< Mahi 8 >

1 A i reira a Haora e whakaae ana ki tona matenga. Na i taua ra ka oho he whakatoinga nui ki te hahi i Hiruharama: a marara katoa ana ratou, puta noa i nga wahi o Huria, o Hamaria; kahore ia nga apotoro.
But Saul was consentynge to his deth. And greet persecucioun was maad that dai in the chirche, that was in Jerusalem. And alle men weren scatered bi the cuntrees of Judee and Samarie, outakun the apostlis.
2 A na te hunga whakaaro a Tepene i tana, a he nui ta ratou tangihanga mona.
But good men birieden Steuene, and maden greet mornyng on hym.
3 Ko Haora ia, tahoroa ana e ia te hahi, tomo ana ki tena whare, ki tena whare, toia atu ana nga tane me nga wahine, hoatu ana ki roto ki te whare herehere.
But Saul greetli distruyede the chirche, and entryde bi housis, and drowe men and wymmen, and bitook hem in to prisoun.
4 No reira ko ratou tonu, ko nga mea i whakamararatia ra, i haereere ki te kauwhau i te kupu.
And thei that weren scaterid, passiden forth, prechynge the word of God.
5 Na ko Piripi i heke atu ki te pa o Hamaria, a kauwhau ana i a te Karaiti ki a ratou.
And Filip cam doun in to a citee of Samarie, and prechide to hem Crist.
6 A kotahi tonu te whakaaro o nga mano ki te whakarongo ki nga mea i korero ai a Piripi, i a ratou e rongo ana, e kite ana i nga tohu i mea ai ia.
And the puple yaf tent to thes thingis that weren seid of Filip, with o wille herynge and seynge the signes that he dide.
7 I puta mai hoki nga wairua poke i roto i te tini o nga mea e nohoia ana, he nui te reo ki te karanga: he tokomaha ano nga pararutiki, nga kopa i whakaorangia.
For manye of hem that hadden vnclene spirits, crieden with a greet vois, and wenten out.
8 A nui atu te hari o taua pa.
And manye sijk in the palsi, and crokid, weren heelid.
9 Na i reira tetahi tangata, ko Haimona te ingoa, he mahi makutu tana i mua atu i roto i taua pa, a miharo ana te iwi o Hamaria, i mea hoki ia i a ia he tangata nui.
Therfor greet ioye was maad in that citee. But there was a man in that citee, whos name was Symount, a witche, that hadde disseyued the folc of Samarie, seiynge, that him silf was sum greet man.
10 I whakarongo katoa hoki ratou ki a ia te iti me te rahi, i mea, Ko taua kaha o te Atua tenei tangata, e kiia nei ko te nui.
Whom alle herkeneden, fro the leest to the moost, and seiden, This is the vertu of God, which is clepid greet.
11 A i whakarongo ratou ki a ia, no te mea kua roa ke ratou e miharo ana ki ana mahi makutu.
And thei leueden hym, for long tyme he hadde maddid hem with his witche craftis.
12 A, no ratou ka whakapono ki a Piripi; e kauwhau ana i te rongopai o te rangatiratanga o te Atua, i te ingoa hoki o Ihu Karaiti, ka iriiria ratou, nga tane me nga wahine.
But whanne thei hadden bileued to Filip, `that prechide of the kingdom of God, men and wymmen weren baptisid in the name of Jhesu Crist.
13 Ko Haimona tonu tetahi i whakapono: a ka iriiria, ka piri tahi ki a Piripi; a, no tona kitenga i nga tohu me nga merekara nunui i mahia, ka miharo.
And thanne also Symount him silf bileued; and whanne he was baptisid, he drouy to Filip; and he sai also that signes and grete vertues weren don, he was astonyed, and wondride.
14 A, i te rongonga o nga apotoro i Hiruharama kua tango a Hamaria i te kupu a te Atua, ka tonoa atu e ratou a Pita raua ko Hoani ki a ratou:
But whanne the apostlis that weren at Jerusalem, hadden herd that Samarie hadde resseyued the word of God, thei senten to hem Petre and Joon.
15 No to raua taenga iho, ka inoi mo ratou, kia riro te Wairua Tapu i a ratou:
And whanne thei camen, thei preieden for hem, that thei schulden resseyue the Hooli Goost;
16 Kahore ano hoki ia i tau noa ki tetahi o ratou: he mea iriiri kau i runga i te ingoa o te Ariki, o Ihu.
for he cam not yit in to ony of hem, but thei weren baptisid oonli in the name of the Lord Jhesu.
17 Me i reira ka whakapakia iho o ratou ringa ki a ratou, a ka riro mai te Wairua Tapu i a ratou.
Thanne thei leiden hoondis on hem, and thei resseyueden the Hooli Goost.
18 A, no te kitenga o Haimona, na te whakapanga iho o nga ringa o nga apotoro i homai ai te Wairua tapu, ka mea ki te hoatu moni ki a raua,
And whanne Symount hadde seyn, that the Hooly Goost was youun bi leiyng on of the hoondis of the apostlis, and he proferide to hem money, and seide,
19 Ka ki, Homai hoki ki ahau tenei mana, kia riro ai te Wairua Tapu i te tangata e whakapakia iho ai e ahau oku ringa.
Yyue ye also to me this power, that whom euere Y schal leye on myn hoondis, that he resseyue the Hooli Goost.
20 Na ko te meatanga a Pita ki a ia, Kia pirau ngatahi korua ko tau moni, ina koe ka whakaaro ma te moni ka whiwhi ai ki te mea homai noa a te Atua.
But Petir seide to hym, Thi money be with thee into perdicioun, for thou gessidist the yifte of God schulde be had for monei.
21 Kahore he wahi mau, kahore he taunga mou i tenei mea: kahore hoki i tika tou ngakau i te aroaro o te Atua.
Ther is no part, ne sort to thee, in this word, for thin herte is not riytful bifor God.
22 Na, ripenetatia tenei kino ou, a inoi ki te Atua, me kore noa e murua te whakaaro o tou ngakau.
Therfor do thou penaunce for this wickidnesse of thee, and preie God, if perauenture this thouyt of thin herte be foryouun to thee.
23 Kua kite hoki ahau i a koe, kei roto koe i te au kawa, kei te here o te kino.
For Y se that thou art in the gall of bitternesse and in the boond of wickidnesse.
24 Na ka whakahoki a Haimona, ka mea, Ma korua e inoi moku ki te Ariki, kei pa ki ahau tetahi o nga mea kua korerotia mai na e korua.
And Symount answeride, and seide, Preie ye for me to the Lord, that no thing of these thingis that ye han seid, com on me.
25 A, ka mutu ta raua whakaatu, ta raua kauwhau i te kupu a te Ariki, ka hoki ki Hiruharama, he maha hoki nga kainga o nga Hamari i kauwhautia ai e raua te rongopai.
And thei witnessiden, and spaken the word of the Lord, and yeden ayen to Jerusalem, and prechiden to many cuntrees of Samaritans.
26 Na ka korero tetahi anahera a te Ariki ki a Piripi, ka mea, Whakatika, haere ki te tonga, ki te ara e heke atu ana i Hiruharama ki Kaha; he koraha tera.
And an aungel of the Lord spak to Filip, and seide, Ryse thou, and go ayens the south, to the weie that goith doun fro Jerusalem in to Gasa; this is desert.
27 Whakatika ana ia, haere ana: na ko tetahi tangata o Etiopia, he unaka, he tangata nui na Kanarahi, kuini o nga Etiopiana, ko te kaitiaki ia o ana taonga katoa, i haere ki Hiruharama ki te karakia;
And he roos, and wente forth. And lo! a man of Ethiopie, a myyti man seruaunt, a yelding of Candace, the queen of Ethiopiens, which was on alle her richessis, cam to worschipe in Jerusalem.
28 A e hoki mai ana, e noho ana i runga i tona hariata, e korero ana i a Ihaia poropiti.
And he turnede ayen, sittinge on his chare, and redinge Isaie, the profete.
29 Na ka mea te Wairua ki a Piripi, Whakatata atu, ka haere atu koe ki te hariata ra.
And the spirit seide to Filip, Neiye thou, and ioyne thee to this chare.
30 Katahi a Piripi ka oma atu ki a ia, ka rongo i a ia e korero ana i a Ihaia poropiti, ka mea atu, E matau ana ranei koe ki tau e korero na?
And Filip `ran to, and herde hym redynge Ysaie, the prophete. And he seide, Gessist thou, whether thou vndirstondist, what thingis thou redist?
31 Ano ra ko ia, Me pehea koia, ki te kore tetahi hei arataki i ahau? Na ka mea ia ki a Piripi kia eke ki runga kia noho tahi me ia.
And he seide, How may Y, if no man schewe to me? And he preiede Filip, that he schulde come vp, and sitte with hym.
32 Na, ko te wahi o te karaipiture e korero nei ia, ko tenei, I arahina ia ano he hipi kia patua; a, me te reme e wahangu ana i te aroaro o tona kaikutikuti, kihai i kuihi tona waha;
And the place of the scripture that he redde, was this, As a scheep he was led to sleyng, and as a lomb bifor a man that scherith him is doumb with out vois, so he openyde not his mouth.
33 I ona whakaitinga i whakakorea he whakawa mona: ma wai hoki tona whakatupuranga e korero? Kua tangohia atu nei tona ora i te whenua.
In mekenesse his dom was takun vp; who schal telle out the generacioun of hym? For his lijf schal be takun awei fro the erthe.
34 Na ka whakahoki te unaka ki a Piripi, ka mea, Tena koa, mo wai tenei korero a te poropiti? mona ake ano, mo tetahi atu ranei?
And the gelding answeride to Filip, and seide, Y biseche thee, of `what profete seith he this thing? of him silf, ethir of ony othere?
35 Na ka puaki te mangai o Piripi, a, timata mai i taua karaipiture, kauwhautia ana e ia a Ihu ki a ia.
And Filip openyde his mouth, and bigan at this scripture, and prechide to him Jhesu.
36 A, i a raua e haere ana i te ara, ka tae atu raua ki tetahi wai, ka mea te unaka, Na, he wai tenei: he aha te mea e kore ai ahau e iriiria?
And the while thei wenten bi the weie, thei camen to a water. And the gelding seide, Lo! watir; who forbedith me to be baptisid?
37 Mea atu ana a Piripi, Ki te whakapono tou ngakau katoa, e ahei ano koe. na ka whakahoki ia, ka mea, E whakapono ana ahau ko Ihu Karaiti te Tama a te Atua.
And Filip seide, If thou bileuest of al the herte, it is leueful. And he answeride, and seide, Y bileue that Jhesu Crist is the sone of God.
38 Katahi ia ka whakahau i te haraiata kia tu: ka haere atu raua tokorua ki roto i te wai, a Piripi raua ko te unaka; a iriiria ana ia e ia.
And he comaundide the chare to stonde stille. And thei wenten doun bothe into the watir, Filip and the gelding, and Filip baptiside hym.
39 A, i to raua putanga ake i te wai, kahakina atu ana a Piripi e te Wairua o te Ariki: a mutu tonu te kitenga atu o te unaka i a ia, heoi haere hari atu ana ia i tona ara.
And whanne thei weren come vp of the watir, the spirit of the Lord rauyschide Filip, and the gelding say hym no more.
40 Ko Piripi ia i kitea ki Ahota; a, i a ia e haere ana, kauwhautia ana e ia te rongopai ki nga pa katoa, a tae noa ia ki Hiharia.
And Filip was foundun in Azotus; and he passide forth, and prechide to alle citees, til he cam to Cesarie.

< Mahi 8 >