< Tiuteronomi 5 >
1 A i karanga atu a Mohi ki a Iharaira katoa, i mea ki a ratou, Whakarongo, e Iharaira, ki nga tikanga, ki nga whakaritenga e korerotia nei e ahau ki o koutou taringa i tenei ra, ka ako ai, ka pupuri ai, ka mahi ai.
Moses/I summoned all the people of Israel and said to them, “You Israeli people, listen to all the rules and regulations that I am giving to you today. Learn them and be sure to obey them.
2 I whakarite a Ihowa, to tatou Atua, i te kawenata ki a tatou i Horepa.
When we were at Sinai [Mountain], Yahweh our God made an agreement with us.
3 Kihai a Ihowa i whakarite i tenei kawenata ki o tatou matua; engari ki a tatou, ki a tatou nei ano, e ora katoa nei i konei inaianei.
But this agreement was not only for our ancestors. He made it also for us who are alive now.
4 I korero a kanohi mai a Ihowa ki a koutou i te maunga i waenganui o te ahi;
Yahweh spoke with us face-to-face on that mountain, from the middle of the fire.
5 Ko ahau i tu i waenganui o Ihowa, o koutou, i taua wa, hei whakapuaki ki a koutou i te korero a Ihowa: i wehi hoki koutou i te ahi, kihai hoki i piki ake ki te maunga; i mea ia,
On that day, I stood between your ancestors and Yahweh to tell them what he said, because they were afraid of the fire, and they did not climb up the mountain. This is what Yahweh said:
6 Ko Ihowa ahau, ko tou Atua, naku koe i whakaputa mai i te whenua o Ihipa, i te whare pononga.
‘I am Yahweh your God, the one you [worship]. I am the one who brought you out of the land of Egypt. I am the one who freed you from being slaves [there].
7 Aua etahi atua ke atu mou ki mua i ahau.
[You must worship only] me; you must not worship any other god.
8 Kei hanga koe i te whakapakoko mou, i tetahi ritenga ranei o nga mea o te rangi i runga, o te whenua ranei i raro, o te wai ranei i raro i te whenua.
You must not carve/make for yourselves any idol that represents anything in the sky or anything that is on the ground or anything that swims in the water.
9 Kei koropiko koe ki ena mea, kei mahi ranei ki ena mea: ko Ihowa hoki ahau ko tou Atua, he Atua hae, e mea ana i nga hara o nga matua kia tau iho ki nga tamariki a te toru, te wha ra ano o nga whakatupuranga o te hunga e kino ana ki ahau;
You must not bow down to any idol and worship it, because I am Yahweh God, and I (am very jealous/want you to worship me only). I punish those who sin and hate me. I punish not only them, but I will punish (their descendants, down to the third and fourth generation/their children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren).
10 E whakaputa aroha ana hoki ki nga mano, ki te hunga e aroha ana ki ahau, e whakarite ana i aku ture.
But I will steadfastly love (thousands of generations/all the descendants) of those who love me and obey my commandments (OR, I will love for thousands of generations).
11 Kei whakahuatia noatia e koe te ingoa o Ihowa, o tou Atua: e kore hoki a Ihowa e mea he harakore te tangata e whakahua noa ana i tona ingoa.
Do not use/speak my name carelessly (OR, for wrong/evil purposes), because I am Yahweh God, the one whom you [should worship], and I will certainly punish those who use/speak my name for wrong/evil purposes [LIT].
12 Kia mau ki te ra hapati, kia whakatapua, kia pera me ta Ihowa, me ta tou Atua i whakahau ai ki a koe.
Do not forget that the seventh day [of every week] is mine. Dedicate those days to me just like I, Yahweh your God, am commanding you.
13 E ono nga ra e mahi ai koe, e mea ai hoki i au mea katoa;
There are six days each week for you to do all your work,
14 Tena ko te ra whitu, he hapati no Ihowa, no tou Atua; kaua e mahia tetahi mahi i reira, e koe, e tau tama, e tau tamahine, e tau pononga tane, e tau pononga wahine, e tau kau, e tau kaihe, e au kararehe katoa hoki, me tou tangata ke i roto i ou tatau; kia okioki ai tau pononga tane, tau pononga wahine, kia pena ai me koe.
but the seventh day is a rest day, a day dedicated to me, Yahweh your God. On that day you must not do any work. You and your sons and daughters and your male and female slaves must not work. You must not even force your livestock to work, and you must not tell foreigners to work, those who are living in your country. You must allow your slaves to rest on that day just like you do.
15 Kia mahara ano he pononga koe i te whenua o Ihipa, a na Ihowa, na tou Atua koe i whakaputa mai i reira, i runga i te ringa kaha, i te ringa maro: na reira i whakahau ai a Ihowa, tou Atua, i a koe kia whakaritea te ra hapati.
Do not forget that you were slaves in Egypt, and that I, Yahweh your God, brought you out from there by my very great power. [DOU, MTY] That is the reason that I am commanding that [all of] you must rest on the seventh/Sabbath day [each week].
16 Whakahonoretia tou papa me tou whaea, kia rite ki ta Ihowa, ki ta tou Atua i whakahau aia ki a koe; kia roa ai ou ra, kia whiwhi ai hoki koe ki te pai i runga i te whenua e homai nei e Ihowa, e tou Atua, ki a koe.
Honor/Respect your fathers and your mothers, just like I, Yahweh your God, am commanding you, in order that you may live a long time in the land that I, Yahweh your God, will give you, and in order that things will go well for you there.
Do not (commit adultery/have sex with anyone other than your spouse).
20 Aua e whakapae teka ki tou hoa.
Do not tell lies about anyone [when you are speaking in a court].
21 Aua hoki e hiahia ki te wahine a tou hoa, aua hoki e hiahia ki te whare o tou hoa, ki tana mara, ki tana pononga tane, ki tana pononga wahine, ki tana kau, ki tana kaihe, ki tetahi mea ranei a tou hoa.
Do not (covet/desire to have) someone else’s wife, someone else’s house, someone else’s fields, someone else’s male slave or female slave, someone else’s livestock, someone else’s donkeys, or anything else that another person owns.’
22 Ko enei kupu i korerotia mai e Ihowa ki to koutou huihui katoa i te maunga, i waenganui o te ahi, o te kapua, o te pouri hoki, he nui ano hoki te reo; a kahore atu ano ana kupu: a tuhituhia iho e ia ki nga papa kohatu e rua, a homai ana ki ahau.
Those are the commandments that Yahweh spoke to your ancestors. When they were gathered there at [the bottom of] the mountain, he spoke with a very loud voice from the middle of the fire, and there were dark clouds surrounding the mountain. He spoke only those [ten] commandments, no more. Then he wrote them on two stone tablets and gave them to me.
23 A, no to koutou rongonga i te kupu i roto i te pouri, ko te maunga hoki e ka ana i te ahi, ka whakatata mai ki ahau, ara nga upoko katoa o o koutou iwi, me o koutou kaumatua;
After your ancestors heard [Yahweh’s] voice when he spoke to them out of the darkness, while there was a big fire burning on the mountain, their leaders and elders came to me,
24 A ka mea mai, Na, kua whakakite mai a Ihowa, to tatou Atua, i tona kororia, i tona nui ki a tatou, kua rongo hoki tatou i tona reo i roto i te ahi; kua kite tatou i tenei ra ka korero a Ihowa ki te tangata, a ka ora ano ia.
and [one of] them said, ‘Listen to us! Yahweh our God showed us that he is very great and glorious when we heard him speak [MTY] from the fire. Today we have realized that it is possible for us humans to continue to live even though God has spoken to us.
25 Na kia mate matou hei aha? ka pau hoki matou i tenei ahi nui; ki te rongo ano matou i te reo o Ihowa, o to tatou Atua, na ka mate matou.
But we are afraid that we will die [RHQ] if we hear Yahweh our God speak [MTY] to us again; his terrible fire will destroy/kill us.
26 Ko wai hoki o nga kikokiko katoa i rongo ki te reo o te Atua ora e korero ana i roto i te ahi, me tatou nei i rongo, a ia ora ano?
(Who has/Certainly no human has) remained alive after hearing the all-powerful God speak [MTY] to them from a fire.
27 Mau e whakatata atu, e whakarongo ki nga mea katoa e korero ai a Ihowa, to tatou Atua; mau hoki e korero ki a matou nga mea katoa e korero ai a Ihowa, to tatou Atua, ki a koe; a ma matou e whakarongo, e mahi.
[So Moses], you go [up the mountain] and listen to everything that Yahweh our God will say. Then [come back and] tell us everything that he has said, and we will listen to what he has said and obey it.’
28 A ka rongo mai a Ihowa i te puaki o a koutou kupu, i a koutou e korero ana ki ahau; na ka mea a Ihowa ki ahau, Kua rongo ahau i te puaki mai o nga kupu a te iwi nei, i korero ra ratou ki a koe: he pai nga mea katoa i korero ra ratou.
Yahweh heard your leaders say that, so [when I went back up the mountain], Yahweh said to me, ‘I have heard what your leaders have said, and what they have said is right/correct.
29 E! me i pena o ratou ngakau i roto i a ratou, te wehi i ahau, te pupuri hoki i aku whakahau katoa i nga ra katoa, kia whiwhi ai ratou ki te pai me a ratou tamariki hoki ake tonu atu!
I surely wish that they would always think like that and revere me and obey all my commandments, in order that things may go well for them and for their descendants forever.
30 Haere, mea atu ki a ratou, Hoki atu koutou ki o koutou teneti.
So go [down] and tell them to return to their tents.
31 Ko koe ia, e tu ki konei taua, a maku e korero ki a koe nga whakahau katoa, me nga tikanga, me nga whakaritenga e whakaako ai koe ki a ratou, hei mahi ma ratou ki te whenua e hoatu nei e ahau kia nohoia e ratou.
But [then] you [come back up here and] stand near me, and I will give to you all the rules and regulations that I [want them to obey]. Then you can teach them to the people, in order that they will obey them when they are in the land that I am giving to them.’
32 Na, kia mahara koutou kia pera te mahi me ta Ihowa, me ta to koutou Atua, i whakahau ai ki a koutou: kaua e peka ke ki matau, ki maui.
[So I went back down to the people, and I said to them], ‘Be sure that you do everything that Yahweh our God has commanded us to do. Do not disobey any of his laws.
33 Haere i nga huarahi katoa i whakahau ai a Ihowa, to koutou Atua ki a koutou, kia ora ai koutou, kia whiwhi ai ki te pai, kia roa ai hoki o koutou ra ki te whenua ka riro nei i a koutou.
Conduct your lives as Yahweh our God has commanded us to do, in order that you may live a long time, and in order that things will go well for you [when you are living] in the land that you will occupy.’”