< Ehetere 8 >

1 No taua ra ka homai e Kingi Ahahueruha ki a Kuini Ehetere te whare o Hamana, hoariri o nga Hurai. A ka haere a Mororekai ki te aroaro o te kingi, na Ehetere hoki i whakaatu he whanaunga ia nona.
The same day did King Ahashuerosh giue the house of Haman the aduersarie of the Iewes vnto the Queene Ester. and Mordecai came before the King: for Ester tolde what hee was vnto her.
2 E unuhia ana e te kingi tona mowhiti i tangohia mai nei e ia i a Hamana, a hoatu ana ki a Mororekai; a i whakanohoia a Mororekai e Ehetere ki te whare o Hamana.
And the King tooke off his ring, which he had taken from Haman, and gaue it vnto Mordecai: and Ester set Mordecai ouer the house of Haman.
3 A i korero ano a Ehetere ki te aroaro o te kingi, me te takoto ano ki ona waewae, me te tangi ano, i inoi ki a ia kia karohia te kino a Hamana Akaki, me te whakaaro i whakaaro ai ia mo nga Hurai.
And Ester spake yet more before the King, and fell downe at his feete weeping, and besought him that he would put away the wickednes of Haman the Agagite, and his deuice that he had imagined against the Iewes.
4 Katahi ka torona atu e te kingi te hepeta koura ki a Ehetere. Heoi ka whakatika a Ehetere, ka tu ki te aroaro o te kingi,
And the King held out the golden scepter toward Ester. Then arose Ester, and stood before the King,
5 A ka mea, Ki te pai te kingi, ki te manakohia hoki ahau e ia, ki te mea he tika tenei mea ki to te kingi whakaaro, ki te mea he pai ahau ki tana titiro, me tuhituhi kia whakataka nga pukapuka i whakaaroa e Hamana tama a Hamerata Akaki ana i tuhit uhi ai kia huna nga Hurai i nga kawanatanga katoa a te kingi.
And sayd, If it please the King, and if I haue found fauour in his sight, and the thing be acceptable before the King, and I please him, let it be written, that the letters of the deuice of Haman the sonne of Ammedatha the Agagite may be called againe, which he wrote to destroy the Iewes, that are in all the Kings prouinces.
6 Me pehea hoki e ahei ai ahau te titiro ki te he e pa ki toku iwi? me pehea hoki e ahei ai ahau te titiro ki te hunanga o oku whanaunga?
For how can I suffer and see the euil, that shall come vnto my people? Or howe can I suffer and see the destruction of my kinred?
7 Ano ra ko Kingi Ahahueruha ki a Kuini Ehetere raua ko Mororekai Hurai, Nana, kua oti te hoatu e ahau ki a Ehetere te whare o Hamana; kua oti ano tera te tarona ki runga ki te rakau mo tona ringa i totoro ki nga Hurai.
And the King Ahashuerosh sayde vnto the Queene Ester, and to Mordecai the Iewe, Behold, I haue giuen Ester the house of Haman, whome they haue hanged vpon the tree, because he layd hand vpon the Iewes.
8 Ma korua ano e tuhituhi ta korua e pai ai mo nga Hurai, i runga i te ingoa o te kingi, hiri rawa ki te mowhiti o te kingi: he tuhituhi hoki i tuhituhia i runga i te ingoa o te kingi, a i hiritia ki te mowhiti o te kingi, e kore e whakataka.
Write yee also for the Iewes, as it liketh you in the Kinges name, and seale it with the Kings ring (for the writings written in the Kings name, and sealed with the Kings ring, may no man reuoke)
9 Katahi ka karangatia nga karaipi a te kingi i taua wa, i te toru o nga marama, ara i te marama Hiwana, i te rua tekau ma toru o nga ra o taua marama; a ka tuhituhia nga mea katoa i whakahau ai a Mororekai ki nga Hurai, ki nga kawana, ratou ko nga kawana iti, ko nga rangatira ano o nga kawanatanga, o Inia mai ano a tae noa ki Etiopia, kotahi rau e rua tekau ma whitu nga kawanatanga; ki tenei kawanatanga, ki tenei kawanatanga, he mea whakarite ki ta ratou tuhituhi; ki tenei iwi, ki tenei iwi, he mea whakarite ano ki to ratou reo; ki nga Hurai ano, he mea whakarite ki ta ratou tuhituhi, ki to ratou reo.
Then were the Kings Scribes called at the same time, euen in the thirde moneth, that is the moneth Siuan, on the three and twentieth day thereof: and it was written, according to all as Mordecai commanded, vnto the Iewes and to the princes, and captaines, and rulers of the prouinces, which were from India euen vnto Ethiopia, an hundreth and seuen and twentie prouinces, vnto euery prouince, according to the writing thereof, and to euery people after their speache, and to the Iewes, according to their writing, and according to their language.
10 Tuhituhia ana e ia i runga i te ingoa o Kingi Ahahueruha, hiri rawa ki te mowhiti o te kingi, a tukua ana nga pukapuka kia maua e nga kaikawe pukapuka i runga hoiho, i eke i runga i nga kararehe tere o nga mahi a te kingi, he momo:
And hee wrote in the King Ahashuerosh name, and sealed it with the Kings ring: and he sent letters by postes on horsebacke and that rode on beastes of price, as dromedaries and coltes of mares.
11 E mea ana i roto te tukunga a te kingi i nga Hurai o nga pa katoa kia huihui, kia tu ki runga, kia ora ai ratou, kia whakangaro, kia whakamate, kia huna i nga ope katoa o te iwi o te kawanatanga e tauria ai ratou ko a ratou kohungahunga, ko a ra tou wahine, kia pahua hoki i o ratou taonga hei mea parakete,
Wherein the King graunted the Iewes (in what cities so euer they were) to gather theselues together, and to stand for their life, and to roote out, to slay and to destroy al the power of the people and of the prouince that vexed them, both children and women, and to spoyle their goods:
12 I taua ra kotahi i nga kawanatanga katoa a Kingi Ahahueruha, ara i te tekau ma toru o nga ra o te tekau ma rua o nga marama, koia nei te marama Arara.
Vpon one day in all the prouinces of King Ahashuerosh, euen in the thirteenth day of the twelft moneth, which is the moneth Adar.
13 I whakapuakina ki nga iwi katoa nga kupu i tuhituhia mo te ture kia whakatakotoria i nga kawanatanga katoa, kia mataara ai nga Hurai i taua ra ki te rapu utu i o ratou hoariri.
The copie of the writing was, howe there should be a commandement giuen in all and euery prouince, published among all the people, and that the Iewes should be ready against that day to auenge themselues on their enemies.
14 Heoi haere ana nga kaikawe pukapuka, he mea waha e nga kararehe tere o nga mahi a te kingi, he mea whakahohoro, he mea akiaki e te kupu a te kingi. I homai ano te ture i Huhana, i te whare kingi.
So the postes rode vpon beasts of price, and dromedaries, and went forth with speede, to execute the Kings commandement, and the decree was giuen at Shushan the palace.
15 Na haere ana a Mororekai i te aroaro o te kingi, ko tona kakahu he kakahu kingi, he puru, he ma, me te karauna koura nui, me tetahi kakahu hoki he rinena pai, he papura. Na hamama ana, hari ana te pa, a Huhana.
And Mordecai went out from the King in royall apparell of blewe, and white, and with a great crowne of gold, and with a garment of fine linen and purple, and the citie of Shushan reioyced and was glad.
16 Na ko nga Hurai i maha, i koa, me te hari me te honore.
And vnto the Iewes was come light and ioy and gladnes, and honour.
17 I nga kawanatanga katoa ano, i nga pa katoa i nga wahi i tae ai te kupu a te kingi me tana ture, he hari, he koa to nga Hurai, he kai hakari, he ra pai. A he tokomaha o nga iwi o te whenua i mea i a ratou hei Hurai; i tau hoki te wehi o nga Hura i ki a ratou.
Also in all and euery prouince, and in al and euery citie and place, where the Kings commandement and his decree came, there was ioy and gladnes to the Iewes, a feast and good day, and many of the people of the land became Iewes: for the feare of the Iewes fell vpon them.

< Ehetere 8 >