< Ekoruhe 29 >

1 A ko tenei tau e mea ai ki a ratou. ina whakatapu i a ratou hei tohunga maku: Tikina he puru, hei te kuao, me nga hipi toa e rua, hei te mea kohakore,
And these are the things which thou shalt do to them: thou shalt sanctify them, so that they shall serve me in the priesthood; and thou shalt take one young calf from the herd, and two unblemished rams;
2 He taro rewenakore, he keke rewenakore, i konatunatua ki te hinu, he mea angiangi ano hoki, he rewenakore, i pania ki te hinu: he mea hanga e koe ki te paraoa witi.
and unleavened loaves kneaded with oil, and unleavened cakes anointed with oil: thou shalt make them [of] fine flour of wheat.
3 Na, ka maka ki te kete kotahi, a ka kawea i roto i te kete, me te puru me nga hipi toa e rua.
And thou shalt put them on one basket, and thou shalt offer them on the basket, and the young calf and the two rams.
4 Na ka kawe i a Arona ratou ko ana tama, ki te whatitoka o te tapenakara o te whakaminenga, ka horoi i a ratou ki te wai.
And thou shalt bring Aaron and his sons to the doors of the tabernacle of testimony, and thou shalt wash them with water.
5 Na ka mau koe ki nga kakahu, a ka whakakakahu i a Arona ki te koti, ki te koroka o te epora, ki te epora, ki te kouma, ka whitiki hoki i a ia ki te whitiki whakairo o te epora:
And having taken the garments, thou shalt put on Aaron thy brother both the full-length robe and the ephod and the oracle; and thou shalt join for him the oracle to the ephod.
6 A ka potae i tona matenga ki te potae tohunga, ka whakanoho ano i te karauna tapu ki runga ki te potae.
And thou shalt put the mitre on his head; and thou shalt put the plate, [even] the Holiness, on the mitre.
7 Na ka mau ki te hinu whakawahi, ka riringi ki runga ki tona matenga, ka whakawahi i a ia.
And thou shalt take of the anointing oil, and thou shalt pour it on his head, and shalt anoint him,
8 A ka kawe koe i ana tama, ka whakakakahu hoki i a ratou ki nga koti.
and thou shalt bring his sons, and put garments on them.
9 Me whitiki ano ratou e koe, a Arona ratou ko ana tama, ka potae ano hoki i nga potae ki a ratou: a ma ratou te mahi tohunga; kia pumau tonu ano hoki tenei tikanga: na ka whakatohunga koe i a Arona ratou ko ana tama.
And thou shalt gird them with the girdles, and put the tires upon them, and they shall have a priestly office to me for ever; and thou shalt fill the hands of Aaron and the hands of his sons.
10 Na ka mea kia kawea tetahi puru ki mua o te tapenakara o te whakaminenga: a ka popoki iho nga ringa o Arona ratou ko ana tama ki runga ki te pane o te puru.
And thou shalt bring the calf to the door of the tabernacle of witness; and Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands on the head of the calf, before the Lord, by the doors of the tabernacle of witness.
11 Na ka patu koe i te puru ki te aroaro o Ihowa, ki te whatitoka o te tapenakara o te whakaminenga.
And thou shalt slay the calf before the Lord, by the doors of the tabernacle of witness.
12 Na me tango tetahi wahi o te toto o te puru, me pani e tou ringa ki nga haona o te aata, ka riringi katoa ai i nga toto ki te turanga o te aata.
And thou shalt take of the blood of the calf, and put it on the horns of the altar with thy finger, but all the rest of the blood thou shalt pour out at the foot of the altar.
13 Na ka tango koe i te ngako katoa e whiwhiwhiwhi ana ki nga whekau, me te pa i runga ake i te ate, me nga whatukuhu e rua, me te pai i aua mea, ka tahu ai ki runga ki te aata.
And thou shalt take all the fat that is on the belly, and the lobe of the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, and shalt put them upon the altar.
14 Ko te kikokiko ia o te puru, me tona hiako, me ona paru, me tahu e koe ki te ahi ki waho o te puni: he whakahere hara hoki tena.
But the flesh of the calf, and his skin, and his dung, shalt thou burn with fire without the camp; for it is an [offering on account] of sin.
15 Na ka mau koe ki tetahi o nga hipi toa; a ka popoki iho nga ringaringa o Arona ratou ko ana tama ki runga ki te matenga o te hipi.
And thou shalt take one ram, and Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands on the head of the ram.
16 Na ka patu koe i te hipi, a ka tango i ona toto, ka tauhi ai ki te aata a tawhio noa.
And thou shalt kill it, and take the blood and pour it on the altar round about.
17 Na ka tapatapahi koe i te hipi, a ka horoi i ona whekau, me ona waewae, ka maka ai ki runga ki nga wahi ona i tapahia, ki runga hoki i tona matenga.
And thou shalt divide the ram by his several limbs, and thou shalt wash the inward parts and the feet with water, and thou shalt put them on the divided parts with the head.
18 Katahi koe ka tahu i te hipi katoa ki runga ki te aata: he tahunga tinana tena ki a Ihowa, he kakara reka, he whakahere ahi ki a Ihowa.
And thou shalt offer the whole ram on the altar, a whole burnt-offering to the Lord for a sweet-smelling savour: it is an offering of incense to the Lord.
19 Na ka mau koe ki te rua o nga hipi, a ka popoki iho nga ringaringa o Arona ratou ko ana tama ki runga ki te matenga o te hipi.
And thou shalt take the second ram, and Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands on the head of the ram.
20 Na ka patu koe i te hipi, a ka tango i tetahi wahi o ona toto, ka pani atu ki te matamata o te taringa matau a Arona, ki te matamata ano hoki o nga taringa matau o ana tama, ki te koromatua ano hoki o o ratou ringa matau, ki te koromatua ano hok i o o ratou waewae matau, me tauhiuhi atu ano hoki te toto ki te aata a tawhio noa.
And thou shalt kill it, and take of the blood of it, and put it on the tip of Aaron's right ear, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot, and on the tips of the right ears of his sons, and on the thumbs of their right hands, and on the great toes of their right feet.
21 Me tango ano e koe tetahi wahi o nga toto i runga i te aata, o te hinu whakawahi ano hoki, a ka tauhiuhi atu ki a Arona, ki ona kakahu, ki a ratou tahi ano ko ana tama, ki nga kakahu hoki o ana tama: na ka tapu ia, me ona kakahu, me ana tama, me nga kakahu ano hoki o ana tama.
And thou shalt take of the blood from the altar, and of the anointing oil; and thou shalt sprinkle it upon Aaron and on his garments, and on his sons and on his sons' garments with him; and he shall be sanctified and his apparel, and his sons and his sons' apparel with him: but the blood of the ram thou shalt pour round about upon the altar.
22 Me tango ano hoki e koe te ngako o te hipi toa, me te hiawero, me te ngako e whiwhiwhiwhi ana ki nga whekau, me te pa i te ate, i nga whatukuhu e rua; me te ngako i aua mea, me te peke matau; he hipi whakatohungatanga hoki:
And thou shalt take from the ram its fat, both the fat that covers the belly, and the lobe of the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, and the right shoulder, for this is a consecration.
23 Me te rohi taro kotahi, me tetahi keke taro hinu, me tetahi keke angiangi i roto i te kete taro rewenakore i te aroaro o Ihowa:
And one cake [made] with oil, and one cake from the basket of unleavened bread set forth before the Lord.
24 Na ka hoatu katoa e koe ki nga ringa o Arona, ki nga ringa ano o ana tama; a me poipoi hei whakahere poipoi ki te aroaro o Ihowa.
And thou shalt put them all on the hands of Aaron, and on the hands of his sons, and thou shalt separate them as a separate offering before the Lord.
25 Na ka tango koe i aua mea i o ratou ringa, ka tahu ai ki runga ki to aata, hei tahunga tinana, hei kakara reka ki te aroaro o Ihowa, hei whakahere ahi ki a Ihowa.
And thou shalt take them from their hands, and shalt offer them up on the altar of whole burnt-offering for a sweet-smelling savour before the Lord: it is an offering to the Lord.
26 Na ka tango koe i te uma o te hipi toa o te whakatohungatanga o Arona, a ka poipoi hei whakahere poipoi i te aroaro o Ihowa: ko te wahi hoki tena mau.
And thou shalt take the breast from the ram of consecration which is Aaron's, and thou shalt separate it as a separate offering before the Lord, and it shall be to thee for a portion.
27 Me whakatapu ano e koe te uma o te whakahere poipoi, me te peke o te whakahere hapahapai, era e poipoia ana, e hapahapainga ana, o te hipi o te whakatohungatanga, o ta Arona, o ta ana tama:
And thou shalt sanctify the separated breast and the shoulder of removal which has been separated, and which has been removed from the ram of consecration, of the portion of Aaron and of [that of] his sons.
28 A ka waiho ma Arona ratou ko ana tama, e nga tama a Iharaira; kia pumau tonu tenei tikanga: he whakahere hapahapai hoki: a ka waiho e nga tama a Iharaira hei whakahere hapahapai, he mea no a ratou patunga mo te pai, ara he whakahere hapahapai na ratou ki a Ihowa.
And it shall be a perpetual statute of the children of Israel to Aaron and his sons, for this is a separate offering; and it shall be a special offering from the children of Israel, from the peace-offerings of the children of Israel, a special offering to the Lord.
29 A ka riro nga kakahu tapu o Arona i ana tama i muri i a ia, hei kakahu e whakawahia ai, e whakatohungatia ai ratou.
And the apparel of the sanctuary which is Aaron's shall be his son's after him, for them to be anointed in them, and to fill their hands.
30 A e whitu nga ra e kakahuria ai aua mea e te tama e meinga hei tohunga i muri i a ia, ina haere ia ki roto ki te tapenakara o te whakaminenga ki te minita i roto i te wahi tapu.
The priest his successor from among his sons who shall go into the tabernacle of witness to minister in the holies, shall put them on seven days.
31 Me tango ano e koe te hipi toa o te whakatohungatanga, a ka kohua i ona kikokiko ki te wahi tapu.
And thou shalt take the ram of consecration, and thou shalt boil the flesh in the holy place.
32 A ma Arona ratou ko ana tama e kai te kikokiko o te hipi, me te taro i roto i te kete, ki te whatitoka o te tapenakara o te whakaminenga.
And Aaron and his sons shall eat the flesh of the ram, and the loaves in the basket, by the doors of the tabernacle of witness.
33 Me kai ano e ratou aua mea o te whakamarie, hei whakatohunga, hei whakatapu mo ratou: kauaka ia te tangata ke e kai; he mea tapu hoki ena.
They shall eat the offerings with which they were sanctified to fill their hands, to sanctify them; and a stranger shall not eat of them, for they are holy.
34 A, ki te toe tetahi wahi o te kikokiko o nga whakatohungatanga, o te taro ranei, ki te ata, me tahu e koe taua toenga ki te ahi: kei kainga; he mea tapu hoki.
And if [aught] be left of the flesh of the sacrifice of consecration and of the loaves until the morning, thou shalt burn the remainder with fire: it shall not be eaten, for it is a holy thing.
35 Kia penei tau e mea ai ki a Arona ratou ko ana tama; kia rite ki nga mea katoa i whakahaua atu nei e ahau ki a koe: e whitu nga ra e whakatohunga ai koe i a ratou.
And thus shalt thou do for Aaron and for his sons according to all things that I have commanded thee; seven days shalt thou fill their hands.
36 A me tuku e koe i tenei ra, i tenei ra, tetahi kau hei whakahere hara, hei whakamarie: me pure ano e koe te aata, ina oti i a koe te whakamarie mo taua mea; me whakawahi ano kia tapu ai.
And thou shalt sacrifice the calf of the sin-offering on the day of purification, and thou shalt purify the altar when thou dost perform consecration upon it, and thou shalt anoint it so as to sanctify it.
37 E whitu nga ra e whakamarie ai koe mo te aata, hei whakatapu; a ka meinga hei aata tino tapu; ko nga mea katoa e pa ana ki te aata, ka tapu.
Seven days shalt thou purify the altar and sanctify it; and the altar shall be most holy, every one that touches the altar shall be hallowed.
38 A ko tenei tau e tuku ai ki runga ki te aata; e rua reme, he tautahi me mea tonu tenei i nga ra katoa.
And these are the offerings which thou shalt offer upon the altar; two unblemished lambs of a year old daily on the altar continually, a constant offering.
39 Ko tetahi reme me tuku i te ata, ko te rua o nga reme me tuku i te ahiahi.
One lamb thou shalt offer in the morning, and the second lamb thou shalt offer in the evening.
40 Ko te reme me te whakatekau o te paraoa, he mea konatunatu ki te hinu tuki, he whakawha no te hine, me te whakawha o te hine waina, hei ringihanga.
And a tenth measure of fine flour mingled with the fourth part of an hin of beaten oil, and a drink-offering the fourth part of a hin of wine for one lamb.
41 A me tuku e koe tetahi reme i te ahiahi; kia rite tau tukunga ki to te whakahere totokore o te ata, me tona ringihanga hoki, hei kakara reka, hei whakahere ahi ki a Ihowa.
And thou shalt offer the second lamb in the evening, after the manner of the morning-offering, and according to the drink-offering of the morning lamb; thou shalt offer it an offering to the Lord for a sweet-smelling savour,
42 Hei tahunga tinana tenei e mau tonu ana i o koutou whakatupuranga, i te whatitoka o te tapenakara o te whakaminenga, i te aroaro o Ihowa, i te wahi e tutaki ai ahau ki a koutou, korero ai ki a koe.
a perpetual sacrifice throughout your generations, at the door of the tabernacle of witness before the Lord; wherein I will be known to thee from thence, so as to speak to thee.
43 A ka tutaki ahau ki reira ki nga tama a Iharaira, ka tapu ano a reira i toku kororia.
And I will there give orders to the children of Israel, and I will be sanctified in my glory.
44 Ka whakatapua ano e ahau te tapenakara o te whakaminenga me te aata: ka whakatapua ano a Arona ratou ko ana tama, hei tohunga maku.
And I will sanctify the tabernacle of testimony and the altar, and I will sanctify Aaron and his sons, to minister as priests to me.
45 A ka noho ahau ki waenganui i nga tama a Iharaira, a hei Atua ahau mo ratou.
And I will be called upon among the children of Israel, and will be their God.
46 A ka mohio ratou ko Ihowa ahau, ko to ratou Atua, i whakaputaia mai ai ratou i te whenua o Ihipa, kia noho ai ahau i waenganui i a ratou: ko Ihowa ahau, ko to ratou Atua.
And they shall know that I am the Lord their God, who brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, to be called upon by them, and to be their God.

< Ekoruhe 29 >