< Ehekiera 34 >

1 I puta mai ano te kupu a Ihowa ki ahau, i mea,
And the word of the Lord came vnto me, saying,
2 E te tama a te tangata, poropititia he he mo nga hepara o Iharaira, poropititia, mea atu ki a ratou, ara ki nga hepara, Ko te kupu tenei a te Ariki, a Ihowa mo nga hepara; Aue, te mate mo nga hepara o Iharaira, e whangai nei i a ratou ano! He tek a ianei me whangai te kahui e nga hepara?
Sonne of man, prophesie against the shepherdes of Israel, prophesie and say vnto them, Thus saieth the Lord God vnto the shepherds, Wo be vnto the shepherds of Israel, that feede them selues: should not the shepherds feede the flockes?
3 E kainga ana te ngako e koutou, e kakahuria ana e koutou te huruhuru, e patua ana e koutou nga mea momona; ko nga hipi ia, kahore ratou e whangaia e koutou.
Yee eate the fat, and yee clothe you with the wooll: yee kill them that are fed, but ye feede not the sheepe.
4 Kihai i whakakahangia e koutou nga turoro, kihai nga mea mate i rongoatia e koutou, te mea i whati kihai i takaia e koutou, kihai ano i whakahokia mai e koutou te mea i aia atu, kihai i rapua te mea i ngaro; heoi he taikaha, he nanakia, ta koutou whakahaere tikanga ki a ratou.
The weake haue ye not strengthened: the sicke haue ye not healed, neither haue ye bounde vp the broken, nor brought againe that which was driuen away, neither haue yee sought that which was lost, but with crueltie, and with rigour haue yee ruled them.
5 Na marara noa atu ratou i te kore hepara: riro ana hei kai ma nga kirehe katoa o te parae, a i marara noa atu ratou.
And they were scattered without a shepherde: and when they were dispersed, they were deuoured of all the beastes of the fielde.
6 I atiutiu noa atu aku hipi i runga i nga maunga katoa, i runga i nga pukepuke tiketike katoa: i marara noa atu aku hipi i runga i te mata katoa o te whenua, kahore hoki he tangata hei rapu, hei whakataki i a ratou.
My sheepe wandred through all the mountaines, and vpon euery hie hill: yea, my flocke was scattered through al the earth, and none did seeke or search after them.
7 Mo reira, e nga hepara, whakarongo ki te kupu a Ihowa;
Therefore ye shepherds, heare the woorde of the Lord.
8 E ora ana ahau, e ai ta te Ariki, ta Ihowa, na kua waiho nei aku hipi hei taonga parau, kua waiho ano aku hipi hei kai ma nga kirehe katoa o te parae, i te kore hepara, kihai nei hoki aku hepara i rapu i aku hipi, heoi whangaia ana ko ratou ano e nga hepara, kihai i whangai i aku hipi;
As I liue, sayeth the Lord God, surely because my flocke was spoyled, and my sheepe were deuoured of all the beasts of the fielde, hauing no shepherde, neither did my shepherdes seeke my sheepe, but the shepherdes fedde them selues, and fedde not my sheepe,
9 Mo reira, e nga hepara, whakarongo ki te kupu a Ihowa;
Therefore, heare ye the word of the Lord, O ye shepherds.
10 Ko te kupu tenei a te Ariki, a Ihowa; Hei hoariri tenei ahau mo nga hepara; a ka rapu utu ahau mo aku hipi i o ratou ringa, ka whakamutua ano e ahau ta ratou whangai hipi; e kore hoki nga hepara e whangai i a ratou ano i muri nei; a ka whakaoran gia e ahau aku hipi i roto i o ratou mangai, kei waiho hei kai ma ratou.
Thus saieth the Lord God, Behold, I come against the shepherds, and will require my sheepe at their hands, and cause them to cease from feeding the sheepe: neither shall the shepherds feede them selues any more: for I wil deliuer my sheepe from their mouthes, and they shall no more deuoure them.
11 Ko te kupu hoki tenei a te Ariki, a Ihowa; Nana, ka rapu ahau, ahau tonu nei, i aku hipi, ka kimihia marietia.
For thus sayeth the Lord God, Beholde, I will search my sheepe, and seeke them out.
12 Ka rite ki te kimi a te hepara i tana kahui i te ra e tae ai ia ki roto ki ana hipi kua tohatoha noa atu, ka pena ano taku kimi i aku hipi; ka whakaorangia ano ratou e ahau i nga wahi katoa i marara atu ai ratou i te ra tukupu, i te ra pouri.
As a shepherd searcheth out his flocke, when he hath bene among his sheepe that are scattered, so wil I seeke out my sheepe and wil deliuer them out of all places, where they haue beene scattered in the cloudie and darke day,
13 Ka whakaputaina ano ratou e ahau i roto i nga iwi, ka whakaminea mai i nga whenua, ka kawea hoki ki to ratou oneone; a ka whangaia ratou e ahau ki runga ki nga maunga o Iharaira, ki te taha o nga awa, ki nga wahi katoa o te whenua e nohoia ana.
And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them from the countreis, and will bring them to their owne lande, and feede them vpon the mountaines of Israel, by the riuers, and in all the inhabited places of the countrey.
14 Ka whangaia ratou e ahau i te wahi tarutaru pai, a hei runga i nga maunga tiketike o Iharaira he puninga mo ratou: ka takoto ratou ki reira ki te puninga pai, ka kai ano ratou i runga i nga maunga o Iharaira i nga wahi momona te tarutaru.
I will feede them in a good pasture, and vpon the hie mountaines of Israel shall their folde be: there shall they lie in a good folde and in fat pasture shall they feede vpon the mountaines of Israel.
15 Ko ahau tonu hei whangai i aku hipi, ko ahau ano hei mea i a ratou kia takoto, e ai ta te Ariki, ta Ihowa.
I will feede my sheepe, and bring them to their rest, sayth the Lord God.
16 Maku e rapu te mea i ngaro, maku ano e whakahoki mai te mea i aia atu, maku e takai te mea i whati, maku ano e whakakaha te mea turoro: na, ko te mea momona, ko te mea kaha, ka ngaro i ahau; ka whangaia ratou e ahau i runga i te whakawa.
I will seeke that which was lost, and bring againe that which was driue away, and will binde vp that which was broken, and will strengthen the weake but I wil destroy the fat and the strong, and I will feede them with iudgement.
17 Na, ko koutou, e aku hipi, ko te kupu tenei a te Ariki, a Ihowa; Nana, ka whakaritea e ahau te whakawa a tetahi hipi ki tetahi hipi, a nga hipi toa ano ratou ko nga koati toa.
Also you my sheepe, Thus saieth the Lord God, behold, I iudge betweene sheepe, and sheepe, betweene the rammes and the goates.
18 He mea iti ianei ki a koutou ta koutou kai i nga wahi tarutaru pai, i takahia ai e koutou te toenga o ta koutou kai ki o koutou waewae? ta koutou inu hoki i nga wai purata, a whakapokea ake e koutou te toenga ki o koutou waewae?
Seemeth it a small thing vnto you to haue eaten vp the good pasture, but yee must treade downe with your feete the residue of your pasture? and to haue drunke of the deepe waters, but yee must trouble the residue with your feete?
19 Na, ko aku hipi, ka kai ratou i nga takahanga a o koutou waewae, ka inu hoki i ta o koutou waewae i whakapoke ai.
And my sheepe eate that which yee haue troden with your feete, and drinke that which ye haue troubled with your feete.
20 Mo reira ko te kupu tenei a te Ariki, a Ihowa, ki a ratou; Nana, maku, maku tonu nei e whakarite te whakawa a te hipi momona raua ko te hipi hiroki.
Therefore thus sayth the Lord God vnto them, behold, I, euen I wil iudge betweene the fat sheepe and the leane sheepe.
21 No te mea kua tute koutou ki o koutou kaokao, ki o koutou peke, a kua akina e koutou nga mea mate ki o koutou hoana, a marara ake ratou i a koutou ki waho noa atu;
Because ye haue thrust with side and with shoulder, and pusht al the weake with your hornes, till ye haue scattered them abroade,
22 Na reira ka whakaora ahau i aku hipi; e kore ano ratou e waiho i muri nei hei pahuatanga; ka whakaritea ano e ahau te whakawa a tetahi hipi ki tetahi hipi.
Therefore wil I helpe my sheepe, and they shall no more be spoyled, and I wil iudge betweene sheepe and sheepe.
23 A ka whakaritea e ahau kotahi te hepara mo ratou, mana ratou e whangai, ara taku pononga a Rawiri; mana ratou e whangai, a ko ia hei hepara mo ratou.
And I wil set vp a shepherd ouer them, and he shall feede them, euen my seruant Dauid, he shall feede them, and he shalbe their shepherd.
24 Ko ahau, ko Ihowa, hei Atua mo ratou, a ko taku pononga, ko Rawiri, hei rangatira i roto i a ratou; naku, na Ihowa, te kupu.
And I the Lord will be their God, and my seruant Dauid shalbe the prince amog them. I the Lord haue spoken it.
25 Ka whakaritea ano e ahau he kawenata mo te rongo mau ki a ratou, ka whakamutua hoki te noho o nga kirehe kikino ki te whenua; a ka noho ratou ki te koraha, te ai he wehi, ka moe ano ki nga ngahere.
And I will make with them a couenant of peace, and will cause the euil beastes to cease out of the land: and they shall dwel safely in the wildernesse, and sleepe in the woods.
26 A ka meinga ratou e ahau, me nga wahi ano i toku pukepuke a karapoi noa, hei manaakitanga; a ka meinga e ahau te ua kia heke iho i te wa i tika ai; a ka uaina iho nga manaaki.
And I wil set them, as a blessing, euen roud about my mountaine: and I will cause rayne to come downe in due season, and there shalbe raine of blessing.
27 Na ka hua nga hua o te rakau o te parae, ka tukua mai ano ona mau e te whenua, ka noho humarie hoki ratou ki to ratou whenua; ka mohio ano ratou ko Ihowa ahau, ina motu i ahau nga here o to ratou ioka, a ka riro ratou i ahau i roto i te ringa o o ratou kaiwhakamahi.
And the tree of the fielde shall yeeld her fruite, and the earth shall giue her fruite, and they shalbe safe in their land, and shall know that I am the Lord, when I haue broken the cordes of their yoke, and deliuered them out of the hands of those that serued themselues of them.
28 A, e kore ratou e waiho i muri nei hei pahuatanga ma nga iwi, e kore hoki e kainga e te kirehe o te whenua; engari ka noho humarie ratou, te ai he kaiwhakawehi.
And they shall no more be spoyled of the heathen, neither shall the beastes of the land deuoure them, but they shall dwell safely and none shall make them afrayd.
29 A ka ara i ahau he mahuri whai ingoa ma ratou, e kore hoki ratou e riro i te hemokai i runga i te whenua, e kore ano e mau ki a ratou te numinumi i nga tauiwi a muri ake nei.
And I will rayse vp for them a plant of renoume, and they shalbe no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither beare the reproche of the heathen any more.
30 Na, ka mohio ratou ko ahau, ko Ihowa, ko to ratou Atua, kei a ratou, a ko ratou, ko te whare o Iharaira, he iwi naku, e ai ta te Ariki, ta Ihowa.
Thus shall they vnderstande, that I the Lord their God am with them, and that they, euen the house of Israel, are my people, sayth the Lord God.
31 Na, ko koutou, ko aku hipi, ko nga hipi e whangaia ana e ahau, he tangata koutou, ko ahau hoki to koutou Atua, e ai ta te Ariki, ta Ihowa.
And yee my sheepe, the sheepe of my pasture are men, and I am your God, saith the Lord God.

< Ehekiera 34 >