< Ekoruhe 30 >

1 A me hanga e koe he aata hei tahunga mea kakara: ko te rakau e hanga ai he hitimi.
“Make an altar for burning incense from acacia wood.
2 Kia kotahi whatianga te roa, kia kotahi hoki whatianga te whanui; kia tapawha: kia rua whatianga te teitei: no taua mea ra ano nga haona.
It shall be square, measuring a cubit by a cubit, by two cubits high, with horns on its corners that are all one piece with the altar.
3 Me whakakikorua ki te koura parakore a runga me ona taha a taka noa, me ona haona hoki; me hanga ano te niao koura a tawhio noa.
Cover its top, its side, and its horns with pure gold, and make a gold trim to go all around it.
4 Me hanga ano etahi mowhiti koura mona kia rua, mo raro i tona niao, ki ona koki e rua, me hanga ki ona taha e rua, hei kuhunga mo nga amo, hei amohanga.
Make two gold rings for the altar and attach them below the trim, two on both sides, to hold the poles to carry it.
5 He hitimi ano hoki te rakau e hanga ai e koe nga amo, me whakakikorua ki te koura.
Make the poles of acacia wood and cover them with gold.
6 Ka whakatu ai ki mua o te arai, o tera i te aaka o te whakaaturanga, ki mua o te taupoki i runga o te whakaaturanga, o te wahi e tutaki ai ahau ki a koe.
Put the altar in front of the veil that hangs before the Ark of the Testimony and the atonement cover that is over the Testimony where I will meet with you.
7 A me tahu e Arona he whakakakara reka ki runga, i tenei ata, i tenei ata: me tahu e ia te whakakakara ki runga, ina whakapaia e ia nga rama.
Aaron is to burn fragrant incense on the altar every morning when he takes care of the lamps.
8 A ka tahuna e Arona nga rama i te ahiahi, me tahu he whakakakara ki runga i taua aata, he whakakakara e mau tonu ana ki te aroaro o Ihowa i o koutou whakatupuranga.
When he lights the lamps in the evening he must burn incense again so that incense will always be burned in the Lord's presence for generations to come.
9 Kei whakaekea he whakakakara ke ki runga, he tahunga tinana ranei, he whakahere totokore ranei; kaua ano e ringihia he ringihanga ki runga.
Don't offer on this altar any unapproved incense or any burnt offering or grain offering, and do not pour out a drink offering upon it.
10 Na, ka whakamarie a Arona ki runga ki ona haona, kia kotahi te meatanga i te tau: ka whakamarie ia ki te toto o te whakahere hara o te whakamarie ki runga ki taua mea, kia kotahi te meatanga i te tau, puta noa i o koutou whakatupuranga: he mea t apu rawa tena ki a Ihowa.
Once a year Aaron must perform the atonement ritual by placing blood on the horns of the altar from the sin offering for atonement. This yearly atonement ritual must be carried out for generations to come. This is the Lord's holy altar.”
11 I korero ano a Ihowa ki a Mohi, i mea,
The Lord told Moses,
12 E taua e koe nga tangata o nga tama a Iharaira, ara nga mea o ratou e taua ana, me homai e tera, e tera, he utu mo tona wairua ki a Ihowa, ina taua ratou; kia kore ai he whiu i roto i a ratou ina taua.
“When you take a census of the Israelites, each man must pay the Lord to buy back his life when he's counted. Then they won't suffer from the plague when they're counted.
13 Ko tenei ta ratou e homai ai, ko nga tangata katoa e haere ana ki roto ki te hunga kua taua, hei te hawhe o te hekere, o te hekere o te wahi hekere kotahi: hei te hawhe hekere te whakahere ki a Ihowa.
Each one who crosses over to those counted must give a half shekel, (using the sanctuary shekel standard, which weighs twenty gerahs). This half shekel is an offering to the Lord.
14 Ko nga tangata katoa e haere ana ki roto ki te hunga kua taua, ko nga mea e rua tekau o ratou tau, me nga mea i maha atu, me homai e ratou he whakahere ki a Ihowa.
This offering to the Lord is required from everyone twenty years old and more.
15 E kore e maha ake a te tangata taonga, e kore ano hoki e torutoru iho i te hawhe hekere a te rawakore, ina homai he whakahere ki a Ihowa, hei whakamarie mo o koutou wairua.
When you give this offering to buy back your lives the rich are not to give more than a half shekel and the poor are not to give less.
16 Na me tango e koe te moni whakamarie a nga tama a Iharaira, a ka waiho mo nga mahi o te tapenakara o te whakaminenga; a hei whakamahara tena ki nga tama a Iharaira ki te aroaro o Ihowa, hei whakamarie mo o koutou wairua.
Take this money paid by the Israelites and use it for the expenses involved in the services of the Tent of Meeting. It will serve as a reminder for the Israelites to buy back your lives in the presence of the Lord.”
17 I korero ano a Ihowa ki a Mohi, i mea,
The Lord told Moses,
18 Me hanga ano e koe he takotoranga wai ki te parahi, ki te parahi ano hoki tona turanga, hei horoinga: ka whakatu ai ki te takiwa o te aata o te tapenakara o te whakaminenga, me riringi ano he wai ki roto.
“Make a bronze basin with a bronze stand for washing. Place it between the Tent of Meeting and the altar, and put water in it.
19 A me horoi o ratou ringa me o ratou waewae e Arona ratou ko ana tama ki reira.
Aaron and his sons will use it to wash their hands and feet.
20 Ka haere ratou ki roto ki te tapenakara o te whakaminenga, me horoi ratou ki te wai, kei mate; ki te whakatata ranei ratou ki te aata ki te minita, ki te tahu i te whakahere ahi ki a Ihowa:
Whenever they enter the Tent of Meeting, they are to wash with water so that they will not die. When they approach the altar to present burnt offerings to the Lord,
21 Na ka horoi i o ratou ringa, i o ratou waewae, kei mate; a ka waiho hei tikanga pumau ma ratou, mana, ma ona uri, i o ratou whakatupuranga.
they must also wash so that they will not die. This requirement is to be observed by them and their descendants for all generations.”
22 I korero ano a Ihowa ki a Mohi, i mea,
The Lord told Moses,
23 Tikina mau he tino mea kakara, he maira pai, kia rima rau hekere, he hinamona reka, me hawhe tera, ara kia rua rau kia rima tekau hekere, me te karamuha reka, kia rua rau kia rima tekau hekere,
“Take the best quality spices: 500 shekels of liquid myrrh, 250 shekels of sweet-smelling cinnamon, 250 shekels of aromatic reed,
24 He kahia hoki, kia rima rau hekere, ki nga hekere o te wahi tapu, me te hinu oriwa, kia kotahi hine:
500 shekels of cassia, (weights using the sanctuary shekel standard), and a hin of olive oil.
25 A me hanga e koe hei hinu mo te whakawahinga tapu, he hinu whakaranu, he mea kakara, ko ta te kaiwhakaranu e hanga ai: ka waiho hei hinu mo te whakawahinga tapu:
Mix these together into holy anointing oil, an aromatic blend like the product of an expert perfumer. Use it as holy anointing oil.
26 Ka whakawahia ai te tapenakara o te whakaminenga, me te aaka hoki o te whakaaturanga,
Use it to anoint the Tent of Meeting, the Ark of the Testimony,
27 Me te tepu, me nga oko katoa i runga, me te turanga rama, me ona oko, me te aata whakakakara,
the table and all its equipment, the lampstand and its equipment, the altar of incense,
28 Me te aata tahunga tinana, me ona oko katoa, me te takotoranga wai, me tona turanga.
the altar of burnt offering and all its utensils, and the basin plus its stand.
29 A me whakatapu kia tino tapu: ka tapu nga mea katoa e pa ana ki aua mea.
Dedicate them so that they will be especially holy. Whatever touches them will become holy.
30 Me whakawahi ano e koe a Arona ratou ko ana tama, me whakatapu hoki ratou hei tohunga maku.
Anoint Aaron and his sons too and dedicate them to serve as priests for me.
31 Me korero ano e koe ki nga tama a Iharaira, me ki atu, Hei hinu tenei maku, mo te whakawahinga tapu i o koutou whakatupuranga.
Tell the Israelites, ‘This is to be my holy anointing oil for all generations to come.
32 Kei ringihia ki te kikokiko tangata, kei hanga ano tetahi mea pena, e rite ana ki tona hanganga: he tapu tena, a ka tapu ki a koutou.
Don't use it on ordinary people and don't make anything like it using the same formula. It is holy, and you must treat it as being holy.
33 Ki te whakaranua e te tangata tetahi mea pena; ki te maka ranei e ia ki runga ki te tangata ke, ina, ka hatepea atu ia i roto i tona iwi.
Anyone who mixes anointing oil like it, or puts it on someone other than a priest, will be expelled from their people.’”
34 I mea ano a Ihowa ki a Mohi, Tikina mau he mea kakara, he takete, he oneka, he karapanuma; enei mea kakara me te parakihe parakore; kia rite te taimaha o tetahi, o tetahi:
The Lord told Moses, “Take equal amounts of these aromatic spices: balsam resin, onycha, galbanum, and pure frankincense.
35 Ka whakaranu ai hei mea kakara, ko ta te kaiwhakaranu e hanga ai, he mea rongoa ki te tote, he mea parakore, he mea tapu:
Add some salt and make pure and holy incense blended like the product of an expert perfumer.
36 Na ka tukia tetahi wahi kia ririki rawa, ka whakatakoto ai i tetahi wahi ki mua mai o te whakaaturanga i roto i te tapenakara o te whakaminenga, ki te wahi e tutaki ai ahau ki a koe: hei mea tino tapu tena ki a koutou.
Grind some of it into powder and place it in front of the Ark of the Testimony in the Tent of Meeting, where I will meet with you. It shall be especially holy to you.
37 A ko taua mea kakara ka hanga nei e koe, kei hanga tetahi ma koutou he rite te hanganga ki to tera: hei mea tapu tena ki a koe ma Ihowa.
Don't make for yourselves any incense like it using the same formula. You are to consider this incense as holy to the Lord.
38 Ki te hanga e te tangata he mea pena, hei honginga mana, ka hatepea atu ia i roto i tona iwi.
Anyone who makes incense like this for themselves to enjoy will be expelled from their people.”

< Ekoruhe 30 >