< Amoho 2 >

1 Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa: Ka toru nei nga pokanga ketanga o Moapa, ae ra, ka wha, na e kore e whakatahuritia atu e ahau te whiu mona; no te mea nana i tahu nga wheua o te kingi o Eroma hei kotakota.
This is what the Lord says: The people of Moab have repeatedly sinned and so I will not hesitate to punish them, because they desecrated the bones of the king of Edom by burning them, turning them into lime.
2 Engari ka tukua atu e ahau he ahi ki Moapa, a ka pau i reira nga whare kingi o Kirioto; a ka mate a Moapa i runga i te ngangau, i te hamama, i te tangi o te tetere.
So I will send down fire on Moab, and I will burn up the fortresses of Kerioth, and the people of Moab will die in the midst of uproar, battle cries, and the sound of the trumpet.
3 A ka hatepea atu e ahau te kaiwhakawa i roto i a ia, ka patua ratou tahi ko nga rangatira katoa o reira, e ai ta Ihowa.
I will cut down their king and all their princes with him, says the Lord.
4 Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa: Ka toru nei nga pokanga ketanga o Hura, ae ra, ka wha, na e kore e whakatahuritia atu e ahau te whiu mona; no te mea kua whakahawea ratou ki te ture a Ihowa, kihai hoki i pupuri i ana tikanga, a kua meinga ratou e a rato u korero teka kia kotiti ke, i whaia nei e o ratou matua.
This is what the Lord says: The people of Judah have repeatedly sinned and so I will not hesitate to punish them, because they rejected the law of the Lord and have not kept his commands. Their lies have led them astray, the same lies that their forefathers followed.
5 Engari ka tukua e ahau he ahi ki a Hura, a pau ake i reira nga whare kingi o Hiruharama.
So I will send down fire on Judah, and I will burn up the fortresses of Jerusalem.
6 Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa: Ka toru nei nga pokanga ketanga o Iharaira, ae ra, ka wha, na e kore e whakatahuritia atu e ahau te whiu mona; no te mea kua hokona e ratou te tangata tika ki te hiriwa, te rawakore ki nga hu e rua.
This is what the Lord says: The people of Israel have repeatedly sinned and so I will not hesitate to punish them, because they sell good people for silver, and poor people for a pair of sandals.
7 E minamina ana ratou ki te puehu o te whenua i runga i te mahunga o nga ware: a whakaparoritia ake e ratou te ara o te hunga mahaki: a ka haere te tangata raua ko tona papa ki te kotiro kotahi hei whakapoke i toku ingoa tapu.
They trample the heads of the poor into the dust, and push the needy out of the way. A man and his father have sex with the same servant girl so that my holy name is profaned.
8 Na takoto ana ratou ki te taha o nga aata katoa i runga i nga kakahu i homai hei taunaha, a i roto i te whare o to ratou atua kei te inu ratou i te waina a te hunga i whakataua nei te he ki a ratou.
At every altar they stretch themselves out in clothes taken from debtors as collateral, in the temple of their god they drink wine taken from the people they fined.
9 Otiia i whakangaromia e ahau te Amori i to ratou aroaro, ko tona roa koia ano kei te roa o te hita, a he kaha ia, pera i nga oki: heoi whakangaromia ana e ahau ona hua i runga, ona pakiaka i raro.
Yet it was I was the one who destroyed the Amorites before you, even though they were as tall as cedars and as strong as oaks. I destroyed them root and branch.
10 I kawea mai ano hoki koutou e ahau i te whenua o Ihipa, a e wha tekau nga tau i arahina ai koutou i te koraha, he mea kia riro mai ai te whenua o te Amori.
It was I who brought you out of the land of Egypt and led you through the desert for forty years so that you could take the Amorites' land.
11 A i whakaarahia ake e ahau etahi o a koutou tama hei poropiti, etahi hoki o a koutou taitama hei Natari. He teka ianei tena, e nga tama a Iharaira? e ai ta Ihowa.
I appointed some of your sons to be prophets, and some of your young men to be Nazirites. Isn't this true, people of Israel?
12 Heoi i whakainumia e koutou nga Natari ki te waina, a i ako hoki ki nga poropiti, i mea, Kaua e poropiti.
But you made the Nazirites sin by drinking wine, and you told the prophets, “Don't tell us what God says.”
13 Nana, ka pehia koutou e ahau ki to koutou wahi, ka pera i te pehanga a te kata e ki ana i nga paihere.
Now see what I am going to do. I will crush you where you are, as if crushed by a heavy cart loaded down with sheaves of grain.
14 Na ka kore te oma i te tangata tere, e kore e nui ake te kaha o te tangata kaha, e kore hoki te marohirohi e mawhiti i te mate:
Not even your fastest runners will escape; strong men will lose their strength. Even the greatest warrior will not be able to save his life.
15 E kore ano te kaipupuri o te kopere e tu; e kore hoki te wae tere e whakaora i a ia ano: e kore ano hoki te tangata eke hoiho e mawhiti i te mate.
The archer will not stand his ground. The quickest on his feet will not be able to get away, and even those on horseback will not save themselves.
16 A, ko te tangata maia i roto i nga marohirohi, ka rere tahanga atu i taua ra, e ai ta Ihowa.
On that day even the bravest of the mighty warriors will run away naked, says the Lord.

< Amoho 2 >