< Etera 7 >

1 I muri i enei mea, i te kingitanga o Arataherehe kingi o Pahia, na ko Etera tama a Heraia, tama a Ataria, tama a Hirikia,
After all this, during the reign of Artaxerxes king of Persia, Ezra arrived from Babylon. He was the son of Seraiah, son of Azariah, son of Hilkiah,
2 Tama a Harumu, tama a Haroko, tama a Ahitupu,
son of Shallum, son of Zadok, son of Ahitub,
3 Tama a Amaria, tama a Ataria, tama a Meraioto,
son of Amariah, son of Azariah, son of Meraioth,
4 Tama a Terahia, tama a Uti, tama a Puki,
son of Zerahiah, son of Uzzi, son of Bukki,
5 Tama a Apihua, tama a Pinehaha, tama a Ereatara, tama a Arona tino tohunga:
son of Abishua, son of Phinehas, son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the high priest.
6 I haere mai tenei Etera i Papurona; na he karaipi kakama ia ki te ture a Mohi i homai nei e Ihowa, e te Atua o Iharaira. I runga ano i a ia te ringa o Ihowa, o tona Atua, a homai ana e te kingi ki a ia nga mea katoa i tonoa e ia.
This Ezra arrived from Babylon, and was a scribe who was an expert in the Law of Moses, which the Lord, the God of Israel, had given to Israel. The king had granted Ezra everything he'd asked for, because the Lord his God was with him.
7 Na i haere mai ano etahi o nga tama a Iharaira, no nga tohunga hoki, o nga Riwaiti, o nga kaiwaiata, o nga kaitiaki keti, o nga Netinimi, ki Hiruharama i te whitu o nga tau o Kingi Arataherehe.
In the seventh year of King Artaxerxes left for Jerusalem, accompanied by some of the people of Israel, and some of the priests and Levites, singers and gatekeepers, and Temple servants.
8 Na kua tae ia ki Hiruharama i te rima o nga marama o te whitu o nga tau o te kingi.
Ezra arrived in Jerusalem in the fifth month of the seventh year of King Artaxerxes' reign.
9 No te tuatahi hoki o nga ra o te marama tuatahi i timata ai ia te haere mai i Papurona, a no te tuatahi o nga ra o te rima o nga marama i tae mai ai ki Hiruharama, i runga hoki i a ia te ringa pai o tona Atua.
He had started the journey from Babylon on the first day of the first month, and he arrived in Jerusalem on the first day of the fifth month, his gracious God going with him.
10 I whakatikaia hoki e Etera tona ngakau ki te rapu i te ture a Ihowa, ki te mahi ano hoki, a ki te whakaako i a Iharaira ki nga tikanga, ki nga whakaritenga.
For Ezra had committed himself to gaining insights from the Law of the Lord, wanting to practice it and to teach in Israel its rules and how to live.
11 Na ko nga kupu tenei o te pukapuka i homai e Kingi Arataherehe ki te tohunga, ki te karaipi ki a Etera; he karaipi ia no nga kupu o nga whakahau a Ihowa, no ana tikanga hoki ki a Iharaira.
This is a copy of the letter King Artaxerxes gave to Ezra the priest and scribe, who had studied the Lord's commandments and regulations given to Israel:
12 Na Arataherehe kingi o nga kingi ki te tohunga, ki a Etera, ki te karaipi o te ture a te Atua o te rangi, he tino tika, he aha atu.
“Artaxerxes, king of kings, to Ezra the priest, the scribe of the Law of the God of heaven: Greetings.
13 Ko taku tikanga tenei ka whakatakotoria nei; Na, ko te hunga katoa o te iwi o Iharaira, o ona tohunga hoki, o nga Riwaiti i toku kingitanga e whai ngakau ana kia haere ki Hiruharama, me haere tahi me koe.
I hereby issue this decree: Any of the people of Israel or their priests or Levites in my kingdom who voluntarily decide to go to Jerusalem with you may do so.
14 He mea unga na hoki koe na te kingi ratou ko ana kaiwhakatakoto whakaaro tokowhitu, ki te ui i nga mea o Hura, o Hiruharama, kia rite ai ki te ture a tou Atua i tou ringa na;
You are being sent by the king and his seven counselors to investigate the situation in Judah and Jerusalem as it relates to the Law of your God, which you carry with you.
15 Ki te kawe ano i te hiriwa, i te koura i hoatu noa nei e te kingi, ratou ko ana kaiwhakatakoto whakaaro ki te Atua o Iharaira, kei Hiruharama nei tona nohoanga,
We also instruct you to take with you the silver and gold that the king and his counselors have voluntarily donated to the God of Israel, whose lives in Jerusalem,
16 I te hiriwa katoa ano, i te koura e kitea e koe i te kawanatanga katoa o Papurona, i nga mea homai noa ano a te iwi, a nga tohunga, a te hunga e homai noa ana mo te whare o to ratou Atua i Hiruharama.
together with all the silver and gold you may receive from the province of Babylon, as well as the voluntary donations of the people and priests to the Temple of their God in Jerusalem.
17 Na kia hohoro koe te hoko ki tenei moni he puru, he hipi toa, he reme, he whakahere totokore, me nga ringihanga, ka whakaeke ai ki runga ki te aata o te whare o to koutou Atua i Hiruharama.
You are to use this money first to buy as many bulls, rams, and lambs as necessary, along with their grain offerings and drink offerings, and present them on the altar at the Temple of your God in Jerusalem.
18 Na, ko ta koutou ko ou teina e pai ai mo te toenga o te hiriwa, o te koura, meatia, kia rite ki ta to koutou Atua e pai ai.
Then you and those with you may decide to use the rest of the silver and gold in whatever way you think best, in accordance with the will of your God.
19 A, ko nga oko ka hoatu nei ki a koe mo nga mahi o te whare o tou Atua, me hoatu e koe ki te aroaro o te Atua i Hiruharama.
But the items you have been given for the service of the Temple of your God must be all delivered to the God of Jerusalem.
20 A, ko era atu mea e meatia ana e koe mo te whare o tou Atua, e tika ana kia hoatu e koe, hoatu i roto i te whare taonga o te kingi.
If there is anything else required for the Temple of your God that you have to provide, you may charge it to the royal treasury.
21 Na, tenei ahau, a Kingi Arataherehe te whakatakoto nei i te tikanga ki nga kaitiaki taonga katoa i tawahi o te awa, na, ko nga mea katoa e tonoa i a koutou e Etera tohunga, e te karaipi o te ture a te Atua o te rangi, kia hohoro te mea;
I, King Artaxerxes, decree that all the treasurers west of the Euphrates should provide whatever Ezra the priest, the scribe of the Law of the God of heaven, may require from you, and it must be provided in full,
22 Ahakoa kotahi rau taranata hiriwa, ahakoa kotahi rau mehua witi, ahakoa kotahi rau pati waina, ahakoa kotahi rau pati hinu; me te tote ano, e kore tona taimaha e tuhituhia.
up to one hundred talents of silver, one hundred cors of wheat, one hundred baths of wine, one hundred baths of olive oil, and unrestricted amounts of salt.
23 Ko nga mea katoa e kiia mai ana e te Atua o te rangi, me mahi kia tino rite mo te whare o te Atua o te rangi: he aha oti kia ai ai he riri mai ki te kingitanga o te kingi ratou ko ana tama?
Make sure you provide in full whatever the God of heaven requires for his Temple, for why should his anger be brought down on the king and his sons?
24 Kia mohio ano koutou; ko nga tohunga katoa, ko nga Riwaiti, ko nga kaiwaiata, ko nga kaitiaki keti, ko nga Netinimi, ko nga kaimahi o tenei whare o te Atua, e kore e tika kia tangohia he takoha taonga, he takoha tangata, he takoha huarahi i a ra tou.
Also be aware that all of the priests, Levites, singers, doorkeepers, Temple servants, or other workers of this Temple are exempt from paying any tax, tribute, or fees, and you are not authorized to charge them.
25 Na mau, e Etera, kei a koe na hoki te mohio o te Atua, mau e whakarite nga kaiwhakarite, nga kaiwhakarongo totohe, hei whakarite mo nga iwi katoa i tera taha o te awa, hei te hunga katoa e mohio ana ki nga ture a tou Atua: na, ko te hunga kahore e mohio, ma koutou e whakaako.
You, Ezra, are to follow the wisdom of your God which you possess, shall appoint magistrates and judges to provide justice to all the people west of the Euphrates—all those who follow the laws of your God. You are to teach these laws to those who do not.
26 A, ko te tangata e kore e mahi i te ture a tou Atua, i te ture ano a te kingi, kia hohoro te whakapa o te whiu ki a ia, te whakamate ranei, te pei ranei he whenua ke, me tango ranei ana taonga, me here ranei.
Anyone who does not keep the law of your God and the law of the king, will be severely punished, either by death, banishment, seizure of property, or imprisonment.”
27 Kia whakapaingia a Ihowa, te Atua o o tatou matua, nana nei i homai te whakaaro penei ki te ngakau o te kingi, ara kia whakapaia te whare o Ihowa i Hiruharama;
Praise the Lord, the God of our forefathers, who put into the king's mind to honor the Lord's Temple in Jerusalem in this way,
28 Nana hoki i whakaputa aroha mai ki ahau i te aroaro o te kingi ratou ko ana kaiwhakatakoto whakaaro, o nga rangatira rarahi ano a te kingi. Na kua whai kaha ahau; i runga hoki i ahau te ringa o Ihowa, o toku Atua. Na ka huihuia e ahau etahi tino tangata i roto i a Iharaira, hei hoa haere moku ki runga.
and who has shown me such kindness by honoring me before the king, his counselors, and all his high officials. Because the Lord my God was with me, I was encouraged and called together the leaders of Israel to return to Jerusalem with me.

< Etera 7 >