< Ekoruhe 35 >

1 NA ka huihuia e Mohi te whakaminenga katoa o nga tama a Iharaira, a ka mea ia ki a ratou, Ko nga kupu enei i whakahaua mai e Ihowa kia mahia.
Moses summoned all the Israelites and told them, “This is what the Lord has ordered you to do:
2 E ono nga ra e mahia ai te mahi; ko te ra whitu ia me waiho hei ra tapu, hei hapati okiokinga ki a Ihowa: ki te mahia he mahi e tetahi tangata i taua ra, me whakamate.
Six days you can work, but the seventh day is to be a holy Sabbath of rest to the Lord. Anyone who does any work on the Sabbath day must be killed.
3 Kei tahuna he ahi, puta noa i o koutou nohoanga, i te ra hapati.
Don't even light a fire in any of your homes on the Sabbath day.”
4 I korero ano a Mohi ki te whakaminenga katoa o nga tama a Iharaira, i mea, Ko te mea tenei i whakahau mai ai a Ihowa, i mea ai,
Moses also told all the Israelites, “This is what the Lord has commanded:
5 Tangohia i roto i a koutou he whakahere ma Ihowa: ko nga tangata katoa he ngakau hihiko o ratou, me kawe mai e ratou taua mea hei whakahere ki a Ihowa; he koura, he hiriwa, he parahi,
Collect an offering to the Lord from what you have. Everyone who wants to should bring an offering to the Lord: gold, silver, and bronze;
6 He puru, he papura, he ngangana, he rinena pai, he huruhuru koati,
blue, purple, and crimson thread; finely-woven linen and goat hair;
7 Me nga hiako hipi kua oti te whakawhero, me nga hiako pateri, me etahi rakau, hei te hitimi,
tanned ram skins and fine leather; acacia wood;
8 Me te hinu mo te whakamarama, me nga mea kakara mo te hinu whakawahi, mo te whakakakara reka hoki,
olive oil for the lamps; spices for the anointing oil and for the aromatic incense;
9 Me nga kohatu onika, me nga kohatu hei whakanoho ki te epora, ki te kouma.
and onyx stones and gemstones for making the ephod and breastpiece.
10 Me haere mai ano nga tangata ngakau mohio katoa i roto i a koutou, ki te hanga i nga mea katoa i whakahaua mai e Ihowa;
All your skilled craftsmen are to come and make everything the Lord has commanded:
11 I te tapenakara, i tona teneti, i tona uhi hoki, i ona toromoka, i ona papa, i ona kaho, i ona pou, i ona turanga pou,
the Tabernacle with its tent and covering, its clips and frames, its crossbars, posts, and stands;
12 I te aaka, me ona amo, i te taupoki, me te arai hipoki,
the Ark with its poles and atonement cover, and the veil to hang over it;
13 I te tepu, me ona amo, me ona oko katoa, me te taro aroaro,
the table with its poles, all its equipment, and the Bread of the Presence;
14 I te turanga rama hoki mo te whakamarama me ona mea, me ona rama, me te hinu hoki mo te whakamarama,
the lampstand of light with its equipment and lamps and olive oil to provide lighting;
15 Me te aata whakakakara, me ona amo, me te hinu whakawahi, me te whakakakara reka, me te pa mo te whatitoka i te tomokanga atu o te tapenakara,
the altar of incense with its poles; the anointing oil and aromatic incense; the screen for the Tabernacle entrance and all its accessories;
16 I te aata mo te tahunga tinana, me tona pae kupenga parahi, i ona amo me ona mea katoa, i te takotoranga wai me tona turanga,
the altar of burnt offering with its bronze grate, its poles and all its utensils; the basin plus its stand;
17 I nga pa o te marae, i ona pou, me nga turanga pou, me te pa mo te whatitoka o te marae,
the curtains of the courtyard with its posts and bases, and the curtain for the courtyard entrance;
18 I nga titi o te tapenakara, me nga titi o te marae, me nga aho,
the tent pegs for the Tabernacle and for the courtyard, as well as their ropes;
19 I nga kakahu mo te mahi minita ina minita ki te wahi tapu, i nga kakahu tapu mo Arona, mo te tohunga, me nga kakahu mo ana tama, mo te mahi tohunga.
and the woven clothes for serving in the holy place: the sacred clothing for Aaron the priest and for his sons to serve as priests.”
20 Katahi ka haere atu te whakaminenga katoa o nga tama a Iharaira i te aroaro o Mohi.
The Israelites left Moses,
21 Na ka haere ratou, nga tangata i toko ake o ratou ngakau me nga tangata i hihiko noa ake o ratou wairua, me te kawe ano i te whakahere ma Ihowa, mo te mahi o te tapenakara o te whakaminenga, mo ona mahi katoa, mo nga kakahu tapu.
and all those who felt moved to do so and who had a willing spirit came and brought an offering to the Lord for the work making the Tent of Meeting, for everything required for its services, and for the sacred clothing.
22 I haere hoki ratou, nga tane, nga wahine, nga mea i hihiko noa te ngakau, a kawea ana e ratou nga poroporo, nga whakakai, nga mowhiti, nga heitiki, he mea koura katoa: i tukua ano hoki e tera, e tera, he whakahere koura ki a Ihowa.
So everyone who was willing, both men and women, came and presented their gold as a thanks offering to the Lord, including brooches, earrings, rings, and necklaces—all kinds of gold jewelry.
23 A, ko nga tangata katoa i kitea nei he puru ki a ratou, he papura, he ngangana, he rinena pai, he huruhuru koati, he hiako hipi kua oti te whakawhero, he hiako pateri, i kawea mai e ratou.
Everyone who had blue, purple, and crimson thread, finely-woven linen, goat hair, tanned ram skins, and fine leather, contributed them.
24 Ko nga tangata katoa i whakahere nei i te hiriwa, i te parahi, i kawea mai e ratou te whakahere ki a Ihowa: me nga tangata katoa i kitea nei he rakau hitimi ki a ratou mo tetahi meatanga o te mahi, i kawea mai ano e ratou.
Those who could present an offering of silver or bronze brought it as a gift to the Lord. Everyone who had acacia wood for any part of the work donated it.
25 Me nga wahine ngakau mohio katoa, i whatu o ratou ringa, a kawe mai ana ta ratou i whatu ai, te puru, te papura, te ngangana, te rinena pai.
Every woman skilled in spinning with her hands brought what she had spun: blue, purple, or crimson thread, or finely-woven linen.
26 A i whatu ano nga wahine katoa, i toko ake nei o ratou ngakau ki te mohio, i te huruhuru koati.
All the women who were willing to use their skills spun the goat hair.
27 I kawea mai ano e nga rangatira nga kohatu onika, me nga kohatu hei whakanoho, mo te epora, mo te kouma;
The leaders brought onyx stones and gemstones to make the ephod and breastpiece,
28 Me te mea kakara, me te hinu mo te whakamarama, mo te hinu whakawahi, mo te whakakakara reka.
as well as spices and olive oil for lighting, for the anointing oil, and for the aromatic incense.
29 I kawea mai he whakahere tuku noa ki a Ihowa e nga tama a Iharaira, e nga tane, e nga wahine katoa, i toko ake nei o ratou ngakau ki te kawe mai, mo nga tini mahi i whakahaua e Ihowa kia mahia, a i korerotia e Mohi.
All the Israelite men and women who were willing brought a freewill offering to the Lord for all the work in making what the Lord through Moses had ordered them to do.
30 Na ka mea a Mohi ki nga tama a Iharaira, Titiro, kua karangatia e Ihowa te ingoa o Petareere tama a Uri, tama a Huru, o te iwi o Hura;
Then Moses told the Israelites, “The Lord chosen by name Bezalel, son of Uri, son of Hur, from the tribe of Judah.
31 Kua whakakiia ano hoki e ia ki te wairua o te Atua, ki te ngakau tupato, ki te whakaaro, ki te mohio, ki nga mahi katoa ano hoki:
He has filled him with the Spirit of God giving him ability, creativity, and expertise in all kinds of craftsmanship.
32 Hei whakaaro ki nga mahi a te tohunga, mo te mahi i te koura, i te hiriwa, i te parahi,
He can produce designs in gold, silver, and bronze,
33 Mo te tuhi kohatu, mo te whakanoho, mo te whakairo rakau, mo te mahi i nga mahi katoa a te tohunga.
he can cut gemstones to place in settings, and he can carve wood. He is a master of every craft.
34 Kua homai ano te ako ki tona ngakau, ki a raua ko Ahoriapa, tama a Ahihamaka, o te iwi o Rana.
The Lord has also given him and Oholiab son of Ahisamach, from the tribe of Dan, the ability to teach others.
35 Kua whakakiia raua e ia ki te ngakau mahara, hei mahi i nga tini mahi, a te kaituhi, a te mea mohio, a te kaiwhakairo puru, papura, ngangana, rinena pai, a te kaiwhatu hoki, a nga kaimahi i nga tini mahi, a nga tohunga ki te mahi.
He has equipped them with skill to do all kinds of work as engravers, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple, and crimson thread, and finely-woven linen, and as weavers—in fact as skilled designers in all kinds of different crafts.

< Ekoruhe 35 >