< Mahi 15 >
1 Na ka tae iho etahi tangata i Huria ka whakaako i nga teina, Ki te kore koutou e kotia, kia rite ki ta Mohi, e kore koutou e taea te whakaora.
And certain having come down from Judea, were teaching the brothers, “If you are not circumcised after the custom of Moses, you are not able to be saved”;
2 Na kihai i iti te whawhai, te uiui a Paora raua ko Panapa ki a ratou, ka whakaritea ko Paora, ko Panapa, ko etahi atu hoki o ratou, e haere ki nga apotoro ki nga kaumatua ki Hiruharama, mo tenei putake.
there having been, therefore, not a little dissension and debate to Paul and Barnabas with them, they arranged for Paul and Barnabas, and certain others of them, to go up to the apostles and elders to Jerusalem about this question;
3 Heoi arahina ana ratou e te hahi, haere ana ra Piniki, ra Hamaria, korero ana i te tahuritanga o nga Tauiwi: a hoatu ana e raua he hari nui ki nga teina katoa.
they indeed, then, having been sent forward by the assembly, were passing through Phoenicia and Samaria, declaring the conversion of the nations, and they were causing great joy to all the brothers.
4 A, no to raua taenga ki Hiruharama, ka whakamanuhiritia raua e te hahi, e nga apotoro hoki ratou ko nga kaumatua, ka korerotia nga mea i mahi tahi ai te Atua me raua.
And having come to Jerusalem, they were received by the assembly, and the apostles, and the elders; they also declared as many things as God did with them;
5 Na ko te whakatikanga o etahi tangata whakapono no te titorehanga ki nga Parihi, ka mea, Me kokoti ratou, me ako hoki kia whakaritea te ture a Mohi.
and there rose up certain of those of the sect of the Pharisees who believed, saying, “It is required to circumcise them, to command them also to keep the Law of Moses.”
6 Na ka huihui nga apotoro ratou ko nga kaumatua ki te whakaaro ki tenei mea.
And there were gathered together the apostles and the elders, to see about this matter,
7 A, ka nui te tautohetohe, ka whakatika a Pita, ka mea ki a ratou, E nga tuakana, e matau ana koutou ki te whiriwhiringa a te Atua i mua rawa i roto i a koutou, ko toku mangai e rongo ai nga Tauiwi i te kupu o te rongopai, e whakapono ai hoki.
and there having been much disputing, Peter having risen up said to them, “Men, brothers, you know that from former days God made choice among us, through my mouth, for the nations to hear the word of the good news, and to believe;
8 I whakaae hoki ki a ratou te Atua e matau nei aki nga ngakau, i a ia i hoatu ai i te Wairua Tapu ki a ratou, rite tahi ki tana ki a tatou;
and the heart-knowing God bore them testimony, having given to them the Holy Spirit, even as also to us,
9 Kahore hoki i puta ke tona whakaaro ki a tatou, ki a ratou, i o ratou ngakau kua ma i a ia i runga i te whakapono.
and also put no difference between us and them, having purified their hearts by faith;
10 Ko tenei, he aha koutou ka whakamatautau ai i te Atua, ka whakatakoto ioka ai ki te kaki o nga akonga, he mea kihai nei i taea te mau e o tatou matua, e tatou ranei?
now, therefore, why do you tempt God, to put a yoke on the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?
11 Heoi ka whakapono nei tatou, tera tatou e ora i runga i te aroha noa o te Ariki, o Ihu Karaiti, ka pera tahi hoki me ratou.
But through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, we believe to be saved, even as also they.”
12 Na noho puku ana te mano katoa, whakarongo ana ki a Panapa raua ko Paora e korero ana i nga tohu, i nga mea whakamiharo, i mea ai te Atua kia mahia e raua i roto i nga Tauiwi.
And all the multitude kept silence and were listening to Barnabas and Paul expounding as many signs and wonders as God did among the nations through them;
13 A ka mutu ta raua, ka whakahoki a Hemi, ka mea, E nga tuakana, whakarongo ki ahau:
and after they were silent, James answered, saying, “Men, brothers, listen to me:
14 Kua korerotia e Himiona ta te Atua tirohanga mai i mua, tana tangohanga i tetahi iwi i roto i nga Tauiwi mo tona ingoa.
Simeon expounded how at first God looked on [us] to take a people out of [the] nations for His Name,
15 E rite ana ano ki tenei nga korero a nga poropiti; i tuhituhia ra,
and to this the words of the Prophets agree, as it has been written:
16 I muri o enei mea ka hoki mai ahau, ka hanga ano e ahau te tapenakara o Rawiri, kua hinga nei; ka hanga ano e ahau ona wahi kua horoa, a ka whakaarahia e ahau:
After these things I will return, And I will rebuild the dwelling place of David that has fallen down, And I will rebuild its ruins, And will set it upright—
17 Kia rapu ai nga toenga o nga tangata ki te Ariki, me nga Tauiwi katoa hoki i karangatia nei toku ingoa ki runga ki a ratou, e ai ta te Ariki, e mahi nei i enei mea katoa,
That the remnant of men may seek after the LORD, And all the nations on whom My Name has been called, Says the LORD, who is doing all these things.
18 Nana nei i mea kia mohiotia enei mea katoa no te timatanga ra ano o te ao. (aiōn )
Known from the ages to God are all His works. (aiōn )
19 Na ko toku whakaaro tenei, kia kaua e whakararua te hunga e tahuri ana mai ki te Atua i roto i nga Tauiwi:
For this reason I judge: not to trouble those who turn back to God from the nations,
20 Engari kia tuhi atu tatou ki a ratou, kia mawehe atu ratou i nga poke o nga whakapakoko, i te moe tahae, i te mea kua notia te kaki, i te toro.
but to write to them to abstain from the defilements of the idols, and the whoredom, and the strangled thing, and the blood;
21 No nga whakatupuranga hoki o mua nga kaikauwhau i a Mohi i tenei pa, i tenei pa, he mea korero i roto i nga whare karakia i nga hapati katoa.
for Moses has those preaching him from former generations in every city—being read every Sabbath in the synagogues.”
22 Katahi ka pai nga apotoro ratou ko nga kaumatua me te hahi katoa, kia whiriwhiria etahi tangata i roto i a ratou, kia tonoa hei hoa mo Paora raua ko Panapa ki Anatioka; a Hura, i huaina nei ko Panapa, raua ko Hira, he hunga ingoa nui i roto i ng a teina:
Then it seemed good to the apostles and the elders, with the whole assembly, to send to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas chosen men out of themselves—Judas surnamed Barsabas, and Silas, leading men among the brothers—
23 Ka tuhia hoki enei mea hei mauranga; Na nga apotoro ratou ko nga kaumatua, ko nga tuakana, ki nga teina o roto i nga Tauiwi, i Anatioka, i Hiria, i Kirikia; tena koutou:
having written through their hand thus: “The apostles, and the elders, and the brothers, to those in Antioch, and Syria, and Cilicia, brothers, who [are] of the nations, greeting;
24 Na, ka rongo nei matou, tera etahi i haere atu nei i a matou, i whakararu i a koutou ki nga korero, i whakapohehe i o koutou ngakau, kahore nei a matou kupu ki a ratou:
seeing we have heard that some having gone forth from us troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying to be circumcised and to keep the Law, to whom we gave no charge,
25 Kotahi tonu to matou whakaaro he pai kia whiriwhiria etahi tangata, kia tonoa atu ki a koutou, hei hoa mo a matou tangata e aroha nei, mo Panapa raua ko Paora;
it seemed good to us, having come together with one accord, to send to you chosen men, with our beloved Barnabas and Paul—
26 He hunga i tuku nei i a raua ki te mate hei mea mo te ingoa o to tatou Ariki, o Ihu Karaiti.
men who have given up their lives for the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ—
27 Na kua tonoa atu nei e matou a Hura raua ko Hira, ma raua hoki e korero a kupu atu aua mea ano.
we have sent, therefore, Judas and Silas, and they are telling the same things by word.
28 I pai hoki ki te Wairua Tapu, ki a matou hoki, kia kaua e utaina ki a koutou tetahi atu whakataimaha, ko enei mea tika anake;
For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay no more burden on you, except these necessary things:
29 Kia mawehe koutou i nga mea e patua ana ma nga whakapakoko, i te toto, i te mea kua notia te kaki, i te moe tahae: ka tiaki koutou i a koutou i enei mea, ka pai ta koutou mahi. Kia ora koutou.
to abstain from things offered to idols, and blood, and a strangled thing, and whoredom; keeping yourselves from which, you will do well; be strong!”
30 A, no to ratou tukunga atu, ka haere ki Anatioka: na ka huihuia te mano, ka hoatu te pukapuka.
They then, indeed, having been let go, went to Antioch, and having brought the multitude together, delivered the letter,
31 A ka oti te korero, ka koa ratou mo te kupu whakahauora.
and having read [it] they rejoiced for the consolation;
32 Na he maha nga kupu a Hura raua ko Hira i whakahau ai, i whakau ai i nga teina; he poropiti hoki raua.
Judas also and Silas, also being prophets themselves, through much discourse exhorted the brothers, and confirmed,
33 A, ka roa iho raua ki reira, ka tukua raua e nga teina i runga i te rangimarie ki te hunga nana raua i tono atu.
and having passed some time, they were let go with peace from the brothers to the apostles;
34 Heoi i pai a Hira kia noho ki reira.
[[and it seemed good to Silas to remain there still.]]
35 Ko Paora ia raua ko Panapa i noho i Anatioka, i whakaako, i kauwhau i te kupu a te Ariki, ratou tahi ko tera hunga tokomaha.
And Paul and Barnabas continued in Antioch, teaching and proclaiming good news—with many others also—the word of the LORD;
36 Na muri iho i etahi ra ka ki atu a Paora ki a Panapa, Taua ka hoki, ka tirotiro i nga teina i nga pa katoa i kauwhautia ai e taua te kupu a te Ariki, i to ratou peheatanga.
and after certain days, Paul said to Barnabas, “Having turned back again, we may look after our brothers, in every city in which we have preached the word of the LORD—how they are.”
37 A ka mea a Panapa kia mauria hei hoa a Hoani, e huaina nei ko Maka.
And Barnabas resolved to take with [them] John called Mark,
38 Otiia kihai a Paora i pai kia haere i to raua tira te tangata i whakarere ra i a raua i Pamapuria, kihai hoki i haere tahi me raua ki te mahi.
and Paul was not thinking it good to take him with them who withdrew from them from Pamphylia, and did not go with them to the work;
39 Heoi nui atu to raua ngangare, i mawehe ai raua i a raua: a mauria ana e Panapa a Maka, rere ana ki Kaiperu;
there came, therefore, a sharp contention, so that they were parted from one another, and Barnabas having taken Mark, sailed to Cyprus,
40 Na tango ana a Paora i a Hira, haere ana, he mea tuku ki te aroha noa o te Atua e nga teina.
and Paul having chosen Silas, went forth, having been given up to the grace of God by the brothers;
41 A haere ana ia ra Hiria, ra Kirikia, whakau ana i nga hahi.
and he went through Syria and Cilicia, confirming the assemblies.