< Ehekiera 13 >
1 I puta mai ano te kupu a Ihowa ki ahau, i mea,
And the word of the Lord came vnto me, saying,
2 E te tama a te tangata, poropititia he he mo nga poropiti o Iharaira e poropiti nei, mea atu hoki ki te hunga no o ratou ngakau ta ratou e poropiti nei, Whakarongo ki te kupu a Ihowa.
Sonne of man, prophecie against the prophets of Israel, that prophecie, and say thou vnto them, that prophecie out of their owne hearts, Heare the worde of the Lord.
3 Ko te kupu tenei a te ariki, a Ihowa; Aue, te mate mo nga poropiti wairangi, e whai nei i o ratou wairua ake, a kihai i kite i tetahi mea!
Thus sayth the Lord God, Woe vnto the foolish Prophets that follow their owne spirit, and haue seene nothing.
4 I rite tonu ou poropiti, e Iharaira, ki nga pokiha i nga wahi koraha.
O Israel, thy Prophets are like the foxes in the waste places.
5 Kihai koutou i haere ki nga wahi pakaru, kihai ano i hanga i te taiepa mo te whare o Iharaira, hei turanga i te taturanga i te ra o Ihowa.
Ye haue not risen vp in the gappes, neither made vp the hedge for ye house of Israel, to stand in the battel in the daye of the Lord.
6 He kitenga teka, he tuaahu horihori ta ratou e ki ra, E ai ta Ihowa; ehara ratou i a Ihowa i unga: a kua meinga e ratou te tangata kia tumanako, tera e mana te kupu.
They haue seene vanitie, and lying diuination, saying, The Lord sayth it, and the Lord hath not sent them: and they haue made others to hope that they would cofirme the word of their prophecie.
7 He teka ianei he kitenga teka ta koutou kitenga, he horihori te tuaahu i korero ai koutou, i ki ai, E ki ana a Ihowa; a kihai nei ahau i korero?
Haue ye not seene a vaine vision? and haue yee not spoken a lying diuination? ye say, The Lord sayth it, albeit I haue not spoken.
8 Mo reira ko te kupu tenei a te Ariki, a Ihowa, Kua korero na koutou i te teka, kua kite i te horihori, mo reira he hoariri tenei ahau mo koutou, e ai ta te Ariki, ta Ihowa.
Therefore thus sayth the Lord God, Because ye haue spoken vanytie and haue seene lyes, therefore beholde, I am agaynst you, sayth the Lord God,
9 Ka pa ano toku ringa ki nga poropiti he horihori nei ta ratou kitenga, ki nga tohunga tuaahu teka; e kore ratou e noho ki te runanga o taku iwi, e kore e tuhituhia ki te tuhituhinga o te whare o Iharaira, e kore ano e tae ki te whenua o Iharaira; a ka mohio koutou ko te Ariki ahau, ko Ihowa.
And mine hande shalbe vpon the Prophets that see vanity, and diuine lies: they shall not be in the assemblie of my people, neither shall they be written in the writing of the house of Israel, neither shall they enter into the land of Israel: and yee shall know that I am the Lord God.
10 Mo ratou, ae ra, mo ratou i whakapohehe i taku iwi, i mea, Ka mau te rongo; i te mea kahore he maunga rongo; na ko tetahi kei te hanga i te pakitara, a ko ratou hei pani ki te paru kihai i konatunatua.
And therefore, because they haue deceiued my people, saying, Peace, and there was no peace: and one buylt vp a wall, and behold, the others daubed it with vntempered morter,
11 Mea atu ki nga kaipani o te paru kihai i konatunatua, tera e hinga; ka puta te ua, he waipuke; ka taka iho ano koutou, e nga nganga o te whatu; ka wahia ano hoki e te hau, e te paroro.
Say vnto them which daube it with vntempered morter, that it shall fall: for there shall come a great showre, and I wil sende haylestones, which shall cause it to fall, and a stormie winde shall breake it.
12 Nana, ka hinga te pakitara, kahore ranei he ki ki a koutou, kei hea te paninga i pania ra e koutou?
Lo, when the wall is fallen, shall it not bee sayd vnto you, Where is the daubing wherewith ye haue daubed it?
13 Mo reira ko te kupu tenei a te Ariki, a Ihowa; Ina, ka wahia e ahau ki te hau, ki te paroro, i toku weriweri; ka puta ano te ua, te waipuke, i toku riri, me nga nganga ano o te whatu i toku weriweri, hei whakapoto rawa.
Therefore thus sayth the Lord God, I will cause a stormie winde to breake foorth in my wrath, and a great showre shall bee in mine anger, and hailestones in mine indignation to consume it.
14 Ka paparu pera i ahau te pakitara i pania ra e koutou ki te paru kihai i konatunatua, pa tonu iho ki te whenua, ka whakakitea ano ona turanga; a ka hinga, ka poto ano koutou ki waenganui o taua pakitara; a ka mohio koutou ko Ihowa ahau.
So I wil destroy the wall that ye haue daubed with vntempered morter, and bring it downe to the ground, so that the fundation thereof shalbe discouered, and it shall fal, and ye shalbe consumed in the middes thereof, and ye shall know, that I am the Lord.
15 Ka whakapaua peratia e ahau toku weriweri ki te pakitara, ki te hunga ano nana i pani ki te paru kihai i konatunatua; ka mea hoki ahau ki a koutou, kua kore te pakitara, kua kore ano te hunga nana i pani;
Thus will I accomplish my wrath vpon the wall, and vpon them that haue daubed it with vntempered morter, and will say vnto you, The wall is no more, neither the daubers thereof,
16 Ara nga poropiti o Iharaira mo Hiruharama nei ta ratou e poropiti ai, e kite nei i te kitenga mona, i te rongo mau, i te mea kahore he rongo mau, e ai ta te Ariki, ta Ihowa.
To wit, the Prophets of Israel, which prophesie vpon Ierusalem, and see visions of peace for it, and there is no peace, sayth the Lord God.
17 Na ko koe, e te tama a te tangata, anga atu tou mata ki nga tamahine a tou iwi e poropiti nei, he mea no o ratou ngakau ake; poropititia ano he he mo ratou,
Likewise thou sonne of man, set thy face against the daughters of thy people, which prophesie out of their owne heart: and prophesie thou against them, and say,
18 Mea atu, Ko te kupu tenei a te Ariki, a Ihowa; Aue, te mate mo nga wahine e tuitui urunga ana ki nga tuke katoa; e hanga arai ana mo nga mahunga o te roa, o te poto, hei whai wairua! Ka whai ranei koutou i nga wairua o taku iwi? ka whakaora rane i i etahi hei wairua ma koutou?
Thus sayth the Lord God, Woe vnto the women that sowe pillowes vnder al arme holes, and make vailes vpon the head of euery one that standeth vp, to hunt soules: will yee hunt ye soules of my people, and will yee giue life to the soules that come vnto you?
19 Kua whakapokea ahau e koutou i waenga i taku iwi hei utu mo nga kutanga parei, mo nga kongakonga taro, hei whakamate i nga wairua e kore e tika kia whakamatea, hei whakaora i nga wairua e kore e tika kia ora, i a koutou ka korero teka na ki taku iwi e whakarongo nei ki a koutou korero teka.
And will ye pollute me among my people for handfuls of barly, and for pieces of bread to slay the soules of them that shoulde not dye, and to giue life to the soules that should not liue in lying to my people, that heare your lies?
20 Mo reira ko te kupu tenei a te Ariki, a Ihowa; Nana, e he ana ahau ki o koutou urunga i whaia ai nga wairua e koutou i reira, i meinga ai kia rere, ka haea atu ano e ahau i o koutou ringa; ka tukua ano e ahau nga wairua kia haere, a koutou wairu a e whai na, e mea na kia rere.
Wherefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I will haue to do with your pillowes, wherewith yee hunt the soules to make them to flie, and I will teare them from your armes, and will let the soules goe, euen the soules, that ye hunt to make them to flie.
21 Ka haea atu ano e ahau o koutou arai, ka whakaorangia hoki taku iwi i roto i o koutou ringa; e kore ano e waiho i o koutou ringa hei whainga atu; a ka mohio koutou ko Ihowa ahau.
Your vailes also will I teare, and deliuer my people out of your hande, and they shalbe no more in your hands to be hunted, and ye shall knowe that I am the Lord.
22 No te mea kua whakapouritia e koutou ki te kupu teka te ngakau o te tangata tika, kihai nei i whakapouritia e ahau; a whakaungia ana nga ringa o te tangata kino, i kore ai e tahuri mai i tona ara kino, kia ora ai:
Because with your lyes yee haue made the heart of the righteous sadde, whome I haue not made sad, and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not returne from his wicked way, by promising him life,
23 Mo reira e kore koutou e kite i te horihori a muri ake nei, i nga tikanga ranei ki nga tuaahu: a ka whakaorangia hoki e ahau taku iwi i roto i o koutou ringa; a ka mohio koutou ko Ihowa ahau.
Therefore ye shall see no more vanitie, nor diuine diuinatios: for I wil deliuer my people out of your hand, and ye shall know that I am ye Lord.