< Raniera 1 >

1 I te toru o nga tau o te kingitanga o Iehoiakimi kingi o Hura ka tae mai a Nepukaneha kingi o Papurona ki Hiruharama, whakapaea ana e ia.
In the third year of the reign of Joakim king of Juda, came Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon to Jerusalem, and besieged it.
2 Na ka hoatu e te Ariki a Iehoiakimi kingi o Hura ki tona ringa, me etahi o nga oko o te whare o te Atua, a kawea ana e ia ki te whenua o Hinara, ki te whare o tona atua; i mauria atu ano nga oko e ia ki te whare taonga o tona atua.
And the Lord gave into his hand Joakim king of Juda, and part of the vessels of the house of God: and he brought them into the land of Sennaar to the house of his god; and he brought the vessels into the treasure-house of his god.
3 Na ka ki atu te kingi ki a Ahapenata rangatira o ana unaka, kia tikina etahi o nga tama a Iharaira, ara o nga uri o te kingi o nga rangatira hoki;
And the king told Asphanez his chief eunuch, to bring in some of the captive children of Israel, and of the seed of the kingdom, and of the princes;
4 Etahi tama kahore nei o ratou koha, he pai ano te ahua, e matau ana ki nga whakaaro nui katoa, e mohio ana ki nga tikanga, e matau ana ki nga whakaaro mohio, he hunga e pai ana hei tu ki te whare o te kingi; a mana ratou e whakaako ki te matauran ga, ki te reo hoki o nga Karari.
young men in whom was no blemish, and beautiful in appearance, and skilled in all wisdom, and possessing knowledge, and acquainted with prudence, and who had ability to stand in the house before the king, and the king gave commandment to teach them the learning and language of the Chaldeans.
5 I whakaritea ano e te kingi tetahi wahi o ta te kingi kai ma ratou, he mea mo ia ra, mo ia ra, me tetahi wahi o te waina i inumia e ia, a kia toru nga tau e whangaia ai ratou; kia taka ai aua tau, ka tu ratou ki te aroaro o te kingi.
And the king appointed them a daily portion from the king's table, and from the wine which he drank; and [gave orders] to nourish them three years, and [that] afterwards they should stand before the king.
6 Na i roto i enei ko etahi o nga tama a Hura, ko Raniera, ko Hanania, ko Mihaera, ko Ataria.
Now these were amongst them of the children of Juda, Daniel, and Ananias, and Azarias, and Misael.
7 Na ka tapa he ingoa mo ratou e te rangatira unaka: ko tana ingoa mo Raniera, ko Peretehatara; mo Hanania, ko Hataraka; mo Mihaera, ko Mehaka; mo Ataria, ko Apereneko.
And the chief of the eunuchs gave them names: to Daniel, Baltasar; and to Ananias, Sedrach; and to Misael, Misach; and to Azarias, Abdenago.
8 Otiia kua takoto to Raniera whakaaro i roto i tona ngakau, kia kaua ia e poke i ta te kingi kai, i te waina ranei i inumia e ia. Na ka tono ia ki te rangatira unaka kia kaua ia e whakapoke i a ia.
And Daniel purposed in his heart, that he would not defile himself with the king's table, nor with the wine of his drink: and he entreated the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.
9 Na, kua mea te Atua kia manakohia a Raniera, kia arohaina e te rangatira unaka.
Now God [had] brought Daniel into favour and compassion with the chief of the eunuchs.
10 Na ka mea te rangatira unaka ki a Raniera, E wehi aha ahau i toku ariki, i te kingi, nana nei i whakarite ta koutou e kai ai, ta koutou e inu ai: hei aha hoki i tirohia mai ai e ia o koutou mata he kino iho i o nga tamariki pena me koutou te kau matua? ma kona ka meinga ahau e koutou kia hopohopo ki toku upoko i te kingi.
And the chief of the eunuchs said to Daniel, I fear my lord the king, who has appointed your meat and your drink, lest he see your countenances gloomy in comparison of the young men your equals; also shall you endanger my head to the king.
11 Ano ra ko Raniera ki a Meretara, ki ta te rangatira unaka i whakarite ai hei kaitirotiro mo Raniera, ratou ko Hanania, ko Mihaera, ko Ataria:
And Daniel said to Amelsad, whom the chief of the eunuchs had appointed over Daniel, Ananias, Misael, [and] Azarias.
12 Tena ra, whakamatauria au pononga, kia tekau nga ra; me homai e ratou he pini hei kai ma matou, he wai hoki hei inu ma matou.
Prove now your servants ten days; and let them give us pulse, and let us eat, and let us drink water:
13 Hei reira ka mea kia tirohia o matou mata i tou aroaro, me te mata ano o nga taitamariki e kai ana i te kai a te kingi; na kia rite ki tau e kite ai tau e mea ai ki au pononga.
And let our countenances be seen by you, and the countenances of the children that eat [at] the king's table; and deal with your servants according as you shall see.
14 Heoi ka whakaaetia e ia tenei mea a ratou, a kotahi tekau nga ra i whakamatauria ai ratou e ia.
And he listened to them, and proved them ten days.
15 Na, i te mutunga o nga ra kotahi tekau, ka kitea o ratou mata, ataahua atu, tetere atu i o nga tamariki katoa i kai i ta te kingi kai.
And at the end of the ten days their countenances appeared fairer and stouter in flesh, than the children that fed at the king's table.
16 Heoi ka tangohia atu e Meretara te wahi kai ma ratou, me te waina ano hei inu ma ratou, a homai ana e ia he pini ma ratou.
So Amelsad took away their supper and the wine of their drink, and gave them pulse.
17 Na, ko aua tama tokowha, i homai e te Atua ki a ratou he matauranga, he mohio ki nga pukapuka katoa, ki nga whakaaro nunui: a i a Raniera te mohio ki nga kite katoa, ki nga moemoea.
And [as for] these four children, God gave them understanding and prudence in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.
18 Na, i te takanga o nga ra i ki ai te kingi kia kawea atu ratou, ka kawea atu ratou e te rangatira unaka ki te aroaro o Nepukaneha.
And at the end of the days, [after] which the king had given orders to bring them in, then the chief of the eunuchs brought them in before Nabuchodonosor.
19 Na ka korerorero te kingi ki a ratou; a kihai i kitea i roto i a ratou katoa tetahi e rite ana ki a Raniera ratou ko Hanania, ko Mihaera, ko Ataria: na tu ana ratou i te aroaro o te kingi.
And the king spoke with them; and there were not found out of them all any like Daniel, and Ananias and Misael, and Azarias: and they stood before the king.
20 Na, i nga mea katoa o te whakaaro nui, o te matauranga i ui ai te kingi ki a ratou, ka kitea e ia tekau noa atu to ratou pai i to nga tohunga maori katoa, i to nga kaititiro whetu puta noa i tona kingitanga.
And in every matter of wisdom and knowledge wherein the king questioned them, he found them ten times wiser than all the enchanters and sorcerers that were in all his kingdom.
21 I tutuki ano a Raniera a tae noa ki te tuatahi o nga tau o Kingi Hairuha.
And Daniel continued till the first year of king Cyrus.

< Raniera 1 >