundred year[s] and he fathered sons and daughters.
26 A ka whitu tekau nga tau i ora ai a Teraha, na ka whanau a Aperama, a Nahora, ratou ko Harana.
And he lived Terah seventy year[s] and he fathered Abram Nahor and Haran.
27 Na, ko nga whakatupuranga enei o Teraha: na Teraha ko Aperama, ko Nahora, ratou ko Harana; na Harana ko Rota.
And these [are] [the] accounts of Terah Terah he fathered Abram Nahor and Haran and Haran he fathered Lot.
28 A i mate a Harana i te oranga ano o tona papa o Teraha i te whenua i whanau ai ia, i Uru o nga Karari.
And he died Haran on [the] face of Terah father his in [the] land of kindred his in Ur of [the] Chaldeans.
29 Na ka tango a Aperama raua ko Nahora i etahi wahine ma raua: ko te ingoa o te wahine a Aperama ko Harai, ko te ingoa o te wahine a Nahora ko Mireka tamahine a Harana, papa o Mireka, papa ano hoki o Iheka.
And he took Abram and Nahor for themselves wives [the] name of [the] wife of Abram [was] Sarai and [the] name of [the] wife of Nahor [was] Milcah [the] daughter of Haran [the] father of Milcah and [the] father of Iscah.
30 A he pakoko a Harai; kahore ana tamariki.
And she was Sarai barren not [belonged] to her a child.
31 Na ka tango a Teraha i a Aperama i tana tama, raua ko Rota tama a Harana, ko te tama a tana tama, ratou ko tana hunaonga, ko Harai wahine a tana tama a Aperama; a whakatika tahi ana ratou i Uru o nga Karari, haere ana ki te whenua o Kanaana; na ka tae ki Harana, a noho ana i reira.
And he took Terah Abram son his and Lot [the] son of Haran [the] son of son his and Sarai daughter-in-law his [the] wife of Abram son his and they went out with them from Ur of [the] Chaldeans to go [the] land of towards Canaan and they came to Haran and they dwelt there.
32 A ko nga ra o Teraha e rua rau ma rima tau: na ka mate a Teraha ki Harana.
And they were [the] days of Terah five years and two hundred year[s] and he died Terah in Haran.

< Kenehi 11 >