< 2 Hamuera 20 >

1 Na i tupono ki reira tetahi tangata o Periara, ko tona ingoa ko Hepa, he tama na Pikiri, no Pineamine: na whakatangihia ana e ia te tetere, a ka mea, Kahore o tatou wahi i a Rawiri, kahore he wahi tuturu mo tatou i te tama a Hehe: ki o koutou ten eti, e tera, e tera o Iharaira!
There happened to be there a wicked fellow, whose name was Sheba the son of Bichri, a Benjamite; and he blew the trumpet, and said, “We have no portion in David, neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse. Every man to his tents, Israel!”
2 Na ka takiritia nga tangata katoa o Iharaira i te whai i a Rawiri, a whai ana i a Hepa tama a Pikiri: ko nga tangata ia o Hura i piri ki to ratou kingi, o Horano mai ano a Hiruharama atu ana.
So all the men of Israel went up from following David, and followed Sheba the son of Bichri; but the men of Judah joined with their king, from the Jordan even to Jerusalem.
3 Na haere ana a Rawiri ki tona whare ki Hiruharama, a ka mau te kingi ki nga wahine kotahi tekau, ki nga wahine iti i waiho ra hei tiaki i te whare, a whakanohoia ana ki te whare kia tiakina, atawhaitia iho ratou e ia; otiia kihai ia i haere ki ro to, ki a ratou. Na tutakina atu ana ratou, he noho pouaru a taea noatia te ra i mate ai ratou.
David came to his house at Jerusalem; and the king took the ten women his concubines, whom he had left to keep the house, and put them in custody and provided them with sustenance, but didn’t go in to them. So they were shut up to the day of their death, living in widowhood.
4 Katahi ka mea te kingi ki a Amaha, Huihuia mai nga tangata o Hura ki ahau i roto i nga ra e toru, a me tae mai ano koe ki konei.
Then the king said to Amasa, “Call me the men of Judah together within three days, and be here present.”
5 Na haere ana a Amaha ki te huihui i nga tangata o Hura: otiia i roa atu ia i te wa i whakaritea ki a ia.
So Amasa went to call the men of Judah together, but he stayed longer than the set time which had been appointed to him.
6 Na ka mea a Rawiri ki a Apihai, Akuanei rahi atu te kino e mahia e Hepa tama a Pikiri ki a tatou i ta Apoharama: tangohia nga tangata a tou ariki, whaia, kei whiwhi ia ki nga pa taiepa, a ka ora atu i o tatou kanohi.
David said to Abishai, “Now Sheba the son of Bichri will do us more harm than Absalom did. Take your lord’s servants and pursue after him, lest he get himself fortified cities, and escape out of our sight.”
7 Na haere ana nga tangata a Ioapa i muri i a ia, me nga Kereti, me nga Pereti, me nga marohirohi katoa: haere atu ana ratou i Hiruharama ki te whai i a Hepa tama a Pikiri.
Joab’s men went out after him with the Cherethites, the Pelethites, and all the mighty men; and they went out of Jerusalem to pursue Sheba the son of Bichri.
8 I a ratou i te kohatu nui i Kipeono, ka tae mai a Amaha kia tutaki ki a ratou. Na, ko te kakahu i kakahuria e Ioapa, he mea whitiki, a i waho ake he whitiki ano, me tetahi hoari, he mea whakamau ki tona hope, i roto ano i tona pukoro; a i a ia e haere ana, ka makere.
When they were at the great stone which is in Gibeon, Amasa came to meet them. Joab was clothed in his apparel of war that he had put on, and on it was a sash with a sword fastened on his waist in its sheath; and as he went along it fell out.
9 Na ka mea a Ioapa ki a Amaha, Kei te ora ranei koe, e toku teina? Na ka mau te ringa matau o Ioapa ki te kumikumi o Amaha, kia kihi i a ia.
Joab said to Amasa, “Is it well with you, my brother?” Joab took Amasa by the beard with his right hand to kiss him.
10 Kihai ia a Amaha i mahara ki te hoari i te ringa o Ioapa: na werohia ana ia e ia ki te kopu ki taua mea, a ka tuakina ona whekau ki te whenua, kihai hoki i tuaruatia e tera; na ka mate ia. Na ka whai a Ioapa raua ko tona teina, ko Apihai i a Hep a tama a Pikiri.
But Amasa took no heed to the sword that was in Joab’s hand. So he struck him with it in the body and shed out his bowels to the ground, and didn’t strike him again; and he died. Joab and Abishai his brother pursued Sheba the son of Bichri.
11 Na tera tetahi o nga taitama a Ioapa i tona taha e tu ana, a ka mea tera, Ko te tangata e pai ana ki a Ioapa, a ko te tangata e mea ana mo Rawiri, me whai ia i a Ioapa.
One of Joab’s young men stood by him, and said, “He who favours Joab, and he who is for David, let him follow Joab!”
12 Heoi takoto ana a Amaha, okeoke ana i roto i ona toto i waenganui o te huarahi. A ka kite taua tangata e tu ana te iwi katoa, na ka amohia atu e ia a Amaha i te huarahi ki te parae, a hipokina iho ana ki te kakahu, i tona kitenga e tu ana te hun ga katoa e tika ana na reira.
Amasa lay wallowing in his blood in the middle of the highway. When the man saw that all the people stood still, he carried Amasa out of the highway into the field, and cast a garment over him when he saw that everyone who came by him stood still.
13 Ka oti ia te neke atu i te huarahi, na, haere ana te iwi katoa i muri i a Ioapa ki te whai i a Hepa tama a Pikiri.
When he was removed out of the highway, all the people went on after Joab to pursue Sheba the son of Bichri.
14 Na haereerea ana e ia nga iwi katoa o Iharaira, ki Apere, a ki Petemaaka, ki nga Peri katoa: na ka huihui ratou katoa a haere ana hoki i muri i a ia.
He went through all the tribes of Israel to Abel, to Beth Maacah, and all the Berites. They were gathered together, and went also after him.
15 Na haere ana ratou, kei te whakapae i a ia ki Apere o Petemaaka, a whakahauputia ake ana e ratou tetahi pukepuke ki te pa, na kua hangai ki te pekerangi. Na kei te aki te nuinga katoa o Ioapa i te taiepa kia hinga.
They came and besieged him in Abel of Beth Maacah, and they cast up a mound against the city, and it stood against the rampart; and all the people who were with Joab battered the wall to throw it down.
16 Na ka karanga tetahi wahine mohio i roto i te pa, Whakarongo mai, whakarongo mai; tena, ki atu ki a Ioapa, Whakatata mai ki konei, kia korero ai ahau ki a koe.
Then a wise woman cried out of the city, “Hear, hear! Please say to Joab, ‘Come near here, that I may speak with you.’”
17 Na ka whakatata ia ki a ia; a ka mea te wahine, Ko koe ianei a Ioapa? Ka mea tera, Tenei ahau. Na ko te kianga a tera ki a ia, Whakarongo ki nga kupu a tau pononga. Ka whakahokia e ia, E whakarongo ana.
He came near to her; and the woman said, “Are you Joab?” He answered, “I am.” Then she said to him, “Hear the words of your servant.” He answered, “I’m listening.”
18 Na ka mea tera, Ko ta ratou na kupu onamata, i mea, Me ui rawa ratou he kupu ki Apere: a ka mutu ta ratou i tera.
Then she spoke, saying, “They used to say in old times, ‘They shall surely ask counsel at Abel,’ and so they settled a matter.
19 No roto ahau i te hunga ata noho, pono hoki i roto i a Iharaira. E whai ana koe kia whakangaromia he pa, he whaea no Iharaira: he aha ka horomia ai e koe te wahi tupu a Ihowa?
I am amongst those who are peaceable and faithful in Israel. You seek to destroy a city and a mother in Israel. Why will you swallow up the LORD’s inheritance?”
20 Na ka whakahokia e Ioapa; i mea ia, Hore rawa, hore rawa i ahau; a kore e horomia, e kore e huna e ahau.
Joab answered, “Far be it, far be it from me, that I should swallow up or destroy.
21 Kahore aku pera, engari he tangata tera no Maunga Eparaima, ko tona ingoa ko Hepa tama a Pikiri, kua ara tona ringa ki te kingi, ki a Rawiri: homai tona kotahi a ka haere atu ahau i te pa. Katahi taua wahine ka mea ki a Ioapa, Nana, ka akiritia atu tona upoko ki a koe ra runga i te taiepa.
The matter is not so. But a man of the hill country of Ephraim, Sheba the son of Bichri by name, has lifted up his hand against the king, even against David. Just deliver him, and I will depart from the city.” The woman said to Joab, “Behold, his head will be thrown to you over the wall.”
22 Na haere ana taua wahine, me tona whakaaro mohio, ki te iwi katoa. Na poutoa ana e ratou te upoko o Hepa tama a Pikiri, maka atu ana ki a Ioapa. Katahi ia ka whakatangi i te tetere, a whakarerea ana e ratou te pa, pakaru noa atu ana ki tona tene ti, ki tona teneti. A hoki ana a Ioapa ki Hiruharama ki te kingi.
Then the woman went to all the people in her wisdom. They cut off the head of Sheba the son of Bichri, and threw it out to Joab. He blew the trumpet, and they were dispersed from the city, every man to his tent. Then Joab returned to Jerusalem to the king.
23 Na ko Ioapa te rangatira o te ope katoa o Iharaira; ko Penaia hoki, tama a Iehoiara te rangatira o nga Kereti ratou ko nga Pereti:
Now Joab was over all the army of Israel, Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over the Cherethites and over the Pelethites,
24 Ko Arorama te rangatira takoha: ko Iehohapata tama a Ahiruru te kaiwhakamahara:
Adoram was over the men subject to forced labour, Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was the recorder,
25 Ko Hewha te kaituhituhi: a ko Haroko raua ko Apiatara nga tohunga:
Sheva was scribe, Zadok and Abiathar were priests,
26 A ko Ira Hairi ano hoki he tino kaiwhakahaere na Rawiri.
and Ira the Jairite was chief minister to David.

< 2 Hamuera 20 >