< Tiuteronomi 34 >

1 Na ka piki atu a Mohi i nga mania o Moapa ki Maunga Nepo, ki te tihi o Pihika, e titiro ana ki Heriko. A whakakitea ana e Ihowa ki a ia te whenua katoa o Kireara a tae noa ki Rana;
Then Moses went from the plaine of Moab vp into mount Nebo vnto the top of Pisgah that is ouer against Iericho: and the Lord shewed him all the land of Gilead, vnto Dan,
2 A Napatari katoa, me te whenua o Eparaima, o Manahi hoki, te whenua katoa hoki o Hura, tae noa atu ki te moana whakamutunga mai;
And all Naphtali and the land of Ephraim and Manasseh, and all the land of Iudah, vnto the vtmost sea:
3 Te tonga me te mania i te papatairitetanga o Heriko, o te pa nikau, a Toara atu ana.
And the South, and the plaine of the valley of Iericho, the citie of palmetrees, vnto Zoar.
4 Na ka mea a Ihowa ki a ia, Ko te whenua tenei i oati ai ahau ki a Aperahama, ki a Ihaka, ki a Hakopa, i mea ai, Ka hoatu e ahau a reira ki ou uri: kua meinga koe e ahau kia kite a kanohi i reira, otiia e kore koe e whiti ki reira.
And the Lord said vnto him, This is the lande which I sware vnto Abraham, to Izhak and to Iaacob saying, I will giue it vnto thy seede: I haue caused thee to see it with thine eyes, but thou shalt not goe ouer thither.
5 Na ka mate a Mohi, te pononga a Ihowa ki reira, ki te whenua o Moapa, ka pera me ta Ihowa i korero ai.
So Moses the seruant of the Lord dyed there in the land of Moab, according to the worde of the Lord.
6 A tanumia iho ia e ia ki tetahi kokoru o te whenua o Moapa, i te ritenga o Petepeoro: otiia kahore tetahi tangata e mohio ana ki tona urupa a mohoa noa nei.
And hee buried him in a valley in the land of Moab ouer against Beth-peor, but no man knoweth of his sepulchre vnto this day.
7 A kotahi rau e rua tekau nga tau o Mohi i tona matenga: kahore ano i ataruatia ona kanohi, kahore ano hoki i heke noa tona kaiotatanga.
Moses was nowe an hundreth and twentie yeere olde when hee died, his eye was not dimme, nor his naturall force abated.
8 Na uhungatia ana a Mohi e nga tama a Iharaira i nga mania o Moapa, e toru tekau nga ra: a taka noa nga ra i uhungatia ai, i tangihia ai a Mohi.
And the children of Israel wept for Moses in the plaine of Moab thirtie dayes: so the dayes of weeping and mourning for Moses were ended.
9 A ki tonu a Hohua, te tama a Nunu, i te wairua o te matauranga; na Mohi hoki i whakapa ona ringa ki runga ki a ia; a rongo ana ki a ia nga tama a Iharaira, mea ana i nga mea i whakahaua e Ihowa ki a Mohi.
And Ioshua the sonne of Nun was full of ye spirit of wisedome: for Moses had put his hands vpon him. And the children of Israel were obedient vnto him, and did as the Lord had commanded Moses.
10 A kahore ano kia ara i roto i a Iharaira i muri nei tetahi atu poropiti hei rite mo Mohi, i mohio nei a Ihowa ki a ia, titiro atu, titiro mai;
But there arose not a Prophet since in Israel like vnto Moses (whome the Lord knew face to face)
11 Ara mo nga tohu katoa, mo nga merekara i unga ai ia e Ihowa ki te mahi i te whenua o Ihipa, ki a Parao ratou ko ona tangata katoa, ki tona whenua katoa hoki;
In all ye miracles and wonders which ye Lord sent him to do in ye land of Egypt before Pharaoh and before all his seruantes, and before al his land,
12 Mo nga mahi katoa hoki a te ringa kaha, mo nga mea whakawehi nui i meatia e Mohi ki te aroaro o Iharaira katoa.
And in all that mightie hand and all that great feare, which Moses wrought in the sight of all Israel.

< Tiuteronomi 34 >