< Amoho 3 >

1 Whakarongo ki tenei kupu i korerotia e Ihowa mo koutou, e nga tama a Iharaira, mo te kapu katoa i kawea mai e ahau i te whenua o Ihipa, i mea ahau,
People of Israel, listen to this message that the Lord has spoken against you—all of you, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt.
2 Ko koutou anake taku i mohio ai o nga hapu katoa o te ao: mo reira ka whiua koutou e ahau mo o koutou he katoa.
I chose a special relationship with you alone out of all the families of the earth, and so I will punish you for your wrongdoing.
3 E haere tahi ano ranei te tokorua, ki te kore e whakaae ki a raua?
Can two people walk together unless they have arranged to meet?
4 E hamama ranei te raiona i te ngahere i te mea kahore ana tupapaku? e tangi ranei te reo o te kuao raiona i tona kuhunga, ki te kore tetahi mea e mau i a ia?
Does a lion roar in the forest before finding its prey? Does a young lion growl from its den if it has caught nothing?
5 E taka ranei te manu ki roto ki te mahanga i runga i te whenua i te mea kahore he ahere mona? e mokowhiti ake ranei te mahanga i te oneone, a hore rawa he mea e mau?
Does a bird fall into a trap and get caught unless the spring is set? Does a trap spring shut if there's nothing there to catch?
6 E tangi ranei te tetere i roto i tetahi pa, a kahore te iwi e wehi? e puta ranei he kino ki te pa, a ehara i a Ihowa nana i mahi?
When the trumpet sounds in the city, shouldn't the people be alarmed? When a disaster comes to a city, isn't it the Lord who does it?
7 He pono e kore te Ariki, a Ihowa, e mahi i tetahi mea, engari ka whakakitea e ia tona whakaaro huna ki ana pononga, ki nga poropiti.
For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his intentions to his servants the prophets.
8 Kua hamama te raiona, ko wai e kore e wehi? kua korero a Ihowa, te Ariki, ko wai e kore e poropiti?
The lion has roared—so who isn't scared? The Lord God has spoken—so who can refuse to speak for him?
9 Panuitia atu i roto i nga whare kingi i Aharoro, i nga whare kingi hoki i te whenua o Ihipa, mea atu, Whakamine i a koutou ki runga ki nga maunga o Hamaria, ka matakitaki ki nga ngangau nui i waenga o reira, ki nga tukinotanga hoki i waenga o rei ra.
Announce this to the fortresses of Ashdod and to the fortresses in the land of Egypt: Assemble yourselves on Samaria's mountains and see all the turmoil and oppression happening in the country.
10 Kahore hoki ratou e mohio ki te mahi i te tika, e ai ta Ihowa, e rongoa nei ratou i te mahi tutu me te pahua i roto i o ratou whare kingi.
They don't know how to do what is right, declares the Lord. They have stored up in their fortresses what they've taken by violence and robbery.
11 Mo reira ko te kupu tenei a te Ariki, a Ihowa: He hoariri tera, ka karapotia e ia te whenua: a ka riro iho i a ia tou kaha, ka pahuatia hoki ou whare kingi.
As a result, says the Lord, an enemy will surround you, break down your strongholds, and plunder your fortresses.
12 Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa: Ka rite ki te hepara e tango mai nei i nga waewae e rua i te mangai o te raiona, i tetahi wahi ranei o te taringa; ka pena ano te tangohanga mai o nga tama a Iharaira e noho ra i Hamaria i te pito o te moenga, i runga h oki i nga urunga o tetahi moenga.
This is what the Lord says: Just as a shepherd tries to rescue a sheep from a lion's mouth, but only saves a couple of legs or a piece of an ear, so it will be for the people of Israel living in Samaria—all that will be “saved” will be the corner of a couch and a piece of a leg from a bed.
13 Whakarongo koutou, whakaaturia hoki he he mo te whare o Hakopa, e ai ta te Ariki, ta Ihowa, ta te Atua o nga mano.
Listen! Warn the house of Jacob, declares the Lord God of power.
14 No te mea hei te ra e pa ai taku ki a Iharaira mo ona poka ke, ka pa ano hoki taku ki nga aata o Peteere, a ka poutoa nga haona o te aata, ka taka ki te whenua.
For on that day I will punish Israel for their sins. I will destroy the altars of Bethel: the corners of the altar will be cut off and fall to the ground.
15 Ka patua ano e ahau te whare hotoke me te whare raumati; a ka moti nga whare rei, ka kore nga whare nunui, e ai ta Ihowa.
I will tear down their winter houses and their summer houses as well, their houses filled with ivory will be ruined—their many houses will be destroyed.

< Amoho 3 >