< 2 Hamuera 19 >

1 Na ka korerotia ki a Ioapa, Nana, kei te tangi te kingi, kei te uhunga mo Apoharama.
And it was tolde Ioab, Behold, the King weepeth and mourneth for Absalom.
2 Na puta ke ana te whakaoranga i taua ra hei tangi ma te iwi katoa; i rongo hoki te iwi i taua ra i te korero, e koingo ana te kingi ki tana tama.
Therefore the victorie of that day was turned into mourning to all the people: for the people heard say that day, The King soroweth for his sonne.
3 Na haere puku ana te iwi i taua ra ki te pa, ano he hunga e haere puku ana i te whakama, ina rere i te whawhai.
And the people went that day into the citie secretly, as people confounded hide them selues when they flee in battell.
4 Ko te kingi ia, taupoki tonu tona mata, nui atu te reo o te kingi ki te tangi, E Apoharama, e taku tama, e Apoharama, e taku tama, e taku tama.
So the King hid his face, and the King cryed with a loude voyce, My sonne Absalom, Absalom my sonne, my sonne.
5 Na ka haere a Ioapa ki te kingi ki roto ki te whare, a ka mea, Kua whakama i a koe inaianei nga mata o au tangata katoa i ora ai koe i tenei ra, i ora ai hoki au tama, me au tamahine, i ora ai au wahine, i ora ai ano au wahine iti,
Then Ioab came into the house to the King, and said, Thou hast shamed this day the faces of all thy seruants, which this day haue saued thy life and the liues of thy sones, and of thy daughters, and the liues of thy wiues, and the liues of thy concubines,
6 I a koe ka aroha nei ki ou hoariri, ka kino nei ki te hunga e aroha ana ki a koe. Kua whakaatu mai na hoki koe i tenei ra, he kore noa iho ki a koe nga rangatira me nga tangata: e mohio ana hoki ahau i tenei ra, kia ora kau ko Apoharama, a kia ma te ko matou katoa i tenei ra, ka pai rawa ki a koe.
In that thou louest thine enemies, and hatest thy friendes: for thou hast declared this day, that thou regardest neither thy princes nor seruants: therefore this day I perceiue, that if Absalom had liued, and we all had dyed this day, that then it would haue pleased thee well.
7 Na whakatika, puta atu ki waho, kia puaki tetahi kupu pai ki au tangata: ta te mea he oati tenei naku i a Ihowa, ki te kahore koe e puta ake, e kore tetahi tangata e noho ki a koe i tenei po: a nui atu tenei kino ki a koe i nga kino katoa i pa ki a koe o tou taitamarikitanga ake a mohoa noa nei.
Nowe therefore vp, come out, and speake comfortably vnto thy seruants: for I sweare by the Lord, except thou come out, there will not tarie one man with thee this night: and that wil be worse vnto thee, then all the euill that fell on thee from thy youth hitherto.
8 Na ka whakatika te kingi, a noho ana i te kuwaha. Na ka korerotia te korero ki te iwi katoa, Nana, ko te kingi, kei te kuwaha e noho ana. Na haere ana te iwi katoa ki te aroaro o te kingi. Kua whati hoki tera a Iharaira ki tona teneti, ki tona te neti.
Then the King arose, and sate in the gate: and they tolde vnto all the people, saying, Beholde, the King doeth sit in the gate: and all the people came before the King: for Israel had fled euery man to his tent.
9 Na ka puta ake he tautohetohe i nga tangata katoa o nga iwi katoa o Iharaira. I ki ratou, Na te kingi tatou i whakaora i roto i te ringa o o tatou hoariri, nana hoki tatou i mawhiti ai i te ringa o nga Pirihitini; heoi kua whati atu nei ia i te w henua i te wehi ki a Apoharama.
Then all the people were at strife thorowout all the tribes of Israel, saying, The King saued vs out of the hand of our enemies, and he deliuered vs out of the hande of the Philistims, and nowe he is fled out of the lande for Absalom.
10 A, ko Apoharama i whakawahia nei e tatou hei kingi mo tatou, kua mate i te whawhai. Na, he aha koutou te whai kupu ai kia whakahokia mai te kingi?
And Absalom, whome we anoynted ouer vs, is dead in battel: therefore why are ye so slow to bring the King againe?
11 Na ka tono tangata a Kingi Rawiri ki a Haroko raua ko Apiatara, ki nga tohunga, hei ki atu, Korero atu ki nga kaumatua o Hura, mea atu, He aha koutou i tauhiku ai ki te whakahoki i te kingi ki tona whare? kua tae atu na hoki te korero a Iharaira katoa ki te kingi, ki te whakahoki i a ia ki tona whare.
But King Dauid sent to Zadok and to Abiathar the Priestes, saying, Speake vnto the Elders of Iudah, and say, Why are ye behind to bring the King againe to his house, (for the saying of al Israel is come vnto the king, euen to his house)
12 Ko oku teina nei koutou, ko oku whenua, ko oku kikokiko, he aha koutou i tauhikuhiku ai ki te whakahoki i te kingi?
Ye are my brethren: my bones and my flesh are ye: wherefore then are ye the last that bring the King againe?
13 Ma korua ano e ki atu ki a Amaha, Ehara ianei koe i te whenua noku, i te kikokiko noku? ma te Atua e mea tenei mea ki ahau me tetahi atu mea, ki te kahore koe e meinga hei rangatira ope ki toku aroaro i nga ra katoa hei whakakapi mo Ioapa.
Also say ye to Amasa, Art thou not my bone and my flesh? God do so to me and more also, if thou be not captaine of the hoste to me for euer in the roume of Ioab.
14 A meinga ana e ia kia piko te ngakau o nga tangata katoa o Hura ano he tangata kotahi; a ka tono tangata ratou ki te kingi hei mea, Hoki mai, me au tangata katoa.
So he bowed the heartes of all the men of Iudah, as of one man: therefore they sent to the King, saying, Returne thou with all thy seruants.
15 Na hoki ana te kingi, a ka tae ki Horano. I haere ano a Hura ki Kirikara, he haere ki te whakatau i te kingi, hei whakawhiti i te kingi i Horano.
So the King returned, and came to Iorden. And Iudah came to Gilgal, for to goe to meete the King, and to conduct him ouer Iorde.
16 Na hohoro tonu a Himei Pineamini tama a Kera, tera i Pahurimi ra, a haere tahi ana me nga tangata o Hura ki raro, ki te whakatau i a kingi Rawiri.
And Shimei the sonne of Gera, ye sonne of Iemini, which was of Bahurim, hasted and came down with the men of Iudah to meete king Dauid,
17 Na kotahi mano nga tangata o Pineamine i a ia, me Tipa ano, me te tangata o te whare o Haora, ratou ko ana tama tekau ma rima, me ana pononga e rua tekau; a whiti ana ratou i Horano i te aroaro o te kingi.
And a thousande men of Beniamin with him, and Ziba the seruant of the house of Saul, and his fifteene sonnes and twentie seruants with him: and they went ouer Iorden before ye king.
18 I whiti ano he perepoti hei whakawhiti mo te whare o te kingi, hei mea hoki i nga mea e pai ana ki tona whakaaro. Na ka tapapa a Himei tama a Kera ki te aroaro o te kingi, i a ia ka whiti nei i Horano.
And there went ouer a boate to carie ouer the Kings houshold, and to do him pleasure. Then Shimei the sonne of Gera fell before the King, when he was come ouer Iorden,
19 A ka mea ki te kingi, Kaua toku ariki e whakairi hara ki ahau, kaua ano e maharatia te tutu o tau pononga i te ra i puta mai ai toku ariki, te kingi i Hiruharama; kaua te ngakau o te kingi e mea ki tena.
And saide vnto the King, Let not my lorde impute wickednesse vnto me, nor remember ye thing that thy seruant did wickedly when my lorde the King departed out of Ierusalem, that the King should take it to his heart.
20 E mohio ana hoki tau pononga i hara ahau. Koia ahau i haere mai ai inaianei, ko te tuatahi o te whare katoa o Hohepa; i haere mai hoki ki raro, ki te whakatau i toku ariki, i te kingi.
For thy seruant doeth knowe, that I haue done amisse: therefore beholde, I am the first this day of al the house of Ioseph, that am come to goe downe to meete my lord the King.
21 Otiia ka oho a Apihai tama a Teruia, ka mea, E kore ianei a Himei e whakamatea mo tenei, mona i kanga i ta Ihowa i whakawahi ai?
But Abishai the sonne of Zeruiah answered, and said, Shal not Shimei die for this, because he cursed the Lordes anoynted?
22 Ano ra ko Rawiri, Hei aha maku ta korua, e nga tama a Teruia, i mea ai korua ki te totohe ki ahau i tenei ra? kia mate koia he tangata i roto i a Iharaira i tenei ra? kahore ianei ahau e mohio ko ahau te kingi o Iharaira i tenei ra?
And Dauid saide, What haue I to do with you, ye sonnes of Zeruiah, that this day ye should be aduersaries vnto me? shall there any man die this day in Israel? for doe not I know that I am this day King ouer Israel?
23 Na ka mea te kingi ki a Himei, E kore koe e mate. Na oati ana te kingi ki a ia.
Therefore the King saide vnto Shimei, Thou shalt not die, and the king sware vnto him.
24 Na ka haere a Mepipohete tama a Haora ki raro, ki te whakatau i te kingi. Kihai ona waewae i whakapaia, kihai tona pahau i whakapaia, kihai ano ona kakahu i horoia, no te ra i haere ai te kingi a taea noatia te ra i hoki marie mai ai ia.
And Mephibosheth the sonne of Saul came downe to meete the king, and had neither washed his feete, nor dressed his beard, nor washed his clothes from the time the king departed, vntill he returned in peace.
25 A, i tona taenga ki Hiruharama ki te whakatau i te kingi, ka mea te kingi ki a ia, He aha koe te haere ai tatou, e Mepipohete?
And when he was come to Ierusalem, and met the king, the king said vnto him, Wherefore wentest not thou with me, Mephibosheth?
26 Ano ra ko ia, Na taku pononga ahau i tinihanga, e toku ariki, e te kingi; i mea hoki tau pononga, Me whakanoho e ahau tetahi kaihe moku, hei ekenga atu moku, ka haere ai i te kingi; he kopa hoki tau pononga.
And he answered, My lorde the king, my seruant deceiued me: for thy seruant said, I would haue mine asse sadled to ride thereon, for to goe with the king, because thy seruant is lame.
27 Na kua whakapae teka ia mo tau pononga ki toku ariki, ki te kingi; otiia rite tonu toku ariki, te kingi ki te anahera a te Atua: na mau e mea te mea e pai ana ki tau titiro.
And he hath accused thy seruant vnto my lorde the king: but my lorde the king is as an Angel of God: doe therefore thy pleasure.
28 Ko te whare katoa hoki o toku papa me te mea he tupapaku i te aroaro o toku ariki, o te kingi: heoi kua whakanohoia e koe tau pononga ki te hunga i kai ki tau tepu. Na, he aha ake ra taku e tika ai kia karanga atu ai ano ahau ki te kingi?
For all my fathers house were but dead men before my lord the king, yet diddest thou set thy seruant among them that did eate at thine owne table: what right therefore haue I yet to crye any more vnto the king?
29 Na ka mea te kingi ki a ia, Hei aha ake au korero i korerotia tonutia ai? Ko taku kupu tenei, Me wehe e korua ko Tipa te mara.
And the king said vnto him, Why speakest thou any more of thy matters? I haue said, Thou, and Ziba deuide the landes.
30 Na ka mea a Mepipohete ki te kingi, Engari me tango katoa e ia, he mea hoki kua tae marie mai toku ariki, te kingi ki tona whare.
And Mephibosheth saide vnto the king, Yea, let him take all, seeing my lorde the king is come home in peace.
31 I haere mai ano a Paratirai Kireari i Rokerimi; a whiti ana raua ko te kingi i Horano, he kawe i a ia ki tera taha o Horano.
Then Barzillai the Gileadite came downe from Rogelim, and went ouer Iorden with the king, to conduct him ouer Iorden.
32 Na he koroheke rawa a Paratirai, e waru tekau ona tau: nana i atawhai te kingi i tona nohoanga ki Mahanaima; he tangata nui rawa hoki ia.
Nowe Barzillai was a very aged man, euen fourescore yeere olde, and he had prouided the king of sustenance, while he lay at Mahanaim: for he was a man of very great substance.
33 Na ka mea te kingi ki a Paratirai, Me whiti koe, taua, a maku koe e atawhai ki toku taha ki Hiruharama.
And the king said vnto Barzillai, Come ouer with me, and I will feede thee with me in Ierusalem.
34 Na ka mea a Paratirai ki te kingi, E hia nga ra o nga tau hei oranga moku, e haere tahi ai ahau me te kingi ki runga, ki Hiruharama?
And Barzillai said vnto the king, Howe long haue I to liue, that I should goe vp with the king to Ierusalem?
35 Ka waru tekau oku tau i tenei ra: e mohio ranei ahau he pai tenei, he kino tera? e mohiotia ranei e tau pononga te reka o taku e kai ai, o taku ranei e inu ai? e rongo ano ranei ahau i te reo o nga tane waiata, o nga wahine waiata ranei? a kia m einga ano tau pononga hei whakararuraru mo toku ariki, mo te kingi hei aha?
I am this day fourescore yeere olde: and can I discerne betweene good or euill? Hath thy seruant any taste in that I eat or in that I drinke? Can I heare any more the voyce of singing men and women? wherefore then should thy seruant be anymore a burthen vnto my lord the king?
36 Ka haere tahi atu ra tau pononga me te kingi ki tawahi iti atu o Horano: a he aha kia whakaarohia tera ki ahau e te kingi ki tenei utu nui?
Thy seruant will goe a litle way ouer Iorden with the King, and why wil the king recompence it me with such a rewarde?
37 Na, tukua tau pononga kia hoki, kia mate ai ahau ki toku nei pa, ki te taha o te urupa o toku papa, o toku whaea. Engari ia tau pononga, a Kimihama: ko ia e whiti tahi me toku ariki, me te kingi; meatia ki a ia te mea e pai ana ki tau titiro.
I pray thee, let thy seruant turne backe againe, that I may die in mine owne citie, and be buryed in the graue of my father and of my mother: but beholde thy seruant Chimham, let him goe with my lorde the king, and doe to him what shall please thee.
38 Na ka mea te kingi, Me whiti tahi maua ko Kimihama, a maku e mea ki a ia nga mea e pai ana ki tau titiro: a, he aha tau e tono ai ki ahau, ka mahia e ahau mau.
And the king answered, Chimham shall go with me, and I will do to him that thou shalt be content with: and whatsoeuer thou shalt require of me, that will I do for thee.
39 Na whiti ana te iwi katoa i Horano. I whiti ano te kingi, a kihia ana e te kingi a Paratirai, manaakitia ana; a hoki ana tera ki tona wahi.
So all the people went ouer Iorden: and the King passed ouer: and the King kissed Barzillai, and blessed him, and hee returned vnto his owne place.
40 Heoi whiti ana te kingi ki Kirikara, a i haere tahi ano a Kimihama i a ia: a na te iwi katoa o Hura, na te hawhe o te iwi o Iharaira te kingi i kawe.
Then the King went to Gilgal, and Chimham went with him, and all the people of Iudah conducted the King, and also halfe ye people of Israel.
41 Na haere ana nga tangata katoa o Iharaira ki te kingi, ka mea ki te kingi, He aha o matou teina, nga tangata o Hura i tahae ai i a koe, i whakawhiti mai ai i te kingi, i tona whare katoa, i nga tangata katoa ano a Rawiri, i Horano?
And behold, all the men of Israel came to the King, and sayd vnto the King, Why haue our brethren the men of Iudah stollen thee away, and haue brought the King and his houshold, and all Dauids men with him ouer Iorden?
42 Na ka whakahokia e nga tangata katoa o Hura ki nga tangata o Iharaira, No te mea he whanaunga tata te kingi ki a matou: he aha ra koutou i riri ai mo tenei mea. I kai ranei matou i tetahi mea a te kingi? i homai ranei e ia tetahi mea ki a matou?
And all the men of Iudah answered the men of Israel, Because the King is neere of kin to vs: and wherefore now be ye angry for this matter? haue we eaten of the Kings cost, or haue wee taken any bribes?
43 Na ka whakahoki nga tangata o Iharaira ki nga tangata o Hura, ka mea ratou, Kotahi tekau nga wahi o te kingi kei a matou, a nui atu hoki i to koutou to matou take ki a Rawiri: a he aha matou i whakahaweatia ai e koutou, te waiho ai ma matou te k upu tuatahi mo te whakahoki mai i to matou kingi? Heoi i pakari rawa ake nga kupu a nga tangata o Hura i nga kupu a nga tangata o Iharaira.
And the men of Israel answered the men of Iudah, and saide, Wee haue ten partes in the King, and haue also more right to Dauid then ye: Why then did ye despise vs, that our aduise should not bee first had in restoring our King? And the wordes of the men of Iudah were fiercer then the wordes of the men of Israel.

< 2 Hamuera 19 >