< 2 Hamuera 17 >

1 I mea ano a Ahitopere ki a Apoharama, Tena kia whiriwhiria etahi tangata e ahau, kia kotahi tekau ma rua mano, kia whakatika ahau ki te whai i a Rawiri i te po nei.
And Achitophel said to Absalom: I will choose me twelve thousand men, and I will arise and pursue after David this night.
2 A ka huakina ia e ahau i a ia e ngenge ana, i nga ringa e kahakore ana; na ka whakaoho ahau i a ia, a ka rere tona nuinga katoa, ko reira ahau patu ai i te kingi, i a ia anake;
And coming upon him (for he is now weary, and weak handed) I will defeat him: and when all the people is put to flight that is with him, I will kill the king who will be left alone.
3 A ka whakahokia mai e ahau te iwi katoa ki a koe: ko te hokinga mai tenei o te katoa, ki te mau te tangata e whaia nei e koe, penei ka ata noho te iwi katoa.
And I will bring back all the people, as if they were but one man: for thou seekest but one man: and all the people shall be in peace.
4 Na tika tonu taua kupu ki te whakaaro o Apoharama, ki te whakaaro hoki o nga kaumatua katoa o Iharaira.
And his saying pleased Absalom, and all the ancients of Israel.
5 Na ka mea a Apoharama, Tena, karangatia ano hoki a Huhai Araki, kia rongo ai tatou ki tana kupu.
But Absalom said: Call Chusai the Arachite, and let us hear what he also saith.
6 A, no te taenga o Huhai ki a Apoharama, ka korero a Apoharama ki a ia, ka mea, Ko te kupu tenei i korero ai a Ahitopere: me mea ranei e tatou tana i korero ai? ki te kahore, korero mai?
And when Chusai was come to Absalom, Absalom said to him: Achitophel hath spoken after this manner: shall we do it or not? what counsel dost thou give?
7 Na ka mea a Huhai ki a Apoharama, ko te whakaaro i whakaaro ai a Ahitopere i tenei wa nei, kahore i pai.
And Chusai said to Absalom: The counsel that Achitophel hath given this time is not good.
8 I mea hoki a Huhai, E mohio ana koe ki tou papa, ratou ko ana tangata, he toa ratou, e mamae ana hoki o ratou ngakau, e rite tonu ana ki te pea kua tangohia nei ana kuao i te parae; he tangata whawhai hoki tou papa; e kore e moe i roto i nga tang ata.
And again Chusai said: Thou knowest thy father, and the men that are with him, that they are very valiant, and bitter in their mind, as a bear raging in the wood when her whelps are taken away: and thy father is a warrior, and will not lodge with the people.
9 Nana, kei te piri tera i roto i tetahi rua, i tetahi atu wahi ranei; na, akauanei, hei te hinganga o etahi o ratou i te timatanga, a ka rongo tetahi, ka ki ia, Kua pa te patu ki te hunga e whai ana i a Apoharama.
Perhaps he now lieth hid in pits, or in some other place where he list: and when any one shall fall at the first, every one that heareth it shall say: There is a slaughter among the people that followed Absalom.
10 Ahakoa ko wai tetahi toa, i rite tona ngakau ki to te raiona, ka ngohe noa iho: e mohio ana hoki a Iharaira katoa he marohirohi tou papa, he toa hoki ana tangata.
And the most valiant man whose heart is as the heart of a lion, shall melt for fear: for all the people of Israel know thy father to be a valiant man, and that all who are with him are valiant.
11 Koia ahau ka mea ai, Me ata kohikohi ki a koe a Iharaira katoa, o Rana a tae noa ki Peerehepa; kia rite ki te onepu i te moana te tini; me haere ano hoki koe, a koe na ano, ki te tatauranga.
But this seemeth to me to be good counsel: Let all Israel be gathered to thee, from Dan to Bersabee, as the sand of the sea which cannot be numbered: and thou shalt be in the midst of them.
12 Na ka whakaekea ia e tatou ki tetahi wahi e kitea ai ia; a ka tau iho ki runga ki a ia, ka pera ano me te tomairangi e tau ana ki runga ki te oneone: a ko ia me ana tangata katoa, e kore e mahu tetai i a tatou ahakoa kia kotahi nei.
And we shall come upon him in what place soever he shall be found: and we shall cover him, as the dew falleth upon the ground, and we shall not leave of the men that are with him, not so much as one.
13 A ki te tomo ia ki tetahi pa, na, ka mau taura atu a Iharaira katoa ki taua pa, ka toia taua pa e tatou ki roto ki te awa, kia kore ra ano e kitea tetahi kohatu, ahakoa ririki, ki reira.
And if he shall enter into any city, all Israel shall cast ropes round about that city, and we will draw it into the river, so that there shall not be found so much as one small stone thereof.
14 Na ka mea a Apoharama ratou ko nga tangata katoa o Iharaira, Pai atu te whakaaro o Huhai Araki i te whakaaro o Ahitopere. Na Ihowa hoki te tikanga kia whakataka te whakaaro pai o Ahitopere, kia kawea ai he kino e Ihowa ki runga ki a Apoharama.
And Absalom, and all the men of Israel said: The counsel of Chusai the Arachite is better than the counsel of Achitophel: and by the will of the Lord the profitable counsel of Achitophel was defeated, that the Lord might bring evil upon Absalom.
15 Katahi a Huhai ka mea ki nga tohunga, ki a Haroko raua ko Apiatara, Ko nga whakaaro tenei o Ahitopere ki a Apoharama ratou ko nga kaumatua o Iharaira; ko oku whakaaro hoki enei i whakatakoto atu nei.
And Chusai said to Sadoc and Abiathar the priests: Thus and thus did Achitophel counsel Absalom, and the ancients of Israel: and thus and thus did I counsel them.
16 Na kia hohoro te tono tangata ki te whakaatu ki a Rawiri. Mea atu, Kaua e moe i tenei po ki nga kauanga i te koraha; engari kia hohoro te whiti atu, kei horomia ake te kingi me tona nuinga katoa.
Now therefore send quickly, and tell David, saying: Tarry not this night in the plains of the wilderness, but without delay pass over: lest the king be swallowed up, and all the people that is with him.
17 Na i Enerokere a Honatana raua ko Ahimaata e tatari ana; kihai hoki i ahei kia kitea e haere mai ana ki te pa: na ka haere tetahi pononga wahine, ka whakaatu ki a raua, a haere ana raua ki te whakaatu ki a Kingi Rawiri.
And Jonathan and Achimaas stayed by the fountain Rogel: and there went a maid and told them: and they went forward, to carry the message to king David, for they might not be seen, nor enter into the city.
18 Otiia i kitea raua e tetahi taitamariki, a korerotia atu ana e ia ki a Apoharama: heoi hohoro tonu raua, a ka tae ki te whare o tetahi tangata i Pahurimi. Na he poka wai tana i tona marae, a heke iho ana raua ki reira.
But a certain boy saw them, and told Absalom: but they making haste went into the house of a certain man in Bahurim, who had a well in his court, and they went down into it.
19 Na ka tikina tetahi hipoki e te wahine, taupokina ana e ia ki te poka, na horahia ana e ia he witi tuki ki runga, a kihai taua mea i mohiotia.
And a woman took, and spread a covering over the mouth of the well, as it were to dry sodden barley: and so the thing was not known.
20 Na ka tae nga tangata a Apoharama ki te wahine, ki te whare, ka mea, Kei hea a Ahimaata raua ko Honatana? Na ka mea te wahine ki a ratou, Kua whiti raua i te awa wai. Na ka rapu ratou, a kihai i kitea, a hoki ana ki Hiruharama.
And when Absalom’s servants were come into the house, they said to the woman: Where is Achimaas and Jonathan? and the woman answered them: They passed on in haste, after they had tasted a little water. But they that sought them, when they found them not, returned into Jerusalem.
21 A, i muri i to ratou haerenga, ka piki ake raua i roto i te poka, a haere ana, whakaatu ana ki a Kingi Rawiri; i mea ki a Rawiri, Whakatika, hohoro koutou te whiti atu i te wai nei; ko te whakaaro hoki tenei o Ahitopere mo koutou.
And when they were gone, they came up out of the well, and going on told king David, and said: Arise, and pass quickly over the river: for this manner of counsel has Achitophel given against you.
22 Katahi ka whakatika a Rawiri ratou ko tona nuinga katoa, a whiti ana i Horano: ao rawa ake te ra, kihai tetahi i kore te whiti i Horano.
So David arose, and all the people that were with him, and they passed over the Jordan, until it grew light, and not one of them was left that was not gone over the river.
23 A, i te kitenga o Ahitopere kihai i meatia tana i whakaaro ai, whakanohoia ana e ia tana kaihe, a whakatika ana, haere ana ki tona whare ki tona pa, na kei te whakariterite i nga mea o tona whare, tarona ana i a ia, a mate ake, tanumia iho ki te tanumanga o tona papa.
But Achitophel seeing that his counsel was not followed, saddled his ass, and arose and went home to his house and to his city, and putting his house in order, hanged himself, and was buried in the sepulchre of his father.
24 Katahi ka haere a Rawiri ki Mahanaima. A i whiti ano a Apoharama i Horano me nga tangata katoa o Iharaira.
But David came to the camp, and Absalom passed over the Jordan, be and all the men of Israel with him.
25 A ka meatia a Amaha e Apoharama hei whakakapi mo Ioapa, hei rangatira mo te ope: na he tama a Amaha na tetahi tangata, ko Itira tona ingoa, no Iharaira, i haere nei ki roto, ki a Apikaira tamahine a Nahaha, ki te teina o Teruia whaea o Ioapa.
Now Absalom appointed Amasa in Joab’s stead over the army: and Amasa was the son of a man who was called Jethra of Jezrael, who went in to Abigail the daughter of Naas, the sister of Sarvia who was the mother of Joab.
26 Na noho ana a Iharaira ratou ko Apoharama ki te whenua o Kireara.
And Israel camped with Absalom in the land of Galaad.
27 A, no te taenga o Rawiri ki Mahanaima, ka kawea mai e Hopi tama a Nahaha o Rapa o nga tama a Amona, e Makiri tama a Amiere o Rotepara, ratou ko Paratirai Kireari o Rokerimi,
And when David was come to the camp, Sobi the son of Naas of Rabbath of the children of Ammon, and Machir the son of Ammihel of Lodabar, and Berzellai the Galaadite of Rogelim,
28 He moenga, he peihana, he oko oneone, he witi, he parei, he paraoa, he kanga pahuhu, he pini, he pi, me etahi atu mea pahuhu,
Brought him beds, and tapestry, and earthen vessels, and wheat, and barley, and meal, and parched corn, and beans, and lentils, and fried pulse,
29 He honi, he pata, he hipi, me te tiihi, hei kai ma Rawiri ratou ko tona nuinga: i mea hoki ratou, E matekai ana te iwi, e ngenge ana, e matewai ana i te koraha.
And honey, and butter, and sheep, and fat calves, and they gave to David and the people that were with him, to eat: for they suspected that the people were faint with hunger and thirst in the wilderness.

< 2 Hamuera 17 >