< Mahi 3 >

1 Na e haere tahi atu ana a pita raua ko Hoani ki te temepara i te haora inoi, i te iwa o nga haora.
Now Peter and John were going up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, which was the ninth hour.
2 Na ka kawea mai tetahi tangata, he kopa no te kopu mai ano o tona whaea, he mea whakatakoto i nga ra katoa ki te kuwaha o te temepara i huaina nei ko Ataahua, ki te tono mea mana i te hunga e tomo ana ki te temepara;
And a certain man, lame from his mother’s womb, was carried along, whom they laid daily at that gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, that he might ask charity of those who were going into the temple.
3 No tona kitenga i a Pita raua ko Hoani meake tomo ki te temepara, ka tono ia i tetahi mea mana.
This man, seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, asked charity.
4 Na ka whakamau atu nga kanohi o Pita raua ko Hoani ki a ia, ka mea, Titiro mai ki a maua.
But Peter, fixing his eyes on him with John, said: Look on us.
5 Ka whakarongo ia ki a raua, hua noa e riro mai tetahi mea a raua mana.
And he gave heed to them, expecting to receive something from them.
6 Ano ra ko Pita, Ko te hiriwa me te koura kahore i ahau; ko te mea ia kei ahau, maku tena e hoatu ki a koe: I runga i te ingoa o Ihu Karaiti o Nahareta, whakatika, haere.
But Peter said: Silver and gold I have none: but what I have, this I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, arise and walk.
7 Katahi ia ka hopu i tona ringa matau ka whakaara ake i a ia: i reira tonu kua whai kaha ona waewae me nga pona.
And he took him by his right hand and raised him up: and immediately his feet and ankles received strength.
8 A, ko tona mawhititanga ake, ka tu, ka timata te haere, tomo tahi ana me raua ki te temepara, e haere ana, e tupeke ana, e whakamoemiti ana ki te Atua.
And leaping up, he stood and walked, and went with them into the temple, walking and leaping and praising God.
9 A i kite te iwi katoa i a ia e haere ana, e whakamoemiti ana ki te Atua.
And all the people saw him walking and praising God;
10 Katahi ratou ka mohio ki a ia, ko ia ano tera i noho ra ki te tatau Ataahua o te temepara, tono mea ai mana: na nui atu to ratou miharo me te ihiihi ki taua mea i pa ki a ia.
and they recognized him, that it was he that had sat for charity at the Beautiful gate of the temple. And they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.
11 I a ia e pupuri ana ki a Pita raua ko Hoani, ka oma atu te iwi katoa ki a ratou i te whakamahau i huaina nei ko ta Horomona, nui rawa te whakamiharo.
And while he was holding to Peter and John, all the people ran together to them in the porch called Solomon’s, greatly astonished.
12 A, i te kitenga o Pita, ka whai kupu atu ia ki te iwi, E nga tangata o Iharaira, he aha ta koutou e miharo nei ki tenei tangata? he aha hoki koutou ka whakamau ai te titiro ki a maua, me te mea he mana no maua ake he ngakau karakia ranei i meati a ai ia kia haere?
But when Peter saw it, he answered the people: Men of Israel, why are you astonished at this? or, why do you look so earnestly on us, as if by our own power or godliness we had caused this man to walk?
13 Na te Atua o Aperahama, o ihaka, o Hakopa, na te Atua o o tatou matua, i whakakororia tana Tama a Ihu: ko ta koutou i tuku na, i whakakahore na i te aroaro o Pirato, kua oti ra i a ia kia tukua ia.
The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his Son Jesus, whom you delivered up, and whom you rejected in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to release him.
14 Otira whakakahoretia ana e koutou te Mea Tapu, te Mea Tika, tonoa ana ko te tangata kohuru kia homai ki a koutou;
But you rejected the Holy and Just One, and demanded that a murderer should be given to you;
15 Patua ana hoki e koutou te Take o te ora; kua whakaarahia nei ia e te Atua i te hunga mate, ko matou nei ona kaiwhakaatu.
and you slew the Author of life, whom God has raised from the dead, of which we are witnesses.
16 A na te whakapono ki tona ingoa i meinga ai e tona ingoa tenei tangata kia kaha, e kite nei, e matau nei koutou; ae ra, ko te whakapono ki a ia te mea nana i hoatu tenei ora nui ki tenei i te aroaro o koutou katoa.
And his name, by faith in his name, has made this man strong whom you see and know; even the faith which is by him, has given him this entire soundness in the presence of you all.
17 Na, e oku teina, e mahara ana ahau na te kuware tena mahi a koutou, pera i ta o koutou rangatira.
And now, brethren, I know that through ignorance you did this, as did also your rulers.
18 Engari ko nga mea a te Atua i whakakitea i mua e te mangai o nga poropiti katoa, mo tana Karaiti kia whakamamaetia, kua rite enei i a ia.
But the things which God foretold by the mouth of all his prophets, that the Christ should suffer, he has thus fulfilled.
19 No reira, Ripeneta, a tahuri mai ano koutou, kia murua ai o koutou hara, kia puta mai ai i te aroaro o te Ariki he wa whakahauora.
Repent, therefore, and turn, in order that your sins may be blotted out, so that seasons of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord,
20 A kia tonoa mai ai e ia te Karaiti i whakaritea nei mo koutou, ara a Ihu:
and that he may send Jesus Christ, who was destined for you;
21 Kua takoto nei te tikanga kia noho ia ki te rangi a taea noatia nga wa o te whakahokinga mai o nga mea katoa, i korero ai te Atua ra te mangai o ana poropiti tapu no te timatanga mai ano o te ao. (aiōn g165)
whom heaven must retain, till the time for restoring all things that God has spoken by the mouth of his holy prophets of ancient times. (aiōn g165)
22 I mea ra hoki a Mohi, Ma te Ariki, ma te Atua, e whakaara ake he poropiti mo koutou i roto i o koutou teina, he penei ano me ahau; ko ia ta koutou e whakarongo ai i nga mea katoa e mea ai ia ki a koutou.
For Moses said to the fathers, A prophet like me shall the Lord your God raise up for you from among your brethren; him shall you hear in all things that he shall say to you.
23 A taua wa, ko nga wairua katoa e kore e whakarongo ki taua poropiti, ka whakamatea rawatia i roto i te iwi.
And it shall come to pass, that every soul that will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people.
24 Ae ra, ko nga poropiti katoa o Hamuera iho ano, tae mai ki o muri nei, ko te hunga katoa i korero, i whakaatu ano hoki ratou i nga ra nei.
And all the prophets, from Samuel and those that follow after, as many as have spoken, have also foretold these days.
25 Ko koutou aua tama a nga poropiti, a te kawenata hoki i whakatakotoria e te Atua ki o koutou matua, i mea ra ia ki a Aperahama, Ma tou uri ka manaakitia ai nga hapu katoa o te ao.
You are the sons of the prophets, and of the covenant that God made with our fathers, saying to Abraham, And in your offspring shall all the families of the earth be blessed.
26 Mo koutou ke hoki i te tuatahi, i tana whakaaranga ake ai i tana Tama, te tononga mai nei a te Atua i a ia ki a koutou hei manaaki i a koutou, hei whakatahuri i tenei, i tenei o koutou i o koutou kino.
To you first, God, having raised up his Son Jesus, has sent him to bless you, in turning every one of you away from his iniquities.

< Mahi 3 >